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Physical Description

Character image goes here if you have one. Leave blank if you don't.
Race: War golem
Homeland: ???
Age: ???
Occupation: Magic item, weapon, and armor enchanter
Class: Wizard (transmutation) 6/Fighter 1/Eldritch Knight 2
Faith: Vardama

Gramarye is what is known as a war golem, albeit one of somewhat more humanoid appearance on account of the fact that her face plate attached to the rest of her head is sculpted in the shape of a young woman's heart-shaped face with a neutral expression. Her face plate and body plates, formed subtly to give one the impression of a young woman's lithe frame, are also sculpted from bronze that has been carefully maintained. However, the care to make her appear humanoid ends there, as her eyes are solid pieces of obsidian that light up with a strange white light as she speaks with a strictly-professional, feminine tone, and her lips and face do not move.

Typically, Gramarye is dressed in clothes that are sensible for moving in, with a mithral chain shirt on top of it. A greatsword of cold iron that's rather large is strapped to her back in a fashion reminiscent of a certain Vardaman paladin. When not in her armor, the golem dresses in a variety of long and practical robes that cover her arms and legs. She is never found without a tear-shaped sapphire pendant that hangs from her neck on a golden chain, regardless of what she's wearing for the day.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Example Hook: Example hook text.
  • Example Hook: Example hook text.
  • Example Hook: Example hook text.
  • Example Hook: Example hook text.
  • Example Hook: Example hook text.
  • Example Hook: Example hook text.

"I am Grace Reason Amity Miracle August Revelry Young Earnest--designation GRAMARYE."