Air Freight

From Tenebrae
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Airship Docks, Alexandria -- midday

Some jobs are frightening, some are dangerous, and some are extremely unpleasant. Luckily for you, this one looks to be none of the above. The Jass Shipping Line has put out word for adventurers to ride an airship for security reasons -- evidently they're carrying some valuable cargo, and a few extra arms might not be out of place.

At least, that's what the representative from the Guild explained to you. A short trip to the Mythwood and back, all expenses paid, and all you have to do is keep an eye on things.

Which is how you've found yourself approaching the large air-galleon known as the Golden Mule, sitting at dock as it's being loaded up.

Braith shakes her head and mutters, "Why did I sign up for this one, if a dwarf were meant ta fly we would have wings." she shakes her head again as she makes her way to approach with the others.

Inesse is dressed for work, her studded leather worn under a cloak of patchwork squares. It’s a mix of colors, some dull, others vibrant, but each having its own intricate pattern. She walks towards The Golden Mule, her papers held in hand as she verifies the information of the job with a scrutinizing look given to the air-galleon.

“I guess there is a first time for everything.” Inesse says, nodding her head to Braith, having heard her talk of the work, and following the dwarf. “So, did you get the details of wher we were supposed to report? I feel weird just showing up, and… is this how work usually goes?”

Lucius shrugs. "I wouldn't know," he tells the others. "It's my first time doing a job like this, though it seems just like any ordinary escort mission." Thunder clops alongside him, and his ears perk up at the sound of Luke's voice. "However, I do wonder what manner of cargo would require such an escort. Let's hope everything goes as smoothly as possible."

Braith nods her head to Inesse and smiles, "Yes, we take a posting, the guild tells us a bit about it and gives contact information to our contact, if the contact doesn't meet us at the guild, which some do." she shrugs, "This is just simple escort job, so we just make sure we get to the right airship and we are good to go."

As you approach the boarding ramp, a crewman bustles down. "What's all this-- oh, you're the adventurers!" His expression lightens considerably. "Sorry... we've had to roust one stowaway already. It's like cats, I swear..."

The air-sailor goes through your documents, checking them carefully. "Hmm. Hmm. Alright. Sir," he addresses Lucius, "we do have berthing for your steed, but obviously he's not going to be able to walk around a lot. Fortunately this is a fairly short trip. I hope that's not a problem?"

Inesse ohs, and nods slowly to Braith, looking back to the airship with a hesitant and forced smile. "You don't say. Interesting"

At the confirmation and boarding process, Inesse lays back the hood of her colored cloak, looking at those who she'll be working with. "I haven't met you. I'm Inesse." she says to Braith, a grin flashed as she points to Lucius. "And that's Luke." she muses, letting the workers do what they must so she can be cleared to go. "I'd guess stoways are common, huh?" she voices to no-one in particular. "We talking runaways and dreamers, or... thieves?"

Braith cocks her head a bit, "THere is always someone looking for free rides for one reason or another, it isn't cheap." she says and then shrugs a bit, "Braith, oh and if we get into any fighting, just ignore it when I start to look a little demonic." she says with a slight embaressed and innocent look, or at least she tries to.

Lucius nods. "No problem, sir," he replies. "I can assure you Thunder is very well trained. It sounds like he will be the least of your worries." He raises an eyebrow at the mention of stowaways, and looks to the air-sailor for an answer to Inesse's query.

"Dreamers and runaways," the crewman replies wryly. "Thievery on an airship is kind of tricky -- how do you escape with the goods? Oh, sure, you can get -on-, I'm sure... but getting off, well, that can be a bit of a hassle." He waves over a couple of other airship sailors to help get Thunder loaded, while one introduces himself as Jorn. "I take care of the animals on the voyage, sir. If you need anything, let me know."

The crewman finishes signing off on all the paperwork, before stepping side. "The berths aren't exactly staterooms, but I doubt anyone's going to bother you. Captain Hugh was -very- specific that we needed the security and we shouldn't do anything to offend."

"Just a bunk, or a spot to sit is needed. Thank you." Inesse answers to crewman, a smile flashed, but it fades almost as fast as she moves to board the airship.

"I guess we need to see what's needed of us and when. A berth?" Inesses asks of the other two, pausing to turn and wait for them before looking elsewhere. "Long enough trip we might have to take turns sleeping." she guesses from what's been said. "What's considered a short trip?." her questions not directed, but just openly stated in her pondering. "I guess we'll find out."

There's the sound of rushing feet and huffing breath on the boarding ramp. A few seconds later and Fizzy appears. She's apparently been able to join the Guild now gets to go on real adventures! The Shadow Elf looks around with bright eyes that brighten further when she spots people she knows. "Inesse! Luke! Hullo! I didn't know I'd see you here." She nods to everyone gathered but keeps herself bundled for now, "I'm Fizzy, and I was sent by the Guild?"

"Thank you, Jorn," Luke smiles. "I have every confidence in your ability. Just in case, where might I find you on the airship?"

He shrugs again at Inesse. "I guess we'll find out," he echoes, as he follows her to board the ship. When Fizzy arrives, he turns and greets her with a wave. "Hi Fizzy!" he calls. "Great to see you! We're just about to board the airship." The crewman blinks, checks his papers, then says, "Oh! OH! Yes, sorry... I think I, er, must've counted the -horse- as the fourth..." He turns bright red with embarrassment. "Please, come aboard, we're just about ready to take flight."

Once Fizzy, Lucius, Braith, and Inesse are aboard, the last couple crew come aboard as well and the ramp is withdrawn. There's the crackle of magic, of powerful energies harnessed to politely tell gravity to sod off for a while, and slowly, smoothly, the airship lifts out of its cradle. Sails billow out, and the ship begins to soar into the sky, giving any on deck a view not commonly seen by those lacking wings

Braith gets herself settled, making sure her warhammers and small hammer are easy to reach. She mutters and grumbles again about wishing this was a ground trip. She shakes her head a bit with a sigh.

"Oh, Fizzy!" Inesse calls back as Luke points her out, waiting for the shadow elf so that they can brace for the takeoff together. "I've never been on an airship. It's always wagons or carts." the railing held on to as she watches the ship rise, and the sails take wind. "T-this is s-safe right?" a sudden hesitation and stammer creeping into her tone as the ground gets further away. It's enough to cause her to move away form the rail, following Braith. "That's a long way down." having had her fill of the sights for the moment. Majestic, and scary.

Once out of the cold, crisp wind, Fizzy unbundles and lets her little Xote free. It's almost warm enough that the capybara doesn't shiver, but not quite. Nevertheless, he snuffles at Luke and Inesse, then gives a hopefully wistful look at everyone else present. You just *know* if he could talk he would be asking for snacks and tea. Fizzy stows her cold weather gear, and addresses those gathered, "I, um, wasn't told much about this. Just to come board the Golden Mule and there would be something to do. I, um, didn't actually take time to find out what it was about, which probably comes as a surprise to no one. This is my first time on an airship, too!"

With his shield and greatsword slung across his back, Luke grips the railing and peers over the edge of the airship, his hair rippling in the wind. "If only Thunder could see this," he murmurs, grinning. After a moment, he joins the others. "It's also my first time," he tells Fizzy, wide-eyed. "The view is just unbelievable."

Braith nods her head, "It is safe, unless you go jumpin." she shakes her head a bit, "Airships for all that I dislike them, are common and well practiced, they rarely have accidents." She dips her head to the one she hadn't met yet and nods, "The view is usually good, there are some wonderful places that can only be truly seen from an airship, or bein high in the mountains."

GAME: Inesse rolls perception: (20)+6: 26
GAME: Fizzy rolls perception: (9)+5: 14
GAME: Braith rolls Perception: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Lucius rolls Perception: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

The Airship Golden Mule, two days later.

To be honest, the voyage has almost been boring. Well, maybe not, but the worst problem you've had was that the crew seem to have developed an interest in Xote, viewing him as good luck. There was at least one attempt to get him to sit in on the sailors' dice game.

The clouds have thickened somewhat, and the captain and navigator are buttoned up on the quarterdeck, making sure they stay the course. It's hard as hells to see, until the ship finally breaks through the cloud cover into clear skies. But unfortunately... the ship is no longer alone.

A somewhat ramshackle looking smaller craft, almost a skiff, soars up next to the sky-galleon. Before anyone can react, a trio of grappling lines are launched from the skiff, latching onto the ship's rail and hauling the skiff up close. Some of you are surprised by the appearance, while others aren't, as a quartet of ne'er-do-wells prepare to vault across the empty space. You're being boarded!

 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12

Pirates! AIRSHIP pirates! Four rough-looking guys come swarming over the rail, waving weapons. "Give up your loot!" they yell. One of them, dressed in leathers and a cloak, springs over and flings a bag at Braith -- but he falls short, and the bag bursts on the deck hatch, spreading a nasty, sticky layer of tar and goop over it that instantly hardens.

Inesse had been quick on her feet. While the others hadn't noticed the boarders before they were already on deck, Inesse has her blades in hand, and is already crossing into the fray, She swings at Carl, missing with a wide sweep of her blade. "We have boarders!" she calls, trying to spur others into action. "Were they waiting for us in the clouds?!"

 GAME: Braith rolls weapon3+2: (3)+8+2: 13
 GAME: Braith RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP

Braith moves forward and as she does she gets into position on the other side of the one that threw the bag at her from Inesse and with a warhammer in one hand and a light hammer in the other she swings at the cloaked one and misses. She growls and calls on her rage. Her eyes darken and turn solid black. Her body, armor and weapons swell as she is enlarged. Black veins cover her skin and her hands turn into black scaled claws that grip her hammers.

GAME: Braith rolls will: (12)+4: 16

A skinny looking pirate scrambles over the rail, dressed in patched robes and carrying a staff. He points at Braith and makes a funny gesture, which... does nothing. Confused, the fellow stares at his hand as if it failed him.

 GAME NOTE: Fizzy cast Mage Armor. 

Having had no idea what to expect, Fizzy is as surprised as most others. She has an instinctive reaction, apparently, to cast Mage Armor on herself and moves protectively in front of Xote. A look of consternation crosses her face when she realizes, "Damn! I can't cast another spell for a few seconds, I didn't mean to! Sorry!" It's so very clear this is her first combat as a witch.

 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18
 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d12+4: (11)+4: 15

The hulking leader of the band, a burly half-orc, hoists his greataxe. Seeing Braith swell with arcane rage, he roars in turn, and charges at the dwarf, bellowing. The axe comes high, and then slams into Braith, though her rage dampens some of the blow.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

Lucius inhales sharply as the skirmishes begin. He bites his lip, then places one hand over his chest and briefly closes his eyes again. When he reopens them, Thunder is standing by his side.

The blades are coming out, and an armored warrior climbs up over the rail finally. Seeing Inesse trying to stab his teammate, he slashes at her with his longsword, drawing blood. "We just want the cargo! It ain't worth your lives!" he shouts, trying to dissuade the heroes from further, well, heroism. Or at least guarding the ship.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20-1: (16)+-1: 15

The ragged-looking thief yelps as the hammer hisses by his nose. "Holy--! Get AWAY from me you freaky dwarf!" He scrambles behind his boss, whipping out a dagger as he retreats, and flips it at Inesse, but the thrown knife goes wide as he's trying to avoid hitting his comrade.

GAME: Inesse rolls 1d20+6-2: (6)+6+-2: 10
GAME: Inesse rolls 1d20+6-2: (8)+6+-2: 12
GAME: Inesse rolls 1d20+6-2: (1)+6+-2: 5 (EPIC FAIL)

Inesse was caught with that longsword, hissing as she feels the wet seep into her armor. That's where her attention goes, the man who disengaged and thrown his knife ignored. The cut makes it hard, the pain and creeping sensation of soaked and cooling armor throwing her off as she misses with both of her swipes. Great fun.

GAME: Braith rolls weapon3-2: (7)+9+-2: 14
GAME: Braith rolls weapon5-2: (19)+7+-2: 24
GAME: Braith rolls weapon3-2: (14)+9+-2: 21
GAME: Braith rolls 2d6+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Braith rolls 1d8+6: (6)+6: 12

Braith is almost a full ten feet in height when she is raging, calling on the power of the abyssal blood that runs through her veins. Her warhammer that is easily the size of a maul swings for the half-orc, hitting with a solid sound of metal to flesh and breaking bones. She then whips the light hammer, which is pretending to be a warhammer with its size smacks into the side of her target as well, more flesh smashing sounds mixed with bones breaking. The half-orc might not be dead, but probably is not far from it. She starts humming a dwarven war chant. Not that it does anything other that lets her really get into the rhythym of hammer beats.

GAME: Braith rolls will+2: (6)+4+2: 12
GAME: Fizzy rolls Will: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d4: (3): 3

The robed man scrambles over to the mast, putting his back to it. He begins chanting, wiggling his fingers again, and suddenly a coruscating wedge of light blazes out from his fingertips. The spell simply washes over Fizzy with no effect, but Braith is left blinded and reeling by the magical blast.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9

She's determined to be useful this time around. Fizzy moves forward a bit, still making sure to keep herself between Xote and the enemies. Close enough, she glares in fury at Mervin. Maybe her eyes glow, but it's probably a trick of the light. She's casting a Hex, and it's the Evil Eye. Her goal is to cause this dude to lose confidence and fumble in some way, such as his ability to deftly avoid being hurt. And her baleful gaze seems to stagger him.

GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+3: (8)+3: 11

The half-orc looks like he's about to die, only to be saved at the last minute by the color spray from Mervin. "About time you started earnin' your keep," he growls, stumbling away from Braith. Pulling out a vial, he chugs the contents, blood and froth oozing from his lips. His wounds close, somewhat, though it's clear he's still injured.

GAME: Lucius rolls bite+2: aliased to 1d20+1+2: (6)+1+2: 9
GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (5)+2+3: 10
GAME: Lucius rolls sword: aliased to 2d6+Strength: (8)+3: 11

Thunder raises his head and whinnies, but as Luke places one hand on his side, the warhorse appears to settle. The cavalier narrows his eyes, his gaze darting between the various combatants. "Get 'em," he tells Thunder, pointing to the enemy next to Inesse. Meanwhile, he dashes toward the magic user while drawing his greatsword. His target, staggered by Fizzy's spell, barely fails to react in time and crumples to the deck.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (4)+4: 8

"What the-- where did YOU come from?" The swordsman -was- attacking Inesse, but really, you have to react when a full-grown warhorse appears and tries to bite you. The wild swing doesn't connect, and he tries to keep his shield up. "Boss! They're summoning animals!"

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11

Carl whirls his cape around, staring as Mervin crumples to the deck. "No!" His eyes turn to the mul witch. "YOU did this!" The pirate lunges past the stunned Braith, his shortsword flashing, but his anger makes his strike go short as Fizzy avoids the thrust.

GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2: (11)+6+2: 19

Inesse shifts her footing, using her time in the troop to find a path behind Steve to flank with Thunder. It's quick, agile, and best of all, it doesn't provoke. Sadly, getting in position, and her prior injury are a bit much, again causing her blade to catch air in her swipe. "Damn. They do not want to stop." she calls to the others.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20-1: (14)+-1: 13

It's a very unexpected result: First that her Evil Eye worked, and second that her target got destroyed before she could do anything else. Fizzy stays between her attacker and Xote. Xote must be protected! The witch turns that furious gaze to a new target: Carl the Nasty. This time, she gets theatrical and mimes creating some sort of invisible magical energy followed by hurling that "energy" at Carl. Her Evil Eye hits him right in his heart and his courage falters.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

The leader of the pirates sees Braith dazed, and takes a step toward her -- and then Lucius comes out of nowhere and cuts down one of his crew. "Dammit, boy, now you're gonna die," the half-orc mock-sighs. Then he strides in, swinging his axe, but it bounces off Luke's shield.

GAME: Lucius rolls bite+2: aliased to 1d20+1+2: (12)+1+2: 15
GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (4)+2+3: 9
GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (14)+2+3: 19
GAME: Lucius rolls sword: aliased to 2d6+Strength: (5)+3: 8

"That's alright," Lucius shouts, stepping towards Carl. "They lack — " The greatsword arcs through the air. " — discipline!" he grunts as the blow connects, though this time the enemy remains barely standing.

On the other side of the ship, Thunder squeals loudly and continues his assault, but his second attempt is no more effective than his

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15
GAME: 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

Steve manages to keep his shield up as the horse angrily snaps at him. "Where the hell did they get a HORSE?" he yells. Finally, he manages to sneak a jab with his sword past, stabbing Thunder in the shoulder. "Gerroff! GERROFF!"Telamon rolls

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d6+2+1d6+2: (3)+2+(1)+2: 8

Carl scrambles away from Lucius, bleeding heavily. "Oh shit! Boss! BOSS, HELP!" He lunges past Fizzy, actually moving towards Xote, before turning and stabbing the mul witch in the side. "You people are CRAZY! Just give up the damn cargo!

GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (19)+6+2+-2: 25 (THREAT)
GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (9)+6+2+-2: 15
GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (1)+6+2+-2: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

Between Thunder and Inesse, Steve is held locked down in place. As the battle rages, Inesse again charges at the man with a swing of both her blades. A swipe managing to score a nick, which brings a smile to her face. "We were hired to stop you, fools! Do you think we'd just stop?" her glance spared for the others at the party

GAME: Fizzy rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10

Finding herself *way* too close to Carl, Fizzy steps back. To prevent herself from dying, she puts her hands over her wound with a cry, and calls forth some healing energy. Her hands glow with golden light, and her wound seals back closed, leaving torn clothing and bloodstains behind. She glares at her clothes then back at Carl: He is going to *PAY* for that!

 GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

Tom hefts his heavy greataxe, and swings another savage blow at the cavalier. "It ain't worth dyin' for, but guess you snot-nosed punks just aren't smart enough to realize it." Unfortunately, Luke is fast enough to parry the blow away again, and the half-orc curses. "Damnation! Get back here, we need to work together!"

GAME: Lucius rolls bite+2: aliased to 1d20+1+2: (14)+1+2: 17 
GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (2)+2+3: 7
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)

"Coward," Luke states matter-of-factly as he turns away from Carl and toward the leader of the pirates. He swings, but his sword arcs wide and misses by a fair margin.

Thunder roars, and the warhorse snaps at Steve again, to no avail.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

Carl is suddenly bereft of opponents, and with a shaking hand he pulls out a vial and chugs the contents. The brutal wound dealt by Lucius fades, and while he doesn't seem wholly healed, he looks like he's back in the fight.

GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (1)+6+2+-2: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (13)+6+2+-2: 19

Inesse presses on, swinging both her blades at Steve with a lip peeling from frustration at how she fails to connect. "Just. Stand. Still!" she hollers, her swipes at the boarder/assailant growing a bit wild as her temper rises. "It's clearly not working for you!" speaking of their robbery.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+1: (18)+1: 19

Braith blinks a bit, she has been a bit stunned, and couldn't see anything, though she starts to blink again as she gets her sight back. She is still confused and unable to focus to do anything, but who knows if that will last much longer.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+1: (18)+1: 19
GAME: Fizzy rolls 1d6: (3): 3

As she moves to a safer spot next to Luke, Fizzy motions Xote to move closer and behind her. Opening her mouth, hands clenched into fists in front of her cheeks, she emits a scream silent to everyone but Carl. When that evil screech ends for Carl, she prepares to cast another Evil Eye on Carl or her next opponent.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d12+4: (4)+4: 8

Tom and Luke lock weapons, parrying and swinging, greatsword versus greataxe. Suddenly the half-orc reverses his grip, and drives a nasty blow into Lucius. "You can't win this!" he barks. "All you're doing is making it harder on yourself! We're gonna steal your stuff, and be rich!"

GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (19)+2+3: 24
GAME: Lucius rolls bite+2: aliased to 1d20+1+2: (19)+1+2: 22
GAME: Lucius rolls attack: aliased to 1d20+BAB+Strength: (19)+2+3: 24
GAME: Lucius rolls sword+sword: aliased to 2d6+Strength+2d6+Strength: (3)+3+(10)+3: 19
GAME: Lucius rolls bitedmg: aliased to 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20oo
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d8+3: (6)+3: 9

Luke glances at Fizzy as she moves beside him. "Courage, friend," he murmurs. "We are stronger than them, and we will prevail." Perhaps it was a mistake to take his attention away from the enemy, and he winces from Tom's blow. He raises his greatsword, and this time his aim is true. The blade cleaves through the pirate leader with little resistance, granting him the mercy of a swift death. As the greatsword sinks into the deck, Luke tilts his head and regards the fallen enemy, stone-faced.

Meanwhile, Thunder lunges at Steve once again. The persistent warhorse finally manages to do some damage to the pirate. Steve is bitten by the horse, but it's a minor injury. He's aware that Inesse's next hit could spell his end, and so he curls back behind his shield, before lunging... his blade biting deep into the rogue, a vicious wound. "Carl, we gotta go, the boss is down!"

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20-1: (3)+-1: 2

"Aw shit! Aw shit! Boss!" Carl runs past where his boss is sprawled out on the deck, the rogue scrambling past Braith as she recovers. "Almost clear, Steve! Come on!" Then he realizes Steve's in trouble. "...uh oh."

GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (18)+6+2+-2: 24
GAME: Inesse rolls weapon4+2-2: (14)+6+2+-2: 20
GAME: Inesse rolls 2d6: (7): 7
GAME: Inesse rolls 2d6: (5): 5

Inesse felt that second cut from Steve, the nausea and pain that results from it scaring her as he yells about leaving. He had wanted to leave, but tried to end her before doing it? No. Inesse's anger sparks, her sudden lunge with both her blades something different. One of them sinks into the mans side, another being whipped about in her hand and coming down deep into the mans back as blade pierces armor with a sickening sound. As Steve sinks and falls to the deck, Inesse's words are harsh. "I would of let you run, if you hadn't pressed so hard." the blow for blow leaving her and Thunder the victors. "Good job." she says to Thunder, a hand holding at her side, even with blade in hand. "For a horse."

GAME: Braith rolls weapon3+2: (6)+9+2: 17
GAME: Braith rolls 2d6+6: (8)+6: 14

Braith is quite enraged after being blinded and stunned for a while. She finally comes to herself, blinking as she gains control of her massive frame in time to see Carl go running by. SHe shakes her head, "Only one left, well ya ain't goinn anywhere." she charges after him and though she has her warhammer and light hammer still in hand, only her warhammer goes swinging at the rogue. She reaches him just as he is starting to climb up on the rail and the large dwarfess smacks her warhammer hard into his back. The sounds of his spine shattering can be heard as the rogue flips over the rail from the force of the blow and ends up in free fall, dropping between the airships. Of course he was dead before he started falling, so at least he won't feel his body splatting when he eventually hits the ground.

Heaving in her first wounded battle-rage, Fizzy glares, but has no one, really, to direct that Evil Eye at. It takes a few seconds, but she calms herself down and falls to her knees to hug Xote. Pressing her face to his, she murmurs, "I'm so glad you're safe. I'm so glad you're safe. I... I'd be lost without you, bestie." And now she's starting to tremble. She didn't actually get a kill, and that's definitely a good thing. To experience that during her first battle? She'd be scarred.

With the last pirate dead, their skiff is easily taken over. It's a clunky, kludged together piece of magic and artifice, but there's some gear there as well as healing supplies -- sufficient to bind wounds and mend injuries. Thankfully, the rest of the trip passes without incident, though Captain Hugh speculates as to how the pirates knew they were there.

"Still, you've earned your pay, and I'll be putting in a good word with the Guild. Times are tough, and we definitely don't need pirates plying the skies as well as the seas! Many thanks to all of you!"