
From Tenebrae
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Log Info

  • Title: Gearsmasher
  • GM: Aftershock
  • Place: Abandoned magicite mine outside of Alexandros

Abandoned Magicite Mine, midday

The briefing is conducted on the move, the group walking swiftly out of Alexandria. "Archmage Mikilos believes he's located Gearsmasher's lair, an abandoned magicite cave not far from here, upriver." Telamon's expression is not enraged, but it's cold, hard, and doesn't bode well for the bad guys. "My own dream-exploration suggests he's using both magic and alchemical means to disable his victims, and he definitely has construct accomplices of some kind -- either automatons, or actual war golems. Gearsmasher himself may have been seriously injured in his escape, as he was described as having a metal body with multiple arms. So be wary."

Once outside the city ward, the sorcerer gathers the group into a circle, and incants a spell. A shimmering bubble of multicolored light wraps around them, and sends them flying along a similar tunnel before suddenly they reappear not far from a cave. "I would prefer to take him alive, so that he might answer for his crimes," Telamon states. "But if something unfortunate happens to him... well, such are the fortunes of Kor." He sweeps the group with his eyes. "Have you any questions?"

GAME: Telamon casts Greater Teleport. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28

It's not a good day to see the hulking silverscaled makari clad in golden draconic runes of the Dragonfather painted along his face, horns, and arms. Just like the Archmage, Skielstregar and Malefic's typical bickering and jovialness is nothing more than a thin veneer of cold determination.

Following with the incantation for instant transposition, the serious visage cracks a bit as they all but warp through a tunnel of light. And then- ground! Skiel blinks. Shakes his head, and brings Malefic to bear, already moving up to the front of the group as he casts a protective ward over himself, growling quietly. A translucent black pair of wings wrap around him before going 'pop!' "... will try to take alive. There won't be any promisssesss, Sssshaman." He looks over his shoulder. "Are they a mage? Or.... make metal beingsss only?"

GAME: Skielstregar casts Shield. Caster Level: 12 DC: 15

Cor'ethil is grateful to see allies he's fought alongside before and friends he's made in the marketplace, but the usually-cheerful paladin is all business today. "I would assume mage, all things considered," he says. "I will attempt to take him alive, but like our friend Skielstregar says, there's no guarantees in love and in war. This is definitely war."

He looks surprisingly fine for having just teleported. Maybe he's used to it? Maybe it's a paladin-thing. "Just because they're constructs doesn't make me feel any better," he says softly. "I hope we don't have to end anyone who doesn't deserve it."

Cor'ethil draws his rapier, just in case. Can never be too careful. "I'm joining you at the front," he tells Skielstregar, moving to the sith-makar's side.

MAC-B1G arrives where directed and then positions itself where indicated. It possesses limited direct observation data on the translocation process, thus it observes to collect more. After the arrival and final briefing opportunity, it directs its inquiry to Telamon. "Define desired resolution state of fugitive designate Gearsmasher. Remand, neutralization, termination of function, and/or other."

Eztli wasn't used to teleporting over long disttances very much, but it wasn't too unpleasant of an experience at least. The small makari shook her head and snapped two of her fingers together, causing her robes and scales to shimmer for a brief moment, vanishing after a few seconds longer.

Eztli pauses for a moment, and shakes her head. "I'm not putting any of my friends at risk trying to take someone alive that doesn't deserve it. The moment it seems like trying to take them alive is too dangerous, he's burning and we can get a cleric to gett his ashes to answer." The small makari growls. "Any idea what to expect? That's my only concern, I suppose."

GAME: Eztli casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 11 DC: 17
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (16)+16: 32
GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (10)+33: 43
GAME: Aelwyn rolls perception: (14)+1: 15
GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (9)+16: 25
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls perception: (15)+16: 31

Aelwyn was glad to have plenty of familiar faces on this journey - but as to the current briefing, he shakes his head. "This one shall endeavour to do what shall be must," He informs the mage, before preparin for the teleport.

The freshly crowned cavalier looks momentarily ill after the jaunt across space, but he holds himself together well enough. "This one shall join the front," He says, and then glances at the mages. "Or shall our rear feel more comfortable with more blades behind them?" He flashes his teeth.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Telamon rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (6)+18: 24

"Ideally, we want to bring him back and remand him to custody, but I suspect he won't come quietly. Hence 'incapacitate' is probably going to be our best option." Telamon's starry eyes flash. "But his life is not worth yours." That stated, he turns towards the cave, but as they approach he pauses. "Damn. I hear screaming. He's got a new victim."

The archmage thinks furiously. "Go right," he points the group down the right side passage. "Watch yourselves. I'll check left and then catch up to you. Move! There's someone who needs our help!" With that, he incants another spell, lifting himself fractionally off the ground and gliding swiftly away.

GAME: Telamon casts Overland Flight. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26

Skielstregar chuffs a huff and nods towards Cor'ethil, glancing over the others that join him in the front and at his back. His tail does a little flick at the tip. Glad he was that dependable people were with him.

And then that distant scream cuts that short. A shudder rolls through him, and Malefic frowns. "Not yet, hatchling," the weapon metallically clacks.

That seems to pull him back, head snapping over towards where Telamon points. "Ssaa, we go! Be sssafe Ssshamansss!" he throws over his shoulder before all but jogging down into the depths at pace with the others.

MAC-B1G detects the sounds of distress, but is unable to triangulate. It is, of course, perfectly capable of following directives. "Acknowledged." A manipulator presses a few panel junctions on its chassis in a defined order and a brief muffled, moist hissing sound is generated between them as non-newtonian fluid fills internal structural spaces as a dampening agent. "Pre-emptive defense measures engaged." It then proceeds in the direction indicated.

GAME: MAC-B1G casts Toughen Construct. Caster Level: 12 DC: 14

Cor'ethil doesn't wait upon being told to go. "Ok! Skiel, behind me, please. I'm not going stealthily and I hope no one planned on going stealthily." He trudges forward, rapier out for skewering if needed.

He breathes in an incantation then:

"Exceedingly sharp, bane to dark:
I call on Cen to bring the spark." <Celestial>

His rapier is cloaked in something holy then as he keeps a moderate pace. "Evil cannot prevail today," Corey murmurs. "O Gilead, see us through this."

Aelwyn looks over as the call for speed is made. He didn't hear anything himself - but at moments ilke these, one trusts the team, not their senses. "Let the wind be the guide, then." The Dragoon replies as he lays the polearm against his shoulder and runs after the others; though trailing somewhat behind Skielstregar.

"I can take care of myself Aelwyn, to a point. Just use your judgement." Eztli sighs, blinking a few times as others pick up on something she didn't. "No time for pondering then, let's go! Let us know if you find anything, please!" The sorceress shouts, starting into the caverns with the others leading the way.

You keep to the right, hoping that Telamon gave you this direction for a reason and that keeping to the right is the correct choice. You find no dead ends, and the screaming though not completely constant gets louder. The path is totally dark save for whatever light you bring with you, and it's this very darkness that warns you of something different ahead.

Light spills out of a cavern ahead of you.

Light is a beacon, and a beacon is hope. A paladin must always be looking for light and must always be the light. "Okay. I'm going to move in. Everyone follow in! I'll take any attacks that come in our way," Corey says in a stage whisper to his allies. The paladin must lead the charge.

Which is why he whispers another prayer to Gilead as he follows the light. "O Gilead, see us through this! Protect me and my allies on this day!"

The sound of screaming intensifies behind the curtain which is drawn somewhat haphazardly across a portion of the cavern. You can see some largish figure through the material, and much of the light comes from within that space, but the figure is made indistinct by the cloth that obscures its presence.

Both of the larger automatons which are in the room move forward threateningly. Their unalive red lit eyes peering at Cor'ethil without emotion. They say nothing. Which in of itself is a somewhat unnerving thing. They have the appearance of war golems, but somewhat larger and... lacking something.

GAME: Corey casts Greater Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 14 DC: 18

The automatons may be advancing, but so does Corey, murmuring another prayer:

"Gilead, O Blessed Hunter,
Grant me your divine aid in the pursuit!" <Celestial>

Two wings sprout from Corey's back, and the paladin is awash in a holy aura that emanates from him. His silver eyes glow slightly with the divine magic, and he stops in front of one of the larger automatons, bracing for it to attack.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17

One of the smaller automatons moves to secure the exit silently save for the clicking of its many legs against the ground. The other moves closer to Cor'ethil and jabs a pointed limb in his direction which doesn't even glance off of his armor.

GAME: Eztli casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

"If there's someone screaming in there, I'll see if I can get them out. Easier to deal with whatever's in there not having to worry about them." Eztli suggests to the others. "Conceal me from sight." <draconic> They hiss, causing the makari to burst into flames that wick away into the darkness, leaving nothing where Eztli had just been standing. She was not remaining there either, the makari quietly padding into the room to get a better view on the source of the screaming, unpleasant as it may be.

GAME: MAC-B1G activates its Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str,+4 Dex
GAME: MAC-B1G refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: MAC-B1G spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls ranged: (9)+14: 23

MAC-B1G tromps forward after Corey, possibly more trailing than is optimal. "Combat protocols engaged. Threats identified." One manipulator is lifted, tri-fingers splaying wide to allow a barrel to telescope from the center. Supported by its other manipulator, it aims at the approaching small construct and looses a bolt of charged particles into it. "Threat engaged."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls 4d6: (15): 15
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

Skielstregar's eyes nictate after being flooded with light from the room and from Corey, he presses forth with him and flaring out to the left after the sil man takes the fore. He takes a sweep of the room- screaming fills his head. The back of his head, the root of his heart throbs.

Sweeping in at breakneck speed, he rounds around one of the smaller golems. He inhales deeply. "GEARSMASHERRRR BLAAAAAAAH!" he bellows into the cavern, coating a solid third of it the room with ice that billows out from his extended maw. Crystalizing the curtain. Wafting over the golem.

Aelwyn takes a moment to get adjusted to the new surroundings - and especially the fact that Eztli just exploded in set of flames and disappears. "Tch, impressive." He clicks his teeth - but soon he is off running after the others.

"Hark! Circle them and aim at their weak joints!" The ruddy makari Dragoon calls out, pointing at the large creatures. "Let us be done and through with this!"

The screaming behind the curtain only intensifies, but now there are words added to the screaming. "HELP! HELP! GODS HELP ME!" Gearsmasher, who you suspect is behind the curtain coos at the words, but continues his grizzly work... whatever it is.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (13)+22: 35
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (3)+22: 25
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (10)+22: 32
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (2)+8: 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+28: (1)+28: 29 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+28: (17)+28: 45

One of the creatures grasps Skiel and swings him up into the air with a massive fist. The other large one punches Corey, but his armor and magic negate most of the power of the fist and he takes minimal damage from it.

GAME: Eztli casts Liberating Command. Caster Level: 11 DC: 17
GAME: Skielstregar rolls escape artist+20: (6)+1+20: 27
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3: (13)+23+3: 39
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-5: (5)+23+3+-5: 26
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-10: (3)+23+3+-10: 19
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (4)+8+3+(1 nonlethal): 16
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (1)+8+3+(1 nonlethal): 13

The screaming is something that rings in Corey's ears, and the paladin is wracked with inner pain. "Gilead, give me the strength to put down this construct in front of me so that I might save that poor soul behind the curtain!" he prays, before drawing up his rapier. "Stay thy blade!" It's the command word to make his damage nonlethal--not much of a concern with constructs, but still.

He jabs at the larger automaton in front of him. Two attacks hit and punch dents into the chassis, but his enemy is still very much up and moving.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 4d6: (12): 12
GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6: (5): 5

One of the small bots shoves an electric spike into the magicite crystals, causing a massive flare of energy that tickles along Skielstregar's scales. The other little bot backs away from Corey and shoves a spike into its fellow bot who... starts to repair.


MAC-B1G's faceplate pans between the large construct attacking Corey, the large one that has grabbed Skielstregar, and the little ones performing as-yet-undetermined tasks with the magicite. Yet it shifts focus from these to the unit behind the curtain. The captive and the recapture of Gearsmasher were noted as highest priorities, and it acts as such.

Inert powdered residue from its reactor core, stored for disposal at more convenient opportunity, is redirected to its primary weapon. There it is compacted into a sizable pellet before it is launched. Not once, but thrice in rapid succession with a staccato THUMP THUMP THUMP. Upon impact, the pellets disintegrate into brief clouds of particles. "Cease improper activates and release the captive. You have six seconds to comply."

GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 24 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar casts Resist Energy. Caster Level: 12 DC: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls ranged-2-2-2: (18)+14+-2+-2+-2: 26
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d100: (18): 18

Skielstregar looks back briefly towards the Dragoon and growls an agreement, only for him to turn and get scooped up into the air! He wriggles fiercely like a cat, talons scraping across the metal carapace, glinting sparks. "Focusss on- get off- thiss one ssaid-"

The temperature plummets near Skielstregar. Black miasma pools out from betwixt his scales, crackling with ice as it fortifies around his body like a black armor. Eyes flare crimson. "I SAID RELEASSSSE THEM!" Yanking free a simple shortpsear off the quiver on his back, he cocks it back, it coating in black ink before it shoots forward from up on high in his grab. The projectile slams into the earth, shattering the snap frozen cloth into hundreds of pieces.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d100: (98): 98
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+7+2: (9)+7+2: 18
GAME: Eztli casts Dimension Door. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20
GAME: Eztli rolls spellcraft: (18)+11: 29

With the curtain falling out of way in frozen fragments, the sorceress leaps into action, even if unseen. several strong wingbeats manage to carry them across the room, where they end up navigating for the source of the screaming. There's not time to dwell on how unpleasant grabbing the person was, as they hiss a word that tries to whisk them off, but Eztli finds herself unable to drag the person away with them.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4: (10)+14+-4: 20
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (6)+6+12+(6): 30
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4: (16)+18+-4: 30
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (4)+6+12+(4): 26

As the largest of Makari gets grabbed, Aelwyn swings his head over towards him. "Tch," He clicks his teeth irately. "These constructs make for a bad audience." He runs forward and then swings his glaive in a wide, powerful arc, cutting into the two of the bots.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11

Gearsmasher hears the words of a spell, and wildly swings his dagger into the smoke, trying to cut the mage he knows is nearby. "MINE!" He screeches. "Ricky! Come in here and dissipate this smoke! Ricky!"

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (4)+22: 26
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (16)+22: 38
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 6d6: (22): 22

Skiel is being squeezed, feeling his bones grind against one another as the machine before him slowly crushes his body. Corey is facing his own foe stalwartly, each hit doing only a tiny amount of damage, but eventually... it's sure to add up.

GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3: (14)+23+3: 40
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-5: (15)+23+3+-5: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-5+4: (5)+23+3+-5+4: 30
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-10: (18)+23+3+-10: 34 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-10+4: (16)+23+3+-10+4: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (2)+8+3+(1 nonlethal): 14
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (6)+8+3+(3 nonlethal): 20
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (5)+8+3+(1 nonlethal): 17

"Damn it! Skielstregar, hold on, I'm just trying to take care of this thing here!" Corey calls out as he hears Skielstregar being ground into by the other construct. He jabs at the little construct with two hard blows, nearly putting the thing out of commission, but it holds on. The paladin of Gilead swings around and thrusts out at the larger automaton, huffing hard with the exertion he's putting in.

"These things are tough compared to people," he murmurs. Ordinarily, his rapier might have blown through them, but artifice is a different beast compared to flesh.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 4d6: (17): 17
GAME: Aftershock rolls 4d6: (15): 15

There's a sparking of electronics as the two littler bots struggle to repair the damage done to them. Even the catastrophically wounded one over by Alewyn seems to be... fixing itself.

GAME: Eztli rolls diplomacy: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Eztli casts Dimension Door. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

"Right, not obvious. Hey! Watch it with that, they don't belong to anyone!" Eztli growls, both unable to help herself, and realizing why the previous spell had failed. "I'm here to help, so are my friends. I can get you out of here, you just need to let me move you, okay?"

The small makari hisses again, causing a bright orange portal to appear, which swallows the pair, depositing them further away.

GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon8: (9)+19: 28
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage8: aliased to 2d6+10: (9)+10: 19

MAC-B1G does not know the status of Eztli and the captive... until they appear from the orange portal. "Primary objective satisfied. Re-engaging threat unit." The barrel retracts into its forelimb as it steps to be adjacent to the smaller construct, the larger one, and unit-designate Skielstregar currently embraced by the larger construct. Said forelimb is raised and then brought down with great force upon the still-self-repairing smaller unit. The impact exceeds the repair capacity and the unit erupts with sparks and is still. "Repair cycle interrupted. Threat neutralized."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon15-2-4+1+1: (1)+20+-2+-4+1+1: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon15-2-4+1+1: (12)+20+-2+-4+1+1: 28
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage15+1d8+1+8+3: aliased to 1d8+8+1d8+1+8+3: (3)+8+(3)+1+8+3: 26

Miasma cracks, shatters, melts, reforms, and cracks again as Skielstregar is ground and crushed. This only angers him further, yelling wordlessly, not really able to hear the others. His fist pounds against the metal, only for Malefic to lean back, bite onto his blackened warhammer dangling from his hip, and slaps into his cocked back hand.

He blinks, snarls, engulfing the weapon in black ink before sending a devastating crunch into its side. "Let go! NOW!"

GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4+4: (14)+18+-4+4: 32
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12+1d6: aliased to 1d10+6+12+1d6: (8)+6+12+(5): 31

Aelwyn looks around, twirling his blade. Hissing, he moves forward to cover more of the fogged area and makes another heavy swing at the bot. "Tch, this one hates fighting constructs." He says with an annoyed voice. At least his blade seemed fine.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15
GAME: Eztli rolls spellcraft: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Corey rolls Spellcraft: (6)+18: 24
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d100: (97): 97
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls fort: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Aftershock rolls 5d6: (16): 16

Gearsmasher utters some terrible arcane words, pointing his finger at Eztli, but his spell hits the magicite instead and refracts. The spell rebounds and strikes Mac instead, it manages to bear up under the brunt of the spell, but it doesn't feel great.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 6d6: (19): 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (2)+22: 24
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (19)+22: 41
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

The two automatons continue their assault, grinding Skielstregar and punching Corey. It's a solid day at work.

GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3: (14)+23+3: 40
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-5: (8)+23+3: 29
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3-10: (14)+23+3: 30
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (2)+8+3+(6 nonlethal): 19
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (2)+8+3+(1 nonlethal): 14
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+1d6 nonlethal: (6)+8+3+(3 nonlethal): 20

Corey continues to receive very little damage from the large automaton, although he rather wishes that he was in Skielstregar's position instead--even if the sith-makar is making some noises that are concerning him. He tracks down the little bot and then takes two powerful jabs at it, finally rendering it out of commission before focusing his last hit on the larger construct.

He's huffing, but then he turns an eye over to Gearsmasher, and there's a look in his silver eyes. That might well be his next target.

GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage8+2+2d6 elec: aliased to 2d6+10+2+2d6 elec: (9)+10+2+(7 elec): 28
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage8+2+2d6 elec: aliased to 2d6+10+2+2d6 elec: (9)+10+2+(3 elec): 24
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage8+2+2d6 elec: aliased to 2d6+10+2+2d6 elec: (11)+10+2+(11 elec): 34
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage8+2+2d6 elec: aliased to 2d6+10+2+2d6 elec: (5)+10+2+(7 elec): 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex+1: (18)+10+1: 29

MAC-B1G enxpected catches the rebounded mana and discovers that a portion of plating its left manipulator evaporates. "Structural integrity at 87.997 percent." Regardless, it turns it attention to the large bot that holds Skielstregar. "Engaging threat. Diverting power to actuators." Its limbs gain a rising cyan hue before they are then swung into the larger construct. Rapidly.

GAME: Eztli casts Haste. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19

Deposited nearby, and not entirely out of danger as might be expected, the small makari winces as the beam is redirected by the magicite. "That was a disintegration spell!" Eztli shouts. "Hang on, just, alright!"

Eztli quickly casts another spell, one that warms the group up and makes their movements more limber. The only strange thing was the effect it seemed to have gearsmasher and the golems, as well. "Shit, those crystals are just affecting everything here, aren't they?" The makari curses.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls athletics: (19)+25: 44
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+2-4+1+1: (14)+18+2+-4+1+1: 32
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d6+8+1+8+1d6: (1)+8+1+8+(5): 23
GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex+1: (8)+10+1: 19

Blackened Skiel yells in pain as blood and ink pool at the ground, only for Aelwyn and MAC to pulverize his captor into submission. Falling to his feet, Skiel just barely manages to wriggle out of the way of being crushed as they fall over.

"You have to drop me," Malefic snarfs.

Roided Skiel flings Malefic and the hammer to the ground. "OW! YOU FOOL!" "YOU SSSAID!" Not listening for a retort, Skiel bounds on all fours over the large golem, flinging himself off into the air. The light around him darkens, the shadows close in.

"YOUR FLESH IS FORFEIT!" he screams, ripping free an ink laden sap as it slams down over their head.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls perform/dance+2: (19)+15+2: 36
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4+2: (6)+18+-4+2-4: 18
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4+2: (14)+18+-4+2-4: 26
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4+2-5: (3)+18+-4+2+-5-4: 10
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11-4+2-10: (16)+18+-4+2+-10-4: 18
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+12: aliased to 1d10+6+12: (7)+6+12: 25

Aelwyn watches as Skielstregar frees himself in a display of nightmarish terror and he twirls his glaive about. The flaming glaive makes several arcs around him as he steps towards Gearsmasher. "Forfeit, lest one be forfeit." He echoes the other makari - and then swings his blade in an array of hasted swings.

Only one of them connects however; the flames flickering out from the blade as it strikes the artificer.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls reflex+1: (9)+10+1: 20
GAME: Aelwyn rolls reflex+1: (8)+9+1: 18

The mage steps back, his unnatural four arms weaving a complicated net that explodes into a massively dense fireball that consumes both Aelwyn and Skielstregar. The roil of flames licks against the magicite but thankfully it only turns red... for now.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (17)+22: 39
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+22: (11)+22: 33
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+8: (2)+8: 10

The one remaining standing bot that is not Gearsmasher himself continues to lay into Corey... however ineffectually.

GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+3+2+1: (14)+23+3+2+1: 43
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+3+2+1d6 nonlethal: aliased to 1d6+8+3+2+1d6 nonlethal: (5)+8+3+2+(5 nonlethal): 23

With the larger automaton not really posing much of a threat to him, Cor'ethil decides to take care of Gearsmasher before another large fireball is lobbed at his allies. Soaring through the air on angelic wings, Corey makes a hard strike at his enemy, a hard jab punching into the mage.

"Gilead gift me that which I need to protect," Cor'ethil hisses, his blade on the hilt of his rapier. "Gilead gift me that which I need to protect people from you."

GAME: Eztli rolls heal: (17)+1: 18

Fearing making the situation any worse, Eztli instead turns her attention to the person she recovered from the room. "Alright, let's get you out here, okay? Just keep moving at a pace that's not too painful." The small makari suggests, guiding them out of the room. She stops to reach into her bag, but looking at the severity of the wounds, decides against it. "Corey, whatever you do, avoid any indiscriminate healing!" She shouts back into the room."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+1+1-4: (9)+18+1+1+-4: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+1+1-4-5: (17)+18+1+1+-4+-5: 28
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+1+1-4-10: (5)+18+1+1+-4+-10: 11
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+1+1-4-: (20)+18+1+1+-4+-: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon19+1+1-4: (1)+18+1+1+-4: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d6+9+8+3: (5)+9+8+3: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d6+9+8+3: (4)+9+8+3: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d6+9+8+3: (6)+9+8+3: 26

The half-Forgotten silverscale doesn't even have a beat to react, the ice underfoot giving way as he, with his kin beside him, take the full brunt of the flaming inferno full force.

As the flames lick away, there is only a stunned looking Skielstregar, maw open as black miasma pours free. His scales are curled and withered, many scuffed as much skin revealed is pink and angry. Just like him, as his ire returns full force, honed precisely on the multi armed arcanist.

He pounces upon Gearsmasher, tackling them to the ground. "THISSS ONE-" The sap comes cracking down in a miasmic splash. "-HATES-" Another crack, spraying blood. "-LIFE MEDDLERSSSS!"

Another. They stopped moving after the first. "GRRRrrrrr...!" he clutches his head.

At this juncture, there's a familiar whoosh as Telamon flies down the corridor. "Hells, this place is a maze--" He winces as he sees Eztli comforting the injured victim. "Don't move him any more, we'll need to put him on a stretcher -- or a floating disc." He darts into the room, eyes sweeping it, before they lock onto the ominously thrumming magicite which is now glowing a lambent crimson.

"Dimma sa, ellag namsita, gur irhandi!" he chants, fingers moving in practiced motions. Suddenly there's a shimmer, as a sphere of hexagons materializes around the glowing magicite, looking as insubstantial as a soap bubble. "Hope this holds," he grates.

GAME: Telamon casts Telekinetic Sphere. Caster Level: 20 DC: 29

The powerful explosion that rocks the inside of Telamon's bubble confirms the mages' timely arrival, and the other bot simply stands there uselessly now that Gearsmasher is down. The victim of Gearsmasher's brutality is missing much of his skin along his left side, but once you take him to the temple of Althea via another teleport back home...

Your efforts are a roaring success. You've Gearsmasher alive... even if he'd been a goblin before and seems to be a wargolem now... however that happened. And the victim survives the surgery and healing required. All in all... a great day's work.


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