Darkness and Dragons Oh My!

From Tenebrae
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Suddenly, a shadow passes over the moon. A hissing, malevolent roar follows, with a heavy shape diving downwards. A loud, crystalline sound erupts after. Loud, but sounding child-like. After that: silence.

Razen, who has been traveling very much of late, is in the market district to buy some supplies for his travels. So far, he is having little luck with the vendors, but he is persevering nonetheless. He stalks away from one of the stalls with a slightly sour expression on his face, but that vanishes as the moon does, his gaze going immediately skyward. The sound that comes is one he feels in his bones and his weapon is in hand just behind it. He searches out the source of the noises, on guard for that malevolent-sounding force.

Toha, as she is in the midst of negotiating for an assortment of alloyed gold wire from a rather stubborn Khazadi merchant breaks off with a, "What the hell was that?" and looks skyward to try and see what's about. <yrch-speak>

"SKREEEEEEEEE!" the voice shatters, breaking across the sky. The snow-and-darkness makes whatever is going on barely visible.

Then, the roar from earlier sounds again. There's a wet crunch, and shattered, rainbow prisim-lights drop from the sky overhead. The direction is towards the GPS (Griffon Postal Service) office.

Valadhiel was just in the market to pick up a few spell components, then blinks in surprise at the roaring shadow. Standing (coincidentally) near to Toha, she overhears the comment and says in reply, "Something bad, no doubt, and trouble definitely." She pauses, then says dryly, "Considering this city, trouble seems to find it on a regular basis."

Kae blinks, then another blink, then a third, and she's looking toward the noise... "Ummmmmmmmm..." Yup, it's definitely time to flail. And of course, Kae is flailing, muuuuuchly! "Eeeeeeeee!" her yell is almost as loud as the skree....

Razen moves toward the GPS (Griffon Postal Service) office, but spares a glance toward the conversation he passes and two for the strange woman he passes. He mutters something about shamans and their strange magics and the price of ticking them off to himself as he goes. Glancing skyward now and again with his brow furrowed and his expression concerned. "Always busy in Alexandria."

The GPS Office is something of a jog, but you get there. That the crowd is rushing the OTHER WAY certainly helps. Around you, people are screaming, or running quickly. Walking, quickly, with looks over their shoulder.

Gobbos tossing gunpowder over a right shoulder for protection and luck, before taking off down the street omgsofast!

"ALL ARE HIM, ALL ARE OWNED. THE CHAIN ESCAPED, THE CHAIN IS OWED!" The voice from earlier...has a voice. Atop the GPS, one can see a great form. Large, as large a horse or...longer? Its wings spread--dark and leathery, and fading into the nighttime sky. It's only the slowly falling snow that makes them visible.

On the earth is a small creature--the size of a fattened pony. Its wings quiver there on the ground. Whatever it is--it looks...draconic. But, like no dragon any of you have ever seen, in books, life, or otherwise.

The snow is splashed with tiny fragments of rainbow. Like a prism

Valadhiel draws her bow out, keeping it at the ready but she's not pointing it at anything yet, as she takes in the situation. She pauses behind Razen, having followed along towards the GPS since that was the source of the... whatever this is. "Not anything /I/ recognize, for certain." She shakes her head slightly, glancing around at the others.

A mul steps out from behind the greater creature's back. His? Her? It's so hard to tell with sildanyari! hair is tied tightly behind him--so tightly it pulls his features back.

Or perhaps her features are naturally that pinched. And angry. She holds a chain in her hands--it glitters oddly. She wears a set of scale, with a priest's markings o'er. A crown in black and red with a bend in its side, as though partially crushed by boot and heel: one of the signs of Maugrim.

"This one, you little rugget. I...well, that," the mul says crisply. "Is annoying." And she raises her hand--and the world goes dark.

Toha carries on toward the direction everyone is running from, as that's usually where the trouble is. She hasn't reached for any of her weapons, yet, though she begins to move more warily as she nears the center of... Her head cants a touch at the sight of the little draconic thingy and the slivers of rainbow.

GAME: Toha rolls spellcraft: (5)+14: 19
GAME: Kaelyn rolls spellcraft: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Valadhiel rolls spellcraft: (15)+17: 32
GAME: Valadhiel casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 5 DC: 19
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12

Valadhiel chants in the arcane tongue, gesturing as she's used to magical darkness and how to dispel it... but, well, knowing how to do it is one thing. Actually doing it... well, not so much. Though she does mutter something about Maugrim being a dirty little bastard and other indignities in Sildanyari as her spell doesn't seem to do anything at the moment.

GAME: Toha rolls 1d100: (98): 98
GAME: Toha rolls 1d8+5: (1)+5: 6

Braving potential bombardment from on high, Toha nonetheless moves further into the darkness as she pulls a small brass and crystal contrivance from one of her packs. As she almost trips over her would-be rescue, she offers a soft, "It's ok, I'm trying to help you." and with that, something in the device makes a ringing ping and she sets it against the scales she feels. Whatever it does is shrouded by the darkness, but it seems to make the injuries a little better.

GAME: Toha rolls reflex: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Razen rolls reflex: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Kaelyn rolls reflex: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 10d6: (49): 49
GAME: Valadhiel rolls ref: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

"...CHILD," the voice from earlier says sweetly. Chains rattle, from the rooftop. There's quiet muttering from the mul.

And then there's pain. Lots of. Pain. One can hear the intake of breath--and the explosion. Hot, fire in the air. Acid on the skin that keeps. Burning.

"...a little dramatic, dragon. But suitable," comes the voice. And damn it, it's still DARK.

GAME: Razen rolls 1d100: (96): 96
GAME: Razen rolls 2d8+5: (11)+5: 16
GAME: Razen used a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
GAME: Bolide rolls 7d6: (29): 29

Razen roars at the pain, growling around the edges of his mouth, skin burning. Someone beside him falls down and he rushes over to the sound. He remembers that there are others there, that there are others who might be more hurt than he is by this acid in the dark. He fumbles for the other person and finds a hand. An arm. Pulls a potion in his belt and carefully ensures that it makes its way into the slender form that he managed to find. "You're going to be alright. Just hold on there."

There's a glittering pulse amidst the darkness, a sort of shimmering white with a radiance of rainbows reminiscent of Sandy.

Because everything that is Dragon-like and has Rainbows is Sandy-like by nature.

A moving of the light, casting the Maugrimite into relief and withe the shimmer comes a pulse outward. A radiance that seems to run counter to the previous fire that ravaged the others. This one a soothing sensation. And with that last burst of light, the darkness recedes for a moment before devouring everyone up again.

Valadhiel coughs a bit, "That's... not bad beer actually." She sounds pretty weak at first, "Gotta get out of this darkness, we're just sitting ducks." Then the light hits her, and the acidic burns seem to just fade away, her flesh healing back to where she's almost back to where she was /before/ taking a giant gout of acid. "Alright. We need to split up so they can't take us all at once like that... I can't do anything about the darkness right now, apparently."

GAME: Kaelyn activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex
GAME: Kaelyn rolls 1d100: (20): 20
GAME: Kaelyn rolls weapon23: (8)+11: 19

Aaand now Kae calls out "Squeeeeeee!" And she points at the critter "Cuuute!" She calls out happily, and waggles her arms in the air... Ok so she's flailing!! "ya dwagons!" She says cheerfully... Really she probably shouldn't be calling that she'd been part one at least for a bit! But she's made a new nifty item that's helped 'cure' her right!?!

Kae then blinks at the person who's well the bad guy, while in the darkness, or she thinks she does, then she's burned. Now if this was a cartoon or anime, you'd see a biiig column of fire, Kae's eyes then Kae'd be all smokey! Kae slowly exhails, and she blinks again as Smol Draggo helps...

Kae pauses, then she's flailing again and shouting out "That huuuuurt!!!!!!" She calls out, and quickly draws her pistol! It's the fabled 'Smol Bigeeeboom!' ie a magical dragon spitter! The inside of the barrel is glowing blue, before the gun goes off and shoots that blue ball in the direction of the bad guy, and Kae blinks as she sees it ricochet, then explode off to the side... "Oopse!"

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d100: (12): 12
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d100: (12): 12

Valadhiel stands up slowly, shaking her head to clear out the cobwebs since... well, nearly dying then coming back to full strength (or close) is a bit of a shock to the system, "Alright, where are..." She narrows her eyes, thinking she sees the enemies on the top and casts a spell to hinder them.

Unfortunately, she instead got a flock of pigeons. BUT THOSE LITTLE BASTARDS AREN'T POOPING ON ANY STATUES ANYTIME SOON!

GAME: Toha rolls athletics: (14)+11: 25
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+16: (1)+16: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+14: (15)+14: 29
GAME: Valadhiel rolls will: (20)+5: 25 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Kaelyn rolls will: (8)+4: 12

As the bloodrager springs into action, grasping the edge of the building and climbing upwards--the shadowy creature at first, takes a step back. The eyes burn and it lowers its head. Smoke pours from its muzzle and up close, the warrior can see the forward-arcing horns.

One could recognize them from so many tapestries, upon temple walls.

The mul stares down. Then, disdainfully looks away and thrusts outwards her hand--a spell whorls, and slams into Kaelyn, below. But, the mul's hand trembles.

The beast beneath her springs forward, slashing with tooth and claw. It rends into Toha, leaving shadowy wounds behind. "LICK HIS BOOTS, MORTAL!"

'SHYEEAAAAAAAARGGGGHHH!!!!!!!' comes the sound no one this side of the Dran border's ever heard, Toha's voice raised in an agonized scream. Something deep within the sizzling golem ratchets into a new setting as she snarls something that crescendoes into a new reverberating roar of unlocked, primal hate. Emerging from the diminished gloom lean a leap, trailing wisps of glowing silver mist from her seams as a blazing ruby mote burns in the center of her eyeslit. From wall to wall, flaking stone and mortar on each impact, the rage fueled construct bounces up and yanks her greatsword from its sheath to land ominously in front of the Maugrimite with every intention of decorating the nearest rooves with them.

GAME: Toha RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 20 temporary HP
GAME: Toha activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str
GAME: Razen rolls weapon9: (15)+6: 21
GAME: Razen rolls 1d100: (40): 40
GAME: Razen rolls 1d8: (2): 2
GAME: Toha casts Expeditious Retreat. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

"We are stronger together, but... I do wish that I could be where she is right now." Razen stares longingly after the sight of the woman who effectively scaled the building to get to the dragon. If only he could perform such a feat... He would have to ask her later how she did it. With that though, he points his arrow at the person sitting on the dragon; knowing that the dragon would likely ignore the prick of such a weapon. "COME DOWN HERE AND FACE THE MIGHT OF ANGORON!" He cries out at the mul, flinging the arrow straight and true into the mul's shoulder.

There's a rustling noise and then a sort of burrowing as if something is trying to nose its way through things. And is it... Though it's not exactly easy to see aside from a haphazard spark of light here and there, it seems that the Smol Draggo is burrowing its way into the hay.

GAME: Kaelyn rolls 1d100: (29): 29

Valadhiel glances over at Razen before the lights go back out, then says, "Here, use this to get up there." She chants, gesturing as her voice grows more distant, the elf moving away from Razen... as a web-ladder forms in the alleyway between the buildings, sturdy enough for someone to climb up and give a certain shadow elf a piece of their mind.

Or their sword. Into her mind. Repeatedly.

GAME: Kaelyn rolls perception: (7)+11: 18
GAME: Kaelyn rolls athletics: (15)+-2: 13

Kae blinks and flails again... "It got darker!" She calls out and yeah, more flail... Then she stumbles into a net... "Hang on, I has something to halps!" She says out loud, then she reaches into her pockets, and pulls out a little crystal thingie which she breaks... Ande suddenly she's moving faster! She then blinks and runs up the web and pauses at the top "Well that halped but that's not what I was looking for!" She then peers into her pockets, and blinks pulling out a note... It says "Tanks for ze Feesh!" Kae then blinks owlishly at the little note.

GAME: Toha rolls weapon26: (17)+17: 34
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (8)+16: 24
GAME: Toha rolls weapon26-8: (3)+17+-8: 12
GAME: Toha rolls weapon26-8: (7)+17+-8: 16
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+16: (7)+16: 23
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+14: (7)+14: 21
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10

No longer sizzling, and howling with unbridled fury, Toha brings her weapon across the shadowy creature's belly, then, seizing her momentum, tries to bring it back around though to little more effect that narrowing those shadowy eyes in mutual, primal hate.

GAME: Toha rolls weapon26-3: (12)+17+-3: 26
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (7)+16: 23

Furious, the shadowy beast lashes out at Toha. It strikes, one, two, thrice! Fangs digging deep and withdrawing with a hungry shudder. It steps back and the eyes move from Toha to Kaelyn...and Maugrim's child is no fool. He leaps to the air, taking to the sky overhead. As he does, Toha's blade rips into him--blood flies behind, marking his exit.

Now in flight, his gaze scans downwards. The mul points towards the lone Valadhiel. "DO NOT SSEEK TO PROTECT THE CHILD," he snarls. And shows his teeth.

...but worry more for the mul chanting overhead.

GAME: Razen rolls perception: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Razen rolls weapon9: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Razen rolls 1d100: (17): 17

The warrior moves forward once again, hearing the words of the dragon and understanding its meaning. The little dragon is about to be in trouble he senses, and so he moves to protect it. "COWARD!" He howls, firing another arrow even as he runs forward to protect the 'child'. Well it's the only child he has seen. He has no idea if he hits or not, but it's enough to be trying. He knows that this is not the weapon he is best with.

GAME: Bolide rolls 7d6: (24): 24
GAME: Kaelyn rolls weapon23: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Kaelyn rolls 1d8+3d6+4: (3)+(9)+4: 16

Kae is up where she needs to be! Onna Roof! And she has this really big pistol. It's elegant in a lot of ways, and wait? Just how fast was she able to get it loaded?

She's got a kind of maniacal grin on her face too as she holds the massive pistol out in one hand, her other behind her back with her hand clenched into a loose fist...

Wait? Is that a blue glow coming from inside the barrel? Kae grins and then squeeeeezes the trigger. There's that lock snaping forward, the powder burning, then suddenly, the Beeg Boom allright, as the gun emits a massive cloud of smoke, but of course a thin dart of blue light.

The bullet penetrates Kae's target, but of course, that's not enough. After stopping the bullet explodes.

And wait? Kae's pulling a paper cartridge out of her belt, and using her teeth to tear off one end of the thing. She pours the contents in, flips it over and rams the now glowy ball home, packs it tight and restows the ramrod. All nice and quick too....

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d100: (59): 59
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d100: (82): 82
GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

Valadhiel sprints partway up the web-ladder, pausing as she's mostly out of the darkness to take some shots at the shadow elf, "How about I seek to shoot your eyes out, you darkness-cursed buffoon!" And while one arrow bounces harmlessly off the dragon's scales, the other buries deep into the shadow elf's thigh, causing Val to grin in satisfaction.

Which fades a bit as the dragon turns its attention to her. Uhoh...

GAME: Toha rolls acrobatics+27: (19)+0+27: 46
GAME: Toha rolls weapon26: (19)+17: 36
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (11)+16: 27
GAME: Toha rolls weapon26: (4)+17: 21
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+16: (9)+16: 25
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Toha rolls acrobatics: (14)+0: 14
GAME: Beaglefinder rolls 7d6: (23): 23

Angry, the dragon lunges at the mite on its back. Its eyes are furious--two burning points of anger focused soley on Toha. "YOU DARE," it snarls and with no warning, drops from the sky, its body spinning, faster, faster--fast enough to disorient the warrior.

...and it lands on its back, sort of. Flattening itself atop the barbarian--before getting to its feet. It had no care for the priest--such is love among Maugrim's children, who lies, dazed, not far from the downed warrior.

To be clear, Toha is still alive. Just on her back, and slightly resembling a pancake!

No, no, no! NO ONE LEAVES! Toha, her body gleaming in the moonlight from the quicksilver oozing from her wounds, turns and, her weapon gripped tightly in her hands, she leaps without hesitation toward the dragonkin's rider, "I'LL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD!" With that battlecry, she scores a telling hit on the Mul and, further still on the draconic before she is wedged with a screeching clang between a Drac and a hard place! <yrch-speak>

GAME: Razen RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 14 temporary HP
GAME: Razen rolls weapon13: (12)+14: 26
GAME: Razen rolls 1d10+8: (1)+8: 9

The crystaline dragon, sensing that it's not being followed by Razen, goes back to bouncing down from the wall and dives into another pile of hay. If anyone could see it, they'd see it burrowing down into the hay again, peering out through a gap in it with a bundle of the straw covering over it, it's right wing twitching a bit before tucking back in tight again.

Finding that his enemy is now on the ground in range of his attack Razen drops his bow and a thin wicked grin spreads across his face. It's not the sort of expression that one wants to see, promise of death to his enemies. "FOR ANGORON!" He pulls out his flail and he knows exactly which of those two evil beings he is taking out of the picture. The one who's death calls out to him from the singing of his weapon in hand. He lurches forward and the weapon flies through the air, slamming into the downed mul'niessa without mercy. The weapon lets loose a hideous scream that matches his roar and he turns on the dragon with blood spray covering his chest and weapon. "YOU’RE NEXT BEAST!"

GAME: Kaelyn rolls weapon23: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Kaelyn rolls 1d100: (77): 77
GAME: Kaelyn rolls 1d8+3d6+4+1: (8)+(12)+4+1: 25

See Kae's, well Kae's Kae.... She peers, squints and kinda knows where the giant dragon went? She then tilts her head, squints agaaain and takes aim, pulling the hammer back on the Beeg-Boom, and well, yeah it lives up to its name as the goofball Artificer pulls the trigger. There's the snap, the powder popping, followed by a bbeeeeg badda boom as again Kae gives the dragon a bad case of blue-ball.. Literally, the ball the pistol fires is blue!

As the ball penetrates, there's a very brief pause and this time a third boom, and it's quite loud, and inside the dragon....

Kae blinks and squints, ears twitching up and down "Yup, I hit with that one!" She calls out, as she's rapidly, again, reloading her pistol.

GAME: Valadhiel casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18 GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d100: (98): 98 GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12

Valadhiel grits her teeth, "Okay, I have had /enough/ of this!" She chants again, flames flickering around her fingertips as she launches a bolt of fire at the badly wounded dragon. It shrieks, it gnashes its teeth in pain and fear, and then it collapses to the ground. Which leaves Val slumped against the web-ladder she created, sighing heavily, "... I hope Miki still has the hot tub. I need a soak."

There's a further burrow under the hay, the rather large young draggo peering out from under it, two gleaming eyes and a smattering of crystaline structure to its features. Its right wing tucked in closer. It blinks and looks from one way to the other, little jerks of the head and shuffles of the hey covering over it. Another shrieked roar-ing noise along with a twitch of its nose. Then it shuffles back further, burrowing deeper in the hay normally reserved for the Gryphon's beds...

But the Draggo had stolen this level of the GPS tower.

The great beast falls beneath the sorcerer's fire. Its shadowy body thuds to the earth, the fall heavy. Final. Yet...yet, the fire does not DIE. Valadhiel's fire takes on new life--burning brightly.

Hotter, hotter, until it reaches a brilliant, golden color. The color swiftly overtakes the shadowy being--eating away at scale, wing, and skin.

The priest however, bleeds out her life on the cobbles, slain by Razen's weapon.

The Crystaline draggo burrows its head down a little more, the sound of breaking and squished hay as it tucks lower as if hiding.

Toha is briefly dazed by the sudden sandwiching, and some of back mounted weapon chains have snapped, leaving her Belcher and greatsword scabbard dangling awkwardly as she tries to rise. Her eyeslit goes dark once more, and there is again the subsumed ratcheting of something inside her before she collapses to her knees, unable, at first to keep her head up as all of her combat tweaks take their toll at once. From amidst the tangled mass of copper capped whips adorning her head, she utters a weak, "Well struck, brother...." Then, in trade, 'All of you... you guys know how t'throw down....!" <yrch-speak>

Kae blink blinks, and tilts her head, she hears hay crunching! Kae blinks and climbs down, then heads toward crunchy hay... "Yup she's curious...." She's also quite happy as she calls out "Yaaay, my transfiguration fixit is working! It didn't wear off when I got stressed out!" She calls out happily, then goes back to peering at the Hay curiously... "Halloooo? I can heeaarrrrs youuuuu!"

Valadhiel picks herself up, slowly coming down the ladder and... well, now that there's no magical darkness or dragons or shadow elves to worry about... starts looking for the crystalline dragon. Moving around the hay cautiously, she calls out, "click roar hiss sizzle sizzle rainbow click sizzle chomp" <unknown>

"Unnatural beast." Curses Razen, cleaning off his weapon with his shirt before replacing it where it belongs. The weapon has the head of a woman on it, and she looks to be screaming. Something that was echoed in the moment that Razen slew the evil spellcaster. "It seems that they were after you little one." He turns on the little crystaline dragon and tilts his head at it before glancing around at his companions. He flashes Toha a grin, ducking his head and scrubbing a hand over his short hair. "Does anyone speak..."

It seems that someone can speak dragon. "Can you ask it why that big dragon was trying to kill it?" Razen questions Valadhiel.

And there's another spray of hay in all directions as the crystaline creature jumps up and latches onto the wall. A skittering as it claws its way up the wall further, more sort of screeched noises that could be speech but it could just be noises. Who's to say!

It tries to climb away from those that was surrounding its hay burrow.

A faint chiming sound echoes from the GPS. A second, as a creature steps out--a bronze-skinned khazadi, with wings arcing behind her back. Her wings are brilliant, and the sword she holds coated in a demon's blood. She stops at the sight of you, and then...looks around as though...

Ah. "THERE YOU ARE," she says to the small one, hiding beneath the hay. "AND YOU HAVE FOUND..." A dead Maugrimite priest. A shadow dragon. A...

The burning, heavenly gaze affixes on each of you, "FRIENDS. WELL, THIS IS A SURPRISE."

The smol draggo is climbing up the wall, having burst from the hay, and sinks its claws into the ceiling to hold it upside down in relation to everyone else. A turn of its head in an almost snake-like way with a blink of its eyes as it looks down at the Khazadi. It just stares then there's more screeches.

This is... well, there's no good time to be on your knees in the middle of the street, but... Toha, still enfeebled in the aftermath of her combat boosts, nonetheless gets herself up onto her feet, she glances at her weapon and commands, "Pirona!" then follows with a Kulthian word and the weapon twists and folds into a halberd that she settles on using as a walking stick for the moment. She forces herself to straighten up, proper and, of the Khazadi, "Ah... hi, there..."

GAME: Valadhiel rolls intelligence: (18)+6: 24

Kae blinks and peers at the Khazadi curiously... She then smiles cheerfully and wavies her arms, then she peers at the little dragon... "Ooh Ooh I know!" Aaand Kae pulls out her bag o goodies! In this case it's a bag of meat pasties. She opens upt he bag and waggles one of the pasties at the little dragon... "caaaatch!" she calls out cheerfully and lightly tosses the meat pie toward the little dragon...

"...YOU CANNOT GO HOME..." the khazadi starts to say, and then looks to the lot of you. And back to the dragon. Her eyes are a little bright, though that might be the HEAVENLY GLOW.



"THE SERVANTS OF DARKNESS WILL FOREVER...BE HUNGRY," she adds, and then looks towards the small creature again. Just the tip of its muzzle pokes outwards.

...and then Kaelyn tosses treats. The heavenly being blinks a few times, and then smiles.

Valadhiel hmmms, looking thoughtful, as she tries to decipher //what// the tiny dragonling is saying. "Well, we can take care of them, certainly..." She smiles as she spots Kaelyn tossing the treat, then she nods up towards the massive khazadi, an inquisitive expression on her features.

Razen blinks at the khazadi with wings and then toward the dragon and then back again. "Well, it can certainly count me friend, and I will gladly protect it from more of /that/ ilk." He motions with one hand toward the where the larger dragon once was. "A good battle like that was a good end to my day at least." He laughs heartily and nods to Toha, clearly expecting her of everyone here to understand.

Kaelyn tosses the pastie and it watches it go up... then go down. It blinks, seeming to not quite go for it or not quite understand. In any event... it looks around again, turning its head and skittering along the ceiling more like a spider than a dragon. Then down the other side to move behind the Khazadi, the whole while it crawled there was more little huffing noises and screeches, snuffling noises. Then it turns and claws at one of the doors, opening it, and moves through it into one of the adjacent rooms that used to hold Gryphon tackle.

Toha nods, and though she can't grin, she does give a hearty chuckle and clap to Razen's shoulder, "A great day, brother!" then, she assures the golden one, "I won't let anyone hurt the 'small' one." She looks up to the clinging dragonling and says gently, "I'm Toha." as she touches her hand to her chest. Then, as she looks to her comrades in arms, offers, "Drinks on me?"

Kae blinks uuuup at the Khazadi, then tilts her head, she then blinks and tries to toss a meat pasty up to said Khazadi, before blinking at the dragon "Awwe, no like meat pies?" She asks and flails her arms in the air, as kae starts trying to follow it, now speaking in Draconic. “Heeey! I got goodies! I"ve been like umm half drake before and I liked em plenty, it's meat, in pastry with spices!" She calls out cheerfully....

Valadhiel glances over at Kaelyn, and nods, "It's not /quite/ Draconic. Similar, but the words are different. It's going to take a little bit of figuring out, for certain." She looks pretty determined to figure it out, too, though she is mildly distracted by Toha's declaration, and grins a bit, "Drinks? I could definitely use some drinks." Hopefully no one revokes her Elf card for this.

The shining khazadi looks at each of you, and inclines her head. There are so many things in that gesture. Thanks. Honor. Concern, as she looks back to Smol, and where Smol had...vanished to.

"YES, I HAVE A FEW MOMENTS," she says to the departing creature. And then, walks with the smol one into where the griffon tackle had been stored.
