Polk was born to a village of raven-type Eglarin in the lower forests of the Khazad Duin. The local Eglarin there follow a particular cult of Navos, and Polk was born to the priesthood of that cult. He, like his parents before him, seeks to honor Raven by learning about the world, exploring it, and recording information about it, studying history and geography in particular.
His mother was killed in this work, getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time in the Charn wars.
Polk's own efforts in this will be based out of the city of Alexandria. When he first arrived in the city, he called himself James to try to fit in better with humans, but that was abandoned after a short time, as he came to understand Alexandria has sufficient diversity that his name could be handled.

Roleplay Hooks
- Navos the Raven
- Maps
- History
- Languages
- Healing