A Comely Seeming, Part 3

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Log Info

  • Title: A Comely Seeming, Part 3
  • Place: In the woods near a small village, outside Alexandria
  • Summary: A number of young women have gone missing in recent months from the rural communities surrounding Alexandria. After one comes back under suspicious circumstances, adventurers find out it's a Blood Hag and fight her, then go looking for the rest of the coven before they attack the village again.

Rune has returned to the group to relay what she has seen in the cave to them in hushed words. For the time being, it seems as though none of the beasts guarding the entrance nor the women inside have noticed the group. Some of the protective magics they used on themselves in the village prior to confronting "Ayesha" are still faintly shimmering around their forms, but some of those protections have waned during the journey, and some are soon to perish, too.

As the goblin returns with Rune, having snuck some of the way in, but stopping before the troll party, Fidget frowns "I'm not sure...but the troll over by the hounds looks similar enough to the Farrier to be related, and if I recall correctly, Hag Covens can work together to cast a Reincarnation spell, which would raise the dead but as a random species. There's a good chance that troll is the Farrier's dead son, with all his memories, but with the troll temperament and hunger. And he looks *hungry*. We could...attempt to engage with him, and that would even the odds significantly if he could be reasoned with. But we'd lose the element of surprise, and who knows how far gone he is, since he's helping the people who flayed his wife." Fidget pauses, considering, "Also, I could try to charm him, but that could go either way, and it would technically be enchanting people against their will - which I'm told is inconsiderate!" Fidget says that last bit, giving Harkashan a bemused look - who was being stuffy about that whole thing before.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive: (8)+19: 27
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Just sensing Fidget's bemused look"
<OOC> Fidget says, "She's teasing him, she *sorta* gets his point, but she also thinks it was the right thing to do in the circumstances."

Harkashan rumbles, spotting that look on Fidget's face. He blows a bit of smoke from his nose and remarks; "This situation is different." He notes, before adding that "It's possible it is affected by more than that resurrection spell. Still, I can try speaking to it." He then looks towards the troll and the hounds he can see from here. "It'll be troublesome if the Hags interfere during it. I will step forward while you folk hide in the greenery. I will try to speak to the troll while distracting it. If it attacks, it puts you folk in a better position. And it may be far enough away from the Hags that we at least are given a bit more time."

With the odds distinctly not in their favor when it comes to enemies, Rune drops back into a crouch, looking a little anxious as Fidget reports their own findings. "The troll and the hounds, I think we can deal with easily enough. If we add the hags to the mix, it might be a bit rough." She looks to the others, head slightly cocked, "Any ideas as to how we might lure the guards out and engage them without the not-so-fair ladies inside joining the fight?" Then, with a slight look of uncertainty, she looks to Fidget. "The hags already killed his wife, ressurected him as a monster... I can't imagine he's going to trust the people who murdered the woman wearing her skin and likely playing that role." With Harkashan being quite so willing to act as a distraction, Rune curses softly under her breath. "Sure. If that's the plan. Just don't get yourself killed."

Aelwyn also makes his way back, not daring to risk the trip further like the more sneaky ones of them do. Even if his autumn scales would have blended with the surroundings - would they really? "Hmmh. The odds do seem against us - and the contract was not to kill them." Turning his head towards Harkashan, the short ruddy sith-makar rumbles quietly in amusement. "Talk sweet words in their ears in the way a Deathsinger can." His tail makes a motion and he cants his head towards Rune briefly in a playful fashion. "This one is certain deadlier looks have been given to Lava, and only some of them nice." He then turns to address Fidget. "Is she spent?"

Harkashan smiles to Rune; "Don't worry. I'll be careful. And besides..." A bigger smile, warmly and trustingly looking at her. "I've got you to back me up. I'm safe as long as you're near." He croons to her with ever the sweet tone. He then begins to walk forwards. "I'm going to speak to the troll." He runs his tail along Rune's legs and Aelwyn's tail, and marches while raising his hand to get the Troll's attention. "Todd. Son of Derrek. I wish to speak to you." Harkashan rumbles at enough volume it'd only reach the troll's ears. That, and probably his hounds.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (18)+16: 34
<OOC> Fidget says, "The rest of us are going to set up in stealth to be ready to attack if things go poorly."
<OOC> Rune says, "Move Rune along with , a bit away from the non-stealthy others so if they get spotted she has less chance of being spotted. In stealth."

As soon as Harkashan steps forwards, the hounds immediately begin snarling and pulling at their leads. The troll, who had been sitting on a rock, stands up to look the way they are pulling. Fidget's assessment seems right on the money- now it's been mentioned, the family resemblance is plain to see. As is the fact this particular troll is malnourished verging on starving. A sunken abdomen and skin stretched tight over ribs. As soon as he sees Harkashan he rises from his seat, but the name gives him a moment of puzzlement and he yanks harshly on the chains holding back the troll hounds. They continue to strain against their yokes, the spikes in their iron collars digging into their throats and drawing blood- but the wounds rapidly closing around the spikes only to be opened up once more by their struggle. "Wot?" the troll says then, taking one step closer. "I dun know you." he adds, tone suspicious, slurred around unfamiliar pointed teeth, but not immediately hostile. The hounds, however, look poised and ready to tear Harkashan apart given the opportunity, pink foam spilling from the corner of their mouths.

GAME: Rune rolls stealth+4+2: (8)+19+4+2: 33
GAME: Aelwyn rolls stealth: (6)+3: 9
GAME: Fidget rolls stealth: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Subduction rolls 11: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Subduction says, "With the distance you're currently at, you manage to remain undetected."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Ties go to the perceiver in stealth. But you're more than 30' away and have cover."
<OOC> Rune says, "Rune will creep as close sa she can while still under cover and crouch in wait to see how Hark's conversation goes. I'll pose that."
<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll move north as far as I can. ._."

After Harkashan moves towards the trolls, Fidget takes out and checks her dragonspitter is loaded, and ruffles around in her frills for a small magical orb, then creeps into the bushes to stay at a safeish distance while being ready to support. She trips on something on the way over and makes a little noise, but it's covered by the ambient sounds of the forest. When Rune doubtless looks back at her poor stealth skills, she shrugs sheepishly, and takes more care moving forward.

<OOC> Fidget says, "I'll be in the bushes."

"You'll be eating those words if you do end up troll-hound chow." Rune whispers before she seemingly accepts Harkashan's reassurances. He is a cleric, faith comes with the territory, while Rune is more cautious when it comes to their tense situation. Even so, she slides into the shadows, seeming to meld with them as they swollow her. "I'll be right behind." It is one last, phantom whisper before she is gone, likely following after Harkashan but somewhere unseen in the shadows of the trees. How she moves around is freaking creepy at times. "Better not speak of eating and troll-hound chow, Twin," Aelwyn tells the rogue before patting her ankles with his own tail. There's a moment as he watches her disappear in interest, but then duty calls. He slides into the bushes himself - and as expected, it was not easy to play a moving bush when one didn't know whole lot about stealth. Still, he manages to make his way between Fidget and Rune, eyeing the large sith-makar and troll having their conversation.

"That's right. You do not know me. But I know /of/ you." Harkashan answers, halting, and touching a hand to his chest. "Careful not to get too close. I have a warding spell on me. It may affect your hounds and scare them." He then remarks, making sure that Aura around him won't come to harm them. "I am Death Singer Harkashan. I came to check up on you. Your father was under the impression you'd died." He explains to him. "Or so he told us. We've been searching the forest for the reason so many village people have been disappearing. And it looks like we've found the reason to be a group of Hags." He glances towards the cave. Then, back to Todd. "I know this shape of yours is not your natural born form. I am not confident I could change you back myself. But I might be able to return you to your father, and out of the control of the Hags within that cave. If you would permit me to do so." He bids. He then reaches into the bag he carries with him. "I can also provide you at least with some food to get over your hunger. It is clear you are being kept here without respect."

The baying of the Trollhounds is cut into choking noises as they strain against their yokes. The chains are wrenched back by Todd the Troll once more, with enouch force to send one of the hounds sprawling with a yelp. He takes another step closer to Harkashan. "Died?" he asks then, and looks down at himself, confusion writ on his monstrous features. "Yeah, got sick." he says then. "Ayesha brought me back. Ayesha is nice. She doesn't hit Todd. The other ladies hit Todd. Ayesha gives Todd meat. Wheres Ayesha?" he asks then, brows furrowing. "She went away. Didn't come back yet. Todd real hungry." he says, and wipes drool from the corner of his mouth on the back of his free arm. How do you tell something this? "Ayesha was... killed, by the ladies in there." That much, he believes to be true. "Then one of the ladies pretended to be Ayesha, and resurrected you just so she can have you guard her cave while she's out there." He pauses for just a moment, then adds; "We found her in the village. I am certain she was going to eat Derrek and the rest of the villagers." He explains. He then pulls some dried meats he always carries with him, and throws it with an underhanded throw towards Todd; "Catch!" Giving him some food to eat. "I know this is hard to hear. But those ladies that have been hitting you, they killed Ayesha. And then they made a fool out of you, one of them pretending to be nice and faking being Ayesha." Harkashan lowers his head, showing a posture of respect and sorrow, laying his hands together. "I'm sorry Todd. But we did save your father at least."

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy+2: (17)+16+2: 35

The tension seems to rise in Rune's form, muscles tight as she waits patiently in the shadows. She has to trust that he will figure a way to talk things through with the creature that was once Todd, or may still be. As the creature asks about where Ayesha is, her body coils, ready to strike if there is the slightest sign that things are not going their way. For now, she lets Harkashan weave his tale. We shall see what comes of it.

As the meat is thrown for him, one of the sharling hounds goes for it. Todd kicks the hound hard in the ribs, hard enough to send it crashing to the ground and he reaches down to snatch up the meat, swallowing it without even chewing. "Nu-uh. Ayesha was here. Ayesha gave Todd meat." he sniffs a couple of times. "People meat." he adds then, "Todd knows. Todd could smell it." he says then, his expression twisted into something difficult to discern. Hunger is there, pride too in his ability, but also disgust. "Dad ok?" He asks then. "Todd wanted to go home. Ayesha said it was no good. Todd was too big and stupid to go home now. Todd has to stay in the cave." he says then. He looks back towards the cave for a moment. "Todd supposed to shout if he sees people." he says then. "Todd sometimes sees the ladies. They bring people here. Todd smells the meat, but only Ayesha gives Todd meat." he confides. Aelwyn holds onto his glaive as he remains on his feet, one hand onto the ground. Orange eyes continued to stare out at the scene; but there was very little else for him to do than trust Harkashan to somehow get through to this troll. And give moral support. His red ribbons flutter a bit in the wind.

"Do you really think the previous Ayesha would have ever given you people meat?" Harkashan asks Todd. He sighs, crossing his arms slightly and leaning to the side. "Dad is okay. And I think if I carefully talk to your dad, you can meet him again. I may also be able to find magicians who can bring you back to your previous form." He then adds; "I am pretty sure your dad will give you meat. Not people meat. But animal meat."

Todd has to think about that for a long time, the facts clashing against the narrative he's been fed for the past several months- if he was brought back not long after he died. The Hounds continue to slaver and strain against their cruel collars. "No. Ayesha wouldn't give Todd people meat. Ayesha would give Todd animal meat." he agrees then, finally. "The ladies are bad? They brought Todd back." he says then, clearly still conflicted. "Todd does want to see dad. But Todd so hungry. And Todd likes people meat." he says then, and this time the anguish is clear in his voice. "Todd is bad now." he utters, dejected. He looks back towards the cave. "Did... did Ladies make Todd bad?" he asks Harkashan.

"I know it's hard, Todd." Harkashan nods his head, regretful. "They made Todd's hunger into a bad hunger. Todd isn't bad, but they made pieces and parts of you bad." He explains to him. "After all, you are talking to me, aren't you? You still want to see dad, because you love dad, right? You don't want to eat dad. So... you are still good inside of there, Todd." Harkashan rumbles to him. He's trying his best not to look at the Hounds. Todd has them under control. "Let me and my friends deal with the bad Ladies, Todd. It's okay if you don't want to hurt them. I will understand. I am sure your dad would want to make sure you don't get hurt."

Fidget quietly cheers for Harkashan in her head, it seems to be going well, and the creature is showing more of its former human mind than she'd expected, intriguing her about how the spell works - she'll have to investigate that later. Of course, that would mean reading a book by a druid, and they were *the most* boring writers, at least Clerics understood pacing and made stuff up to make their gods seem cooler.

Todd nods his head. "Todd loves Dad." he agrees then, "Todd doesn't want to eat dad. But Todd gets angry. And Todd so hungry. Todd always hungry." he laments. He looks back into the cave once more, before looking back to Harkashan. "Todd hold doggies." he says then. "The doggies obey bad ladies. Sometimes they bite Todd, but Todd bite them back." he says then. With both hands, he grips the bundle of chains, and begins dragging the three dogs away from the cave mouth.

<OOC> Subduction says, "So, Todd is helping you out. The hounds are still openly hostile towards you, but he seems strong enough to hold onto them for now."

"Thanks Todd. Be careful, okay? We'll be back soon after we deal with the bad ladies. And after that, I will do whatever I can to help you not be so hungry and angry anymore." He remarks to the massive Troll. "Just step back a bit further so my magic doesn't touch you." He then remarks, before he motions to the team and begins to move towards the cave mouth in order to deal with the Hags.

When it seems that the troll and the hounds are being lead away, Rune slowly moves out of the shadows, though they seem to cling to her ever so briefly as she makes herself visible. There is still a wary look cast towards Todd and the hounds, but she focuses on the task at hand. "I hope you can keep your promises." She murmurs. "Let's get going. We've still got a fight on our hands." With her two blades held at her sides, Rune moves with the rest of the group. "They're bound to have magic so... we might not want to group too close together."

Slipping out from the bushes, Fidget gives Todd a smile and a wave as he walks away, before falling in behind Harkashan as they move to deal with the Hags. "Well done! I'm sure his dad will be thrilled if we can find a way to get him restored." she says, though the process as she understands it, will involve killing him once more - that's not going to be an easy discussion. Then she falls back a little, she does not want to be the one who gets spotted first, and yeah, they shouldn't stick too close together.

<OOC> Fidget says, "I'd like to roll knowledge on the hags, based on what Rune's told us about them."
GAME: Fidget rolls knowledge/nature: (19)+9: 28

Aelwyn looks over Todd briefly, but then he is soon running behind Harkashan, wasting little time. A model of efficiency, when need be. "Promises can be a strong currency." The draconian rumbles, "This one will keep in step with their faces." He slides his glaive out, giving his body a brief stretch and relief; and a final tightening up of the straps and chain shirt he was wearing.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
	Subduction has dropped a TIMESTOP!
GAME: Subduction rolls 18: (6)+18: 24
<OOC> Subduction says, "The hags don't spot Rune, but they do spot everyone else."
<OOC> Rune says, "Move me to the spot two south of Hark"
<OOC> Subduction says, "The rocks provide some cover so you can remain in stealth."
It is now Rune's turn! Harkashan is next!
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Move me to the center of that AoO"
<OOC> Rune says, "Holding to go after Hark."
It is now Harkashan's turn! Annis Hag is next!
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Then I'll cast Spiritual Ally behind the Biggin' Hag."
GAME: Harkashan casts Spiritual Ally. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit: aliased to bab+wisdom: (14)+6+5: 25
GAME: Harkashan rolls WisHit-5: aliased to bab+wisdom-5: (12)+6+5+-5: 18
<OOC> Subduction says, "One hit."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10+3: (9)+3: 12
<OOC> Harkashan says, "For 12 damage."
It is now Rune's turn! Annis Hag is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "I need a spell penetration roll."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Wisdom+9: (11)+5+9: 25
<OOC> Subduction says, "That'll do it."

As Harkashan steps in through the mouth of the cave, he smells the charnel scent of old blood and fresh meat, the sickly sour of decay. And its source is readily apparent. Bones litter the floor of the cave, some of them old and picked clean, some of them more recent, with stringy remnants of flesh still hanging from them. And the walls- all over the walls are human faces, tanned, stretched thin, and nailed to the rock with crude iron nails. The cave is fairly expansive, opening up shortly after passing the mouth- the ground is fairly even for a natural formation, although the cave mouth is strewn with large rocks likely shifted from the cave interior. It is a rough circular dome, with the highest point of the ceiling about thirty feet above, an amalgam of hunks of stone, packed earth, damp clay and gnarled, dangling roots. The only light in the cave comes from the dying embers of a cookpit towards the rear wall, with a large iron cauldron hanging from a frame made of human bones lashed together with sinew above it. Huddled around the cookpit are the two figures Rune saw- one of them is massive, though a pronounced hunch back makes her true height difficult to discern. The other is on the shorter side of average for a human, though her silver hair, claws, ice blue eyes and aura of crackling electricity mark her as anything but. Both look towards the entrance. "Wh- where is that worthless brute?" she demands, surprised to see Harkashan entering without a fight against their enslaved guardian.

<OOC> Subduction says, "ALrighty, rune you're up."
<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, I should be able to move 30 and then charge the larger hag, to be able to flank with the Spiritual ally."

"I do too." Harkashan rumbles to Rune. "But if anyone can do it, it's the Arcanist's society." He explains to her, before crossing his arms and letting out a long breath. The hags will surely notice his approach. His armor is heavy, and that jewel between his horns jingles. "Let's do this. For Todd and Derrek. And all of those that have been abused by these Hags." He remarks, watching as Rune sneaks forward. He makes a subtle handmotion at her to hold up, as he moves forward and steps into the cave. Then, before the Hags can react, a creature begins to rise behind it from the ground. Lanky and pale in body. Faceless in nature, holding a large Khopesh, it suddenly strikes at her back before she realizes it is there. Its nature is silent. "Todd is indisposed. You will have to contend with me yourselves now."

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2+2: (9)+15+2+2: 28
<OOC> Subduction says, "Hit"
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+5d6+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+5d6+1d6: (1)+1+(25)+(2): 29
<OOC> Rune says, "2 points of that is Acid."
It is now Annis Hag's turn! Aelwyn is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "Annis Hag will full attack Rune."
<OOC> Subduction says, "and 5' step closer to the storm hag."
GAME: Subduction rolls 15: (5)+15: 20
GAME: Subduction rolls 15: (18)+15: 33
GAME: Subduction rolls 15: (12)+15: 27
<OOC> Rune says, "Miss Hit Hit"
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6+9: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6+9: (5)+9: 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "Plus grab."
<OOC> Subduction says, "And Rend too, ctually, since both the hits were claws"
GAME: Subduction rolls 2d6+10: (8)+10: 18
<OOC> Subduction says, "For the grab"
GAME: Subduction rolls 19: (3)+19: 22
<OOC> Subduction says, "Grab fails."

Dealing with the issue of Todd will be a matter for a future time. Instead, Rune focuses on sticking to the shadows, going unnoticed long enough to move into position and get good eye-lines on the hags. Her blue eyes flick to Harkashan, waiting for him to set up the situation she needs to be able strike from the shadows. The moment the spiritual ally appears, Rune charges forward, slashing out with one of her blades, which digs deep into the flesh of the larger hag.

The large hunchbacked hag lets out a shrill wail of pain as Rune's dagger plunges into her gut, eyes wide in surprise for a moment- and then rage. The scream of pain becomes a snarl, and she lashes out, her hands wrapping around Rune. The foot-long, black steely claws ending each of her fingers sink into flesh like a knife through hot butter, and then the Hag tears them aside, as though attempting to simply Rip Rune in half- she doesn't manage, but she does cut deep, bleeding rents into the flesh of the Rogue's back.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Storm Hag is next!
<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Charge and throw a javalin. Dramatic display."
<OOC> Aelwyn says, "As close to Rune and then"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon2+2: (20)+10+2: 32 (THREAT)
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon2+2: (15)+10+2: 27
<OOC> Subduction says, "Roll to confirm."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Confirmed"
<OOC> Subduction says, "Crit"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage2: aliased to 1d6+0: (3)+0: 3
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage2: aliased to 1d6+0: (4)+0: 4
<OOC> Subduction says, "It hurts her a little but has a hard time penetrating her leathery skin."
It is now Storm Hag's turn! Fidget is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "Storm Hag casts Lightning Bolt on Harkashan and Aelwyn."
<OOC> Subduction says, "She also flies 15' into the air, near the roof of the cave."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Reflex: (20)+5: 25 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Aelwyn rolls reflex: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Subduction rolls 10d6: (28): 28
<OOC> Subduction says, "Both save for half."

Aelwyn slides a javelin out of his nearly-functional-if-you-ignore-the-belt javelin quiver, and rushes past Harkashan in a low speed, run. The javelin has had seen worse days. Battered; worn, clearly not getting as much love as his beloved glaive. Still, it's tip was sharp and- Flexing his arm back, there's an inhale, a stuttering step and Aelwyn -yanks- his arm forward, throwing the glaive with an inhumane cry and terrifying speed. The well-used javelin does not do much against Hags. Aelwyn tumbles forward by catching the ground in front of him with his hand and lands back on his feet, already reaching for his glaive.

The shorter hag hisses in frustration as a band of adventurers come rushing in after Harkashan, "And where is that fool girl!?" she demands though the question seems to be rhetorical. He hair and ragged robes whip about her as though caught up in a mighty storm as she rises off the ground. Extending one of her hands, an arc of electricity runs down the length of her arm to her fingertip before leaping through the air towards Aelwyn and Harkashan. Though they are able to avoid the direct path of the bolt, it forks unpredictably, secondary jolts leaping in to scorch the flesh of each of them. It continues in its path out of the cave, whipping past Fidget at blinding speed before crashing into the trunk of a tree, blowing a smouldering chunk out of the wood. The remaining trunk is no longer able to support the weight of its canopy, and it creaks and cracks as the tree begins to topple over.

It is now Fidget's turn! Harkashan is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Magic Missile."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Spell penetration."
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (4)+5+5: 14
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (16)+5+5: 26
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (11)+5+5: 21
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alrighty, two of them penetrate. Roll damage."
GAME: Fidget casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16
GAME: Fidget rolls 2d4+2: (7)+2: 9
<OOC> Subduction says, "That hurts her, pose it."

Moving into the cave, Fidget squeaks as the bolt rushes past her, hugging to the stone wall for a moment. Then she scampers further in, and sends a series of white bolts arcing through the sky at the flying hag, one consumed by her anti-magical aura, and the other two slamming into her gut with dull thuds. Fidget then look around for something to hide behind before one of the hags notices her.
It is now Harkashan's turn! Rune is next!
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Bloodpact, sacrifice 3 HP to get the Reach metamagic."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Cast Cure Critical Wounds on Rune by sacrificing my level 5 domain slot."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "And then a group heal with Channel Energy too."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "(With quickened channeling)"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 4d8+9: (16)+9: 25
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Rune heals 25"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 5d6: (18): 18
<OOC> Harkashan says, "And everyone also heals 18"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Checking the action needed to move spiritual ally"
<OOC> Subduction says, "Move, I believe. It continues attacking automatically, though."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Swift actually~"
GAME: Harkashan rolls bab+wisdom: (18)+6+5: 29
GAME: Harkashan rolls bab+wisdom-5: (8)+6+5-5: 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "Your channel won't catch Rune"
<OOC> Subduction says, "You can still 5' step"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10+3: (8)+3: 11
<OOC> Harkashan says, "11 DR-ignoring Force Damage on the hag."
It is now Rune's turn! Annis Hag is next!

Lightning tears over Harkashan, while brings his arm in front of himself. A barrier of magic partially bracing him and lowering the damage. But the barrier shatters moments later from the force of the lightning and Harkashan is left panting from the pain... But this is nothing compared to the pain Rune is in at the moment. "Rune! I will be there in just a moment!" His runes starting to glow. He can't move far, expending so much of his faculties just to try and heal everyone. Himself. Aelwyn. Rune, who is just out of reach. His hand moving towards her, reaching... fingers towards her... As a sudden surge of healing magic overcomes her, even though she's out of his normal reach! The roar of a dragon behind his magic. The flowing lava-markings on his body glowing so boldly, they look like they are made of true lava.

<OOC> Rune says, "Okay, so 5ft step towards the larger hag. So I am back in flanking. Then full attack."
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-2: (8)+15+2+-2: 23
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2: (14)+15+2+-2: 29
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-7: (14)+15+2+-7: 24
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-7: (16)+15+2+-7: 26
<OOC> Subduction says, "Three hits."
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+5d6+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+5d6+1d6: (1)+1+(15)+(1): 18
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+5d6+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+5d6+1d6: (2)+1+(13)+(2): 18
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+5d6+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+5d6+1d6: (1)+1+(18)+(3): 23
<OOC> Subduction says, "That drops her."

Sometimes, running straight in to face off with the enemy can be a very dangerous idea. It is, in this case, for Rune. The initial grasp of the claws dig into her flesh, the sound of pierced mithral as it jabs in through the material beneath her leathers. There is a faint sound of pain and a look of determination. That is, until those claws rip free, dragging hideous scratch marks along her back and all but ripping through the armor and exposing portions of her scarred back. For those who have not seen it before, the mark is like a black abyss at the center of her spine with radiating cracks outward from it, like something striking a mirror and splintering it. Except now, there are large, bleeding gashes that extend to either side. A bit of that same strange smoke-like mist ooze out of the injury. Rune seems to stagger, barely staying on her feet as she grits her teeth. "Need some healing!" Luckily... Harkashan is quick to help in that matter, allowing Rune to be able to stay in the fight. The wash of the magic flows over her, easing the wounds enough that she can step forward and lash out with her weapons in a quick flurry of blows. One jabs into the hag's chest, the other across her neck. The hag stumbles back, falling to the ground with a spurt of fetid blood.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Storm Hag is next!
<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Charge and stab up"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+2-2: (15)+12+2+2: 29
<OOC> Subduction says, "That's a hit."
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+1d6+6: aliased to 1d10+5+1d6+6: (3)+5+(5)+6: 19
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alrighty, you hurt her. Pose it."
It is now Storm Hag's turn! Fidget is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "Storm hag moves 10' east and 5' down, risking an AoO from Aelwyn."
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2: (9)+12+2: 23
<OOC> Subduction says, "MIsses."
<OOC> Subduction says, "And casts Control Winds, creating Hurricane Force winds encompassing the entire map."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Blowing westwards."

Aelwyn sees the lighting coming and he ducks out of the way - but it still sings him, causing his scales to pick up an unnatural sheen and lustre. Yet, even with hard pain, he slides his glaive out as he continues moving forward, now flaming brightly and he glances towards Rune - hurt, but breathing - and then over towards Harkashan. Perhaps more hurt - but healing. Flicking his tail, the momentary lull lasts just for a moment. Another step forward, then another, then towards the side, and the side - and the Dragoon builds up a staccatto of harsh stomping steps before he slinks in underneath the flying hag, shoving his glaive forward and up, in a up-curved arc. "RRRAIN your blood!" The draconian seethes at the witch, teeth exposed in a wicked grin.

<OOC> Subduction says, "Ned strength checks from everyone."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Strength: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Aelwyn rolls strength: (13)+2: 15
GAME: Rune rolls strength: (6)+0: 6
GAME: Fidget rolls strength: (8)+0: 8
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6: (5): 5
<OOC> Subduction says, "Aelwyn stays up, everyone else is knocked 50' back and is prone, and takes 5d6 nonlethal damage."
GAME: Subduction rolls 5d6: (14): 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "And even she needs to make a fly check to stay airborn"
GAME: Subduction rolls 19: (17)+19: 36
<OOC> Subduction says, "Which she passes"
GAME: Subduction rolls 8: (5)+8: 13
<OOC> Subduction says, "Todd is sent flying also"
GAME: Subduction rolls 6: (14)+6: 20
<OOC> Subduction says, "But manages to hold onto the dog chains."

The remaining hag wails as the hulking brute of a crone is sliced apart by Rune's swift blade. "Meddling good fer nothings." she hisses at the adventurers, lowering down in her flight as she backs towards the rear of the cave where the ceiling slopes down to meet the floor. The winds buffeting her body increase in force as she brings her hands up, palms out, and inhales deeply. Lightning crackles in her eyes as she unleashes a wail, and with it a deafening gale of wind, the force of which is enough to tear buildings from their foundations. It pummels at exposed flesh like hammers, and rips Fidget, Harkashan and Rune from their feet sending them tumbling away from the hag, crashing against hard stone and thorny brush.

It is now Fidget's turn! Harkashan is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "I stand up, use pearl of power to recast magic missile, assuming I can see one of the hags."
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (3)+5+5: 13
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (18)+5+5: 28
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (12)+5+5: 22
GAME: Fidget rolls 2d4+2: (3)+2: 5
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alrighty, you hurt her again. Pose it!"

When the winds start to churn, Fidget grabs hold of a rock jutting out of the wall, and she holds on valiantly for several whole seconds before she's thrown like a ragdoll out of the cave, and flies through the air with a continuous "Aaaaaaaaaaa" until she comes to an abrupt, loud, and ungraceful halt as she smashes into a tree and rebounds down into a heap on the floor. Dazedly, she tries to figure out which way is up and awkwardly clambers to her feet again, bracing against the tree that had proven the immovable wall to her unstoppable flight. She snatches at her pearl, draped from her waist, and draws a spell from it, throwing three more bolts at the now-distant witch. Some more thuds. Fidget grits her teeth and tries to push against the winds, making little progress.
It is now Harkashan's turn! Rune is next!
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Swift: Move the Spiritual Ally /above/ the Witch (it has a fly speed) and attack her."
GAME: Harkashan rolls BAB+Wisdom: (9)+6+5: 20
GAME: Harkashan rolls BAB+Wisdom-5: (20)+6+5+-5: 26
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Rolling to confirm."
GAME: Harkashan rolls BAB+Wisdom-5: (14)+6+5+-5: 20
<OOC> Subduction says, "One hit, no crit."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10+3: (5)+3: 8
<OOC> Harkashan says, "8 damage to her."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Get up from Prone."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I assume that's my full movement?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I will use my standard to try and move closer. I think that's the best think I can do with my standard atm."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Strength: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I fail to move closer."
<OOC> Subduction says, "I misread the spell description, and it allows a save before the checks associated with the created wind."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Fortitude Save?"
 GAME: Harkashan rolls Fortitude: (18)+13: 31
GAME: Fidget rolls fortitude: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Aelwyn rolls fortitude: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alright. So Hark saved the initial blast, no change to anyone else. I'll move you and let you adjust your turn this round (as well as save this round, too.)"
GAME: Harkashan rolls Fortitude: (8)+13: 21
<OOC> Harkashan says, "So I still have my move and standard. So let's use Standard for Prayer"
GAME: Harkashan casts Prayer. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18
GAME: Harkashan rolls 9+WIsdom: (13)+9+5: 27
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I pass the Spell Resistance I think."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I would then like to move in a way where I might give Rune a bit of 'wind resistance' if I could?"
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Basically giving her an Aid on her next resistance against wind, if that's okay?"
<OOC> Subduction says, "I'll treat it as soft cover applying to her save."

Harkashan tries to dig his claws to the dirt, but he goes flying at first. But with a burst of magic, causing a glow around his claws, he catches himself. Still, it forces a loud 'ooph' out of him, before he gets back into a proper position. Slowly getting up, the winds pushing him to the walls. A wave of a spell ripples out from him, while his faceless spiritual ally flashes its blade at the witch, rising up into the skies above her to assault her and aid Aelwyn. He then lets himself slip a bit, getting in front of Rune, and standing up as a wall before her, holding out a hand to help her up. "We've got this. We're almost there!" He roars to her through the heavy winds.

It is now Rune's turn! Aelwyn is next!
<OOC> Rune says, "Get up from prone. Not sure I understand what needs to be rolled for trying to move"
<OOC> Subduction says, "So fort save with +1 from prayer and +2 from Hark."
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude +1+2: (20)+7+1+2: 30 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Rune says, "Then I'll use my standard to move 30ft towards the enemy."

The force of the wind blows Rune back against the rock wall, aggravating the injuries along her back and drawing out a low sound of pain. The half-sil takes a moment, on hands and knees, trying to catch her breath before the form of Harkashan blocks some of the wind for her. "Fuck. Probably should have targeted the other one, first." She mutters, pushing herself to her feet and resting her hand briefly on the Makari's back as she tries to right herself. "This is going to be rough." With the wind blowing strong against her, Rune pushes forward, trying to close the distance between herself and the enemy. It's a tough path, with her hair swept back from her face and the rogue having to lean heavily into the wind to continue forward.

It is now Aelwyn's turn! Storm Hag is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alrighty, fort save Ael"
GAME: Subduction rolls 7+1: (6)+7+1: 14
GAME: Aelwyn rolls fortitutde: (10)+7+1: 18
<OOC> Subduction says, "You can move normally."
<OOC> Aelwyn says, "I'll five foot and full round attack her then?"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+2+1: (1)+12+2+2+1: 18 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+2+1: (3)+12+2+2+1: 20
<OOC> Subduction says, "Both wiff"

The Dragoon is not bothered by such things like wind - lips twisting apart, he simply lets the strong gusts wash across his body, making his chainshirt and ribbons flare backwards; some of the worn pieces of fabric are torn away. "The skies are embarrassed at this feeble effort!" He challenges her. The blade swings about him and he attempts to hit the witch - but the winds did have some affect, making him lose his stride as he attempts to weave and move with the gusts.

It is now Storm Hag's turn! Fidget is next!
<OOC> Subduction says, "Hag risks an AoO to lightning bolt Ael and Rune"
<OOC> Subduction says, "The SA can also take an AoO"
GAME: Harkashan rolls wisdom+bab: (11)+5+6: 22
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Hit with Flanking from Aelwyn!"
GAME: Harkashan rolls 1d10+3: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+2+1: (11)+12+2+2+1: 28
<OOC> Subduction says, "And Ael also hits"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+1+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+1+1d6: (6)+5+1+(2): 14
GAME: Subduction rolls 13: (12)+13: 25
<OOC> Subduction says, "And she looses the spell."
<OOC> Subduction says, "And chooses to bravely run away."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Ael, you can take another AoO as she flies over you."
<OOC> Subduction says, "She moves 50' west and 10' up"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls weapon11+2+1: (11)+12+2+1: 26
<OOC> Subduction says, "Hits again"
GAME: Aelwyn rolls damage11+1+1d6: aliased to 1d10+5+1+1d6: (3)+5+1+(5): 14
<OOC> Harkashan says, "She gets into my Aura of Doom."
GAME: Harkashan rolls 9+wisdom: (7)+9+5: 21
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Roll Will save~"
GAME: Subduction rolls 11: (20)+11: 31
<OOC> Harkashan says, "She passes."

The hag hisses as the Stalwart adventurers continue advancing upon her despite the buffeting winds, and she rears back, sparks building along the length of her arm and towards her fingertips again- but Aelwyn strikes her outstretched hand as she attempts to loose the spell, cutting deep into her forearm and causing her to discharge a harmless spray of sparks into the ground nearby. She grits her teeth against the pain, and then leans forwards flying overheat- and clipped by the tip of Aelwyn's glave once more, blood from her wounds being whipped into droplets carried by the wind.

It is now Fidget's turn! Harkashan is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "All I can do is one more magic missile flurry."
<OOC> Fidget says, "Using the second (and last) pearl of power for the magic missile cast."
<OOC> Fidget says, "So I'll do that and try to approach."
GAME: Fidget rolls fortitude: (17)+4: 21
<OOC> Subduction says, "You can move normally."
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (13)+5+5: 23
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (19)+5+5: 29
GAME: Fidget rolls 5+5: (20)+5+5: 30
GAME: Fidget rolls 3d4+3: (9)+3: 12
<OOC> Subduction says, "And all penetrate and you hurt her, she's looking pretty beat up. Pose it."

Pushing off from the tree, Fidget starts strugging against the wind with significant effort, and looses a few more missiles, reaching down to draw power from the other pearl hanging from her waist, and as the hag tries to fly away from the others, Fidget's bolts pound against her, and the goblin moves forward a little against the wind.

It is now Harkashan's turn! Rune is next!
<OOC> Harkashan says, "Caaan I jump-charge?"
<OOC> Subduction says, "With an Athletics roll. It will be difficult, because of the wind."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Fort save, first of all."
<OOC> Harkashan says, "I mean, I'll have to, because I have no other way to reach her."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Fortitude: (20)+13: 33 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Subduction says, "You can move normally."
GAME: Harkashan rolls Athletics+1: (5)+5+1: 11
<OOC> Subduction says, "Yeah, you're not able to make the jump."

Harkashan watches as the Hag begins to flee. His spiritual ally alongside Aelwyn manage to stop her from casting her spell. But they fail to stop her from flying away. Harkashan jumps, trying to get at her, but the winds are too rough and he's pushed back to the ground. "This is up to you, Rune!" Harkashan calls out.

It is now Rune's turn! Aelwyn is next!
<OOC> Rune says, "So, she is in the direction of the wind, my only thought is trying to jump and slash at her."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Sure, give me a fort save, first."
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude +1: (13)+7+1: 21
<OOC> Subduction says, "Normal movement"
<OOC> Subduction says, "Acrobatics to jump."
GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics+1: (14)+19+1: 34
<OOC> Subduction says, "Alright, you are able to jump high enough to stab her and get flanking with hark"
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+1+2: (17)+15+1+2: 35
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+5d6+1d6: aliased to 1d6+1+5d6+1d6: (4)+1+(22)+(2): 29
<OOC> Subduction says, "And that drops her."

Seeing the hag turn to flee, Rune curses under her breath. "We can't let one of them escape!" The town would surely pay for it. Of course, the fact that the creature is flying over her head makes that a troublesome situation. Attacks from her allies might slow the hag down, but Rune knows that if she gets much further, the creature will get out of range of many of her allies. "Don't you put this on me, Harkashan!" She shouts at him, even as she moves towards him. The rogue actually plants a foot right onto Harkashan's shoulder, propelling herself up using him as a stepping stone and makes a dramatic leap into the air, slashing out with her blade and cutting down the hag in the process. Her landing is a little rough, though, causing her to stumble a bit and land right on her bottom. Awesome attack, but the follow-through needs work.

The hag tumbles out of the air, crashing into the stone underfoot. The bolts of energy crackling through her hair discharge into the stone as she gives one last shuddering breath, and then falls silent. And with her last breath, the howling of the winds begins to subside over the course of a few minutes, eventually settling back down to a moderate breeze. Outside, Todd is tangled up in a bush, with the dogs and the chains. One of the Trollhounds has taken the opportunity to bite his lower leg, but the troll discourages this behaviour with a series of swift punches to the flank followed by shoving the beast away with a foot and pulling himself back to his feet.

GAME: Subduction removes the timestop.

Harkashan lets out a long breath of relief as the final Hag goes down, and he touches his chest. "Phew..." He rumbles, before looking to Rune and giving her a thumbs up. "I knew you had this." He has a lot of faith in her. Not just as a combatant, but as a person too. Those eyes of his showing loyalty and appreciation of her as he gazes upon her. The Sith-makar then begins to move out of the cave. Careful not to lose his footing, as that windy spell will remain up for a while, to check up on Todd. He'll need to work with the Arcanist groups and Todd himself to get this situation sorted. Especially with any risk of damages to the reputation of the Adventurer's guild that may have come from the issues in town. But Harkashan holds hope in his heart.

Aelwyn walks out of the cave, trying his best to sort the ribbons around his horns, wihlst lazily holding his glaive over a shoulder. "Fine moves, Twin." The ruddy sith-makar rumbles with a toothy grin and gives Rune a bump off his hips. "Perhaps she should teach this one how to catch one with wings." His tongue flickers out playfully. The draconian then starts to walk along, keeping his glaive about him just in case Todd begins to have second thoughts.

"I imagine you'd have a fair easier shot at it than me in most circumstances." Rune replies sa she pushes herself to her feet, rubbing her back-side. The half-sil still looks a right mess, with blood still dripping down across the scars on her back. "At least you have your glaive to push off from. I had to use a hard-headed cleric for a boost." She twitches her nose in Harkashan's direction. There's clearly no love lost there. Rubbing a bit at one sore arm, she looks around the place, then nudges the hag with her foot, before looking up at the sounds of growling hounds. "We'll need to get someone to help deal with that one." She's likely referring to Todd. "The hounds, too. What a mess."

"I don't know if Todd likes the hounds or not, might be tricky to get him to part with them, dangerous as they are. And we certainly can get Todd the help he needs - it'll just be expensive. Less than a resurrection, but more than the village has to spare. We're going to have quite the bill when we get back." Fidget says, jogging over from the place she'd been blown to, and stopping by the others. "We should check around the cave, too, just in case there's anyone or anything else in there. Maybe we get lucky and they kept a snack around for later." she says, speaking of the kidnapped victims, though the odds are slim.

"Bad ladies dead now?" Todd asks as he emerges from the brush towards the party. "What we do with doggies?" he asks. Despite their scuffling, both he and the trollhounds he still drags around by the leash seem in good health. The hounds are somewhat more subdued, now, though after being buffetted around by winds, and with their mistresses dead.

<OOC> Fidget says, "Can Trollhounds be tamed in any way to make them safe?"
GAME: Fidget rolls knowledge/nature: (18)+9: 27
<OOC> Subduction says, "They are often kept as pets and hunting companions by trolls, although they are just as often eaten when their masters get hungry or bored. Their voracious appetites and tendency to harbor disease means most people rarely attempt to domesticate them, but it is theoretically possible."
<OOC> Subduction says, "They are considered invasive pests in some regions because they will hunt everything in an area, often to local extinction."

"I'm not sure buddy." Harkashan answers Todd. "If you are big like this, you can keep the doggies under control. But if we can get you turned back into a human - or get you back to the village - the doggies will probably try to eat people-meat and everything else in town." He answers Todd. "What do you think we should do with the doggies?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls Diplomacy: (19)+16: 35

Todd looks at the hounds he has leashed, and thn back to Harkashan. He seems to think about it for a while, and thinking seems a slow process in his troll mind. But he does eventually speak up. "Toddd keep doggies. Bad ladies was mean to doggies too. Todd be nicer to doggies. Todd make sure doggies don't eat people meat. Only eat other meat." he says then. "Maybe if bad people come, doggies eat bad people." he suggests, hopefully. When it comes to matters of the dogs, Rune keeps her thoughts to herself, though she does keep one hand dangerously close to her acid blade... just incase.

"We should make our way back. I'm sure your silver tongue is going to be needed when we get there." She doesn't elaborate, but thre is bound to be a few things that need smoothing over with Todd's father. "If only the inn hadn't half burned down. I could use a bath, and a smith." She scowls at the damage. "Oh well, it will have to wait until we're back in the city."

Aelwyn turns his head towards Fidget, and then back towards the troll-negotiations. "This one did not see, but one more look cannot hurt," He tells the goblin in regards to finding more captives. "Tch, carry the thought, Twin. The baths, the drinks." The ruddy sith-makar takes in a deep breath. "At least the journey will be light."

Harkashan rumbles, rubbing his chin. "Alright. Just remember, if you get turned back to a humie or similar, you won't be able to keep the doggies anymore." He remarks, and then motions for Todd to follow. "When we meet your dad, let's tie the doggies to a tree further away. He'll be super surprised enough just meeting you like this, Todd." He then motions to start heading out. "While we walk back to the village, gather up around me. I can deal with some of those bruises and concussions you folk suffered."

<OOC> Fidget fixes Rune's armour while they're walking back with mending.