Dwarf Fortress: Deepest Depths - I

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Log Info

  • Title: Dwarf Fortress: Deepest Depths - I
  • GM: Culix
  • Characters: Rune, Harkashan, Eztli
  • Location: Dwarf Fortress
  • Summary: While it seemed the giant worm creature the last party discovered in the mines of the fortress was adequately contained by the magma moat at its depths, recent tremors have given rise to concern with the archaeologists still cataloguing the ruins. A party of seasoned adventurers are requested to track the creature to its lair at the deepest reaches of the fortress, and slay the beast.

It's been many months since the excavation site at the dwarven ruins has called for adventurers' aid. The last time, in exploring a section of mines left behind by the ancient dwarves, it became evident that the lowest depths of the ruins had a new master. A giant burrowing worm, easily large enough to swallow a wagon whole, had made a warren of tunnels there. The adventurers were forced to beat a retreat, ill equipped to deal with the creature- but it seemed apparent it was unable to pass a massive moat of magma beneath the fortress.

Recent tremors, however, have lead the archaeology team to believe the beast is growing more active, and may end up finding a way around the moat. As such, they have requested a group of adventurers to head to the deepest reaches of the fortress, where the creature likely nests, and slay it once and for all.

To that end, the group of adventurers have made their way from Alexandria- taking the better part of two days travel to reach the excavation site. No longer a haphazard collection of tents, log cabins have been erected around the entrance to the ruins with a smithy, an inn which serves also as a general store and a small shrine to Navos having been assembled to serve the archaeologists, mercenaries and occasional adventurers and traders that have made this place a regular stop while works go on.

One of the adventurers who had been called to join was a particularly small makari whi was loitering in the small village that had sprung up around the excavation. Eztli had found a seat a mug of tea she had purchased from the inn. Best to relax just a bit before facing giant, horrifying worms.

Two days of travel can be fairly harsh for those who are not prepared. Harkashan remembers the first time he came to this place. It's been how many times now, since he has come here? Both to explore, as well as to aid some younger adventurers. He wonders, as the group starts arriving, how those Adventurers are doing.

Getting off of his Swiftclaw, he steps the remaining part of the way to not startle anyone not used to seeing such steeds around, and makes his way to the Inn to see if there's anyone willing to shelter it while he's here.

Passing by Eztli on the way, he lifts his hand. "It's been a while." The Deathsinger calls out to his Kin. "I hope life has fared well for you so far."

Riding just behind the unusual sight of the swiftclaw, is a woman on horseback. Rune reins her horse up to the hitching post, hopping down before tying off the line and stretching to ease sore muscles from a long ride. The rogue is dressed in her usual 'adventurer' attire, complete with her two blades strapped across her back.

She approaches a few steps behind the taller Makari, giving a nod to Eztli, "Hey. Seems like you've been waiting a while. Sorry if we're late. That thing..." She motions over her shoulder at the Swiftclaw. "Had to make a pitstop to hunt and that was an adventure all to itself." The half-sil smirks.

The inn is a quiet, rural affair with straw on the packed earth floor and a hearth currently without a fire going. The lingering smell of beer and tobacco smoke has had more than enough time to develop, though, as it does in short order in any inn or tavern. The group are afforded a short reprieve before anyone gets wind they've arrived and comes looking for them, and then they do an Auburn-haired and bespectacled young Khazadi man arrives, taking a moment to look about the inn before spying the adventurers. She offers a wave. "You'll be from the guild?" he calls over as he approaches. "I'm Assistant Researcher Nelgar." he offers them briskly. The lines on his otherwise youthful face hinting that he's more inclined towards scowls than smiles.

"The head researcher sends her apologies- she'd rather have been here herself, but she's tied up back in the capital cataloguing our finds." he offers. He looks between them, and then continues, "I won't bore you with the details of what we've found, and get right to what we need from you." he says.

"Recently a number of localized tremors have arisen from the depths. Geologists from the university have assured us they are neither tectonic nor volcanic in nature. Thus, the worm." he says, tone grave.

"Hmm." Harkashan rumbles, nodding his head in agreement with Rune's words. Indeed, the Swiftclaw had gotten hungry. And unlike horses, who can just eat some Hay, this creature needs flesh. Though it's more of a challenge to ensure it doesn't find a farm and eat its lifestock, and helping it best some weaker monsters.

He glances at Rune, showing a little smirk - in as far as a Sith-makar can smirk - and then turns as the Khazadi man approaches.

"Hmm. It is quite alright. I'm certain she'll appreciate the result at the end of all of this." Harkashan notes, having 'dropped off' his Swiftclaw and approaching with a merry sway of his tail. "I remember the worm. Big sucker." Harkashan notes. "We'll have to make sure we avoid getting swallowed up by it at all costs."

"Oh, hello Rune, and Harkashan! No, not waiting too long really, I just figured I'd get out a bit early." She waves to the two. "Feel a bit better about all this having spme reliable allies around. I've been alright, and you two? Getting along alright?"

Her attention turns to the person who seems to be in charge, and Eztli finishes off her tea quickly. "Eztli, and happy to help, I think. So, I don't know anything about giant worm ecology, but that's bad, right?"

Rune opens her mouth as if she were just about to ask after their contact, but then the Khazadi man makes himself known and she promptly shuts it again, giving a nod in response. "That would be us. I'm Rune, this is Harkashan." She introduces the lava-scaled one.

With Harkashan's familiarity with the creature they are looking for, Rune glances to him, her head canted slightly. "Won't be the first time I've nearly been eaten by something." She answers, "Most things regret it when they find out that the things they are eating have sharp pointy things..." Her hands shift to rest on the hilt of her two blades.

Then, to Eztli, she smiles softly, "Better. Still dealing with my fair share of Fey bullshit, but at least the matters that were closer to hoem are dealt with." For now, she doesn't elaborate. Perhaps a conversation for another time.

"I'd say it's bad, personally." Nelgar says, without even the slightest hint of joviality to his tone. "According to the accounts your companion and the other adventurers gave after their encounter with it, the thing's maw is ten feet across and it can burrow through bedrock like a fish swims through water." he explains. "I don't expect it will be an easy task to destroy it, but you must- these tremors threaten to undermine the structure of this fortress- no- this mountain home, for we are now certain that is what it was. It has survived countless generations, it can't be allowed to succumb to ruin now." he says, finally seeming at least somewhat impassioned- even if his expression remains stony.

"To that end, I've had maps drafted up for you." he says, laying out several rolled parchments on their table. "As you'll see, we've fairly thoroughly documented most of the structure. All that remains is its foundation- do you recall the fortifications you encountered at the depths of the mine?" he asks Harkashan. "Beyond those fortification, our translaters believe there is a natural cavern. From there came this place's doom. And there, we believe, the worm nests."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nature: (15)+5: 20

Nelgar must be a hoot at parties. But Harkashan understands why this man is less than Jovial. It's hard to imagine how Adventurers would even deal with a massive thing like that. "I do recommend you have some sorcerous types on standby to reinforce the holes this operation is likely to make. I doubt it's going to remain still while we deal with it." Harkashan tells Nelgar. "Stone-shaping may be rather critical." He points out.

He then steps over to the table with Nelgar and takes hold of it.

"Hmm!" He sounds impressed. "You've made great progress since last I was here." He notes warmly. "Worm nests sounds bad. Do we know roughly how expansive this is?" As he glances at the map. "The nesting area, that is. I imagine if it's more active than before, it's hunting for nutrients for a new clutch. Or... something is disturbing the area that's winding it up. We may have to be prepared to deal with the unexpected." He points out.

Stepping forward, Rune takes a look over the maps, though her thoughts seem to be kept to herself as she appraises the situation. Hunting strange creatures it not out of the ordinary, but it seems that this may not be so simple as it had seemed when the Guild had recruited them. Then again, how often /is/ a mission as simple as it states on paper.

"So, we're stepping into a situation where we might be dealing with multiple worms having a party. Or where something is big and nasty enough to piss off a giant worm. Either option doesn't sound like a very good time." Rune bites at her lower lip, thoughtful. "Well, we won't know what's there until we see it for ourselves."

So, she steps back, folding her arms across her chest. "Ready to head out whenever you are."

"Yeah, I figured it wasn't good, or at the very least it's a high probability to be bad. Safer for everyone involved that it's gone." Eztli sighs. "Probably best to keep things safe."

"Maps? Well, appreciatte it, it's a bit large to go wandering around with no clue where we're supposed to be. I don't know what to expect, but, no way to know till we actually see, right?"

"If you say so- living things are not my field of expertise." the research assistant tells Harkashan. "Whatever is causing the increased activity, we all hope you are equal to the task of ending it. We do have a handful of earthshapers- any sensible archaeological expedition does- we'll have them move to the level above you, and do what they can to reinforce the structure. They're academically trained, though, so don't expect any help in a fight." he tells the group.

As it seems they are ready to head in, he nods once. "The map shows the way, but just in case- follow the central staircase down as far as you can, and then take the cart across the moat. Once you're in the mines, follow the tracks around to the south and you'll reach the cavern entrance. From there, you are beyond what we have mapped." he tells them, and with a final brisk nod, turns to leave them to their preperations.

Harkashan has already prepared for a Big Worm. Though if there is something else, that may dig into this preparations. "I was hoping for a fourth member to this expedition." He remarks to the others, as the assistant wanders off. He takes some time to memorize the Dwarven Fortress and its multi-level layout. Even having been here a few times, there's still places he doesn't immediately recognize.

"But I've prepared spells to ensure we do not so easily get swallowed up by the Worm. I will be relying on you two to deal with the Worm itself though. I have no particular ways to 'tunnel'. So I hope it leaves large enough holes for us to chase it through." He notes.

"Well, living natural disasters don't often leave time to prepare for the best case scenario, unfortunately. We'll have to make due with what we've got. I just hope worms are, well, burnable." Eztli shrugs as she leaves her seat, stopping to return the mug they had. "I don't think flying will be much help in a tunnel, though. But anyways, you both as ready to go as you're going to be?"

"It isn't the first time we've had to go into a fight a man down." Rune replies, giving Harkashan a nudge to the side. She shifts her weight, dropping her arms back to her sides as she tries to shake loose the tension that always comes before delving into a strange place. "We'll manage."

She looks over to Eztli, managing a soft laugh, "Burnable and stabbable." She agrees. "Though, if it tunnels as fast as they were saying, we may need some extra speed to keep up with it."

With that, she gives a nod. "I don't know how much I can prepare, but let's get going."

Harkashan notes; "Actually, before we go... how about we have ourselves a good fulfilling meal?" He rumbles. "I'm sure Eztli would appreciate some Thacos... they're absolutely /divine/." He jokes.

GAME: Harkashan refreshes spells.

GAME: Harkashan casts Heroes' Feast. Caster Level: 14 DC: 23

GAME: Harkashan rolls 2d10: (9): 9

GAME: Eztli casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 11 DC: 17

GAME: Harkashan casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20

The party pause a while to eat their meal and let it go down- while the threat from the worm to the structure is looming, it is not imminent and so they're able to make ample time for preperations. With bellies full, they head on into the ruins. The doors at the entryway- one of which was split in two last time Harkashan was here- have been restored, and expertly so and stand open, a grand invitation to what once must have been a jewel of Civilization.

Inside, everburning torches light the halls in the main throughfares, bringing back some semblance of the mountain home's lost grandure. The bones of its long gone inhabitants have been taken away to be interred, in family tombs when lineage could be determined, but more often than that their names were lost to time and so a shared mausoleum is being constructed for these ancient kin.

The air grows cool, first, as they descend the steps. But as they descend further, it grows warmer and warmer again. Eventually they arrive at the mines- having crossed the helter-skelter minecart bridge above the magma moat. Here, the air is hot and close and has the tang of sulfur from the volcanic activity below.

Finally, they arrive at the fortified entrance to the caverns at the ruins' foundation. A steel portcullis is drawn back by burly porters belonging to the expedition, and they are given one of the everburning torches to bring with them if they choose. One last spiral staircase takes them down some ten, twenty, thirty feet more until it reaches the bottom. They can descend no further.

GAME: Harkashan casts Light. Caster Level: 14 DC: 17

There's some impressed sounds from the crimson Sith-makar, as he takes note of the restoration efforts. "They've truly done a lot of work to this place. It used to be an absolute mess the first time I came here." He remarks. Taking his time. "There will be a LOT of steps going down. So pace yourselves." He tells the other two.

In truth, that's more of a warning to himself. That heavy armor may be made easier to carry thanks to magics, but it's still heckin' heavy.

And so, down they go. Past the talking gates. Past the mines. And down to the foundations. At the offer of a Torch, Harkashan rumbles; "I believe my magics should keep us well lit." As he touches the gem between his horns. A glimmer of many colors coming from the lava-stone as the spell of light plays against the gem.

And down even more spiral staircases until finally, the bottom floor they can reach. "From here out, it's unexplored territory for me." Harkashan warns. "Let's pretend it's a maze and keep the wall to our right." He then adds, and moves forward towards the West.

Eztli was curious about the various areas passed, but she did not have time to look at everything, not to mention the risk of damaging priceless historical objects and landmarks. Much easier to keep their hands close and follow along.

"Oh don't worry about me, being small has its advantages. It's getting back up that might be the problem." The makari jokes before heading down with everyone, into the depths of the caverns.

"Seems like a good plan to me. Let's stick together and keep that in mind." Eztli agrees, heading down the passage with the torch that was given to them.

As Harkashan ascends the stairs leading up and away from the main landing, he will find himself in a corridor of stout stone- built, not carved like much of it. Blocks of granite hewn from elsewhere and brought here. This must be a structure within the cavern mentioned in the translations.

The main room with the spiral staircase is octagonal, built of the same hewn stone on its sourthwestern side but hewn into the rock to the north and east. To the west and south, stairs extend upwards to another level that was not accessible from the central staircase.

Upstairs, straight ahead of the staircase appear to be an iron-barred window or arrowslits. Not much can be seen through them from the stairway, but one might peer through if they were to move closer.

As they decend, Rune follows towards the back of the group, as this is unfamiliar territory for her. She follows the lava-glow of Harkashan when they delve past where the lights reach. In places like this, she is a bit dependant on the magics or torches of others, as both of her hands tend to be occupied with her weapons, as they are now.

"You know this place, even if not this part of it. You know I'll follow your lead." She speaks from behind him, keeping her voice low as they begin the explorations of these dark, lower levels.

She gives a nod of appreciation to the light and torch, which certainly help matters as she blinks from the darkness. "You and me both. Stairs are not always my best friend." Though Eztli has the worst of it, with her height.

GAME: Harkashan casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 14 DC: 18

Harkashan nods his head, and then moves to the arrow-slits, before motioning for the other two to approach. "It's safe so far. Looks like there's a big cave beyond this." He notes. "I think I see some destruction. This path heads southwards. So we can probably keep following that." As he continues moving very slowly, trying to get a better look.

As Harkashan peers through the arrowslit, he'll note that the cavern is indeed expansive. The ceiling cannot be seen- it dissapears into darkness above, spotted here and there with faint glowing points and patches of fungus that resemble stars- albeit cast in shades of green and blue- on the firmament. He hears a faint bubbling noise, and the scent of sulfur is stronger. In the cavern, moss has managed to grow over much of the gravelly dirt, and tall mushrooms, some ten feet or taller- sprout in places. A handful of them have dimly glowing caps. Outside and to the south, a minecart track can be seen.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (18)+22: 40

Harkashan notes; "I think I can smell something sulfurous from down that way." As he points to the south-south-west direction. "As well as some kind of... bubbling. Perhaps an acid pool or something."

"If it's sulfurous and bubbling, it could be the lava moat they were talking about." Rune assumes, stepping up to look, squinting into the darkness where the edges of the light reaches. This is definitely an exploration more suited to the Makari. "I really need to get some additional enchantments on my glasses." She tips them up on her nose and then shakes her head.

"If we're looking for something big, I imagine it would be in a wide, open area, rather than in these tighter confines." It's another fair assumption, though they may not fully know what they are dealing with, if it is not the worm in question.

"Let's check it out?"

Eztli joins the others in taking a look at the window, and the small makari nods. "Given the windows, I reckon the people living here expected things to be outside in this area." She notes. "Well, I doubt it's in here, so, should we be the good adventures we are and go towards the signs of destruction instead of away, or should we check where that sulfurous smell is coming from? Neither sound particularly pleasant."

As the group move south through the corridor, more arrow slits come into view- and the corridor seems to curve back around to the east after a short distance.

Harkashan continues southwards slowly, sometimes sticking his entire head through the spokes to look deeper into the cavern - careful not to get his horns stuck.

More of the cavern comes into view through each of the southern windows- while the ones on the Northeast part of this section of the upper floor reveal what appears to be a small courtyard, the way back to the spiral staircase barred by heavy portcullises. This definitely appears to be a fortified gatehouse, the sort used to fend off invasion by monsters and men alike.

To the south, the source of the bubbling becomes apparent. The shore of a glowing lake of magma that stretches as far as this vantage allows them to see extends to the south.

"Seems like we need to find a way outside." Rune states the obvious as she continues to follow the others along the path that the corridor takes, only occassionally glancing out the slits as far as her vision allows her. "If I was better at ranged combat, this would be a great place to set up for a fight, while the melee folks took the lower level." Alas, Rune doesn't even carry her bow any more.

"Whatever the case, this place definitely saw action. It's built to fend off something. Which means there are likely more dangers somewhere ... out there." The rogue motions vaguely.

GAME: Rune rolls perception: (2)+33: 35

"Well, that explains the smell. Best to keep far away from there. No clue how the weight and burrowing of that worm would disrupt the stability of the ground, and I really don't feel like testing out the exact limits of how fireproof I am today." Eztli admits. "I could maybe hit it from here, but it's probably best to keep it away from the building as much as possible, I don't want to put those stone shapers at risk. Exit's probably on the lower floor, you think? Unless they had a way to get down from the top, but that doesn't make too much sense."

As the group continue making their way around, there is the other staircase heading back down to the central landing. And nestled against the wall, a large iron wheel connected by heavy chains to a mechanism buried within the wall.

Harkashan continues walking, keeping his gaze on the right side as he moves. Gazing into the cave for the most part until he comes up on the room they could have gone to earlier had they taken the other stairs. "Looks like there's a wheel here. Likely to raise the Gate and let us through." He calls back to the others.

GAME: Rune takes ten on disable device: (10)+31: 41

As they continue forward, Rune pauses momentarily, toeing at the ground. "Looks like there's holes here. Maybe used to stab downward with spears or pikes, or to pour hot oil?" This only confirms that this place was set up to defend against a seige.

At the sight of the wheel, Rune hesitates, though. Though she may be the one that usually does most of the physical attacking in a fight, most of her movements rely on being quick and agile, not so much on the strength matter. "Don't suppose any of you have one of those spells that helps with heavy lifting?"

Stepping closer, Rune appraises the device, looking thoughtful. "It's definitely for the portcullis. There's a counterweight to it, as well. So it shouldn't be too hard. At least, by the looks of it."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Strength: (13)+1: 14

Eztli takes a look at the big wheel, stopping just shy of acttually trying to move it. "What were they expecting to defend against here?" Eztli wonders, a bit more skeptical of the mechanism. "You don't think that there is another defence against things?" She wonders, but Rune puts her mind at ease. "Alright then. I could help Harkashan move it if he was bigger, but let's just try it first and see."

As the wheel is turned it moves with surprising ease- there's resistance at first, but once it starts moving it moves readily and then starts spinning under its own power. The floor vibrates and the screech of steel against stone reverberates through the gatehouse, the rythmic clanking of chains moving through gears and then a loud thump as the mechanism reaches its new resting point.

Harkashan, on Rune's explaination, starts pushing on the wheel. Digging his claws into the ground and begins to push. It takes a bit to get moving, bt soon it starts moving freely - causing Harkashan to wobble and catch his balance at the last moment. "Alright. That should raise it. Let's go find the gate it opened shall we?" As he heads downstairs.

Heading back to the main landing, the two portcullis doors to the southwest now open up into the courtyard previously glimpsed through the arrowslits. More signs of destruction, the remains of what may have been siege engines of some stripe lay in the courtyard- and beyond it, the lower level of the gatehouse with its own doors laid open allowing access to the cavern proper.

"Whatever it is that this place was set to defend against, it wasn't a one-time thing. They likely faced regular attacks, to have this kind of defense set up." This is Rune's appraisal of the situation, at least. "And given that, we shouldn't leave the portcullis open longer than we have to. I don't want to be responsible for releasing... something into the upper levels."

She follows along down the stairs along with the others. "So... I wonder if what this place was trying to keep out, was those things." She doesn't know enough about history to guess at the origins of the machines.

"Unfortunately, I don't think we have a way to close them from the outside. That and, we still may need an escape route ourselves." Eztli admits as she heads down. "So, let's see if we can deal with this quickly- but safely. If there's more than the worm, we can always deal with it another time, no need for unnecessary risks with only the three of us."

"Khazadi, Undead, deep creatures, Ko-jodakh. Many came to battle at these walls." Harkashan answers Rune, remembering this from when he first entered this place so many months ago. "Some of the creatures that managed to enter this place and lay waste were undead which came through the Lava, if memory serves." He notes. "So do be wary at the lake of flame."

He spots a 'lava-fall' further in, and takes some time to just... take it in and appreciate it. "The Siege-engines likely left by the rival Khazadi." He adds as he steps out of the fortifications while keeping a close watch on his surroundings. Listening to any rumbling of the floor.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Perception: (4)+22: 26

The "Lava Fall" cascades down the rockface from a higher flow that plunges to depths unseen in the wall of the cavern. The scale of it is vast- made vaster still by the simulcrum of a starry sky overhead. Gazing out across the blazing lake of magma, there is a startling realization- a distant shore. The cavern extends further than the eyes can see, even illuminated brilliantly as it is by the magma and glowing mushrooms.

Perhaps more immediately pressing, however, is a much newer and more violent looking hole that seems to have been torn through the earth to the southwest. And due west, following the tracks- tracks which still have a small hand cart sitting on them- is a roughly hewn mineshaft that seems to curl and descend deeper into the earth.

No signs of the Worm present themselves yet, aside from the gaping hole in the ground which seems its likely leaving.

Harkashan rumbles, somewhat distraught. "Oh no, not another Minecart ride... I only barely survived the last one."

While the cart is just about big enough for one of them to ride in if they so desired, it's not big enough for all three. And unlike the last one on a higher level, it has no seats nor is it self-propelled. Really, more of a wheelbarrow on tracks than a proper minecart.

"That's quite the list... Makes me wonder what's so special about this place." Rune hesitates then, "Not that it isn't an interesting historical site, just... there is usually more to it if there's that much of a threat in the area."

Following the others out into the courtyard, she continues to hold her weapons at the ready. "I don't think we're going for a ride, here. Though it might be a good idea to follow the quite obvious trail we've been left."

"If we go down into the depths, we will have to be careful. The worm is likely far better suited to dig through and detect Lava. But if we end up within its tunnels - I recommend we try and avoid any sources of Lava or Magma."

"I think we should avoid any minecart joyrides for the time being if we can. I don't trust the tracks to support our weight, especially if they weren't made for people." Eztli suggests, interested in the strange mushrooms, but the destruction was much more of an immediate concern. "We've got a path to follow at least? As much as I'd like to have a picnic at a lava waterfall, the thlacos were already filling enough and best not to do that with the worm still here. Think it reuses tunnels it already made?"

Harkashan moves along the tracks to get a better look at the hole in the ground and what may exist beyond the bend. "That's a good question. I am uncertain." He answers Eztli. He'll need to think on that. In the meantime, with Eztli walking with him, he takes a moment to cast a spell of Freedom of Movement upon her as well as himself. "Rune, come on over for a bit so I can cast this on you?"

GAME: Harkashan casts Freedom of Movement. Caster Level: 14 DC: 21

GAME: Harkashan casts Freedom of Movement. Caster Level: 14 DC: 21

So far, there has been no sign of the worm at all- no rumbling of the ground, no sign of destruction caused by it aside from the gaping hole in the earth here, near the entrance to the mineshaft. If it is nearby, it is being surprisingly calm and quiet.

A closer look at the hole with the aid of Harkashan's light shows that it is not a sheer hole, but has sloping walls made of collapsed rubble leading to solid ground beneath.

The heat of the area is something Rune feels far more than her traveling companions. Sweat beads on her brow sa she looks around, letting out a huff of air. "Yeah, it's going to be a little rough for me down here, but I'll probably be able to manage."

At the invitation to approach, Rune walks over to Harkashan so that he can cast spells upon her, ones which tend to have a bit of a shadowy effect that is hard to see in the dim light. As if she were just a little more 'one' with the darker places. "I think following it's path is our only real option. Though I hope it gets us away from this heat." She wipes a sleeve across her brow.

GAME: Harkashan casts Freedom of Movement. Caster Level: 14 DC: 21

GAME: Eztli casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (2): 2

The minecart track takes a fairly steep right turn and descends on a steady slope downwards, deeper still into the bowels of the earth.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Athletics: (10)+0: 10

Harkashan, as always quick to move at the front, starts trying to head down the hole. "Should be fine. The footing is a bit awkward, but..." Followed by a series of rocks going tumbling, and Harkashan going right down with that! Scrape, tumble, until finally, plooph. As he lands at the bottom on his arse.

GAME: Rune takes ten on athletics: (10)+15: 25

"Thanks Harkashan, that'll help a lot." Eztli nods to the cleric, stopping just short of peering into the hole for a moment and snapping her fingers. Instead, multiple Eztlis flicker to life, with 6 moving to peer down the hole. "Is the heat bad? Sorry Rune, I didn't even notice." They apologize, before blinking and jumping down after the others, though Eztli has the benefit of not hitting the ground, wings catching the air and letting her drop safely onto the ground.

They find themselves in what appears to be a wormhole- the walls have that undulating, ridged pattern Harkashan recognizes from the wormholes up on the higher mine level. Branching off from it- or rather, intersected by it, are other narrower passages clearly hewn by sledge and pick.

The sound of Harkashan thumping to the bottom of the hole has Rune wincing, looking down over the edge as she calls, "You alright down there?" He has never exactly been the most graceful individual.

Choosing to be a bit more careful, Rune climbs down last, eventually hopping off the wall and dusting her hands off before grabbing for her blades. "Those wings must come in handy. Not... that I'm a huge fan of flying, but... it's nice."

Then, there is the task at hand. "So... follow the worm sign?" She motions for Harkashan to lead the way.

Harkashan finally gets back up, grumping something about his rump. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just my ego which got bruised." He answers Rune as he tries to get a better feel for the most recent Worm-sign and where it may be.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Survival+2: (19)+13+2: 34

"I smell something... north-east. We may be able to cut some corners here. The wider ones clearly made by the worm of course." He notes as he begins to... 'worm' his way north-east.

"Handy enough to have. You get used to the flying, and well, all the problems of having wings. Harkashan's lucky his are temporary." The Eztlis sigh in unison, taking a look around the tunnels and nodding at Harkashan's deductions. "Alright. Lead the way, Hark. I can't do too much if it gets the jump on me."

Following the tunnels further North, harkashan soon findss the minecart track again. His nose tells him to head further east- the smell is getting stronger. It is marginally cooler down here than next to the magma lake, but only marginally. Further down along the track there are signs of strange, organic material- looking like thick globs or strands of discolored silk that have hardened to a stone or chitin-like consistancy.

Harkashan starts heading eastwards, following his nose - and the pungent scent that keeps assaulting it. He remains on high alert throughout his slow march, ready to move.

"I think I'll always be one of those people who prefer my feet on the ground." Rune explains, even as she lowers her voice not to carry too far in the tunnels. Continuing out towards the minetrack, she looks around, or at least as far as she can in the darkness.

As Harkashan leads the way along the tracks, Rune trails behind, only stopping once the cleric does.

They find the minecart track once more- and can see backl the way it heads up the slope presumably back to the surface. Or rather, the surface of this other world deep underground. The scent grows stronger, and they all smell it now. It's acidic and ammonia, it burns the nostrils and causes the throat to itch. Finally, its source becomes clear. Plastered to the walls with that same, hardened, chitinous material are eggs. Clear, leathery sacks filled with viscous green fluid. Swimming in the fluid are myriad shadows flitting this way and that.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Knowledge/Nature: (8)+5: 13

Eztli follows up the rear, keeping an occasional eye on the path they were coming from. The smell didn't mean that the worm was down where they were going after all, it could simply be remains from a previous meal. Or, something else.

"Ah, gods damn it to the lower planes. One of these things is bad enough, if those mean more of them, then, I don't know." She considers, sounding pretty worried, and a hint disgusted.

Harkashan huffs, putting his hands at his hips. "It would take many years, I suspect, for these to grow the size of the problem worm. We may be able to leave these things be." He proposes to the rest of the group. "And I am uncertain how I feel about harming them to draw out their parent... or parents."

GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/nature: (11)+8: 19

"If there's eggs, that means there's at least two worms down here." Rune mutters, "And that's trouble enough." As she looks at them, the wheels in her mind turn, recalling some old stories about creatures such as these.

"So... these sort of worms are pretty territorial. They'll fight and kill one another, but the strongest will leave to find territory elsewhere. And they'll kill and eat anything they encounter on the way." Her lips press into a thin line, "Which means that leaving them, is just going to mean a problem for someone else down the line."

Eztli says, “And we all live for a long time. I don't want to deal with a problem later we can fix now. I don't really want to kill them all, but if they're just going to settle back here down the line, then we're just leaving a loose end for other people to be harmed by. Or more potential undead worms like not long ago." Eztli shudders. "Either we get rid of them now, or after we deal with the big worms, I'd say."”

Harkashan lets out a sigh, listening to the other two as they explain more about the situation. He nods his head. "Very well. Let us remove this group of eggs here permanently then. But be prepared for whatever might happen." He warns, as he brings out his Khopesh and Shield and prepares for trouble.

GAME: Eztli casts Fireball. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

GAME: Eztli rolls 11d6+11: (32)+11: 43

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (12)+14: 26

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (12)+12: 24

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (7)+12: 19

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

       Culix has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Culix to instruct you further. You may earn RPP by logging a scene for a GM.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


"Alright. I'm prepared, I, yeah, I'm prepared." Eztli nods, taking a few steps back. She flicks one hand to the side, causing flames to flicker and condense into a small bead. "Incinerate!" The sorceress hisses, causing the flames to flicker wildly before she hurls it down the tunnel, directly into where the eggs were, exploding into a short lived sea of flames.

Harkashan quickly moves forward in front of Eztli as planned, squinting, trying to see what lays beyond the eruption of flames. When identifying that some of them survived, he calls out; "Ready yourselves!"

There is an immediate, high-pitched screeching as dozens of tiny monstrosities are snuffed out by the wave of flame. But some survive the flames, and begin writhing and twisting their way out of the flames. Yet more, ignited, curl up into little black husks. The stench is horrendous- the boiling amniotic fluid and smouldering chitin releasing thick, foul smoke. The largest specimens flop around and then rear up as they slither out of the flames with the smaller worms following behind them in a matt of blind rage.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 26.

It is now Rune's turn! Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1 is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls Khopesh: aliased to weapon1-strength+wisdom: (16)+0+-1+7: 22

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (1)+14: 15 (EPIC FAIL)

The sight of the worm eggs and larva going up in smoke and fire is impressive, but the stench is what nearly has Rune gagging. The half-sil makes an unpleasant sound in her throat, and then uses her fingers to pull her mask up over her nose to try to drown out the worst of it. "Looks like someone of them survived!"

She calls out, moving close to the wall of the cave, readying her weapons and preparing for if the worms come closer towards her allies. "Keep your eyes and ears open. We may very well attract the parents with this fanfaire."

The squirming matt of nascent purple- really, more pink than purple at the moment- turn the floor of the cavern into an undulating, fleshy mass. They swarm towards Harkashan, and begin creeping up him, acidic spittle and tiny, sharp teeth seeking a way through his armor but finding none- for now.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Eztli's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (16)+12: 28

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (7)+12: 19

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (10)+14: 24

GAME: Eztli rolls 16d6: (53): 53

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Young Purple Worm 1 is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls Wisdom+Cleric: (8)+7+14: 29

GAME: Harkashan casts Archon's Aura. Caster Level: 14 DC: 20

GAME: Culix rolls 6: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Culix rolls 3: (17)+3: 20

GAME: Culix rolls 3: (5)+3: 8

"Was worried they might still be alive. Trust me on this Hark, I'm fairly certain I can get it by, just don't squirm too much."

Finding a spot where she could see past the cleric, the small makari's maw spills over with blue flames, that she blows out in a line that sears through the swarm of creatures and the larger worms, burning through some of the stone behind them as well.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 1's turn! Young Purple Worm 2 is next!

Even standing there amidst the swarm, with a layer of shining divine armor protecting his body, Harkashan stands stalwart. He swings his Khopesh at the creatures that swarm around him, knowing fully well that won't do too well. So instead he focuses on a spell, creating an Aura around him to weaken his foes. Managing to rumble out a deep song of mourning for these creatures as they climb and grab at him, sliding off of his armor each and every time.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1: (1)+21+1: 23 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Culix rolls 8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 2's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (2)+24: 26

GAME: Culix rolls 25: (11)+25: 36

One of the worms rears back and then plunges into the ground after the second surge of fire. There is a brief rumbling before it bursts forth, maw wide- needle like teeth five layers deep fill its circular mouth as it attempts to latch onto Eztli- but its attack fails to land, getting a mouth full of dirt and debris anyway. Which it swallows without hesitation.

Meanwhile, the other larger specimen rushes towards Harkashan biting at him, its stinger'd tail coiling around to attempt to slam into him at the same time- but the attacks glance off his sturdy armor and magical protections.


Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 26.

It is now Rune's turn! Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1 is next!

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (10)+21+1+2+-2: 32

GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-2: (5)+21+1+2+-2: 27

GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-7: (7)+21+1+2+-7: 24

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-7: (3)+21+1+2+-7: 20

GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (1)+3+(3)+(25): 32

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1's turn! Eztli is next!

As one of the larger worms appears right between herself and Eztli, Rune is surprised enough that the slice of her blade goes wide, causing her to back up against the wall. "Shit. Right, burrowing." She reminds herself.

Leaning into the attack, she uses the distraction that the smaller Makari provides as a means to lay in to the creature, blades striking out in quick succession. However, it seems that the hide is thick enough in multiple places that the blades barely scratch the surface, with only one digging in more substantially and finding the flesh beneath. "Tough hide on these fuckers."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Khopesh: aliased to weapon1-strength+wisdom: (7)+0+-1+7: 13

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (15)+14: 29

The roiling mass of tiny worms continues crawling up Harkashan, tiny teeth still probing at his armor. Dozens of them are shaken off by the violence of the Deathsinger's motions, but more still clamber on him to replace them. They are beggining to find their way into nooks and crannies in his armor, slimy flesh squirming against his scales in places.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Eztli's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Young Purple Worm 1 is next!

Harkashan continues to swipe at the Swarm of Purple Worms with his Khopesh, trying to get it to stop from approaching his allies. But he's having a hard time. He's not as skilled as Rune is with his blades. Partially because his blade is giving him a further defensive aura.

"Eztli! Start burning this swarm, or it's going to get through my armor. And I really don't want to start taking off my armor to find worms still stuck inside there!" He calls out to her.

At the call to get out of the way, he tries his best to get out of the way, ready to move back to shield the team with his body the moment her spell has been cast.

GAME: Eztli rolls 16d6: (52): 52

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (14)+14: 28

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (6)+12: 18

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 1's turn! Young Purple Worm 2 is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (18)+24: 42

GAME: Culix rolls 25: (16)+25: 41

GAME: Culix rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+12: (5)+12: 17

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 2's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24+2-2: (18)+24+2+-2: 42

GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+8: (3)+8: 11

"Yeah, just give me a moment, need a clear spot!" Eztli shouts, waiting to see if there was a clear area she could find. Once Hark was out of the way, the makari's maw is filled with blue flames again, sprayed out in another stream of fire that sears through more of the worms. This time however, the fire sputters out near the end. "Damn things are tough. Don't think I've got much more in me." The makari sputters, equally spent.

TThe worm between Eztli and Rune lashes out weith both ends, its maw clamping down on and bisecting one of her mirror images- a gruesome fate, if it weren't a mere illusion. At the same time, its barbed stinger lashes out and plunges into Rune's thigh. Her blood runs hot as its deadly poison is pumped into her veins, but the protective magics of their earlier meal neutralizes it before it is able to cause any lasting harm- aside from the puncture wound of the stinger itself.

Meanwhile, the other of the larger worms lets out another shrill squeal of equal parts pain and rage at being scorched again, and barrels headfirst into the wall. It chews its way through the stone as though it was not even there to circle around to chomp at Harkashan's blade arm, catching his shoulder and crunching metal and flesh alike, drawing blood.


Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 26.

It is now Rune's turn! Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1 is next!

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (19)+21+1+2+-2: 41 (THREAT)

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-2: (7)+21+1+2+-2: 29

GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-2: (10)+21+1+2+-2: 32

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2-7: (4)+21+1+2+-7: 21

GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-7: (6)+21+1+2+-7: 23

GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+1+2-7: (7)+21+1+2+-7: 24

GAME: Rune rolls damage1+damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (4)+3+(2)+3+(3)+(20): 35

GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (4)+3+(2)+(29): 38

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Larval Purple Worm Swarm 1's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Harkashan rolls Khopesh: aliased to weapon1-strength+wisdom: (19)+0+-1+7: 25

GAME: Harkashan rolls damage28-1: aliased to 1d8+2-1: (1)+2+-1: 2

GAME: Culix rolls 4d6: (15): 15

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Eztli's turn! Harkashan is next!

The lash of a stinger in her direction has Rune give a cry as it manages to catch her exposed arm, digging in to the flesh between lines of her tattoo. Thankfully, the earlier magic seems to ward off the poison that is obviously dripping from the wound, but the rogue hisses her displeasure, regardless. "Remind me that I owe you one, later." She calls to Harkashan.

Even after Eztli burns more of the smaller worms, Rune focuses on the one in front of her, continuing to slash at it. She digs two of her blades into the wound she'd already created, slicing downward and ripping a larger gash into the side of the creature.

The tiny worms, though their numbers are greatly thinned, have finally managed to work their way into the joints in Harkashan's armor and begin the busy work of burrowing into his flesh. Biting their way through scale and drawing blood from a dozen tiny wounds.

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Young Purple Worm 1 is next!

GAME: Culix reverses the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Eztli's turn! Harkashan is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (9)+24: 33

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (8)+24: 32

GAME: Eztli casts Fireball. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29

GAME: Eztli rolls 10d6+10: (35)+10: 45

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: Culix rolls 12: (16)+12: 28

GAME: Culix rolls 14: (18)+14: 32

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Young Purple Worm 1 is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 1's turn! Young Purple Worm 2 is next!

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Young Purple Worm 2's turn! Rune is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (17)+24: 41

GAME: Culix rolls 25: (19)+25: 44

GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+12: (7)+12: 19

"Just need another opening, gonna send this down the tunnel, should be safe on one of the sides hark!" Eztli shouts, waiting again for an opening, much more hurried than last time as there is a large worm in their face that just crushed one of the mirrored Eztlis. She's able to focus long enough to summon another bead of flames, hurling it down the hall just far enough to where it burst into flames that spilled down the tunnel, ending just shy of Rune and the sorceress, Harkashan spared by the alcoves on the side. the swarm of worms and one of the larger ones were not so lucky.

"Do not yet give up, Tepitsin ketsalkuetspallin." Harkashan calls to Eztli as the small winged Sith-makar manages to belch out even further flames. Even as another worm gets through and manages to get him with its stinging bite! Grimacing for a moment, but those 'divine thacos' ensure that no poison gets into his veins. His shoulder crushed beneath the bite, but he doesn't give more than a whincing sound.

The swarming creatures have started to get through his barrier, and Harkashan is cutting at them. Managing to catch a small one. But most of them are too slimy for him to get his blade into! "You can make it up to me right now by taking out these worms!" He answers -- "Ow, shit, ow! They're in my armor!"

Harkashan gets out of the swarm quick-like to give the winged one another chance, then gets back into position again, shield at the ready. Slapping away the Purple Worms that try to bite at him, giving the other two a bit more ability to move around!

Upon felling two of the worms, Harkashan positions himself between the remaining one and his allies, clanking his sword against his shield to try and disorient it.

More flames wash over the worms, charring the remaining small worms to a crisp and one of the larger ones ruptures and crumbles from the shockwave. The remaining one rears back and lunges in a furious assault on Harkashan. Its teeth dig deep into the Sith-Makar, and its tail coils around to repeatedly jab at him until its stinger plunges between the plates of his armor and perforates his flesh.


Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 26.

It is now Rune's turn! Eztli is next!

GAME: Culix rolls 24: (16)+24: 40

GAME: Culix rolls 2d8+8: (13)+8: 21

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (7)+21+1+2: 31

GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (1)+3+(4)+(28): 36

GAME: Culix advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 8.

It is now Eztli's turn! Harkashan is next!

Seeing the remaining worm attacking Harkashan, Rune throws caution to the wind and rushes into the fray. As it sweeps past, she is struck along her side, digging teeth marks into her leathers and into some of the flesh underneath, but it doesn't slow her progress. Sliding to the other side of Harkashan, she stabs upwards, driving her blades into the underbelly of the creature, slicing a significant gash that covers her in more than a fair bit of worm blood.

GAME: Eztli casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+10+1: (20)+10+1: 31

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+10+1: (10)+10+1: 21

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+10+1: (11)+10+1: 22

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+10+1: (17)+10+1: 28

GAME: Eztli rolls 4d6+4: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Eztli rolls 4d6+4: (14)+4: 18

Eztli, now given some (albeit quite smelly) breathing room, was free to focus on the last remaining threat at the moment. The small makari snaps her fingers, conjuring a trio of flaming spears, each of which streak past harkashan, slamming into the remaining snake, though one bounces off, dissipating into nothingness. One of them however manages to burn completely through the body of the worm, leaving it in two distinct, unmoving segments.

"I really hope that was the only set of eggs those things laid." Eztli sighs. "You both alright?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls 9d6: (31): 31

Pushing herself to her feet, Rune shakes off her swords and her arms and her... everything. "I'm fine. Most of this is worm blood." The half-sil looks around, "We should definitely check the place out, see if we can find any more eggs or adults." She looks around, ears perked for any additional sounds of enemy forces.

Harkashan puffs, with the battle wrapping up. He's clearly bleeding, but some of that bleeding quickly begins to stop as he casts a quick spell. A wave of healing energy ringing outwards to the group, knitting up flesh and cleaning wounds. "I'm alright. But we should not lose our focus. I've been keeping my miracles back in preparation for the big guy. But let's hope it doesn't have more friends at this rate."

And as though on queue, there is a distant rumbling. It starts as a sensation more than a sound, low and far- but powerful. And slowly begins to rise in timbre until pebbles underfoot are vibrating and the sound shakes the bones from toes to scalp.

Something is coming. Something big.