Whereworgs? (Part 3)

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When last we left our brave heroes, the wagon was sinking due to the khazadi trying to steal it, the werewolves were atop the frigging thing trying to claw off the roof, the worgs were mostly dispatched and the minotaur is offering to help for a share of the profit.

All is well.

(Not really.)

Whur backs up. He's got a spell to cast! Or something.

Nasrin is getting ready to get on the attack herself, moving closer after casting another spell as well.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 3.

It is now Nasrin's turn! Minotaur bandits is next!


Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 21.

It is now Minotaur bandits' turn! Khazadi Bandits is next!

"I'll just wait for your answer over here with my friends," says the Minotaur, darting out to his comrades who are still in the trees, still pinned there by worgs. Fortunately, worgs may be smart but they are not especially talented at c limbing.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 13.

It is now Khazadi Bandits' turn! Sargon is next!

The wagon continues to sink thanks to the burrowers beneatgh it. Darn Khazadi thieves!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 10.

It is now Sargon's turn! Melora is next!

GAME: Victor rolls 10: (6)+10: 16

Sargon runs towards the wagon and then attempts to leap atop it to face off with the werewolves...only, he doesn't quite clear it and ends up clinging to the side precariously.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 10.

It is now Melora's turn! Strike is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16

Melora withdraws her axe from the worg and looks back to the wagon. "Hell. This is LOVELY." She grumbles and tromps her way to the wagon...to slowly climb her way to the top. She hears more than feels a scrape on her armor. "You're gonna have to do better than that ya blasted pup!"

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 10.

It is now Strike's turn! Worgs and Garmites! is next!

GAME: Strike rolls acrobatics+4: (5)+10+4: 19

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13

Seeing that the party is centered on the big prize, Strike forgoes grabbing her staff and jogs into a quick leap up toward the wagon... but ends up cracking a shin in the doing. Instead of arching up with the pain (how the meat really really wants to) she tucks in and literally rolls the rest of the landing to her feet, barely evading a responsive claw swip from the accursed cur.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 9.

It is now Worgs and Garmites!'s turn! Seldan is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d6+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 6.

It is now Seldan's turn! Whuridred is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 5.

It is now Whuridred's turn! Nasrin is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 3.

It is now Nasrin's turn! Minotaur bandits is next!

A magic missile rips into one of the werewolves while Whuridred conjures flame into his hands. Nasrin has now reached the wagon and is attempting to climb up.


Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 21.

It is now Minotaur bandits' turn! Khazadi Bandits is next!

SWiftly, the minotaur and his mosntrous friend are dispatching the two worgs with the assitance from their gunmen allies.

The mimic is definitively gnawing on one with a massive maw as it turns about to face the lot of you.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 13.

It is now Khazadi Bandits' turn! Sargon is next!

Another wagon wheel sinks into earth, jarring thje top of the wagon.

GAME: Nasrin rolls ref: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Melora rolls reflex: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Victor rolls 7: (17)+7: 24

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Strike rolls reflex: (12)+7: 19

So, the good news is that nearly everyone but Victor and Strike are off the wagon top.

The bad news is that its still steadily sinking and the sinking jarred nearly everyone else off it.

The werewolves do land on their backs, at least.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 10.

It is now Sargon's turn! Melora is next!

GAME: Victor rolls 4: (18)+4: 22

Sargon grabs the edge of the wagon and flips his legs off - but only to dig his heels into the earth. He tugs with all his strength, trying to keep the wagon from sinking further. "I can't hold it!" he howls. "If anyone is going to try anything, do it soon!"

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 10.

It is now Melora's turn! Strike is next!

GAME: Melora rolls weapon1+1: (20)+8+1: 29 (THREAT)

GAME: Melora rolls weapon1+1: (3)+8+1: 12

GAME: Melora rolls 3d10+12: (25)+12: 37

Melora, thrown off the wagon....simply bounces back up to her feet and rushes the werewolf that landed next to her. With a roar, she BURIES her axe in the back of the werewolf and takes her time wrenching it free. "STAY DOWN, You little wretch! We've got more important crap to deal with than YOU!"

Melora kicks the werewolf for good measure. "For a portion of our pay, then the answer is yes. I can do with a little lighter gold. But if the wagon gets robbed...NONE of us get paid!!!"

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 10.

It is now Strike's turn! Worgs and Garmites! is next!

GAME: Strike used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Strike rolls 1d8+1: (5)+1: 6

After taking a savage, retributive slash from the angry werewolf, Strike alost collapses to the wagon, just in for it's lurch to disgorge all but her and one of her comrades. She shakes her head to clear it and brushes her fingers along her bandolier until she reaches a particular pouch, drawing, unstopping and quaffing a restorative potion in a single practiced motions. While still tattered and bloody, at least some of her wounds have stopped bleeding.

GAME: Strike rolls strength: (5)+2: 7

Strike glances down as Sargon tries to stem the sinking of the wagon and slips down to throw her own strength into helping him. If nothing else, her weight isn't pushing it down anymore. To be fair, she's been roughed up a fair bit this goawaround.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 9.

It is now Worgs and Garmites!'s turn! Seldan is next!

GAME: Melora rolls weapon1+1: (12)+8+1: 21

GAME: Melora rolls 1d10+3+1: (2)+3+1: 6

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

TWo claw strikes bounce off Melora's armor as the werewolf leaps to its feet with grace and ease!

..unfortunately for it, they do nothing. It barks, growls, and howls, bleeding profuslsley from the initial axe strike, though the second accomplishes nothing and is quickly regenerated.

The Second werewolf is also on its feet now, setting off a howl.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 6.

It is now Seldan's turn! Whuridred is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 5.

It is now Whuridred's turn! Nasrin is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 3.

It is now Nasrin's turn! Minotaur bandits is next!

The Minotaur and mimic rush in, backed by the two gunmen opening fire on the werewolves!

The mimic is /definitely/ barreling towards one of them and the minotaur is more than happy to lend his axe into the fray!

"Roar! I get to roar at a werewolf! This is great!"


Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 21.

It is now Minotaur bandits' turn! Khazadi Bandits is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 13.

It is now Khazadi Bandits' turn! Sargon is next!

There's still digging going on, but now that the wagon is pulling forward thanks to Whuridred, it's far less effective with the wagon being at least partially held in a heroic effort by Sargon and Strike.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 10.

It is now Sargon's turn! Melora is next!

GAME: Sargon rolls strength: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Sargon rolls fort: (10)+7: 17

Sargon grits his teeth. He tries to adjust his grip. Then he growls - and digs in his heels. He doesn't seem to be pulling very hard anymore. In fact, it seems like pure Oruch stubbornness that makes him keep trying.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 10.

It is now Melora's turn! Strike is next!

GAME: Melora rolls weapon1+1: (3)+8+1: 12

"I told ya to stay down ya little..." And Melora's axe misses the Werewolf. Which doesn't seem to deter her at all.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 10.

It is now Strike's turn! Worgs and Garmites! is next!

GAME: Strike rolls strength: (10)+2: 12

While still far from optimal, Strike is obliged to save the wagon if she can. She feels the weight shift in her grip and she groans with renewed effort, footing struggling with the shifting earth.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 9.

It is now Worgs and Garmites!'s turn! Seldan is next!

The werewolves are recognizing that the status quo has changed. One of them is even badly hurt, the other having taken several magical missiles which have an unpleasent sting.

A glance at each other before they take off running. There'll be easier prey, though they look like they won't be forgetting you anytime soon.

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 6.

It is now Seldan's turn! Whuridred is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 5.

It is now Whuridred's turn! Nasrin is next!

GAME: Whirlpoopin' advances the initiative order.

Round Nine - Init 3.

It is now Nasrin's turn! Minotaur bandits is next!

...eventually, the minotaur and the mimic lean in with their help to get the wagon out of the ditch. This alone is enough to get the Khazadi to give up the ghost, at last.

...and with that, you're on your way back to Alexandria. That's the good news.

The bad news is that you now have a minotaur and a mimic to share the loot with. The latter turns into a hungry treasure chest with a big old tongue hanging out for emphasis.

Melora looks to the Minotaur and chuckles. "You should work for the adventurer's guild. That way you don't have to rely on luck to get paid." And she leaves the building.

Strike keeps an eye on their new 'partners' for the duration of the trip, but otherwise keeps her yap shut, and makes an effort into looking more ready for a fight than she really is.

Sargon flexes his arms, trying to recover from his attempts to save the wagon. "I need to learn," he comments, "To solve more problems with my fists."