Whatamelons and Wanderers

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 15:58, 6 June 2024 by Petros (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon</pre> One of the bartenders had been missing for little while now, having had duty call once more. Not that such absence would abate the popular bathhouse/restaurant's popularity. Especially when the weather is mild, and with tournaments kicking back up, there's far more guests than usual. A rainbow beribboned, rust red and white Egalrin woman lazily, almost listlessly drifts through the front door, her using an incredibly oversized s...")
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		The TarRaCe, Late Afternoon

One of the bartenders had been missing for little while now, having had duty call once more. Not that such absence would abate the popular bathhouse/restaurant's popularity. Especially when the weather is mild, and with tournaments kicking back up, there's far more guests than usual.

A rainbow beribboned, rust red and white Egalrin woman lazily, almost listlessly drifts through the front door, her using an incredibly oversized sewing needle as a walking stick. Her footsteps slip past the busy environ, not noticing, or not aware of the near collisions she has.

Something seems to click as Slixvah stops. Looks around. Blinks. "... when da heck did I get here? I thoughts I was still sleepins...?" she muses, bewildered.

The Goblin works at almost manic levels, pouring out drinks and delivering them to customers along the bar, while servers come with trays and more orders to be filled. The kitchen is noisy, the chefs digging at each other as is their wont.

But, as the Egalrin awakens further, finding herself in the TarRaCe, the pool-shark appears before her. Hands on hips. Tail swishing back and forth under her long skirt. She peers up at Slixvah, expectantly.

A familiar form appears in the TarRaCe just behind the Egalrin, peacock riding on her shoulder. She walks in slowly, looking around at the place and seeking changes that happen with time. But she stops short of the feathered one and clasps her hands together and smiles at both Slixvah and Irshya. "Sleeping? Sleeping should be done in ones bed rather then on ones feet. But that's just my opinion."

Slixvah rubs at her eyes, looking well rested and in a rather good mood, just discombobulated. Her gaze eventually finds Irshya staring up at her. The egalrin gives a closed eye smile. "Mornin' hon! Er- evenin'!" Pause. Then pulls Irshya in a side hug, ruffling her hair. "I gaves you a letter I was doin' shtuffs, don' get fussy now!"

With the pool-shark in tow, Slixvah whirls around to face the new voice. Eyes linger on the fancy bird, a coo of appreciation leaving her before she quips, "Oh now I totes agree, but I've been in dreams fo' a hot minute so its a lil' hard ta figure out when I'm awake. Now ain' in my getup fo' mannin' th' bar, but can I getchu somethin' when I get there?" she asks, treating the woman as a patron.

Irshya huffs and grumbles, but allows herself to be pulled into a hug. It slightly mollifies her. "That still doesn't mean I don't worry.", she complains. As she's wheeled around, her ears are already upright, and upon seeing Sabina, she gasps, her smile fast.

Wiggling free of the Egalrin's hug, she launches herself at the bird-bearing woman, hugging at her waist and burying her face in her 'Bina's stomach.

"Bina Bina!"

Bina is chuckling and then laughing once she is beset with the goblinette. She returns the hug and leans down to put a kiss on the top of Irshya's head. This forces the peacock to have to move, which he does after voicing complaint. The bird hops down and starts looking around the tables for dropped bits of tasty things.

Bina straightens and turns her smile to Slixvah. "Please. I'd love a good red wine. It's been far too long since I've had a good one. The swill that some folks offer on the road is awefull. And I know Irshya offers the good stuff."

Then back to the goblin, "Hello, Shya. I've missed you."

"Worryin' is jus' fine. I'm alive!" Slixvah winks at Irshya before her brows shoot up at the reunion. She offers a soft smile, along with a subtle bow at the waist. "One Zalmar Vintage coming right up," she hums, taking the moment to excuse herself and fulfill the order.

The peacock gets a few handfuls of berries and seeds that are dropped out of the passing egalrin, the apparently bartender giving them a quieting chirp as she disappears behind the metal bar.

The Goblin has burst into tears. "I worry for both of you, and you both vanish for little eternities." Sabina is hugged at length, but she releases the woman, to chase after the Egalrin. Who gets another hug before she can get around the back of the bar.

Irshya snuffles and sighs, pulling herself away long enough to serve a few more customers, and fill another tray. "I've missed you, too, Sabina. It was been a while since you've visited. I hope we find you healthy and happy!" The Goblin's mood begins to lift, and she looks to Slixvah. "As are you, I hope? No wounds or ailments? Something that needs tending?"

As one does in the evening, one ruddy sith-makar steps into the bar, one flaming glaive raised high. Well, it wasn't on fire. Not yet. Might be soon. Aelwyn gives his shoulders a roll and adjusts the red cloak pinned to one side, under his shoulder pauldron, and starts tp walk towards the bar.

"Ribbon! Sharkie, Stranger!" The ruddy draconian greets everyone in turn, flashing his teeth in that distinctly macabre way. "Are there any juicy new drinks?" He asks with a flicker of his tongue as he seats himself, eyes towards Slixvah. "Something the pretty wings can work up with their hands?"

Bina moves along in the wake of Irshya at a more calm pace, noting that Emp (the peacock) seems contented for the time being as patrons gawk at him or comment. That and he's been fed proper fare from a suitable source. The lord emperor struts about and eats as if he owned the place.

Bina snorts at her bird and then sits at the bar, "I'm well enough, Shya. I found my feet carrying me here a week or two ago and then started counting how long I'd been away. Made me hurry a little faster."

She turns to take in the new voice and smiles to the Sith, offering a friendly wave.

"Das part of doin' what we do, honey," Slixvah intones, returning the squeeze before she's briefly gone.

A human woman in a red vest with black slacks, long red hair and a wide grin returns. "One Zalmar Vintage," she hums, blue eyes bright as she extends a tray with a single glass of red wine towards Sabina. "I'm hale, sugar. Spent a lil' time in dream land, gotta get back in real land fo' a bit ta equalize it. Been away a bit? If I'm ta be honest, I'm right sure we ain't met." Amused by the emperor moving about and doing as he wished.

Not-Slixvah whips her head around at hearing that voice. "Flutter!" she cheers. "Yeah, I had an idea while we was in Lala land, don' worr' I gotchu'!" She scuttles behind the bar, making a racket with whatever concoction she's working on.

"Stranger?" The Goblin crosses her arms and stares at Aelwyn. "This is Sabina, one of the three founders of the TarRaCe! She is no stranger, and her god watches over us." Irshya gestures up at the three statues above, Tarien, Rada and Ceinara. She looks to Not-Slixvah, and snorts, before the pool-shark moves to settle at the bar next to Sabina. Looking from Sabina to Slixvah and back again, she nods. "I know, your paths take you away from here. But I will worry and I will be sad. Until you return." A long sigh is let out. "Both of you, tell me of your travels. Please?"

Aelwyn makes a face at the mention of the 'La La" land. "Please, this one is still trying to wrap one's head around the simplest of concepts after." But he was happy to watch the not-Slixvah work on the drink - before Irshya turns up on him.

Straightening and holding up his hands, he attempts to placate the angry goblin. "Everyone is a Stranger until they are not!" He replies, "It is not a slight, but the way it is." Eyes turning towards Sabina, he flashes his teeth and then bows his head. "Aelwyn, a Dragoon." He straightens, "This one is glad to meet one of the founders that do not bite."

Bina takes the offered glass from Slixvah with a grateful nod of her head. It is them immediately sipped and enjoyed. Very much enjoyed if her response to the taste is correctly read.

A hand touches Irshya's back and rubs gently. A touch to remind herself she's back in this place once more.

Aelwyn gets a grin and then a laugh. "Who said I didn't bite?" ,she says playfully. "Though I know Shya likes to nibble now and again. Peace on your nest, Aelwyn. And I will tell you a tale or two. But they're not as adventurous as the time I spent here in the city. No demons or vampires or deadly slime epidemics. Not even a jaunt through a sewer."

Now that got the bartender to straighten up. "Oh! One of da founders- Goodness, where is my manners!" Not-Slixvah steps up on a stool meant for the shortfolk to get some height over the bar. "Allow me ta introduce m'yself! One da best-y, easy ta impress me, th' name's Slixvah Unmesi~!" she finishes with a flourish and a bow, grinning from ear to ear. "Hah! You missed out on a lot of nibbling then!" She snaps a finger. "Shoo-. No sewer jaunt? Das defacto!"

She hops down, resuming her work with a snort towards Aelwyn. "We was in literal dream land," Human-Slix elaborates to Irshya, gesturing towards Aelwyn before the hand flicks back, a spectral third hand appearing and assisting with juicing watermelon slices. "Helpin' undo some bad shtuff with Rune's momma. That stuff was...." her work pauses. Looks off to the stage, and shakes her head, resuming. "Ain' no fun. But, we gots her momma saved, we all got out, everyone's all aight now." Several other spirits are added, topped with white wine and mint. And is slid over to Aelwyn. "A Whatamelon," she grins.

Aelwyn gets the frowning of a lifetime from the Goblin, "Well, now you know. And how do you know she doesn't bite? And very often you deserve the bite." Her arms cross, and she turns to Sabina. She looks a little pouty, but also relieved, to hear that Sabina's journey of late has been mostly danger-free. "I am happy you have returned, Sabina. Would you like to uhm... work here again?" Irshya's expression is hopeful. "Like old times?"

Slixvah's tale has her pouting again, "No one told me, I'd have helped out. Rune's a good person, she only need ask..." She lets out a little sigh, before the little smile returns. "I am happy you have both made it back, I hear dreams are dangerous, if you get lost you might never find your way out."

Aelwyn -carefully- reaches over to pat Irshya on the shoulder. "She cannot be everywhere at once," He tells her. "Besides, she had the... Lupcy...tell... Avalons and Lava for backup!" He flashes his teeth and straightens. "... it was not a pleasant dream, anyway." He adds with a lower rumble.

The other not-so-bitey owner gets a look from Aelwyn he lets out a low rumble. "Who said this was against a little biting?" He asks with a macabre grin, before turning back towards the bar and the... "What, a melon?" He asks, obviously very confused. He holds up the drink carefully, giving it a bit of a sniff - then shoves the glass into his jaw in that makari fashion and gulps. "Ah-ha! Summer!"

The priestess of Tarien lifts a finger an boops Irshya lightly on the nose with it. "I may come back to work here, as long as you remain in charge, Irshya. Tarien has been pulling my feet this way and that. The itch to be on the road was bad. It's calmed but i don't want to leave you in the lurch if I suddenly disappear again." She sighs but still smiles and takes a sip from the wine before nodding to Slixvah/Not-Slixvah. "A pleasure to meet you. No need for any special treatment. As a co-founder I dumped all the responsibilities into Irshya's lap and went off walking. I think it's been two years ago now?" And Aelwyn gets a raspberry in response before he drinks his whatamelon.

Bartender Slix gives Irshya a lopsided smile as she's cleaning up the mess and taking orders on the side. "It was handled, sugar. Like Aelwyn says, can't be everywhere. If ya wanna do somethin', make th' TarRaCe experience fo' her and her momma a killer one."

She shakes her head at Aewlyn's antics, only to pause as he takes a large gulp of it. "... I am right glad ya like it, Flutter, but careful! It hides how much spirits in it!"

At the prospect of a new coworker, Human-Slixvah grins. "I'll give ya th' special introduction outta respect, but th' special treatment comes later!" she teases.

The Goblin clicks her teeth together at Aelwyn. "I can so! Don't tell me what I can or cannot do, I will not have it." She breathes noisily out her nose, and looks to Slix. "Slivvie, I want one of what he has." Irshya's voice takes on a sing-song tone to it, and she points at the whatamelon. "The what a melon? drink."

The pool-shark sticks her tongue out then, at Sabina, attempting to lick the finger that boops her nose. "I wasn't suggestin' I'd leave, but uhm... it would be nice to have you back for a time. Remind me to have a chat with Tarien a bit, when judgement is passed on me. I will bite him."

The drink gets mostly finished and Aelwyn picks up the glass, letting out an exhale in satisfaction. "Ah, but this one is always in good spirits." The draconian replies to Slixvah, "Why bother hiding it?" He shakes the glass some more, then swallows the rest of it. "Besides, after all that has gone - a little good cheer shan't go a miss."

Turning towards Sabina, he tilts his head, causing the red ribbons off his horns fall to that side. "So what does she do? Besides answer the call of the road and keep Sharkie in check." He flashes his teeth.

Bina laughs softly at Irshya and shakes her head. "He may like being bit or even bite back. Or you might bite down and taste something awefull. The Lord of laaughter, tricks and wisdom is like that." She looks at both Slixvah and Aelwyn and smirks. "I get into trouble. That's what I do. If you don't believe me you can ask Irshya. She's seen all the trouble I've gotten into. Some that even urged my feet down the road. And besides Tarien's call I answer to magic as well. Mystic Theurge, though not as talented as some that reside in the city. Or did when I left anyway."

"I'm tellin' ya too, hon," Slix coos. "You'll run ya'self ragged. But-" She grins, getting started on another replica of the complicated drink. "One Whatmelon comin' up fo' th' Boss!"

She lulls her eyes to the side, fixing Aelwyn with a partially amused, partially deadpan stare. "'cause dealin' wit' a drunk you at th' start of a shift ain' easy. Drunk you after a shift is way better, das why." The spectral hand wags a finger at Aelwyn before finishing with a poke to his forehead.

She finishes the drink, topping it with white wine and mint leaves again, snorting at Irshya as she clearly agrees with Sabina. Though the topic of magic comes up, and Sabina has the bartender's full attention. "Oooh. Now /das/ really neat, shug!" she grins. "A Tarienite wit' magic is right rife fo' a lotta fun! I kno' a lil' of my own mojo, so I get it!"

"But I have a secret weapon that even Gods may fear.", the Goblin pronounces. "And I'd just be bitin'. No need to taste a God." She makes a face. "I'm not trying to get a taste for someone's blood, you know?" She lets out a lengthy sigh, and quickly drains down the Whatamelon, fairly literally pouring it down her throat. "Mmmh, refreshing! But! I have to start draining the water out of the pools. Bina, you're welcome to food and drink, and to use the little staff bedroom in the back, and enjoy any of the TarRaCe's amenities. We even have a magic shoppe!" Irshya points to Fidget's little store, nestled in the wall underneath the upper seating area. Slix, if you need to duck out, Kravia will take over at the bar. Aelwyn... don't drink too much."

With a wave, the Goblin runs off.

Aelwyn spreads his arms at Slixvah, making a face at the face poke. "Tch, but this one is worth the effort, is he not?" He flashes his teeth, but he finishes up his glass and then somewhat steadily gets back up to his feet. "This one shall continue on as well - enjoy the shift, Ribbon." He grins, then bows his head towards Sabina. "It was a pleasure. May the TarRaCe serve her well." He adds, before he wanders away with a lazy rolling gait.

Slixvah chuckles at Irshya as she slinks off. "I think its high time I gave Kravia a break," she hums after her before winking at Aelwyn. "You are. After when I'm not juggling' fifteen orders in m'noggin'."

She turns back to Sabina, and gives a wide, winning smile. "So. Let's get ya feet cooled off after all travelin'. The menu's changed a lot, lets see what suits ya fancy!"