Sewers and Saviors 2

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When last we left off, the Sewer Spelunkers had managed to track down the missing mages. Although Sjach took a dunk in some funk, they were able to find the apprentice under fallen rumble, bisected and dead. As for his master? Well... The only sign was tracks in the oh-god-I-hope-that's-mud leading to a ladder up from the overflow cistern they'd found themselves in.

However, not all was as it seemed, and the clever eyes of Dirk the Dwarf, Crik the Rogue, and Sjach the Ranger were able to identify a clever booby trap: a pressure plate that triggered the overflow mechanic and would have flooded the entire room with sewage water!

Meanwhile, a late arrival has come to assist the group! Haggerty arrives just as they manage to get back onto the trapped side of the sewage river, sent by an alarmed contact in the Arcanist guild when he realized the lack of wizardry assistance to the group...

Nothing on Sjach's person isn't covered in... well, no nice way to say it, raw sewage, aside from his bow which he managed to keep above the level of the water even as he himself ended up covered in it. He manages his way back across the river of dung, after relaying to the rest of the party that the younger of the pair they were looking for is already dead. "Well note the location, come back for the body. The dead can wait." he says then, before looking towards the hatch leading up. "Up there, now. Perhaps we'll find the other. Perhaps living." he suggests.

Bryn looks at Sjach, flat nose wrinkling. In pity, of course, not from the stench. Well, maybe a little from that, too. "Could be worse, eh?" She banishes the sour face with a short laugh of encouragement. Then she looks to the ladder and up at the hatch. "So, who's goin second?" she asks aloud as she heads for the ladder up.

Ulthan stoves his flail and draws his hatchet to make the climbing easier, but not be unarmed if something comes pouring down as he follows the Oruchess bard to the ladder.

Crik ruffles his cloaks around, before there is what looks like a very water resistant, but sickly green, cloak around him. He holds it close. Especially around Sjach. "I can go next." He says, "Need eyes on the crow's nest." He holds up his beak open, looks around - then after a moment closes his beak.

Ulthan snorts as he lets Crik pass him onto the ladder. "Indeed... And you have an eye for surprises that I lack."

"I didn't think something could smell worse than a pig sty, but.." Jarik casts a sideways glance at Sjach, pity flashing for just a moment before he's turning back towards the ladder. "I'll follow third." He says after Crik, adjusting his cloak a bit around his shoulders as if expecting trouble. Poor Greywing lets out a hoot of annoyance at the whole thing.

<OOC> Skyler says, "Sjach roll a fortitude save for me, too"

GAME: Sjach rolls fort: (20)+7: 27 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

<OOC> Skyler says, "DC 14"

<OOC> Skyler says, "Ok you're not sick no mo"

Dirk takes a step back from Sjach, even despite himself. He's a kindly sort, as those who know him can attest. But even he can't help but wrinkle his big dwarven nose as the besmeared sith returns. "Ergh. Och. Let's get this done quick so we can get ye showered off. Ye dinnae want that -dryin'- on ye, I shouldn't wonder." He turns and peers up at the hatch. With a soft grunt, he sheaths his thunderbelcher in its back holster. "Well. Here's tae hopin' I fit through the damn thing," he grumbles. "Go on, tallfolk. I'll bring up the rear."

"Pig stys smell natural, at least." Sjach mutters, mostly to himself- happy to let the others head up the ladder ahead of him, lest he drip on them. While he waits for his turn to climb, he turns to his Swiftclaw companion, eyes her, then eyes the ladder, contemplating. He chuffs his frustration, and then takes a length of sodden rope to fashion a makeshift harness to help her make the climb up the steps. She takes some encouraging to allow the grossness to touch her lovely silver scales, and Sjach reminds her, "You roll in dead things for fun."

GAME: Sjach casts Aspect of the Falcon. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

GAME: Jarik casts Mage Armour Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

Haggerty arrives on behalf of relations of the somewhat newly erected temple of Serriel with the PGA. For somehow a nice, shiny maiden who is divinely shielded against the stank and nasty of the sewers. It is what it is. The merry of the wizard is not stymied, so there is some bounce to his wading boots+pants when he elegantly dismounts, snags the little black dogster from the white horse. He waves a greeting to the descending and swiftclaw manoeuvring group, "Salutations, fair compatriots! Do let me step ahead of you, good Khazad rifleman. I am Erik of the Haegars, but you can call me Haggerty." The Aesir redhead adds, "Onward." Aaaand, "Wizard sliding down!"

GAME: Haggerty casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16

GAME: Haggerty used a Rod of Lesser Extend.

<OOC> Haggerty says, "Hagg doubles the duration of Prot Evil on himself."

<OOC> Skyler says, "Ok, folks, gimme Perception rolls"

GAME: Sjach rolls perception+3: (4)+9+3: 16

GAME: Ulthan rolls perception: (18)+8: 26

GAME: Bryn rolls perception: (6)+11: 17

GAME: Dirk rolls Perception: (13)+20: 33

GAME: Crik rolls perception: (20)+11: 31

<OOC> Skyler says, "Also, if any of you are trying to be sneaky, roll stealth"

GAME: Dirk rolls Stealth: (2)+20: 22

GAME: Sjach rolls stealth: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Jarik rolls perception+2: (5)+2+2: 9

GAME: Jarik rolls 10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Jarik says, "Second was Greywing"

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+12: (15)+12: 27

GAME: Haggerty rolls perception+2: (9)+6+2: 17

GAME: Jarik rolls stealth: (14)+1: 15

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (10)+13: 23

GAME: Haggerty rolls stealth: (18)+2: 20

GAME: Bryn rolls stealth: (3)+9: 12

As the group lines up and begins to climb, they find themselves in another cavern roughly carved from stone. In the centre of the room is a large pillar with portholes carved into them. The portholes are all shuttered tight, and a series of mechanical pullies and tugs have been attached below the portholes. Controls for the cistern below, Dirk realizes.

But then the entire group hears it: the chittering of *something* in the darkness, and the scent of corn, nutmeg, and...

Well. You can probably guess what else.

Once up over the lip of the hatch, Sjach wastes no time in slicing through the robe binding Little Flame to him so that she can wriggle herself free with a chuff of dissatisfaction at being lugged up the ladder. He shushes her with a gesture, and then nods towards the corner around to the south. He moves up to it and draws his bow, bringing an arrow out as he moves to knock but he doesn't draw it back yet as he peeks around the corner- Little flame following at his heels.

<OOC> Bryn says, "Oh. I'd guess I'd be out from the hatch at least far enough for everybody to get out. 10,8 or 11,8 works for me."

Bryn climbs on up and out, moving ahead so she isn't blocking the way. She knows she makes a better door than a doorway. Then there's all that chitter in the shitter. "Huh. Y'all here that? Sounds like a rat pro'lem?"

Dirk brings up the rear, clambering up the ladder and hopping to his feet once he's through the hatch. He immediately reaches over his shoulder and pulls his thunderbelcher, swinging it down into a ready grip. His gaze sweeps over the mechanisms in the walls, then looks back through the hatch to the culvert. "Ah, I see," he muses. But that musing gets interrupted by chittering things. Up comes his thunderbelcher to his shoulder, ready to fire. "You all hear -that-?" he growls warily. He flicks a glance over to Bryn. "Och, I hope it's -just- rats. An' nae giant -man eatin'- rats."

Jarik murmurs a spell before following the group up the ladder and through the hatch, pressing a hand to himself and letting the invisible armour settle into place. Feeling much batter about his own protection, he follows up and through the hatch. The sound has him tilting his head and grumbling. "Giant rats?... Beavers?"

Haggerty fiddles with a small stone in hand, but reminds himself that there is a lit item at his waist the mage lowers instead. There. Light on a rope where the chittering comes from.

Ulthan hears the chittering sound, and with almost an instinct, unleashes his magic to boost his size to that of a small giant while switching to wielding his flail, at ready.

As the group gets itself situated, the smell gets stronger...



And then there's that chittering sound again, followed by the sudden appearance in Crik's line of sight of two little humanoid figurines flying in the air.

They are grotesque little things, oozing slime and filth from their bodies to splatter wet and thick against the stones with wart-like lumps of corn on their . Their wings are green membranes, filling the area with a foul stench with each beat. And past them is what looks to be the missing mage, hanging from chains on the wall with a puddle of thick brown mud-like goo beneath him.

They don't seem to have spotted Crik yet at least...

<OOC> Bryn says, "Before we get too spread out, then: Standard to cast Good Hope. Move to start up inspire courage. Then I'll 5' step to 11,9"

GAME: Bryn casts Good Hope. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16


<OOC> Skyler says, "That's +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls, right?"

<OOC> Bryn says, "For the Spell, yes. Inspire Courage grants +2 competence to the same things, minus the saving throws."

Whatever is noisy, it's also close. As much as Bryn feels like chargin in, she bets others feel the same. So it's time for some motivation. "Whatever's squeakin, we be squishin! Stomp 'em right down, back inna shite they crawled outta!" It is one part speech, one part belted verse as she lifts her big curveblade high and steps forward.

<OOC> Skyler says, "Mephit2 is gunna fly forward out of the shadows and use his breath attack on Bryn!"

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d4: (4): 4

<OOC> Skyler says, "Reflex save for half"

GAME: Bryn rolls reflex+2: (17)+8+2: 27

GAME: Skyler advances the initiative order.

<OOC> Haggerty says, "Casting Ray of Enfeeblement on biggest single target (defensively). Move 5' away from closest target. Range max is 35'."

GAME: Haggerty casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16

GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged+4: (6)+4+4: 14

GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Haggerty says, "Six points STR damage. Fort half."

<OOC> Skyler says, "Failed the saved"

Haggerty squints hard. There it is, bat wings! He stretches out that index finger, focuses while it wiggles to the bard's music. The pale man straightens out the finger, exhales unkind words in Eldritch, and zots the thing with a purplish matte silvery streak of suffering. Can it move it wings now?

<OOC> Ulthan says, "I rage, then move to 11, 7 and smash"

GAME: Ulthan RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP

GAME: Ulthan rolls weapon11: (2)+9: 11

<OOC> Ulthan says, "Forgot the +4"

<OOC> Skyler says, "With the +4 hit"

GAME: Ulthan rolls damage11+4: aliased to 2d8+9+4: (6)+9+4: 19

Ulthan yells at the Mephit coming out. "Hey, that's no way to greeet a lass!" In mid-sentence, he seems to move like a Blur and steps forward swinging at the mephit that had breathed at Bryn, and makes a solid thunk on the flying nuisance, turning them definitely non-solid.

At Ulthan's blow, bits of sewage and chunks of corn are splattered by his mighty flail in with *very* unpleasant squelching sound.

<OOC> Skyler says, "Memphit1 is gunna move and then summon another memphit"

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d100: (40): 40

<OOC> Skyler says, "It fails"

Beyond the pillar in the centre, unaware that the other Mephit was splattered by Ulthan, another of those disgusting creatures flies forward and down, pausing to spread it's gooey fingers as it lets out a shriek.

Unfortunately, the shriek does nothing. It glances at it's hands in confusion, before shaking it's head in shame at it's own failure. Even poop can feel shame.

<OOC> Sjach says, "I'll sent Little Flame to 13, 15 to put her in position to provide flank with Crik if he moves in (she has a 40' move) And then she'll attack Mephit 2. Then I'll also fire my bow at Mephit 2"

<OOC> Sjach says, "Actually, I'll 5' down to 10, 11 before firing my bow."

<OOC> Sjach says, "First is Little Flame's attack."

GAME: Sjach rolls 5+4: (12)+5+4: 21

<OOC> Sjach says, "I think she'll provoke moving there, she'll risk it."

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10

<OOC> Skyler says, "AoO"

<OOC> Sjach says, "Wiff"

GAME: Sjach rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

<OOC> Sjach says, "That's her damage."

<OOC> Sjach says, "Now my arrow."

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon10+4: (2)+8+4: 14

<OOC> Sjach says, "Well, flat footed if it hasn't seen me yet since I was sneaking,."

<OOC> Skyler says, "Roll stealth"

GAME: Sjach rolls stealth: (12)+6: 18

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> Skyler says, "Miss"

Sjach clicks his tongue, and nods his head- all the signal that Little Flame needs to come bounding out of the shadows behind him as he steps forwards, drawing back the knocked arrow and dropping to a knee in one smooth motion as he levels it at the shrieking Mephit. Little flame bounds past him, padding along the floor to get behind the Mephit, ignoring the creatures foetid claws lashing out for her she swings around and leaps towards the creature, tearing a chunk off of it and with a flick of her head dashing the disgusting lump against the stone floor. In the same moment, Sjach looses his arrow and sends it sailing through the air, whipping past the Mephit to break against the far wall. He grunts his dissatisfaction, but is already knocking a fresh arrow to replace it.

The pile of brown goo under the chained corpse of the mage quivers... and seems to fall back into the layer of mud on the ground, disappearing...

<OOC> Jarik says, "Lucky me then, I'm firing a ray of enfeeblement at Mephit 3"

GAME: Jarik casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

GAME: Jarik rolls 1+4: (18)+1+4: 23

GAME: Jarik rolls 1d6+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

<OOC> Jarik says, "-1 then, go me! T_T"

Jarik was going to pull one of his usual combat tricks, then lightly touching the two hides he had on him, thought better of it, either would need to use their mouths to attack and well.. he casts a glance at the mephits. No. Instead he pulls his claws off his belt, sliding them onto his hand as he makes his way down one of the paths. As soon as he sees the mephit in the air he brings up his hands, hissing arcane words as he fires a beam of purple black energy towards the flying.. beastie.

<OOC> Dirk says, "Well, it's the only target I can feasibly get to. I'll take a step to 7,8"

<OOC> Dirk says, "Then Improved Vital Shot."

GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (16)+17+2+-4: 31

GAME: Dirk rolls dmg: aliased to 1d12+2+8: (12)+2+8: 22

Dirk's eyes get wide as those hideous -things- come flapping and splooting and blorting around. "-Ewwww-!" He takes a step forward, swinging up his thunderbelcher. He sights down the barrel, draws a deep breath, and pulls the trigger. CH-BOOM! The weapon kicks in his grip, and the winged elemental is hit centre mass! It leaves a most -interesting- smelling splat-pattern on the wall. "Hah! How d'ye like -that-, ye flyin' shit?" he growls, racking the slide as he prepares to engage further.

<OOC> Crik says, "I will take a potshot with hand crossbow then, from stealth. ._."

GAME: Crik rolls weapon2+4: (7)+8+4: 19

<OOC> Crik says, "I can five foot to 13,13!"

GAME: Crik rolls damage2+3d6+4: aliased to 1d4+0+3d6+4: (3)+0+(12)+4: 19

<OOC> Crik attempts to stealth again. ._.

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (6)+13: 19

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Skyler says, "Success"

<OOC> Skyler says, "He's gunna attempt to summon another mephit"

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d100: (70): 70

<OOC> Skyler says, "fails"

Crik snuck forward of the party, and peeked around the corner. That was such a long time ago though. The minute has felt like forever, as mephits and larger and less larger people reduce things to the foulest of essences.

Crik holds his hand crossbow to his chest. Slowly, he creeps forward as the thunderbelcher finishes off yet another mephit, takes aim and fires off a bolt, before continuing to try and hide, pretending to be nothing but scenery.

The mephit lets out a squeak as it's hit, splattering suspiciously yellow liquid against the ground. It then darts into a corner, attempting to hide behind the pillar...

<OOC> Bryn says, "I will move around to 16,8 or so, to help out ... I don't remember who that icon is."

<OOC> Haggerty says, "Walk forward to get LOS to the Meph. Then shoot crossbow."

<OOC> Skyler says, "No line of sight"

Bryn guessed right on folks runnin in (or shootin in) to stomp stuff; cause stuff is gettin stomped. Which ain't a bad thing. "Ye! Smack 'em up good!" She heads around the other way to try and help out a certain hunky halfsie. "Ey! Why ain'tcha smooshed 'em yet?" she teases with a tusky grin as she walks by and up to the li'l squishy thing (the mephit, not Jarik).

Haggerty sees the pasting of the planar infused visitor, smiles and nods along with the hip pouch perching pup sized cuteness. Those fluttering means are inoperational now. But where is anything? A thought and a tasty doggo bite for the pug to sniffle and strain bent ears when the giant(-er) sized person smashes and blocks sight. Crouching down to find targets is so not happening in this "element". The book mage wades ahead in quirky dancing tiptoeing steps to locate targets lest the bulldoglet informs him of.. "By Caracoroth's foul... What IS that!?!?" Walking or shimmying faeces with limbs slash pseudopods, no doubt! There is nothing to see, then. The pointy hatted fellow scowls and does not get to needle the other flyer with his own bolts, either. He searches for the winger with heavy crossbow ready.

<OOC> Sjach says, "Little Flame will move to 16, 12, flank with Bryn and attack. Sjach will move to 15, 14 and also attack. Both going for Mephit 3"

<OOC> Sjach says, "Little Flame first."

GAME: Sjach rolls 5+4: (13)+5+4: 22

GAME: Sjach rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Sjach says, "And me."

GAME: Sjach rolls weapon10+4: (1)+8+4: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Sjach says, "Man, sjach clearly got poo in his eyes."

<OOC> Skyler says, "It's dead on Flamers"

<OOC> Skyler says, "Surfaces and attacks Bryn"

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14

Sjach clicks and chirps a command to his Animal Companion once more, directing her attention to the last remaining mephit- and she dashes after it, circling around to the other side while Bryn distracts it. The creature's natural instincts serve it well when it comes to flanking its foes, and she leaps up onto its back, dragging it low with her foreclaws and then crushing its throat with her jaws. She shakes the stricken creature just to make double sure its dead before throwing it hard against the nearby wall.

Meanwhile, Sjach is moving up, from one corner to another- making sure to keep himself where he won't easily be surrounded. A different sort of instinct, but one no less potent, as he draws back another bow- and then relaxes when he sees that Little Flame has dispatched the creature. He keeps it knocked, and asks, "Is that the last of them?" looking across to Bryn.

GAME: Skyler rolls 1d8+5: (5)+5: 10

<OOC> Skyler says, "Also need a fort save"

GAME: Bryn rolls fortitude+2: (5)+6+2: 13

<OOC> Skyler says, "You're entrapped"

The answer to that question?

No. It isn't.

The mud and shit at Bryn's feet quivers and abruptly a large, vaguely humanoid figure erupts out, howling with fury as it lashes out with two massive mits that end in hardened claws.

One smashes down on Bryn, splattering her in shit and mud and bits of corn that entangle her limbs, while the other whiffs and goes soaring over her head. It then lets out another roar.

<OOC> Jarik says, "Well, I'm going to swipe at that big pile in front of me"

GAME: Jarik rolls weapon1: (16)+5: 21

<OOC> Jarik says, "+4"

<OOC> Skyler says, "Hit!"

GAME: Jarik rolls damage1+4: aliased to 1d6+3+4: (3)+3+4: 10

<OOC> Skyler says, "Smack the poop!"

<OOC> Jarik says, "Then taking a 5-foot step up to 15,7"

<OOC> Jarik says, "Actually, make that 16,7"

<OOC> Dirk says, "Move up to 12, 8 and hit the poopuddle with an Improved Vital Shot."

<OOC> Skyler says, "Doo eeet"

GAME: Dirk rolls shoot: aliased to Ranged+2-4: (20)+17+2+-4: 35 (THREAT)

Jarik lets out a strangled and particularly vile curse in yrch-speak as the things comes bursting out of the muck in front of him, seemingly engulfing Bryn. He doesn't back away or retreat, instead he swipes at the creature with his metal claws, hoping they can actually hurt the blasted thing. Then he carefully moves out of the way of his allies coming up from behind him, giving them free access to the new monstrosity on the field.

<OOC> Skyler says, "No crit"

<OOC> Skyler says, "Roll straight damage, big guy"

GAME: Dirk rolls 3d12+2+8: (14)+2+8: 24

Dirk's eyes get wide as he gets his first glimpse of the animate compost heap. As it swoops up to engulf Bryn, those eyes narrow and his beard bristles. He trundles forward, skidding to a halt and going to one knee by Ulthan. He takes aim around his embiggened friend's knee and sights down the barrel. "HEY! YOU! LET 'ER GO!" he bellows. He pulls back the trigger and fires. CHK-BOOM! The bullet hits the elemental with a mighty SPLATT! Poor Jarik might be treated to a rather unpleasant shower as poo-mental innards go splattering. He can only stare, slack-jawed, as the thing burbles and blorps, tipping back the trim of his tricorne. "What the fuck have people been -eatin'- lately?" he wonders aloud.