Sun Nap

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Tenebrae - Tuesday, March 03, 2015, 7:31 AM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* W01: Wilderness Pointe *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Wilderness Point is the last-ditch point of civilisation before the great northern woods. It stands as a last bastion of trade, and a hub of activity between hunters, traders, and townsfolk.

A fairly wide path, flanked on either side by shallow ditches and tall trees, makes its way into the village from the southern roads, whose borders are outlined by a low stone wall. Sections of the wall have fallen apart here and there. At this point, it's more of a decoration than anything else.

The largest building in the village is an inn, a sign hanging over its door reading 'Wayfarer's Inn'. Its stone chimney has a thin wisp of smoke drifting off into the sky overhead.

At the center of the town is the Hunter's Market, beyond which the town ends along the river's banks, with the ferry providing passage to the other side.

Fair weather clouds sail across the blue sky, propelled by light breezes from the west. It's warm in the sun, cool in the shade, and the air is clear and dry.

Munch sits in a little spot of sunshine, not too far from the Hunter's Market. The golem's stubby little wings are spread out to their full length, fluttering lightly in the light. A massive axe lies in the grass beside him, almost as if sunning itself as well.

Audax is just walking along at steady pace, glaive in hand and bow across the back. Audax pauses upon seeing the wargolem with wings, cocking its head to one side as it looks over the curious construct.

A voice buzzes softly, a second responding. Since the golem lacks lips, or indeed a visible mouth, it's a little hard to tell who's speaking.

"...Visitor watching."

"...someone important?"

"Dunno. Ask 'em."

"You ask, I'm sleeping."

"You are not. You're talking."

"I'm talking in my sleep."

"....fine. Hey, wadda ya want?"

With the last, the surface of the axe blade ripples a little, the dragon head etched in the blade shifting to peer towards Audax.

Audax just stares at the pair, finding this one of the strangest things in its experience to date. While the body language stays neutral, the Egalrin doesn't move or respond.

"...isn't saying anything."

"Well, what's it doing?"

"I don't know, my eyes are just drawn on. You look."


The golem stretches and sits up, metal lids clicking open from blue magicite eyes, peering at Audax with idle curiousity. "...wadda ya want?"

"...I already asked that..."

An Egalrin with dark grey feathers and piercing black eyes. Dressed simply in a vest and belt with many pouches. Along the legs are harnesses festooned with weapons of many descriptions, from daggers to sais to kamas. Strapped between the wings is a longbow and a quiver. Typically in hand is a very well made glaive.

Audax takes a step back when the construct sits up, glaive held at the ready as it watches to see what it does next. Apparently this is very much outside its experience.

Munch peers a few moments, and blinks with a soft click, turning to peer around the area. "It's a bird."

"What? Big bird."

"No, one of those bird people things."

"Oh. The eagle ones, or the crow ones?"

"Eagle. Come on, your eyes aren't -that- bad."

Uneth has connected.

Audax still doesn't say anything, apparently finding an artificial man talking to a weapon very odd. The Egalrin just keeps holding the glaive in guard position and waiting for possible attack.

Munch stretches again, and rises smoothly from where he'd been sunning himself on the grass. Picking up his massive greataxe, the metal man hefts it easily, swinging around to place between the stubby little wings on his back. Tiny fleshly 'fingers' grasp the haft, holding the weapon in place. Glancing around a moment, his magicite eyes blink with a click. "Dang... ate 'em all already... hey, bird person... you know if they've got more bones over at the skinning grounds yet?"

Audax turns and flees for cover when the WarGolem stands up, moving quickly and smoothly to lose line of sight with the thing.

Munch buzzes in amusement, peering after Audax. "Chase? Nah, just cause trouble. Hey! Hunter guy! They brought in anything intresting last couple hours? The big black spiders about the size of my head? Nah, but I think that wizard guy was looking for some. Yeah, with the funny brown hat." Mildly disapointed in the lack of fresh fare, the metal man peers about to see what else might be of interest.

There may be no large spiders today, but there is the return of a large, mostly white wolf. She pads out from the trees and over the low stone wall remnants without having to leap.

Munch perks up at the sight of the large wolf, casual in the way of an apex predator. "Hey, wolf-girl! You bring in anything interesting today?"

Uneth ripples and changes, coming to rest on four paws with white fur and very large lupine jaws.

The large lupine snorts at the metal man of 'purification.' She currently drags no carcass, though the fur about her muzzle still bears signs of recent feeding. It then shakes briefly, possibly in answer to its question.

Munch peers. " yes? No? ...bark? Is bark a thing? I'm guessing no, what with that lack of pockets and all..."

Bark? No. Growl? Yes, growl is a thing. She does so, and while doing so, her form alters and changes to something more conducive to speech. Much of the growl remains, though. "Why did you expect me to bring you something? And what?"

Dire Wolf shifts and distorts, eventually forming into a slight Mul'niessa in dull brown cloak and robes.

Munch blinks. "Not for me. But why come here without something to trade? I'm not picky on what, just bored. What's your name, anyway?"

Audax has left.

"Why go anywhere? Because one must, or wants to..." She offers rather plainly. "I am called Uneth.

Munch nods. "Right. So what did you want to trade or must trade to come to the trade place?"

Uneth arches a brow. "The trade place? I did not come to trade." Her head turns as she looks over the settlement, if that is what it could be called. "This is for trade?"

Munch shrugs with a faint creak. "It's a trading post. If not for trade, then why'd you come here?"

"It is far enough from the city to avoid the stench," she gestures south, " near enough to the Great Beast." Now she gestures north. "And many who come here know something of the truth." Now she gestures to the clearing, itself.

Munch process that for a moment. "So information, then? Easy enough. What do you want to know?" Munch has a simplified view of the word. Complex things... get abreviated.

Uneth lifts a snowy brow at the question, then she smiles. "I want to know how many will stumble about in ignorance, and for how long, before they are consumed by what they ignore. And how many will overcome."

Munch mmmms, and nods, seriously. He actually got that, or at least thinks he did. The barbarian might be simple, but he's not actually dumb. "Too damn many, and my guess says around autumn. Unless the moldly lizard and the muscle brain are actually working together, then we're all in deep."

"Moldly lizard?" Uneth glances north. "There are many lizards there. Which is moldy, and who is this muscle brain?"

Munch blinks. Okay, maybe he didn't get it. "Heth, and Arendt."

Uneth ahs and nods. "Yes, Heth would try to destroy all." Which she, like most, agrees is very much a bad thing. "I don't know Arendt."

Munch nods. "Dran muscle-head warlord. Currently waging war on Rune, so Rune can't fight Heth. And few of the Dran are fighting Heth. And we're busy not fighting Heth because we're busy fighting Arendt without being obvious about it because Charn is a bunch of jerks who would cause trouble if we were open about it."