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Log Info

  • Title: Froggies!
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Faranmidahn, Poc, Nels, Sabina, Ezil
  • Place: PRFive: On a backroad to Alexandria
  • Time: Saturday, July 04, 2020, 6:56 PM
  • Summary: Nels, Poc, Sabina, Faranmidahn and Ezil are acting as caravan guards for three carts that are heading to Alexandria, under a Caravan Master who has cut every corner possible. He's also difficult to get along with, and seems to have chosen a treacherous path, likely heavy with bandits. As they travel, the first cart breaks, requiring magical mending and some of the load to be shifted. The caravan approaches a bad part of the road. A V bend that takes the cliff-ledge road down to a swamp, then back up again. The first cart makes the turn, but the overloaded second cart has too much speed and tips over. Barrels break, people go flying, and the marsh becomes very loud with the sound of frogs. Battle ensues, with frogs swarming everywhere and poisoning everyone. Nels is nearly swallowed, Poc is, and Colour Sprays seem effective at putting swathes of the swarm to sleep. Finally, a few precise gunshots and arrows finish off the larger critters and the party pulls back. Sabina's create water effectively washes away the nectar that was attracting the frogs, and the caravan is eventually set right and on its way. There is a lone casualty, the driver of the second cart, who fell unnoticed.
  • APL: 4.6 (5 cav/sorc, 3 rgr/monk, 5 ftr, 5 cleric, 5 Pal)
  • Encounters: CR 8, 4800 XP
    • (4) Frog Swarm, Poisonous, 2400 XP
    • (3) Giant Frog, 1200 XP
    • (3) Bogwiggle, 1200 XP
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Nels         3'7"     42 Lb      Goblin            Male      Tall, for a goblin, and athletic. Close-cut black hair.
Poc          2'11"    34 Lb      Goblin            Male      A green goblin with pointed ears and woodland attire.
Sabina       5'4"     130 Lb     Human             Female    Tsuran woman of dark hair and green eyes
Faranmidahn  3'3"     35 Lb      Halfling          Female    Albino Lucht woman in black leather armor with a BIG spider
Ezil         5'11"    175 Lb     Human             Male      An armored man with dark skin, and grey-blonde hair.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     267 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.

Most of the time, life is quotidian routine. Regular events repeated in thousands of places, executed in states of boredom and frustration. Any one of these tasks can become an adventure when something different happens, a mistake is made, and the routine changes.

With a little luck, some corners can be cut and nothing goes wrong. The caravan can have fewer carts than average, the guards can all be adventurers, and double as the teamsters. Magic can be used in place of regular maintenance. The bandits aren't paid off before leaving, and a road less travelled is taken to avoid them. A few clouds in the sky aren't indicative of bad weather. Each decision on it's own, is a negligible risk. Yet everything counts in large amounts, and there's only so much fat to trim before you're into the meat and bone. When a series of gambles and bad luck intersect, that's when the mundane turns into an adventure.

An adventure that is about to intersect with three carts, heavily laden with large barrels, rolling along a backwoods trail past a cliff and a swamp on their way to Alexandria.

Nels is riding in the back of one of the wagons, watching all around as much as he can and trying not to glare at mister caravan master. "If you only want me to half-shoot any bad guys, just let me know," he says with a glower. Maybe he can miss and it this guy instead? Well, that'd be hard to pull of convincingly. He thinks about it a lot, though.

"Poc like this swamp." The green, woodland dressed goblin observes from behind his wooden mask, head tilting to look at the scenery as he rides past. The chirping of birds and other various creatures native to the area draw a slow smile across his face. Nostalgic. Given his Animal Handling skills, he's one of these adventurers that has crossed into doing some of the actual driving. Sitting at the front of one of the caravans with some slim reins in his hands, the gobber carefully navigates the animals in front across the pathways down the cliff.

"Hey," He barks, leaning forward to look in the direction of the Caravan Master. "How much further to ride? Poc's butt is sore!"

Bina rides in a cart next to a driver. Today in pants when normally a dress might do. Too much movement on a ride like this and easier to trip up at a bad moment. Emp, her bird, is on her shoulder and her mask is on as normal as is her smile. "Sir, you may want to save your comments for after we get where we're going. Better to improve the moral of those guarding you and your things." She says sweetly but with a dry undertone. Really she's just happy to be able to chat with Faran once more and refuses to let the man bother her.

It's been one of those runs. It's probably the thinner air afftecting the tallfellow in the usual way. Her mount, the armored, glossy black spider, Torrent, manages to easily maintain pace with the larger draft animals. Faran keeps largely shrouded as the sun is not exactly a friend, and she rides a little ahead of the caravan so as not to spook the other critters. Her little white spider scurries around on her saddle before venturing up along her body again, the sorceress, meanwhile keeping her eyes open for hazard... or the beauty of the environs.

"Well I ain't playing for talk-back." The Caravan master says, demonstrating incredible charisma, although he stays silent after Sabina's admonishment and concentrates on driving the first cart. Faran is out in front, leading the caravan. Sabina, sadly, is seated next to the Master on the first cart, with Poc beside the driver of the second, and Nels last on the third cart. A position both furthest away and best for 'accidents' should the goblin feel so inclined.

All three carts are all overloaded. The journey has already been eventful. The lead cart broke its axel and driver-side front wheel. A little bit of mending, courtesy of Faranmidahn set it right and prompted a compliment from the Caravan Master; she's worth full price. Until an hour later when it broke again, and he wondered what sort of half-assed halfing job she did. It was obvious he expected it to break the first time, but not the second. The third break made it clear that mending can only go so far. It became necessary to offload half the barrels onto the second cart to lighten the load on the first. The horses on the third simply weren't as strong.

The caravan has been travelling along a ledge-road on the side of a cliff, it now reaches a V shaped section of road, where it descends to the base then climbs up the side again, while a prominent rock overhang shades the bottom point. The recent rain has made the cliff face slick with water and there is a waterfall at the point. Water comes down the cliff, washes across the road and into a swamp that's bordering its feet. Twisted trees keep the swamp in darkness, with scum covered fetid water visible between them.

Nels snidely replies to the caravan master, "Oh, the sass comes free, no charge for that." But the terrain has him nervous, and if we're washed away, he doesn't expect these overloaded carts will float. Air sailing masters were never this chear. If you cheap out in flying, you come crashing to the ground and everything's ruined. Here, you just lose a few hours each time. And your patience. He scans the countryside again, daring bad guys to come out. He's gonna shoot someone right in the face.

"This seems dangerous." You don't need any sort of special perception or skills to know that the route that the group has taken here is looks dangerous. Narrow paths on a cliff-face is one thing, but the paths being moist - wetted from recent rain and the residual moisture from the surrounding swamps make it downright treacherous. "Why not we take main road? Instead of this back path?" More grumbling from Poc, who glowers with a narrow of his eyes. Shifting a bit, seemingly restless, Poc gets the feeling back into his rear after sitting down for so long.

There is a wall of cliff on the left, going up, a wall of cliff on the right, going down with a marsh at the bottom. The road is on a ledge on the cliff, about 30' up, goes into a V where the top parts of the V are at 30' elevation, and the point is at 0' elevation in the ground, beside the marsh. The road turns, goes down, turns, goes up again.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls perception: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Nels rolls perception: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Poc rolls perception: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Sabina rolls perception: (7)+5: 12

This is a bad bend. A perfect place for an ambush but Poc doesn't see anyone. There are a lot of mosquitos in the marsh, hovering about in the darkness, getting eaten by frogs. Lots of tiny splsh noises, frogs hopping about, and croaking.

Bina sighs and takes a look about. "Likely thinking that by taking the back roads he could avoid bandit troubles? Normally its the reverse and the back roads are in worse repair. But what's done is done. We are here. Anything we can do to lessen the chance of problems?" She asks.

Perhaps being a skinflint has a more profound cost, after all.

Faran looks back over her shoulder, "I can scout ahead and see how bad the conditions are." she calls back toward the caravan master. She even manages to sound... reasonably professional about it.

"Fewer bandits this way, fewer travellers, longer route but it makes better time." The Caravan Master explains, snapping the reins and directing the lead cart onto the downslope. It is slippery, it is treacherous, he has no difficulty. "Keep moving the traction is better, slow down you'll get stuck."

The point at the bottom is the perfect place for someone to jump out, halt the whole caravan. The cliff face, great for archers or gunslingers. "Yeah, you do that. Scout ahead and look for Belchermen."

Belchermen, an uncommon and derisive term for dragonspitter and thunderbelcher users, typically thrown around by those who dislike goblins and new things.

The first cart rattles down towards the point of the V. The closer to the swamp, the more audible the swamp noises get, random blurps, the croaking of frogs, and the trickling of water.

Faranmidahn whispers, "Shoulder, sweetie." and the white spider disappears under her hood as she draws her bow and nocks an arrow before nudging the spider forward with her feet. And down they go, head on a swivel...

Nels smirks to Sabina, and says, "Not likely." At Faranmidan's comment, he'll allow, "You could, but if they're waiting for you to split off to ambush you, you'd be in a pretty bad way, and we couldn't catch up in time to help." He glares hard at the back of the caravan master's head. "First thing you'll see if you're ambushed by gunners is your head exploding. Guns aren't something cut-rate bandits can afford."

"But if group falls off path then all dead." The rather blunt assessment from the gobber is made as he looks to Sabina, his shoulders rolling into a shrug. "This very good place for ambush." Poc notes, grimacing as he looks about. "If Poc going to ambush? This be the place right here." Pause. "But Poc no see anyone. Just lots of frogs. Frogs and bugs. Bugs getting eaten by frogs. Delicious. Poc jealous. Want to eat some bugs. Am hungry." More complaining. More whining.

"Look for what?" Poc, unfamiliar with the Belchermen term, tilts his head like a pup trying to learn a new trick. "Sounds nasty. Be careful."

There is a brief grimice from Sabina before her smile is back in place. "Well. If there is such a thing here then we best invite everyone down to have a drink and tell a few tales. Not that I think that would work too well. But you never know." She looks over towards the caravan master. "What are we hauling?"

"Alexandrian bandits are trying a new thing, organizing and a show of force. One guy pops out to take a toll. You pay, they let you through, you don't it gets messy. You don't have guards, it gets messy. Usually they got one fancy thing to show they mean business." The Caravan Master yells back, as his cart rumbles towards the bottom.

Faran, out ahead, feels Torrent's feet slip a little in the mud, but it becomes fine once the road slopes up again. Every arachnid step invites that sudden appearance of a Highwayman, blocking her way. Yet none manifest.

The lead cart hits the bottom of the V, the Caravan Master hauls his team into the turn. The wagon slips sideways a little, then the wheels catch and it is climbing upwards and losing momentum. He has an ugly smily with crooker, black teeth that he bares at Sabina, "Nothing Magically Explosive, if that's what yer wondering. Some kind of concentrated nectar or plant extract."

The second cart, Poc's cart, rumbles down. Overladen, it's picking up speed fine on its own, the driver has to race the horses to keep them from getting overrun. It hits the turn and he pulls them hard into it. The horses strain, the cart slides sideways on the slick road, off the road. It's wheels sink into the muck, the cart tips over on it's side and barrels go flying. Not far, they are too heavy, but several break open on impact, drenching the area, while others splash into the marsh.

GAME: Sabina rolls reflex: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Driver2 rolls 1d20+1: (15)+1: 16
GAME: Marsh Faceplant rolls 1d6: (6): 6

One sudden shift. One bump. The combination like a spring board and Sabina finds herself airborne..then falling. Emp flaps free and glides down. Sabina is not so lucky. She slides down the rock face and then thuds into the swampy land with a muted splat. She groans and eases herself upright wincing and holding her side.

"W-w-w-w-whhaaaaaa!!!" Poc squeals as the overladen cart he's in picks up speed, racing down the path at great speed. The horses in front grunt in effort, but as the cart wheels dig into the mud, the resulting momentum forcing the entire thing to tip over, the gobber LEAPS out to clear himself of the falling debris. It's not really a heroic thing - not even very acrobatic. He does land nearby though, seemingly unharmed from the crash. Regathering himself, Poc waves his arms dramatically. "Crash! Crash! Barrels broken! Others in marsh!" This is not going well. Turning to look back at Sabina, who was flung from her own cart, Poc peeks over the pathway edge to look down over the side.

"Sabina survive? Sabina okay?"

Ezil plods along behind the carts, choosing his ground carefully from atop the mule he rides. A flick of the reins, and a light nudge gets his mount to trying to cross this sludge they are calling terrain, eyes catching the accident that unfolds ahead of him as Sabina takes her spill. "You lot okay?" he calls noticing Poc sweep in, causing a smirk. "This is going to get messy. We have to get that cart back on it's wheels, but..... not fun." dismounting as he offers his help.

Nels acks with alarm as he hears, rather than sees, the second cart crashes like that. He's on the back cart, and kind of standing rearguard. He turns around quickly to take in the disaster, and he acks! "Hey, are you guys OK?" He'll hop out and try to get to Sabina, to help her up.

Faranmidahn looks around furtively as she feels Torrent slip a little here and there. As she hears the sound of the wagons in orientational distress, she twists in the saddle to see what's going on. She can't stand in her saddle, but as she hears the call from some of the others, she scans the high ground and the trees as it seems this is very much the place for things going wrong to keep on keepin' on. To that end, she steers Torrent toward the cliff wall to try and get up for a more elevated view.

The Tarien Cleric landed in the marsh after falling down the cliff. She's near the bottom point of the road, but a little further along the base of the cliff. It appears possible to climb the cliff, but a trudge through the marsh would work just as well.

Sabina gets up with a sodden chuckle. and ficks some mud out of her hair. "Well. Not the type of mup bath I would look forward too but it could do in a emergency." She says with another wince. "I'm ok. Mostly my pride. Which is an odd thing for a Tarienite. Life is like a bag of wiggles. You reach in never knowing what you'll get."

The driver of Cart 2 also went airborne, and a tiny bit more acrobatic and lands on his feet. Only to catch the full invective of the Caravan Master, "That's your fault! I said don't stop, not race! We've lost our bonus and that's coming out of your pay!" He's red in the face, turned around to yell, loosely holding the reins as the first cart keeps climbing. He's also completely missed that he lost his Sabina.

The driver of the third cart is pulling the horses back and putting on the wheel brakes, attempting to stop it on the downslope before it plows into the middle cart. With a squealing of brakes and a neighing of horses, it manages to stop in time.

The strange sickly-sweet nectar, whatever it was the barrels contained, leak from the burst ones and seems to be everywhere. A funny looking frog plops into view, it's about the size of a large rat and looks like a giant tadpole with legs. A much more normal frog plops onto the road, smaller, but electric green and orange. The croaking in the marsh, which went silent during the crash, resumes much louder.

Each Cart and Horse unit is 20' long. Cart 2 is at the bottom of the V, 0' elevation, on its side and in the marsh. Cart 1 is about 10' upslope ahead of Cart 2, Cart 3 is 10' upslope behind Cart 2. There's a drop down the sides of the V, which is the road, to the marsh. Sabina & Nels are together, Driver2 and Poc are together, they're both in the marsh about 10' apart from each other. Ezil is beside Cart 2. The Caravan Master is on Cart 1, Driver 3 is on Cart 3. Faran has made Torrent climb the cliff face on the inside of the V, placing her above the road and the carts.

Faranmidahn, from her vantage point can see the marsh and surrounding swampy areas. They look like they're boiling. There are frogs, a lot of frogs, some misshapen frogs, and a couple very big frogs. Her position is 20' off the ground on the cliff face, about 20' away from the point of the V'.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls diplomacy: (5)+8: 13

The gun gobbo is in the Marsh with Sabina, with a cliff face going up behind him. Poc and the bottom of the V is to his West. The marsh is a 1' deep bog, slowing movement.

Blink. Faran's head cants as she stares, for a moment befuddled by the sheer roiling cloud of froggies surrounding the area. With a quick, light kick-kick- to get Torrent moving along the cliff face, overlooking the scene, she lowers her bow. A soft clearing of her throat, she calls out toward the presumed Spokesphibian in front of the caravan, "Greetings, friends..." ahem, "Please pardon us if we disturbed you, we were merely passing through and our wagons flipped. If you give us the time we need, we'll hoppily- happily!- happily clean up what we can and move out of your territory."

Nels can't really see small frogs like this as enemies. They're probavbly seeing about the spill. He'll plod out of the muck and see if the wagon can be righted. Looks like it can, but it'll take a lot more than him, so he'll stand by.

Examining it, he can see the wagon will need a lot more people to set upright. The barrels that are still in it will have to be removed first. The barrels took two people each to load one.

GAME: Ezil rolls Handle Animal+2: (7)+9+2: 18

Looking at the frogs, the paladin realizes a few things. These are really dumb frogs. They are also brighty coloured, which usually means poisonous, and the 'smart' ones, are those weird giant tadpoles, which still aren't very smart and also look poisonous and mutated. They're about to swarm after all that Nectar, and everyone except Ezil and Faran is covered in it. Finally, the horses are all upset and Cart2's horses have nectar on them.

Ezil points towards the orange frog as it catches his notice first. "Hey now! Let's not leap into trouble here little fella. You look like you're going to make a dash for our cargo, and I don't think it's wise!" making a shooing motion, and trying to take up it's notice. He isn't being aggressive, but he advances and makes his noise to draw attention of the creatures, but soon after he pauses.

"They're not gonna listen... so you all need to be real careful. They want that stuff on you, and in the casks, and they're just waiting on when to decide to dash." Ezil going on guard suddenly. "They're likely poisonous, take note of their colors." putting himself between the party and several of the frogs.

The nectar went everywhere in the crash, on the adventurers, the carts and horses. It's on the road and the top of the marsh, like an oil slick.

GAME: Sabina casts Create Water. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13

Bina carefuly steps around or over frogs and gets back on the road with a sigh. She then pulls out her holy symbol and says a quick prayer to Tarien and is suddenly drenched as gallons of water splash over her in the attempt to wash herself clean of the stuff and mud.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Two more ugly giant tadpole things with legs plop into view and attack Nels, Poc, and the Driver"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay, they miss both of you, one bites the driver

Plop! Plop! Two more of the oddly shaped, giant tadpoles appear. They have enough legs to jump, and with the tail get a little extra distance. Three of them leap at Nels, Poc, and the driver of the second cart. The first two wiggles fly by the goblins, over their heads in fact. The third hits the human driver in the chest, and bites with a remora-like maw, carving a circular section out of him.

He screams, he flails, he runs. The horses, which were already a little panicked become moreso and strain in their harnesses.

<OOC> Frog acrobatics to jump, clear a 16DC to make it
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

Croak, croak-croak. Suddenly the croaking is deafening, and where there was one or two frogs, there became a dozen, then more. They swarm out of the marsh, hopping towards whatever was in those barrels, hopping towards whereever it splashed, hopping and following the other frogs, since they're not that bright. But there are lots of them.

LOTS of them. Cart two is entirely engulfed, and the road surrounding it. The horses go from panicked to screaming, lurching in the rails attempting to get free. A wave of them hop out of the marsh, individually, attempting to clear the cliff and land on the road. The ones heading for Cart 3's horses manage to do so, the ones going after Cart 1 have a little more trouble and only manage to get part-way up the cliff.

Frogs! Everywhere!

Mixed in the midst of the small hoppers, are three giant ones, the size of large dogs and far more slimier.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Nels, your held action?"
<OOC> Nels says, "I will shoot one of the big ones."
GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Nels rolls 1d10+5: (1)+5: 6
<OOC> Nels is proficient with improvised weapons as a goblin, so can AoO with the rifle butt?
GAME: Nels uses an AoO! 0 remaining.
GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13

Nels frantically gets his thunderbelcher to his shoulder as the frogs mob us, and he looks around, draws a bead on the nearest, and fires quickly, winging it as he plans a route out of there. He flails with his rifle butt as he's engulfed in the swarm, to no effect.

GAME: Ezil uses an AoO! 0 remaining.
GAME: Ezil rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

Ezil is overcome with the mob of frog, and his thrashing and striking out with his shield does little to stop its advance. "How many are there?"

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Swarm Damage, and everyone I damage make a Fort save please"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (2): 2
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Ezil for 3 points. 52 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Sabina for 2 points. 21 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Nels for 5 points. 40 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Poc for 4 points. 22 HP remaining.
GAME: Ezil rolls fortitude: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Sabina rolls fort: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Nels rolls fortitude: (12)+6: 18
GAME: Poc rolls fortitude: (12)+7: 19

A carpet of frogs spreads out below, covering the wagons, people and livestock. The Spider Rider is high on the cliff, safe with a good vantage point.

Frogs, hopping everywhere. The driver of the second cart goes down, covered in them. The horses, likewise, become horse-shaped wriggling masses of frogs. They are all over the second cart with it's broken barrels. Some hop onto the road beyond, covering Ezil and Sabina. The horses on the third cart are struggling and the drive is scrambling to get away.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d3: (2): 2
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "one on Nels goes for a bite, one on Poc goes for a tongue"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Giant Frog damaged Nels for 7 points. 33 HP remaining.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay it's grab CMBs"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14

The giant frogs hop forward. The one that was shot croaks and bounces towards Nels, landing with a splash on smaller frogs and biting the goblin... and holding on. Poc feels a wet splat against his back as one of them sticks its tongue to him and tugs. He isn't moved, but it's still stuck there. Meanwhile, the third one manages to tip a barrel off the cart, then attempts to swallow it.

<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "Okay, you're -2 attack for having it stuck to you."
GAME: Poc rolls weapon0-2: (13)+5+-2: 16
GAME: Poc rolls weapon0-2: (7)+5+-2: 10
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I believe you need to do a Full attack to get all attacks,
                         which you can't if you move. the second one misses anyhow"
GAME: Poc rolls 1d6+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

"Ah! Get it off! Get it off!" Poc squeals, feeling the tongue of the large frog against his back. Turning back around, the gobber wades through the water to get close to the beasty, before sending his FIST into the things FACE! Given he's knee deep in the swamp though, the damage isn't really what he would like it to be.

"Someone free horses!" Poc hollers at the top of his lungs. "Maybe get to third cart? Can use it to escape!"

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Faran, your colour spray works, it gets a swarm save"
GAME: Faranmidahn casts Color Spray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

Faranmidahn isn't befuddled long as the arrayed amphibians begin to rush the caravan so fervently. She hisses a bitter, "beagle bleep" and she nudges Torrent to try and circle around toward the area between the first and second carts as her arrow hand comes up, two fingeres extended together, tracing an shape into the air along the way, "bleep sandy beagle blrgl bleh blrgl blrgl beagle bleh blah" with her final words intoned, fingers pointing to the unengaged part of the swarm between the first and second and fans them, and a cone of brilliant light of myriad colors is unleashed from her extended hand. Now it's time the licking frogs to see all the pretty colors. Turnabout.... <halfling>


GAME: Nels rolls cmb: (7)+6: 13

Nels cries out, "Forget the horses, free me. Us," he adds in a diplomatic moment as he struggles against the frog holding him. It's not -that- big, so he'll try to pull free, struggling with a grunt and sticking his rifle butt in to try and pry himself loose. He's not successful, sadly, but not for lack of effort.

GAME: Ezil rolls handle animal+2: (2)+9+2: 13

Ezil follows Poc's plea, turning to try and cut the horses free of the overturned cart in hopes that they can get free and not succumb to the croaking swarm of slimming doom. "Come on, get!" his knife in his free hand after having cut the tack in several places to help them get free. "If they die, there is no saving the cart anyways." seeming to have agreed with the goblinoid.

GAME: Sabina casts Color Spray. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 2d4: (6): 6
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20-1: (10)+-1: 9
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4: (4): 4

Bina is not a happy with all this turn of events. Sooooo many frogs! And they're on her.. and ...eww! She's just happy Emp already flew for the hills when she fell.

Rasing up her hands she casts one of the only spells she can think of to hit such a large area of critters. Arcane words are said and just like Faran a bright and powerful spray of colors vomits forth from her fingers over the back of the cart, the frogs as well as a couple of the larger critters. The volume level goes down as amphibians take a nap.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "a wiggle attacks Sabina, and the other one attacks Ezil"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (2)+4: 6

One of the brightly coloured tadpoles plops in front of Sabina, following the frogs, landing in the water she used to wash herself. The Tarien cleric is still covered in frogs, so it decides to join them, jumping upwards and snapping with it's sucker-like teeth. It's completely off target, and spluts on the ground somewhere past her.

Meanwhile, the horses neigh and bolt, scattering frogs as the flee the swarm. Ezil is suprised to see one of the giant-legged-tadpole things appear out of the mass, and it jumps towards him. It misses.

The Caravan Master looks like he's about to do something stupid, which would be on par. He turns and whips his horses again. "Gerrout!" He commands, as a wave of amphibians come up over the side of the cliff and surge towards his sweet smelling cart. He's going to make it! His plan works!


The front axel breaks again, a wheel falling off. His escape was only 10' away, not enough to stop the frogs swarming the cart.

He curses as the freed horses run by him.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (1): 1
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (6): 6
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Sabina for 3 points. 18 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Ezil for 1 points. 51 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Nels for 6 points. 27 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Poc for 3 points. 19 HP remaining.
GAME: Sabina rolls fort: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Ezil rolls fort: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Nels rolls fortitude: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Poc rolls fortitude: (6)+7: 13

Croak, croak, peep-peep, croak. The noise of singing frogs is everywhere, all around. So are the frogs, climbing on people, splatting wetly on faces, getting caught in chinks of armour. All the while spreading a slimey coating that stings just a little, and might a lot more if it gets into a cut. Sabina, Ezil, Nels and Poc are covered in the tiny critters, even as the struggle with the larger onces in the midst of them.

<OOC> The Giant frogs try to swallow Nels and Poc."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Nels, then Poc, against your CMD"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Giant Frog damaged Poc for 8 points. 11 HP remaining.

The giant frogs are a single minded as their smaller cousins: grab something; eat it. The slimey amphibian with a bite on Nels opens its mouth wider to swallow him, and seems to forget about it. Perhaps it was temporarily blinded by one of the flashing lights, but when its jaw finally snaps closed, the gunner goblin isn't there.

Poc, is not as lucky, with a 'blurp', the frog opens its mouth and reels him in.

"Stupid! Giant! Frog!" Poc hollers, struggling against the tongue that is stuck to his back. "Time to flee, time to escape!" The cry can't be actioned on unfortunately, because just like that? He is swallowed! "...WAUGGGHH!" He vanishes down the sharp maw, getting cut by the teeth as he goes. The teeth of the large frog grate across his skin as he's pulled into the belly of the beast. He doesn't taste good. Like dirt, really. Lots of mud.

The frog's belly bulges out a little, but it doesn't seem otherwise inconvenienced. It looks around with strange eyes, selecting its next target.

GAME: Faranmidahn casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 3d4+3: (4)+3: 7

The swarm of frogs shaking off her spell is something of a disappointment. Faran's eyes sweep the mess just in time to see the goblin get gobbled up and with a wide eyed, "sandy" she brings Torrent around and starts her attack invocation to try and discourage the ambhibian's continuing digestion. Her hand comes up, fore-and-middle fingers extended as the power grows within her. "bleh blrgl sandy blrgl" she starts to traces an eternity sign, "sandy beagle blrgl bleep" Her fingers suddenly trail brilliant white, "sandy blrgl" and as she closes the figure eight she roars defiantly "bleep bleh" Three bolts of white force streak toward the large frog, striking within a tight group, though to less effect than she'd like. <halfling>

Nels is not one to waste an opportunity, and when the frog relaxes its jaws to prepare to swallow him, he makes his escape. He ducks and weaves as he wades through the mass of frogs to get clear, or as clear as he can. If he can get clear, he can maybe do a bit of good, but he can't do much of anything up close.

GAME: Ezil rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Ezil rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "It's Dead! No wait it's still moving! No wait wait that's Poc crawling out. It's Dead!"

Ezil looks up from making sure the horses were set free, only to see Poc being devoured by a hungry frog. "Hey! No!" Hopping away from the cart, and trudging through the marsh as he takes out his hammer. "BAD! Don't eat the small people!" his irritation shown a bit as this devolves into chaos and dead frogs. His blow comes quick and fast, his hammer cracking across the frogs head, finishing it quickly to try and help the trapped member inside it.

<OOC> Sabina will channel and then move to cart 3 horses, pull out dagger as part of the move.
GAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (4): 4
GAME: Wiggles rolls 1d20-1: (3)+-1: 2
GAME: Wiggles rolls 1d20-1: (20)+-1: 19

Bina starts to move, evading one of the wiggles but not the other. Sticky tounged sucker latching on to her torso and stopping her cold. She still manages to pull out her dagger and send for the burst of silvery energy that sends out healing to all in that area..if only a little.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Sabina damaged Sabina for -4 points. 22 HP remaining.
GAME: Wiggles damaged Sabina for 5 points. 17 HP remaining.
GAME: Wiggles damaged Sabina for 4 points. 13 HP remaining.

The wiggles are very single minded. Sabina is a bright, shiny thing. One hops after her immediately, catching her calf and biting down. The other, already has her with it's tongue, and hops, reeling itself in. She feels a thump as it impacts her torso then a scissor-slicing of circular teeth.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (5): 5 GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Ezil for 5 points. 46 HP remaining.

The swarm keeps hopping, popping up, though it has fewer victims. Some of the horses and people are free. They are all over Ezil, making tiny wounds. Poc, protected in the corpse of his devourer, is undamaged.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8

The giant frog that almost ate Nels decides to try for even bigger prey. It hops at Ezil, and misses, splashing in the marsh nearby.

GAME: Poc rolls weapon1: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Poc rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

"As he crawls out of the frog, looking thoroughly disorientated and covered in all sorts of bodily goop, Poc groans and croaks something unintelligible. His body looks to be reasonably wounded at this point - the cuts from the large frogs sharp teeth having sliced his skin and make him bleed. Yet still he gets up. "Time to go." He announces. "...and thanks, Ez." The gobber lifts a hand to wave at his ally. "Good save."

Reaching for his ranged weapons, the fires an arrow at the tadpole beasty that is threatening his ally in Sabina. The arrow is a bit gross, but still does the job.

GAME: Faranmidahn attempts to cast Magic Missile but fails due to ASF.

Faranmidahn really needs to expand her offensive repetoir. Seeing 'Sabina!' being swarmed upon by the chompy things, she begins tracing her attack sigil once more as she nudges Torrent into motion to cut around toward Ezil, "blrgl beagle bleh beagle blrgl beagle blrgl beagle" she breaks of in a gasp as an errant pinch from her armour disrupts her concentration and the building light at her fingertips fizzles into pixie dust but, commited to angling to try to help the paladin. <halfling>

GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Nels rolls 1d10+6: (4)+6: 10

Nels frantically loads his weapon now, cramming powder and shot and wadding down the barrel, then tamping it into place. He shoulders the weapon and fires at the closest one. Firearms are pretty deadly when they hit, and this one plows into the frog right bewteen the eyes, and it falls over dead.

GAME: Ezil rolls 3d6: (11): 11
GAME: Ezil damaged Poc for -11 points. 22 HP remaining.

Ezil has a few cuts, and scrapes, but it seems he's still standing strong. His warhammer is shifted, taking a moment to place a hand on Poc's shoulder after he climbs from the frog's corpse. "You're always welcome, Poc. Now let's work on clearing the field. We have allies that need us." the radiant power flowing from him to the goblinoid to help close the small man's wounds.

GAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (8): 8
GAME: Sabina damaged Sabina for -8 points. 21 HP remaining.
GAME: Sabina damaged Ezil for -8 points. 54 HP remaining.
GAME: Sabina damaged Faranmidahn for -8 points. 29 HP remaining.
GAME: Sabina damaged Poc for -8 points. 26 HP remaining.

Bina stands her ground, pulling agaisnt the sticky tounge in resistance as she once again calls forth the healing power of Tarien. "Oh Tarien.. God of luck.. I could so use some right now! Heal us all so that together we can overcome!" Another silvery burst and much of her injuries are washed away. Only to be reaquired as the wiggles comp on her anew and this time getting her screams.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (20)+4: 24 (THREAT)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (4)+4: 8 (Not confirmed)
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Both hits, because you have a -2 AC because one wiggle still has its tongue on you"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Wiggle damaged Sabina for 7 points. 14 HP remaining.

After the burst of healing energy, the two wiggles trying to eat Sabina come to understand her as some wonderful, glowing bug, and try to eat her even harder. They jump and bite, and two more circular serrated kisses are given.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn for 4 points. 25 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn's companion for 4 points. 23 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Ezil for 5 points. 49 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Poc for 5 points. 21 HP remaining.
GAME: Ezil rolls fort: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls fort: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23 (Torrent Fort)
GAME: Poc rolls fortitude: (20)+7: 27 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d3: (1): 1
<OOC> "poison effect is -1 STR, Faran feels weak.

The little frogs, are simply everywhere, hopping and plopping, getting smeared by the nectar extract and otherwise getting into people's faces. Faran and Torrent now discover what the others are feeling as the little poisonous peepers crawl all over her, as well as Ezil and Poc.

GAME: Poc rolls weapon1: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Poc rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

Perhaps inspired by the words of the paladin by his side, Poc focusses in on the same target he had before. Knocking up another arrow, he lets the sharp object loose, hoping to free Sabina of her capture. "These things won't let go!" He cries, noting that his arrows are sinking in. Just not doing as much damage as he wants, alas.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+9: (9): 18

This is... waaaaah! Eww! Ow.... aaaah! "Get-!" a yelp, "Ow!" Faran is beleaguered by the slimy stinky things, and all of her attempts to cast are met with unhappy, nibbling froggies, tadpoles and assorted moist swamp life. She seems a little pale, even for her, and she sways just a little in the saddle, as Torrent blithely ignores the onslaught, and little Zephyr is scurrying frantically along her mistress' body to avoid being swarmed.

GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+16: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+16: (9)+10: 19
GAME: Nels rolls 4d10+24: (33)+24: 57

Nels is reloading even before the smoke from his shot clears. Shot, powder, charge, hammer back, draw a bead, exhale, and pull the trigger. There's an explosion and smoke as usual, but this shot takes the frog in the head, and sends bits of it all around. Very small bits. And very far around. The remains of the frog are motionless, not even a twitch.

GAME: Ezil rolls attack8: (18)+attack8: 18
GAME: Ezil rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11

Ezil turns to start his march towards Sabina, his focus shifting to the party member who's in trouble now. He trudges through the mud and swarms of frogs, his hammer swung and sending a wave of the croakers flying, scattering them, but only briefly as they seem to muster from his attack. "Where did they all come from? I saw nothing before the wagon turned over." his words laced with a bit of annoyance.

GAME: Sabina rolls melee: (18)+3: 21
GAME: Sabina rolls 1d4: (1): 1

Bina lashes out at the tadpole things next to her, scorring a thin line across the injured one. She wrestels briefly with it in vien attempt to break free and gets another bite for her troubles. Starting to worry inwardly she looks around trying to assess what's going on but the frogs are everywhere still.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3
GAME: Wiggles damaged Sabina for 3 points. 11 HP remaining.
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

The two wiggles are fascinated and ferociously determined to eat the wonderful, glowy bug. The Tarien feels another painful chomp, then a strange sensation. The wiggle biting her appears to have grown longer, and another set of legs.

Or... it's being swallowed by the other one, which mistook it's flapping tail as a bug-wing.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (3): 3
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (2): 2
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn for 3 points. 22 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn's companion for 4 points. 19 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Poc for 2 points. 19 HP remaining.
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls fort: (3)+6: 9
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21 (Torrent Fort)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d3: (3): 3
<OOC> -3 Strength

Frogs! Frogs everywhere! Frogs in the ears! Frogs in the eyes. In the mouth! It's hard to breath without a poisonous foot slapping itself in an eye or somewhere else about the body. Faran, Torrent and poor Poc are still covered by the swarm.

 Sabina Rolls for Poc
GAME: Sabina rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Sabina rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

Poc's aim is still true dispite being covered in frog slime. Another arrow flies out and smacks into one, ramming it into the other wiggling critter. Still they yet live.

GAME: Faranmidahn casts Color Spray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16 (Concentration Check)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+2: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "They. Are. OUT."
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+3: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "the horses are not."

Faranmidahn manages, despite the ravenous swarm, the poison dribble sapping her strength, to bring her hand up, carcing a sygil in the air as she begins to cast anew, "blah blah blah blrgl beagle bleep bleh bleh sandy sandy" and lets the cloud of amphibians troubling the third cart taste the rainbow, cutting a large hunk of their noise from the dischord. Meahwhile, Torrent stomps arround irritably and Zephyr continues to work on her cardio before bringing the giant spider around to see if there's anywhere else she can do something good. <unknown>

There's a wiggle biting Sabina, and she's about 50' away from Nels. There's another one around somewhere, but it's hard to spot it, it blends in with the frogs and hasn't moved in a while.

GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30 (THREAT)
GAME: Nels rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30 (Confirmed)
GAME: Nels rolls 4d10+24: (27)+24: 51

Nels wades into the mass of frogs to help out Sabina, shouldering his gun after ramming a round and powder home. He ignores the frigs around him, takes careful aim, and BLAM, there is just icky mess now. When the bullet hits it, it about explodes. "You okay?" he calls out.

GAME: Ezil rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Ezil rolls 1d8+3: (6)+3: 9

Ezil sees one of the stunned frogs starting to come around, his steps pausing on his way to Sabina as he dispatches it like the last. A quick swing of his hammer, and a sigh. "This is just a mess." his weapon dripping with slimy particles of amphibian. "You all right?" he calls to the woman, as he finally reaches her.

<preGAME: Sabina rolls 2d6: (6): 6 GAME: Sabina damaged Faranmidahn for -6 points. 28 HP remaining. GAME: Sabina damaged Faranmidahn's companion for -6 points. 25 HP remaining. GAME: Sabina damaged Ezil for -6 points. 55 HP remaining. GAME: Sabina damaged Sabina for -6 points. 17 HP remaining. GAME: Sabina damaged Poc for -6 points. 25 HP remaining.

GAME: Sabina damaged Nels for -6 points. 33 HP remaining.

Bina finds herself free! And almost frog free too! It's like a minor miricle and she gives Ezil a nod and a smirk. "I say we take all the dead ones with us and make the caravan master carry them! He can make up lost profit with frog legs I bet. Well.. except they're poisonous."

Bina then lets out another burst of holy energy as she prays for healing.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (1): 1
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (6): 6
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (2): 2
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d6: (2): 2
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Nels for 1 points. 32 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn for 6 points. 22 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Faranmidahn's companion for 2 points. 23 HP remaining.
GAME: Frog Swarm damaged Poc for 2 points. 23 HP remaining.
GAME: Nels rolls fortitude: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls fortitude: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16 (Torrent Fort)

Frogs are still hopping everywhere, although it's a lot quieter. For those still covered in them, their poisonous slime continues to sap away at them. Nels, Faran, Torren and Poc just feel ill.

Everything large and dangerous in the frog swarm has been dispatched, leaving only the small, poisonous ones. Although, there are a lot of them. It's easy enough to back up the road and sway away, the horses are rescued as well. The driver of the third cart returns, and the Caravan Master, up the other side of the V, has unhitched Cart 1's horses and moved them away from the swarms.

The colour spray worked, for a while, knocking the frogs out. However, they woke up again after a few minutes and resumed swarming around. The nectar-juice attracts them, washing it off was enough to make them lose interest in the party. So the swarms remain clustered around the carts and all their broken barrels.

The swarms need to be driven off, cart two set back on it's wheels, cart 1 repaired, the horses caught and the tact for cart two repaired as well. All those barrels are going to need to be offloaded, then loaded again. The Caravan Master is staring across the gap at the party, as if this is their problem to solve.

Bina has moved to a safer location and is pondering the swarms on the barrels as well as every now and again casting a glance up at the caravan master in an oh so nuetral tone. She steps forward just close enough to pray her orson once again and splashes water over the barrels to delute the sticky substance and waits to look what affect it has if any.

"Should I take a busted keg, and Pancake and I try and lead them away from the cart?" Ezil asks from near Sabina's shoulder, watching her as she works on diluting and rinsing the sticky cargo from where it spilled. "I wonder if they would follow it... they aren't that smart."

The llittle knight sways a little in the saddle and wipes her hand across her brow as they get away from the swarm, "I... can do my radiant spell maybe two more times., Then, perhaps Torrent and I can catch up to the horses and bring them back." A soft phew, "I don't feel so good..." ahem, "Is everyone else alright?"

Washing down the barrels and the cart works for the splash damage on Cart 3. It was brought safely to a stop, the sealed barrels appear to contain whatever is attracting the frogs. They move down to cart 2.

Cart 2 is more of a problem. It's on its side, has open barrels, with several whole barrels floating in the marsh, and the marsh makes it difficult to wash the nectar away.

Nels shakes his head to Ezil, and says, "Let's just wash the stuff that's attracting them off the cart til they leave on their own."

Poc will watch for bandits. Bandits are much easier to deal with.

Bina watches things settle down and prays again creating more water on the third cart. To Ezil she nods. "If you wish to do that lead them farther out into the swamp you can. But the ground will be trickey and the swarm will be attacking you as you do it. I won't stop you though. I can't." She grin at him and casts again.

"Well I knew there was danger, but I only thought to offer." moving to aid in cleaning up the cart. "I have my mule, and it's not as if it would be the first time I was chased." he muses, but it seems the other's plan is working, and so he goes with that.

Faranmidahn looks to Ezil and guides her Spider over that way, reaching up to collect the fuzzy white spider huddling under her hair. She gently strokes the little one with her thumb and slips her bow back onto a storage hook on the saddle. She smiles to him, "Mind helping me gather the horses, Ezil.. I'mnot feeling very well, and I'm not sure I have the strength to draw rein on them alone.

"As you ask, Faranmidahn." Ezil stopping the task he just started, and switching without fuss. "At least the horses, and mules seem to listen better than the frogs." he mentions, setting out to task. "Are you poisoned, Small-Knight?" asking as he just notices that the Lucht seems strained.

Faranmidahn wrinkles her nose a little at her formal name, a little puzzled, but she nods, "Yes... I think so." she says wearily and sighs, before she turns and makes ready to go with him to retrieve the errant draft critters.

It takes a while, a lot of casting and a lot of water, especially on Cart 2. Eventually enough of the juice is washed off the carts, onto the road, and from the road to the marsh. It develops a strange sheen on the surface, but the frogs follow it and plop into the water, en-masse.

The few broken barrels are dumped over and quickly washed clean, with only a little risk. At that point the second cart can be set right, and some attention given to the first cart's axel while the second car is being reloaded.

Faran and Ezil manage to track down the errant horses, and coax them back. The paladin has a natural touch, and the calmness of Pancakes is reassuring to the equines. The are hooked up again. It takes two trips for them to get Cart 2's load to the top of the V, it seems Faran isn't the only one a little weak and ill from the frog's coatings. This is a lot of loading, and unloading, and loading and reloading again.

The first cart, likewise, needs some mending spell attention which Faran provides, and then it's able to limp on its way as it has been the whole trip. There are quite a lot of squashed frogs, from horse trampling or other calamities. There's also a human casualty, the driver of the second cart is found face down in the marsh, drowned and sickly from the poison of the swarm. There was nothing to be done, he was found too late.

A bad end at a bad bend.

Ghoulish cp line.png

Combat Stuff

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 6 =====================
     21   Faranmidahn      1  
     20   Nels             1  
     19   Ezil             1  
  >> 16   Sabina           1   <<
     14   Wiggles          1  
     11   Froggies         1  
     6    Poc              1  

|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   | CHP | HP  | AC/FF/T |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Ezil      |HUMAN     |Pal        | 55  | 55  |25/24/12 | 20 | 10 | 5  | 9  |
|Faranmidah|HALFLING  |Cav/Sor    | 29  | 29  |17/14/14 | 16 | 6  | 5  | 6  |
|Nels      |GOBLIN    |Ftr        | 45  | 45  |19/15/15 | 20 | 6  | 5  | 2  |
|Poc       |GOBLIN    |Mnk/Rgr    | 26  | 26  |18/14/18 | 20 | 7  | 9  | 2  |
|Sabina    |HUMAN     |Clr/Wiz    | 23  | 26  |18/16/13 | 16 | 6  | 4  | 10 |