Six Hours

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It's an unremarkable day really. The sky is gray but doesn't show any signs of offering rain. There's a light wind, but it's not strong enough to be anything more than a mild irritant. You stand in a circle of trees with a mage from the Arcanists Guild. She's an elvish woman, her hair caught up in a thousand tiny braids that clink as she leads you into the center of the clearing. She hasn't smiled once since you met her, if anything she seems mildly irritated with you all, though her mood has cleared a little since you left the city. At least... she's not scowling at you anymore.

A soft humming noise has followed you since you left the Arcanist's Guild. You know it's not the elf, because she's spoken a little and the humming hasn't let up once. It floats through the air, and skims along the ground, and generally follows in your footsteps doggedly. Finally as you come to a stop the elf points to a space between the trees and then looks at you seriously. "In my studies, I have managed to find a thinning of the space between worlds here in the forest. A doorway of sorts. There's no way of being absolutely certain where it goes, which is where you all come in. I want you to go through, and document everything you find on the other side. Stay at least..." She glances skyward. "Six hours. Then return using the same spot to get back. Don't get lost or you'll probably be stuck there forever." It seems she doesn't have much in the way of bedside manner.

Well, one of the assorted reasons that she chose to return to Alexandria was to find adventure. Ygraine had not imagined it taking quite *this* sort of form... but when one's goddess recommends following one's impulses, surely a mystery jaunt to an unknown realm of existence counts as a worthwhile venture? Or that, at least, is what the Eldaran is praying with silent fervour. Still, she nods meekly to their guide, then darts the latest in a long series of glances at her companions in this strange expedition.

GAME: Sabina casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13 
GAME: Sabina rolls fort: (3)+6: 9

Tetrosabier gives off a quick introduction to those around him. "Greetings my name is Tetrosabier." He glances around as though he expects others to introduce themselves.

GAME: Ashes casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 1 DC: 13
GAME: Ashes rolls fort: (20)+4: 24 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Bina has been and is all smiles as they've traveled, taking even greater pleasure to smile at their scowling guide. She's happily tromped along with the group, a mythril mask covering her upper face and looking like a coyote. And a peacock sitting on her shoulder. Yes, she's odd like that. Odder still as she prays briefly to her god and then startles, covering her eyes for a moment and sighs. "Of course.." And then as to introductions she says, "Sabina, Luckbringer of Tarien. I hope."

Elyanna, another ray of sunshine, meets scowls and bristling with a tacit indifference. She would normally focus her attentions in other directions, but she's under the impression she needs to get back into fighting trim as it were. Best to do that with the odd Guild job. In three voice choir, the feather shrouded woman introduces herself in turn as, "Elyanna." as the Elgaren gets that going.

An arvec nar who matches the pallet of the grey sky watches the elf as she speaks. She too is short on smiles and social skills. Her faded black clothing, and the skull markings that cover her entire face strongly suggest a distance from the norms. She looks tattered, even though her clothes are only threadbare, without holes. Slacks, a shirt, a short jacket and an aged satchel seems to be all she's brought. She stares impassively through the explanation.

"Ash", she provides as an introduction. She recognizes only Sabina, and thus stands close to her. Seeing her go through the motions of a cantrip causes her to do the same. She spits on her hands, then rubs her eyes, which go even more dark and bead-like in the eyesockets of her decorated face. Staring, which appears to be her strong suit, her gaze goes towards a tree. When she speaks, her voice lacks inflection, all the words are flat. "There is a tiny invisible figure stalking up the side of that tree. It's invisible, so I can't make out the form, but magically it's very bright. You might go blind if you stare at it."

She keeps staring at it, and helpfully points in the direction of the thing no one else can see.

"Ygraine," the Eldaran provides, watching others cast spells. "Aspiring Muse of Ceinara." She shoots Sabina a look of concern... then arches her brows at Ash's explanation. "That... thank you for the warning. I shall refrain from risking my sight."

"Glad you're all getting acquainted with one another." The elf's tone is clearly sarcastic and she dryly starts to hand out notebooks to each of you. "Please document your experience. It might be useful. If you come back." She returns to her spot in the center of the clearing and looks at Ashes.

"That, is... a complication. She seems interested in joining you though, so please take her with you. The Arcanist's Guild will thank you." The elvish woman folds her arms over her chest and frowns at Ashes. "It's a little rude to cast something like that you know."

Sabina's lips curl upwards into something of a feral grin as the last of the light blindness fades. "It's also rude to tell someone to jump through a portal you're not willing to jump through yourself. And to hide the fact we have a follower. Oh.. and to tell people that wish to make sure they're safe not to do the things that might make them so. Like check for magic. So please.. tell me more about what's polite."

After introductions had been completed, Tetrosabier stood amongst the group of adventurers. He didn't feel that in this situation, he would be the best person to coordinate the group. He was more used to working by himself. Standing out of the way of everyone else, he did his best to not be noticed. While he agreed with this "Sabina" character, he was curious as to what might be on the other end of the portal.

"Is there any immediate danger from this 'Other world'?" While Tetrosabier was anxious to see the other side, he would rather know what risks and dangers were posed.

Elyanna glances sidelong at the client and replies, "Though hardly imprudent." She looks to the Arvek, to the Tarienite, then steps closer to the gap between trees, accepting a notebook in passing. The halfbreed stoops down between strides and takes up a loose branch. Moving slowly, with only a distantly spoken, "I am not going to hurt you." to their unseen guest, she levels the stick straight ahead of her and steps closer to probe the presumed 'thin' spot.

"Oh." Ash says, taking the notebook. She flips it open to the first page, writes something down. She looks directly at the elf. "I made a note about that."

She's been instructed to take the invisible figure along, so she takes a careful step closer to the tree and switches her hand from pointing to an open palm held towards their unexpected guest. "You can come along with me." Also, after a moment she adds, "I have bugs."

Ygraine gently shakes her head, peering quizzically at... well, where the invisible figure *might* be, and then at the potential 'thin' spot. She moves a little closer to that, wanting to be able to see quite what happens to Elyanna's stick.

The elf stares down Sabina with more than a little irritation. "I am not unwilling to go through the portal. I have better things to do with my time. And how did I hide the fact that we were being followed? She was making a racket the whole way over here! If you couldn't hear her you must be deaf. If you don't like it, you can always head back." She turns up her nose and then snorts at Tetrosabier. "Were you even listening to the part where I said that I want /you/ to discover what's on the other side?"

Meanwhile the little invisible figure has become visible. A little flicker as the spell vanishes and there's a tiny golden dragon hopping from the tree to Ashes' offered hand. The dragon in question is no bigger than your average cat, and lighter too. She sniffs at Ashes hand and arm and peers up at her. "Doyouhavefish?" The dragon's question is quick and a little difficult to understand given how fast the words are spoken so that they practically roll together.

Elyanna's stick passes through the 'doorway' without any trouble at all. You watch it vanish into thin air as it moves between the two trees. When it's pulled back, it seems just fine.

Bina's feral smile seems to curl even further and she's about to give response when the peacock on her shoulder squaks in alarm and the Tsuran woman turns her head to see the golden baby dragon. That's enough to keep her quiet and even tone down the feralness of her grin. "Wow." She says softly. Then completely ignores the irritated elf and moves to join Ashes near the 'door'.

Elyanna is a little focused at first, half expecting the stick to burst into flames, disintegrate, or get grabbed and pull her through. Delightfully, none of those happen, and it's then that she starts just a bit as there is suddenly a little gold dragon. What can you really say when one pops in, but, "Greetings." especially when you don't have food? She looks to the others, "Well, at least we don't have to worry about resistances."

Tetrosabier stares at the small golden dragon that appeared. A look of confusion takes over his face right before he quickly draws his rapier at the realization of the dragon before him. The small creature spoke, but Tetrosabier could not quite understand what the miniature dragon spoke.

"Uhh, you can see this dragon as well, correct?" He held his rapier pointed at the newcomer, poised and ready to strike if the creature moved.

"No. I have snails, some crickets, a spider and a house centipede. You can eat any of those except the house centipede." Ash says. Despite the energetic diction of the cat-sized gold dragon, her speech pattern doesn't change and remains methodical, flat. She curls her hand in so she can use both hands to hug the dragon against her chest, providing better support, just like one carries a cat. The warm, brightness of the dragon's scales make her look even more faded and shadow-like.

Tetrosabier's reaction causes her to slowly look at the Egalrin, whereupon she blinks. "Yes." Her head pans to focus on each other of the party in turn, until finally she's looking at Elyanna's stick. It appears to have survived. "Let's see what is on the other side."

Ash steps forward through the portal.

Ygraine's expression lit up with joy upon seeing the dragon appear, and she failed to stifle a giggle in response to the little creature's enthusiastic request. Then she blinks at the drawing of a rapier - instinctively resting one hand on the hilt of her own, but making no move to draw it. "I *really* don't think that our little friend is a threat if we're being asked for fish."

Then the Eldaran takes a deep breath, nods politely to their grumpy employer, and follows Ash into... whatever the portal really is.

The dragon peers at Tetrosabier, blinking golden eyes curiously. She doesn't say anything, and the elf seems done as well. Which leaves people walking through the gate.

On the other side, it might be surprising to note, that it's a seemingly ordinary forest. As if you walked from one forest to another, one that looks rather remarkably like the one you left though... if you look behind you'll notice that there's nobody you can see through the gate. Just more forest. The weather here is harder to determine, the sky lost through the boughs of the trees. It's a little chillier perhaps, but not enough to make you terribly uncomfortable.

Elyanna looks back at the sound of drawn steel, an eyebrow arching almost imperiously at the sight before her, then casually discards the branch to follow the procession into the portal. On the other side, she opts to listen at first and slips her buckler onto her arm, just in case.

Once the shield is affixed, the red woman starts to whistle a low, short melody and memorizes the nearest trees, before nodding in a particular direction, "North is that way."

GAME: Elyanna casts Know Direction. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13

Tetrosabier watches in surprise as Ashes embraces the tiny golden dragon. With Ygraine's reassurance, he lowers his blade, holstering it in its sheath. Looking at the small golden dragon, he stares blankly at the tiny creature, not sure what to think of it. It hasn't made any aggressive moves, so Tetrosabier assumes that it must be...*friendly*?

Tetrosabier turns to see the party one by one disappearing. Taking one last look at the small dragon, he runs to catch up with the vanishing group, stepping through the portal.

Bina can't seem to keep her eyes of the baby dragon. At least she thinks that what it is. Not that she's ever seen one before. But stepping through the portal she's forced to pull her attention to their surroundings lest something bad happen. She once again prays to Tarien for the ability to see magics, making sure not to look at the dragon when she does so, and checks out the area.

"The elf was glowing too." Ash says, once everyone is through the portal. She looks at Elyanna as she casts, then states a direction. "We should stick together. Splitting up is the best way to cover more ground and get in trouble. I'll follow."

She adjusts her hold on the gold dragon, who thankfully isn't that heavy. It keeps both her arms occupied though. "Are you comfortable?"

Ygraine aligns herself with Bina's gestures, then dips into a pouch at her belt and pulls out a - wholly mundane - compass, which she consults to check whether magic and lodestone agree. "I certainly agree that we shouldn't split up," she observes amiably, before venturing a smile at the dragon. "Would it be rude to ask your name?", she directs to it.

GAME: Sabina rolls perception: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Ygraine rolls perception: (13)+7: 20
GAME: Tetrosabier rolls perception: (18)+12: 30
GAME: Ashes rolls perception: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Elyanna rolls perception: (12)+2: 14

The dragon curls up in Ashes arms, seemingly totally content to rest there. "Tanithariairisixchel." She pokes her head over the edge of the nest made of the woman's arms. "Yesverycomfortable. Morecomfortablewithfishthough."

Off to what has been designated as 'East' by Elynna you notice a floating blue orb of flame hovering in the air. The light bobs and flickers, hanging there in dimness. The compass notably, is /not/ working. It's spinning around and around in circles.

Sabina pulls out the acquired notebook and starts Writing down notes. First impressions, change of direction and dimness of the sun. Other things she jots down as they come. One will note that she switches up the note taking from one language to another at every paragraph. Tarien priests will be as they are after all. "Anyone getting a sense of danger? The air is good? The earth isn't going to give way under our feet, right? That sort of thing? Tracks of strange creatures? Anything really."

Drawing his sword, Tetrosabier will move to put himself in between the blue object and the party and will examin it closer. Listening to the dragon, he will hear a couple of words in the long series of words strung together by it. He will be able to make out a small portion of the name.

"What sort of name is Tanithalaxle?"

"Draconic, most likely." Elyanna replies sardonically, then, for reference, "Past the portal, North is that way." with a nod in another direction. Though, on sight of the blue flame, she shrugs her cloak back and wonders, "Does anyone see anything else?"

"If we find fish, you will get the fish." Ash says, happy enough to be a decent support. She can't take any notes, so she reads over Sabina's shoulder to see if any corrections are needed. She seems satisfied, as she says nothing. She looks around as well, though it's clear she doesn't enjoy the sunlight much, even if it's muted. "Only the blue ball of flame."

"Someone draw a map and mark the trees." She scrapes at the ground with her foot, seeing if there's anything interesting under the detritus or first layer of dirt.

Ygraine arches her brows at her compass... but her chuckle sounds rueful rather than surprised. "It looks like magic might be our only way of determining direction," she notes, holding the little device so that others can see it should they wish. Tanithar... erm, the little dragon receives another smile and a polite inclination of her head. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance," she informs it, before nodding to her fellow bipeds. "Just that floating ball of... blue fire, yes," she agrees.

The little blue flame doesn't stay in place. It moves, bobbing slowly away from Tetrosabier. It maintains a short distance between itself and the man. Meanwhile, the dragon sniffs at Tetrosabier's words and cuddles herself closer to the woman holding her. "Fishsoundsnice." Her head lifts and she looks around a little bit. "Fire? Fireistastytoo."

Sabina continues to look about and even at the blue ball of flame as it moves. Still taking notes in a neat script as she slowly walks about. "The whole place is ..has been touched by magic. Many different schools. Perhaps all of them. The ball of flame is some sort of creature but it too is magical." She says calmly. One notes she gives the ball of flame wide birth. She glances over to Tetrosabier. "Can you fly by chance? Take a look from the air to get a better idea of this world? Or place."

Tetrosabier keeping to himself stood and deciphered what the dragon said. After a short while, he turned to the dragon.

"Did you just say that the fire would be 'tasty'? Could you eat that fire?"

Elyanna considers her companions in turn and steps a little closer to move alongside Tetrosabier, "This not necessarily hostile so much as curious." she says softly, the choir mostly subsumed into one voice. She turns to the flame again the trio return as she says, "Greetings, can you understand me?"

GAME: Sabina rolls knowledge/arcana: (8)+9: 17

Ashes turns in place so that Tanithariairisixchel can see the blue flame without having to move her head. The arvec nar ends up standing sideways to the object, putting it in the cradled dragon's field of vision. As Tetrosabier has asked the question, there is no need for her to. She does add, "It is the wrong direction."

"Notfire." Replies the little dragon, watching the blue flame with curiosity.

Even as she speaks the flame dances backwards a little bit, maintaining its distance from Elyanna and Tetrosabier. "Follow me!" A light quiet voice echoes from within it. It's a hopeful, helpful sort of voice. "Follow me!"

Bina pauses as the blue flame speaks. "It's a will'o the wisp. That much I know. I can't remember much about them though. The light affect and speaking tells me what it is. That and it's magical nature. I'm unsure if we should follow it." She looks about to the others.

Tetrosabier watches it weave back and forth and reaches out to grab at it. It evades his reach and he pulls his hand back and keeps his sword trained on it, ready to attack it if it makes any sudden movements. He waits for anyone to make a decision on what to do next.

GAME: Ashes rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+7: 16

Elyanna starts to follow the willowisp, though she does take a moment to scribble something in the notebook. She looks to the others, mostly to see if they're following or not, but she does try to keep an eye out for landmarks and other creatures along the way.

The ashen arvec turns so she can look properly at the will-o-wisp. She watches Sabina during the explanation, then gazes at Tetrosabier. When Elyanna starts off, she follows. Every other step she drags her heel, leaving a bit of a trail. Mostly she's concentrating on giving the dragon an even, comfortable carry. She tries to think of something conversational, but draws a blank and remains silent. Primarily watching the blue flame, she does check from side to side, mostly looking for unusual insects on the near trees, or interesting flowers in the undergrowth.

GAME: Tetrosabier rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Sabina rolls perception: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Tetrosabier rolls perception: (16)+12: 28
GAME: Elyanna rolls perception: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Ashes rolls perception: (11)+3: 14

The blue flame bobs and weaves through the air, offering helpful little words to encourage you to follow it. It doesn't lead you terribly far actually before it suddenly vanishes without a trace. It's led you far enough that the trees that you came through are far behind you now. Leaving you all alone in the middle of the forest with no sign of whatever it was leading you towards.

Pointing ahead, Tetrosabier speaks. "Does anybody else see that horse off in the distance?" He pointed the direction the will-o-wisp was leading the group. In an attempt to keep up with the group of people splitting off, he followed the members following the will-o-wisp.

Bina sighs as the wisp vanishes. "I seem to recall folk tales now about those creatures." Adjusting the mask on her face she peers out to where the horse is and hmms softly. "As long as we know which way is home." She tries to get a better look at the horse. "Are we sure it's a horse? I mean we don't know where 'here' is. I'd hate for it to be something disagreeable." She continues to note things down, including the willowisp and now the horse.

The ruddy one comes to a stop as the wisp disappears and, just out of paranoia's sake, reaches for the braided whip at her belt as she looks around. The mention of a horse brings Elyanna around and, "It seems to be."

"Yes." Ash answers, followed by, "No."

She looks back the way she came, then forwards to the horse. Her knowledge of will-o-wisps also left a lot to be desired. Without really having anything to contribute she says, "Maybe it's a fish." Naughty arvec nar, teasing the dragon. She resumes walking slowly towards it, dragging her heel.

GAME: Tetrosabier rolls will: (19)+3: 22

The horse paws at the ground, seeming to watch you as you talk about it. It noses at the ground, but doesn't eat anything. If anything, it seems to be deciding if you're a danger or not. After a moment it neighs and decides to ignore you.

"Notafish." Replies the dragon firmly. "Sillypeoples."

As the dragon berates the "Sillypeoples" Tetrosabier approaches the horse slowly, lowering his weapon just low enough that it makes it seem as though he has dropped his guard and extends his other hand to calm the horse as he approaches.

Sabina grins and nods to the dragon. "We are, aren't we. Very silly. Stepping through an unknown portal or gate to explore the other side and write down what's here without full and proper gear as well as a full support base and exit strategy. Poking at everything and anything in the hopes we may learn something." She laughs. "That's what adventurers do."

GAME: Tetrosabier rolls reflex: (3)+7: 10

Ely isn't immediately inclined to attack anything just yet, though she does aside on Sabina's response to the dragon, "It sounds rather foolish when described out loud, does it not?"

Ash follows along behind Tetrosabier, quietly carrying the dragon and being a shadow to the Egalrin. Since her hands are full, she's making not effort to touch it. Horses are an arvec nar specialty, so she feels compelled to warn him as he reaches out, "Wild ones will bite."

GAME: Ashes rolls reflex: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6: (8): 8

There's no warning before the ground simply caves in. Dropping Tetrosabier and Ashes into a massive pitfall that seems to open up before their feet. There's not even a sound, revealing the magical nature of the illusion that evaporates. The horse neighs and peers down at the pair before jumping effortlessly down into the pit with the pair and grinning. Grinning to show a row of sharp, vicious teeth.