PrP: A Mine-or Task

From Tenebrae
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A mine in the dead of an Alexandrian winter is really about the same as a mine in the height of a Veyshanti summer, although at least it's warmer in here than it is out there. The group has their instructions and description -- two khazadi miners are missing to this point, and no one has dared venture down there after them. The section to be explored is shown to them -- fresh rockfall is scattered across the stone floors from the blasts, and the area has not yet been shored up in more than a rudimentary fashion. It looks dark down there.

(Free RP. I would like a marching order and who's got the lights ... the corridor is 10' wide.)

GAME: Bahken refreshes spells.
GAME: Uneth refreshes spells.
GAME: Lothos casts Light. Caster Level: 8 DC: -83
GAME: Lothos casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18
GAME: Bahken casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 4 DC: -85
<OOC> Lothos says, "I have light and MAge Armor going."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Actually, dancing lights is only minutes so.. when we really need it"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Lothos will as usual, try to be in the middle of the group."
<OOC> Aldean nodnods. Noted.
<OOC> Faiza will be at the front. Heavy armour, shield, darkvision 120'.

Lothos is here for, well whatever reason. Exploring ancient caves and ruins is amusing at times. "Ok, well, missing miners is definatly a bad sign, we are sure something down here caused a problem. Unless it collapsed or something.....lets hope that doesn't happen to us. Trapped behind tons of rock while we starve to death or run out of air." He has cast light on one of his boots, so as long as he doesnt look straight down, he should be fine.

Uneth is not terribly bothered by the chill, and the tunnels shelter from wind and snow or sleet. Nor is the lack of light a concern. Her primary interest is less the well-being of the miners and more that of the mountain and its rightful denizens. Thus she has no qualm of remaining at the forefront. "If it is only a collapse, it is their own folly."

<OOC> Bahken says, "So, F J L B U?"
<OOC> Jian can scout up ahead.
<OOC> Uneth could remain at the rear and laugh at the others when they rush in to be eaten by the locals, if that is desired.
<OOC> Bahken says, "Or with 10' wide, FJ -> LB -> U"

Faiza has naturally taken up a place at the front of the group as they make their cautious way through the tunnel-in-progress; she's well armed and armoured, and the way her eyes glow an eerie blood red in the half-gloom of the mine, it would be a surprise if she -couldn't- see in the dark. She has, at some point, introduced herself to the group; "Faiza Belvade". Her profession is rather blindingly obvious, between the shiny armour and the crescent moon of Eluna embossed in it and the shield she's currently got strapped to her right arm. Her blade, a functional longsword, is held in her left hand, loose but ready for action. "I am," she admits, "not very familiar with mining operations. If any of you are, I'd like instructions on how best to proceed. Best not to be too unwary."

Bahken has his bow unslung except where he needs both hands free to climb. He keeps towards the middle of the pack. His pathetic human eyes only taking in the obvious and what he can make out within the dim light.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Perception checks, please. :)"
GAME: Jian rolls perception: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Uneth rolls perception: (3)+14: 17
GAME: Lothos rolls perception: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Bahken rolls perception: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Faiza rolls perception: (7)+3: 10

"If natural tunnels were reached," Uneth points out the obvious, "only the laws of water and wind apply." Sheltered from the sun, her hood is down, but a dark hand is often raised to keep the lights out of her eyes. They are more hinderance than help.

Jian accompanies Faiza at the forefront, experience in delving below ground making up for physical protection. "Never ventured into a mine, but this is not really a mine past this point; fortunately, caves of all kinds are what I do know." he replies, his attention focused on all the various surfaces of rock as he passes through.

The group proceeds down into the darkness, lit only by Lothos' boot, accompanied by the echoes of dripping water and their own voices across the solid stone. It's not too long, though, before they find themselves in a small cavern perhaps 50' across, with stalactites and stalagmites here and there and some joined into columns of white and grey. Pretty.

‘’You paged (Lothos, Bahken) with 'You two don't like the look of a large stone formation hanging over the cave entrance at the other end. It looks like it's set to fall.’’’

Lothos shrugs, "Whatever reason they went missing, we will find them." He looks around the cavern, narrowing his eyes slightly. "It's a trap." He gestures ahead towards one of the larger stalgtites. "Someoen should go check it out.....1.2.3 Not it!"

Bahken raises a hand in mercenary hand speak, ordering the unit to stop. He hisses softly so the others look back and don't miss the message. "Could just be unstable rocks.." he points out, "But either way, unless you want the ceiling on your head and through your spleen we should figure out something to do about it..."

<OOC> Bahken says, "Would a knowledge/dungeoneering check help?"

Faiza's natural elfyness is somewhat hampered by the fact that she's strapped great honking plates of metal around her body, so she's slightly less than a whisper of shadow against the darkness and more of a clanking, rattling menace to the subtler arts. At Lothos' and Bahken's warnings, she dutifully stops, peering ahead at the indicated areas but giving little indication of actually realising what's dangerous about it. "I'll, uh... if I can help in any way, please do let me know."

Uneth looks to the pointing and hissed whispers. "Explain. Is the chamber unstable?" There are many ways to have a ceiling in one's spleen, afterall.

‘’You paged Bahken with 'Since you spotted it ... roll :)’’’

GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Jian rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (3)+10: 13

‘’You paged Bahken with 'It does indeed look like ... a trap like you'd find in a dwarven fortress, but ... natural. Molded to look like the wall.’’’

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+1: (18)+1: 19
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+1: (8)+1: 9

Bahken looks it over as best he can without getting too close while also keeping it in the light.. "It looks natural, but yes a trap."

As the group considers what to do about the unstable ceiling ... there's a skittering off to the side, beyond the shadow of Lothos' light.

GAME: Bahken casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 4 DC: -85
<OOC> Uneth possesses Darkvision.
<OOC> Faiza says, "There are people with darkvision in the group..."
<OOC> Aldean , dork.

Jian undoes the buttons on his coat and rummages about in its pockets for some equipment. Out comes a metal-reinforced glove which is pulled over his left hand, as well as an ornate dragonspitter with his barrel fashioned out of ivory to look like a white dragon's maw. "Though any sign that any of it came down on th' dwarves 'eads? If not, then may have found a way - what was that?" he remarks, blurting out at the end to point in the direction of the shadows that moved.

‘’You paged (Faiza, Uneth) with 'You see the outlines of what look like giant crabs scuttling beyond the darkness. Knowledge/nature or knowledge/dungeoneering.’’’

GAME: Uneth rolls knowledge/nature: (14)+13: 27

‘’You paged Uneth with 'Cave fishers. They're not intelligent or malicious, but they probably are hungry.’’’

Faiza looks suddenly startled, red eyes widening as she whips her head around to follow the source of the skittering sounds, beyond the range of eyes that can't see in the dark. "What was that?"

‘’You paged Uneth with 'With that roll -- they shoot strands of web to snare their prey and pull them in.’’’

o/~ This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.. o/~ Bahken sings and into the air pops four torch like lights that fly off towards the skittering..

‘’From afar, Uneth nods.’’ ‘’Faiza pages: Definitely a bit of Detect Evil bein' pinged in that direction here.’’ ‘’You paged Faiza with 'None. They're not evil.’’’ ‘’Faiza pages: I'll admit, I was halfway expecting grues.’’

Uneth catches a better glimpse than most of the skittering beyond the shadows. She offers some curt advice as she moves to the front of the group. "Be still and quiet, unless you wish to be food..." She then attempts to inform the predators that they are not easy prey.

‘’From afar, Uneth is unsure whether Speak with animals or wild empathy is most appropriate. I can do either, or both.’’

Lothos turns slowly, looking for whats making the movement in the darkness. "Still? Quiet? Are you talking to them or us? What is it?"

‘’You paged Uneth with 'They're not actually intelligent .... they're technically vermin.’’’

Faiza can do still and quiet. As long as she's not moving, at least, her armour doesn't clank and clatter, and her heritage lends her a certain aptitude towards stealth. At Lothos' voice, she only -slightly- grimaces.

‘’Uneth pages: So wild empathy then? Vermin Heart. I can affect vermin with spells or abilities that affect animals, including wild empathy’’

Everyone can now see the creatures, by the light of Bahken's colored glowy bits. Three shapes that look like giant crabs, scuttling behind what looks like a wall of columns and some distance up on a ledge at the edge of the cavern.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Knowledge/nature or knowledge/dungeoneering to identify."

‘’You paged Uneth with 'Yes, you can do that.’’’

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/Nature: (9)+15: 24
GAME: Jian rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (9)+10: 19
GAME: Uneth rolls 1d20+6+3: (1)+6+3: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (18)+8: 26

‘’You paged (Jian, Bahken, Lothos) with 'Oh. Right. Cave fishers.’’’

"Ah, th' common cave fisher." Jian announces, looking decidedly less worried now. "Right then, we'll be wanting to avoid going anywhere under 'em, for sure, or they'll be snagging us and hoistin' us up fer a meal."

<OOC> Aldean says, "They're on a ledge about 30', to the right of the far edge of the cavern. Everyone can see them now. You guys aren't close enough to them yet."
<OOC> Lothos says, "FIREBALL!"

Faiza's stance, also, relaxes somewhat at the announcement of the hostiles' identities. At the same time, she raises her shield to a more combat-ready pose, and her grip on her sword tightens. "Right. No sudden movements. They'll probably just be hungry, not... actively malicious."

Bahken says, "They're immune to mind affects..." he looks over at Uneth, "Any ideas?" he asks her as he keeps the bow ready.

Lothos looks around, "Can I roast them? I know fireball...Black Tentacles? I can hold them first, then roast them? Or we can sneak out?" He shrugs.

‘’You paged Uneth with 'Gah. No. Um ... you think you made them mad.’’’

Uneth hopes to convey some semblence of understanding, predator to predator. Though their distance, hunger, or the presence of noisy others could make that nigh impossible. She turns to Lothos with a snarl. "No. We should avoid them. Keep your distance and they may find easier prey."

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Aldean has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Aldean to instruct you further.
       For additional in-combat commands, please type: +thelp.
GAME: Bahken rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8
<OOC> Faiza says, "Ooor they might decide to attack us anyway."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Happens when you roll a 1 on wild empathy"
GAME: Lothos rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 10
GAME: Faiza rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 13
GAME: You roll initiative for Cave Fisher A: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 7
GAME: You roll initiative for Cave Fisher B: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 21
GAME: You roll initiative for Cave Fisher C: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 15
GAME: You roll initiative for Stone Block: Roll: 5 + Bonus: -4 = Total: 1
GAME: Uneth rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 21
GAME: Jian rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 12
GAME: You damaged Jian for -100 points. 55 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Bahken for -100 points. 28 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -100 points. 46 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Lothos for -100 points. 43 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Uneth for -100 points. 43 remaining.
===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    21   Uneth               Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    21   Cave Fisher B       
    15   Cave Fisher C       
    13   Faiza               Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    12   Jian                Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    10   Lothos              Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    8    Bahken              Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    7    Cave Fisher A       
    1    Stone Block         
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 17 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 46  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 55  | 55  | 20 | 26 | 8  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 43  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 43  | 43  | 12 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |

Whatever understanding Uneth was looking for ... it didn't work. A combination of noise, lights, or even their own hunger perhaps. It's hard to say, but whatever the reason, the response is only more scuttling and a missed filament that slams into the stalagmite right next to the druid.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Cave Fisher B is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Uneth ended.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth."
<OOC> Uneth says, "Are the Cave Fishers relatively near one another?"
<OOC> Aldean nods. Within about 20' of each other.
<OOC> Uneth nods, casts, poses.
GAME: Uneth casts Fog Cloud. Caster Level: 0 DC: -94

Uneth growls more as the creatures were too disturbed or keyed on her annoyance at Lothos. Rather than assault them directly, she simply conjures a rapid fog on the ledge where the creatures are to obscure the group and deter the predators. "We should move on quickly!"

<OOC> Aldean says, "They're obscured in fog."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Cave Fisher B's turn! Cave Fisher C is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "The cave fishers are holding action for the moment."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Cave Fisher C's turn! Faiza is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Jian is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Faiza ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "We shoooould... probably move on quickly. Can we get past the cave fishers without a fight?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Looks like it, thanks to the fog cloud. The rock formation that bothered Bahken is directly over the only other exit to the cavern from the one you guys came in."
<OOC> Aldean says, "But the path appears open and the fog cloud seems to have them confused."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Got an action or do you want to hold?"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Moving over to near the unstable rock, holding attack in case any of the cave fishers try anything. Try to either trigger the rockfall and tank/avoid it myself, or let someone disable it if possible."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
GAME: Stone Block's initiative total changed to 13
<OOC> Faiza says, "... CAN anyone disable it?"
===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    21   Uneth               
    21   Cave Fisher B       
    15   Cave Fisher C       
    13   Stone Block         
 >> 13   Faiza                <<
    12   Jian                Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    10   Lothos              Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    8    Bahken              Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
    7    Cave Fisher A       
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+13: (3)+13: 16
<OOC> Aldean says, "(I am resolving a readied action.)"

Having had the unstable, dangerous area pointed out to her, the redheaded Mul'niessa in the silvery armour makes her way cautiously to the very edge of it, shield held up in front of herself in case of attack. "If any of you can find a safe way through here, now would be a good time," hisses Faiza through clenched teeth.

As Faiza approaches the primed rock formation, the entire formation slams into the ground practically at her feet, the rock reverberating with the sound ... and begins to change. In moments, it's not a block at all so much as a large pile -- block-sized -- of disgusting orange-brown sludge that smells at least as vile as it looks.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Knowledge/dungeoneering."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Anyone?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."
GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (12)+8: 20
<OOC> Faiza says, "Ohboy."
GAME: Lothos rolls 7+2: (15)+7+2: 24
<OOC> Lothos says, "Human Improv. I dont have it,b ut I Can roll it"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
GAME: Jian rolls knowledge/dungeonerring: (18)+knowledge/dungeonerring: 18
GAME: Jian rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (16)+10: 26
<OOC> Aldean will let you keep the roll :)
GAME: Faiza rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: Trained Use Only: 0
<OOC> Faiza so needs to pick that up.

‘’You paged (Jian, Lothos, Bahken) with 'There are modified versions of ochre jellies that can shapechange to resemble a trap.’’’ ‘’Lothos pages: Modified? Like as in someone did it on purpose?’’ ‘’You paged (Jian, Lothos, Bahken) with 'Looks like that's waht this one did….’’’ ‘’You paged Lothos with 'Yes.’’’ ‘’You paged Lothos with 'It's believed to be a wizard thing.’’’

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Jian's turn! Lothos is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jian ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian."
<OOC> Jian says, "How far away is the blob?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's 5' from Faiza and about 12' across."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You can take a move action to close with it."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It does, however, have reach."
<OOC> Jian says, "I'll open fire on the blob then."
<OOC> Aldean roll it.
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter-rapidshot+pointblankshot: aliased to weapon1-2+1: (12)+8+-2+1: 19
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter-rapidshot+pointblankshot: aliased to weapon1-2+1: (16)+8+-2+1: 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "Both hit."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterdmg+pointblankshot: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1: (5)+1+(6)+1: 13
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterdmg+pointblankshot: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1: (3)+1+(3)+1: 8
<OOC> Jian says, "The +1d6 is cold damage."
<OOC> Aldean says, "THat's fine. Cold appears to affect it normally."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You damage it! Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Lothos ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok. Rod of Persist + Flaming sphere on the blob. (double saves basicly)"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Assuming you position so as to avoid hitting Faiza."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Its a big blob right?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Yea, definitely avoiding faiza"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes. It's about 12' across in its current form."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Please not to be burning the paladin."

"Sooner we get through thi-" Jian begins, but stops when the amorphous creature reveals its true nature and blocks the exit in front of Faiza. That dragonspitter in his hand is leveled on, filling the quiet chamber with the roar of gunfire as he fires, reloads its breech in a mere second and fires once more. "Focus on the jelly, if ye' can; it's blocking our way out a' 'ere!"

GAME: Lothos casts Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+0: (19)+0: 19
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+0: (18)+0: 18
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ref save dc 19, if it makes it, has to go again"
GAME: Lothos rolls 3d6: (16): 16

Lothos seems to purse his lips in thought a moment, then whips out a rod. "Lets light this place up!" He casts a new spell and a flaming spongy ball appears off to one side of the blob. "Burn baby burn!"

<OOC> Aldean says, "It does seem to burn with no issues but it's not lookinh too, too hurt yet -- the damage is spreading out."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Cave Fisher A is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Bahken ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Bardic Performance, Inspire Courage, draw alchemist's fire from storage"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :) Pose it."
<OOC> Aldean says, "That grants +1/+1?"
<OOC> Bahken nods, +1 to attacks and weapon damage, and +1 vs fear/charm
<OOC> Aldean nodnods. ^^ Pose it.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Cave Fisher A's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d5: (2): 2
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 17 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 46  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 55  | 55  | 20 | 26 | 8  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 43  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 43  | 43  | 12 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

Bahken watches Faiza creep forward, sees the rock drop and change and decides a fight is unavoidable. Drawing out a flack from his pack, he starts to sing, an eery power in his voice that energizes his companions, o/~ A little less conversation, a little more action please o/~

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (69): 69

From the direction of the fog cloud, another sticky filament comes flying out blindly, and sails over Faiza's head to attach itself to a stalactite on the otjher side of the door.

     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Cave Fisher B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth."
<OOC> Uneth says, "The square blob blocks the exit, correct?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "yes."
<OOC> Uneth says, "Can I reach somewhere to its side opposite the spongey ball of flame?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "Move to, that is."
<OOC> Uneth has no idea of distances.
<OOC> Aldean says, "To the far side of the creature, like get past it to the exit, or do you mean move to the far side of the archway to the next passage?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "To near the cavern wall, perpendicular to the exit opening, with the blob between myself and the ball of fire"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes, you can do that."
<OOC> Uneth says, "Half move or more?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "Er. Move or double? Whatever it is."
<OOC> Aldean says, "One move."
<OOC> Uneth nods, moves, and wishes to cast.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Go ahead."
GAME: Uneth casts Hydraulic Push. Caster Level: 6 DC: 14
<OOC> Aldean says, "What are you trying to do?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Dont put out my fire!"
<OOC> Uneth says, "It's a bull rush on the blob, pushing it towards teh fire and away from the exit.  Though I don't know if I'll beat it's CMD." 
<OOC> Aldean says, "Magical fires are unaffected by the water."
<OOC> Uneth is not hitting the flaming sphere.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll it, Uneth. CL + your highest mental stat mod + 1d20."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You have to beat its CMD."
GAME: Uneth rolls 1d20+6+3: (17)+6+3: 26
<OOC> Aldean says, "And it does. Nice roll. You can move it 10'."
<OOC> Aldean says, "That will push it clear of the exit."

Uneth moves closer to the exit, but not directly. She stops near the cavern wall across the blockage from the flaming sphere and adds her own elemental conjuration. A torrent or water blasts from her hands, battering the side of the foul-smelling ozze and pushing it to the fire and aside of the exit.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Cave Fisher B's turn! Cave Fisher C is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d5: (2): 2
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d5: (4): 4
<OOC> Uneth says, "As a secondary benefit, it might be cleaner."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Not really."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (85): 85
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (9): 9
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 17 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 46  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 55  | 55  | 20 | 26 | 8  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 43  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 43  | 43  | 12 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos, what is your touch AC?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Dex 4, Pro ring +1, and MAge armor +4"
<OOC> Aldean says, "15."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Mage armor is an armor bonus, so doesn't count towards touch AC IIRC?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It misses anyhow :)"
<OOC> Uneth says, "It only counts against incorporeal touch attacks, because they can't pass through it."
<OOC> Lothos says, "yea"

Two more sticky filaments shoot out of the fog cloud, one narrowly missing Faiza and hitting the wall, and the second hitting a stalagmite next to Lothos.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Cave Fisher C's turn! Stone Block is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Stone Block's turn! Faiza is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+13: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)

The massive ooze, meanwhile, flinches away from the flaming sphere -- it doesn't like that! -- and crawls back halfway across the exit, aiming an orange-brown, acrid-smelling pseudopod at Uneth and slamming it into the wall next to her.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Not really."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Jian is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It just took a 5' step forwadr to half-block the exit again."
<OOC> Faiza says, "So it's once again blocking the-- right."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Looks like there's not much choice then."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Imma charge at it. It did get knocked back a fair bit, yeah?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "It was knocked sideways to you ten feet, I think."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's now only 5' fm you."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It moved back 5'."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Ah."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You can attack it, but are too close to charge."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Well, guess a flaming sword wallop will have to do."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll the bones."
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1-2: (2)+10+1+-2: 11
<OOC> Faiza says, "D'oh."
<OOC> Aldean says, "That actually hits."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Seriously?"
<OOC> Faiza xD
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's a big freaking OOZE."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Large, huge?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "Gelatinous Barn."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's not hard to hit XD"
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+1+4+1d6: (2)+1+4+(6): 13
<OOC> Aldean says, "Large,"
<OOC> Faiza says, "1d6 fire."
<OOC> Aldean nodnods. You hurt it! Pose.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Jian's turn! Lothos is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian."
<OOC> Jian says, "I cast my Bullet spell."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot-4: aliased to weapon1+1-2-4: (10)+8+1+-2+-4: 13
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot-4: aliased to weapon1+1-2-4: (15)+8+1+-2+-4: 18
<OOC> Aldean says, "Both hit."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+pointblankshot: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1: (1)+1+(1)+1: 4
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+pointblankshot: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1: (1)+1+(3)+1: 6
<OOC> Aldean says, "You hurt it ... a little bit."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "IS the fire still on the guy?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes. Flaming sphere deals damage every round it remains active and you move it around on your init, yes?"

WHOOMP. Faiza's sword, rather undramatically, catches on fire. No, seriously. Silver flames begin flickering all along the blade's edge, and then the redheaded paladin leans into a wild swing that by all rights -should- miss against any opponent even halfway paying attention to the fight. Luckily, the ooze blob thing actually has no mind to use to pay attention, so a good chunk gets cut out of it. The chunk dissolves quickly, flickering with lingering silver flames for a moment. "'Ware the cave fishers, too," says Faiza, perhaps unnecessarily, shooting a glance over towards their last known location.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Yes"
<OOC> Lothos says, "I ment do I have to move it, or can I leave it and its still burning him"
<OOC> Aldean says, "You have to move it."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Only 5' but you have to move it."
<OOC> Lothos says, "ok, and the fishers, are they still hidden in the cloud?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes. That's why they're missing, concealment."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Would a fireball cover the whole cloud?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "20' radius?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "I think yes"
<OOC> Faiza says, "That would also burn the cloud away."
<OOC> Aldean says, "IT will, yes."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm.."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It will cover the whole cloud."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok, move actin to move the fire onto the guy. Standard to Rod of Reach + Shocking grasp the Blob."
<OOC> Aldean says, "But will also damage what is inside. It's a tradeoff."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll damage for the fire and a touch attack for the shocking grasp."
GAME: Lothos rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Lothos rolls ranged+1: (9)+8+1: 18
GAME: Lothos rolls 5d6: (18): 18

Jian continues to assail the jelly with bullets, each one leaving a trail of glittering ice crystals in the air. "Th' fog is workin' on th' fishers, we just need this jelly out ' th' way now."

<OOC> Aldean says, "Also, cast Shocking Grasp."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+0: (15)+0: 15

Lothos snorts, "Never leave a threat behind you, when you almost certainly have to go back through it!" He focuses on moving the flaming sphere back into the blob, then holds out a rod and has an arc of electricity reach forth to hit the blob. "But yes, kill this first."

GAME: Lothos casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18
<OOC> Aldean says, "And yes, you hurt it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Cave Fisher A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Kay"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Whatcha doing?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "So the blob is large tall and has faiza next to it yes? Anyone else close?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth seems to be within its reach."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Given that it just went for her. She's not next to it but it appears to be able to reach her."
<OOC> Bahken says, "I mean, adjacent. I drew out alchemist's fire"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Gonna throw it then?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "So, we'll go with no.. Move to about 20' ou, throw fire, keep spell going, keep behind Faiza"
<OOC> Bahken relies on Faiza's saves and high hitpoints to deal with the 1 splash damage
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Reflex save, Faiza."
GAME: Faiza rolls Reflex: (13)+7: 20
<OOC> Aldean says, "You're fine."
<OOC> Faiza caught it on her shield.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ranged touch attack to hit the creature, too."
GAME: Bahken rolls BAB+dexterity+1: (7)+3+3+1: 14
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yup, you hit."
<OOC> Bahken nods, "And AF is not a weapon right?
GAME: Bahken rolls 1d6: (6): 6
<OOC> Aldean says, "You set it on fire! You also set Faiza's shield on fire."
<OOC> Bahken says, "oh forgot the -2 to hit, from the range"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Still hit"
<OOC> Faiza hits it with her shield! Because more fire.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Cave Fisher A's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d5: (1): 1

o/~ All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me... o/~ Bahken the bard sings as he moves closer. He throws the flask and it shatters on the blob, igniting it with a pretty wash of flames.

|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 17 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 46  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 55  | 55  | 20 | 26 | 8  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 43  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 43  | 43  | 12 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken, what id your touch AC?"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (64): 64
<OOC> Bahken says, "13"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Cave Fisher B is next!
<OOC> Uneth will attempt to move past the cubic ooze.
<OOC> Uneth says, "Through the exit that is still open, if it is still open."

Another filament goes after Bahken and just misses, just as the alchemist's fire lights up the ooze, the creature letting out a high-pitched whistle as some foul liquid burns off and steam escapes. The effect is remarkably similar to a scream really.

<OOC> Aldean says, "You'll take AoO to do so but you can."
<OOC> Uneth nods.
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+13: (8)+13: 21
<OOC> Aldean says, "That's gonig to hit."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+6+2d6 (acid): (7)+6+(9 (acid)): 22
GAME: You damaged Uneth for 22 points. 21 remaining.
<OOC> Uneth says, "That will sting."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+19: (19)+19: 38
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you are in grapple. Grab ability."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Ohboy."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Cave Fisher B's turn! Cave Fisher C is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d5: (4): 4
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (85): 85
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Cave Fisher C's turn! Stone Block is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 13.
     It is now Stone Block's turn! Faiza is next!

"The path is open, we should go-AHHH!" Uneth attempts to demonstrate that they way is clear enough, only to prove it is not. The pseudopod slams her into the cave wall, then sticks to her as digestive enzymes begin to digest her cloak and flesh.

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+19: (1)+19: 20 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. SO it's an attack roll using CMB, so get lucky."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It fails to maintain the hold but moves into the doorway itself, squeezing to fit into a 5' space."
<OOC> Faiza shakes a fist.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth, you're now adjacent to it, it's in the doorway. Faiza is also adjacent."
<OOC> Aldean poses.

Two more filaments shoot from teh cloud -- that's a handy spell that Uneth's got there! It seems to be thoroughly obscuring their vision and making it difficult to hit the group, because both sail above and next to heads and hit floors and columns. The ooze, meanwhile, attempts to wrap itself more tightly around the druid -- and somehow, it slides away. Maybe the cleaning helped? It still left acid burns across bruised flesh, though, and now has slid into the doorway itself, squeezing to get by.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 13.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Jian is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Welp. Imma play big dumb warrior and hit it with my sword some more, maybe that'll get its attention."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Hahaha"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll it."
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1-2: (12)+10+1+-2: 21
<OOC> Aldean says, "hit, damage"
<OOC> Faiza says, "I actually forgot to apply the +4 from enchantment and str bonus earlier, on my first hit."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You mean the one you jsut rolled/"
<OOC> Faiza says, "No, the damage last time I hit it."
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+4+4+1+1d6 (fire): (2)+4+4+1+(6 (fire)): 17
<OOC> Faiza says, "+4 from enchantment+str, +4 from power attack"
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now Jian's turn! Lothos is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian./"

"No, creature," says Faiza, possibly feeling a little silly to be addressing something so clearly mindless, "you want to focus on -me-." As if to give her words emphasis, she sweeps her burning sword forward in an underhanded swing, carving yet another good chunk out of the thing that's now blocking any possibility of escape the way they'd originally intended to go. To Uneth, she shoots a concerned glance. "Are you all right?"

<OOC> Jian says, "Can I 5' step to get some cover behind a stalagmite, from the fishers?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes, I will let you do that."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It'll be partial cover."
<OOC> Jian says, "Alright, I'll do that (Just in case the cloud ends), and resume pelting the jelly."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot-4+1: aliased to weapon1+1-2-4+1: (4)+8+1+-2+-4+1: 8
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot-4+1: aliased to weapon1+1-2-4+1: (5)+8+1+-2+-4+1: 9
<OOC> Aldean says, "Miss, sorry."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Both miss."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 10.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Aldean says, "The faming sphere is how big?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Its one 5' square"
<OOC> Lothos says, "And burns anyone in the surrounding squares."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Oh, in the surrounding squares as well. You will have to burn Faiza to get the sphere to where it will hurt the ooze."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's withdrawn inside the archway."
<OOC> Faiza says, "People keep trying to burn me. :("

J ian decides to play it safe, given how persistent the cave fishers are with their filament attempts. With a couple steps he's huddled up against a cold, wet column of stone, then refocuses his gunfire on the jelly once more. Unfortunately these shots go wide.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm.."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok, I ignore the fire.."
<OOC> Lothos says, "It can hold there another round or so"
<OOC> Aldean says, "ok."
<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll move to 30 of the blob, using cover from fishers if I can. And misfortune the blob."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Will save?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "DC 21"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20-1: (13)+-1: 12
<OOC> Aldean says, "Nope."

Lothos sighs, ignoring the flaming sphere for a moment he runs forward, using cover from stalagmites, then tosses a tarot card towards the blob. "Alright, now I'm just going to have to curse you....but...your a"

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Cave Fisher A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Fog is still up around the fishers right?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."
<OOC> Bahken says, "and none of them are moving out of it?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Don't seem to be."
<OOC> Bahken says, "If I glitterdust them, will they be visible?"
<OOC> Aldean thinks. No, because fog is concealment, not invisibiity per se.
<OOC> Bahken nods, "kay, maintain bardic performance, shoot the blob, -8? four for cover, four for shooting into melee.. but +2 (1 for BP and 1 for PBS)?
<OOC> Bahken says, "-2 more for rapid shot?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "The blob has cover?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "The ooze isn't in cover?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "Shooting through faize would be cover for me."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Soft cover"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Take a 5' step :)"
<OOC> Bahken shrugs, kay 5' step and total modifier -4? for two shots?
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."
GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-4: (19)+6+-4: 21
GAME: Bahken rolls Ranged-4: (4)+6+-4: 6
<OOC> Aldean says, "First hits, second does not."
GAME: Bahken rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's looking bad, crispyfried abd with holes and dark spots appearing in it like some kind of odd latticework. Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 7.
     It is now Cave Fisher A's turn! Uneth is next!
<OOC> Bahken says, "Wait"
GAME: Bahken rolls 1d6: (4): 4
<OOC> Bahken says, "extra fire from last round"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Oh riht the fire. Yes, that adds in, add that into your pose as well."
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Cave Fisher B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth."

o/~ A little more bite, a little less bark o/~ Bahken continues to sing as he side steps and rapidly draws and fires two arrows, only one of them hitting the blob who smoulders with the alchemist's flame from last round before it finally burns out.

<OOC> Aldean says, "The Cave fisher isn't doing anything."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Maybe they're giving up!"
<OOC> Uneth poses, since her action is standard.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :)"

"I am alive," Uneth answers Faiza, somewhat smoking following the acid. She then turns her attention to the relatively near sphere of flame. "Cousin fire... share your warmth..." A hand reaches towards and draws a small morsel to her. It covers her hand in a warm embrace, then rapidly expands as she is engulfed, no, becomes, the flames. Her stature shrinks as it is consumed and transformed.

<OOC> Uneth says, "Elemental Shape into Small Fire Elemental"
<OOC> Faiza caaaarefully takes a step or two to the side. Fire bad.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Cave Fisher B's turn! Cave Fisher C is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 15.
     It is now Cave Fisher C's turn! Stone Block is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 13.
     It is now Stone Block's turn! Faiza is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+13: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 13.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Jian is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza. Roll it."
<OOC> Faiza is not gonna LoH Uneth while she's bein' all burny.
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1-2: (14)+10+1+-2: 23

The filaments have stopped coming from out of the fog cloud, and the ooze itself seems to be in a bad way. It throws a weakly aimed pseudopod at Faiza, but succeeds only at hitting stone.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Hit, damage."
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+4+4+1+1d6 (fire): (2)+4+4+1+(1 (fire)): 12
<OOC> Faiza isn't rollin' very high herself!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Still hits."
<OOC> Aldean says, "And that kills it. :) Pose it, and free RP for the moment."
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Aldean has cleared initiatives.

Jian gestures to the others when he sees the jelly's mass cease moving. "It's dead - I think - we should move on 'fore th' fishers start trying 'gain."

"Wah!" Faiza takes a step to the side, startled, as Uneth turns smaller and... fiery-er. She almost fumbles the swing at the slimy blob, again, but thankfully it's big and slow and well, blobby. Silvery flames flare as the blade is dragged through the ooze, and that finally - finally! - seems to extinguish the last of whatever was animating it as it settles slowly to the floor and begins to dissolve, messily. "That is disgusting," says the shadow elf, wrinkling her nose and shaking her sword as if to try to dislodge the last of the smouldering remnants of slime from it.

Lothos dismisses his flaming sphere, and grunts. "I really dislike the idea of leaving them, but fine, lets move on and hope there is a small dwarven army hidden down here to help us escape." He moves on quickly with the others, though he does keep an eye out for fishers.

Bahken ends his song, looking to the others. He notices Jian and nods to the comment. Looking at Lothos, he shrugs, "Their vermin.. Annoying vermin but we weren't paid to be exterminators, we were paid to explore.." he points out and moves back in line.

Uneth flickers and flutters as a mass of living flame. When others comment on the fishers, she doesn't need to. She moves ahead into the tunnel beyond, possibly lighting the way for others.

Faiza hustles to keep to the front of the line as the group begins to move again. The flames on her sword seem to have died down for now, and she keeps a sharp eye out before them as they make their way along the passages. "I hope we know where we're going," she murmurs.

"Do we?" Jian asks in reply to Faiza. "I'd be quite surprised if we did!" he adds with a big grin.

GAME: Bahken used a Alchemist's Fire.

The cave system appears to continue into the darkness beyond, lit by Uneth's fiery self as she leads the way deeper into the cavern.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Perception checks."
GAME: Bahken rolls perception: (5)+7: 12
GAME: Lothos rolls perception: (9)+10: 19
GAME: Jian rolls perception: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Uneth rolls perception: (19)+14: 33
GAME: Faiza rolls perception: (8)+3: 11
<OOC> Faiza sees a cave.

‘’You paged (Uneth, Lothos) with 'You both smell fresh air. There's an exit somewhere near.’’’

Lothos frowns, "I smell clean air....somethings up ahead, maybe an exit. Well damn, I really wanted to say I told you so when we had to go past the fishers again."

Shield rising to a more protective position again, Faiza nevertheless keeps moving on unless explicitly told to stop. "Whatever it is, we are already making a spectacle of ourselves between the light and -" she grimaces slightly at her own armour - "the noise. I say we press on."

"The khazad could have exited outside and become lost," Uneth suggests since they have found no carcasses. Her voice warbles from the heat. She also keeps moving.

Bahken nods in agreement and keeps up in the middle fo the pack.

Jian seems to be in good spirits as they progress, humming a few tunes that sound suspiciously like sea shanties when silent moments occur. The dragonspitter remains in his hand though, loaded too, but held in a relaxed fashion.

Lothos is still a bit concerned, not quite sure they were lucky enough that this was so simple. He doesn't say anythign though, just keeping alert as they move on.

Following the fresh breeze leads the group to a narrow entrance -- no more than a foot wide -- but all can now hear and smell the wind outside. Not, perhaps, see daylight just yet, the gloom is still present like a cold embrace, but hear and smell, yes ... along with the rustle of wings on the other side.

Somehow, complete and total darkness fills that crack.

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26
<OOC> Aldean says, "Carry on."
<OOC> Uneth says, "Is that the only path?"
GAME: Bahken casts Dancing Lights. Caster Level: 4 DC: -85

Pausing just out of earshot of the opening, Faiza murmurs, just low enough that she's pretty sure she can't be heard, "That does not look promising. I can't see anything through there... which is unusual." Her eyes glow eerily in the gloom of the cave.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Seems to be."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Pretty sure she can't be heard from the opening, that is."

Bahken once more conjures dancing lights and sends them at the unnatural darkness that looms in the crack. His little ditty sounding so childish.

Lothos shakes his head, whispering. "Likely its a dragons ***.”

<OOC> Aldean says, "Sorry, those of you with darkvision can see normally."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Can see into the crack."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Oh. :P"
<OOC> Aldean says, "My fault."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Uh... anything interesting beyond it?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Misunderstanding of the effect in question. One sec."

Uneth actually laughs at Lothos' comment; a strange sound given her form. "I doubt it would smell so fresh if it was..." Whatever -it- is, it seems the way forward. As she is now smaller, she attempts to squeeze her fiery form through.

<OOC> Uneth may need to recant her pose, in that case.
<OOC> Aldean says, "You don't, it will work."

Bahken's dancing lights, as they draw close to the crack itself, don't appear to appreciably brighten the area, nor does Uneth's fiery form.

‘’You paged (Uneth, Faiza) with 'You two can see what looks like a cocoon on the other side.’’’

“A** or not, would the dwarves have even fit through that?" Jian remarks as he lefts up his gloved hand to gesture at the foot-wide crack.

<OOC> Faiza says, "That's a good point actually, would a dwarf have been able to squeeze through there easily?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Not easily, no."
<OOC> Faiza says, "But they would have been able to?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "With some effort."
<OOC> Aldean er, wait. No.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Not without EScape Artist."
<OOC> Faiza says, "So not likely that a typical miner would have gone through there, at least not willingly."
<OOC> Uneth says, "If they were dismembered they would fit more easily."
<OOC> Aldean says, "What a lovely thought ... but yes."
<OOC> Jian says, "Digested by a jelly."

"I suspect our miner friends did not make it this far," sais Faiza, looking appropriately downcast. "Or if they did..." She gestures at the obviously narrow opening, frowning. "More likely they were stopped earlier."

Lothos shakes his head, "We didn't see any bodies? But it could have been dissolved by the blob."

<OOC> Faiza says, "How long ago did the miners go missing?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "About three days, at this pioint."
<OOC> Faiza says, "... also, could I try to move up closer to the opening to peek through, see if I can see anything that might give a clue what is in there? Not actually sticking my head in."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."

‘’You paged Faiza with 'You see what looks like something cylindrical, and made of manym any tiny threads ... perhaps a cocoon?’’’ ‘’Faiza pages: And that's all I see in there? Roughly how big is it?’’

Bahken looks at Uneth, "Can you track in hear at all?" he asks her lightly with as sof a voice as he can manage.

‘’You paged Faiza with 'About 6 feet long.’’’

Moving carefully closer, the redheaded shadow elf positions herself so she can see within the gap. "There's a cocoon," she says softly. "Human sized, give or take. No distinguishing features." Faiza still looks hesitant to make a move further, half-turning to the rest of the group. "What do you think?"

"A cocoon." Jian echoes quietly, looking baffled as he glances at the others in the group. "Someone know of a dwarf-capturing monster tha' leaves cocoons in tiny spaces?"

Lothos nods "Giant spiders?"

<OOC> Aldean says, "It's on the other side of the crack, which doesn't seem to be all that deep."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Could I... poke it with my sword? <.<"

Uneth says, "I think something coccooned the khazad," Uneth answers. She nods to Lothos. "Possibly. We should retrieve it, yes?" She does not grab for it as that could be damaging."

<OOC> Faiza says, "Not saying I'm gonna. >.>"
<OOC> Aldean says, "You could, yes."
<OOC> Faiza says, "I'm totally gonna poke it with my sword unless someone stops me. :("
<OOC> Aldean says, "Perception checks, all."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Hooray!"
GAME: Faiza rolls perception: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lothos rolls perception: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Jian rolls perception: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Bahken rolls perception: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+16: (6)+16: 22
GAME: Uneth rolls perception: (20)+14: 34
<OOC> Faiza says, "Shall I pose? Unless someone decides to grab my arm and stop me?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Go ahead."

‘’You paged Uneth with 'From the direction of the corridor in which you came, there's a clicking on the stone walls, like ... many small insect feet. It's behind you by some distance.’’’ ‘’You paged Uneth with 'I should say -- cavern system, not corridor.’’’

Finally seeming to get enough of standing around and doing nothing, Faiza moves closer to the crack in the wall, cautiously raising her sword as if to poke it in there. She pauses to glance over her shoulder at her companions - to see if anyone is going to stop her - and then, well. Pokes the sword in at the cocoon. Not hard. Just a gentle little nudge with the tip. What was that about curiosity and felines, again?

Uneth turns to look back towards the way they came as she steps away from the storage nook. "You should hurry. The creature that stowed the meal may be returning..." Her form flickers, extinguishes, and grows as she returns to her former form.

There's no sign of movement from the cocoon itself -- the strands are thick and not at all sticky. However, as Uneth speaks, a pair of what look to be giant, pale-colored caterpillars clattering on dozens of small legs scuttle in from the exit whence you came. Writhing bristles twitch on their backs, and their shadows seem strangely mobile.

Bahken draws in a breath and readies an action.. If they're attacked, he'd like to start singing right away..

GAME: You roll initiative for Tenebrous Worm A: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 8
GAME: You roll initiative for Tenebrous Worm B: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 27

Lothos sighs, looking to the new arrivals. "We must not have seen them on the way in." He shakes his head.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Initiatives/"

Faiza pulls her blade back with a grimace, turning towards the new arrivals. Moving through the little group, she touches a hand to Uneth's shoulder on the way past as she moves to position herself at the front, to guard against attack.

<OOC> Faiza says, "... sorry."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Do I have time for a LoH before combat?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "No."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Dang."
GAME: Lothos rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 7
GAME: Faiza rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 10
GAME: Jian rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 13
GAME: Uneth rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 18
GAME: Bahken rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 14

‘’(second night resume, timestop restored)’’

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Uneth is next!
<OOC> Jian says, "Aren't we missing Worm A? :)"
<OOC> Aldean says, "I had a worm A in the init order when I started, but since we're missing Lothos, two of these things is a bit much for four of you."
<OOC> Aldean says, "I picked one to pull at random and happened to pull A. ^^"
<OOC> Aldean says, "If he shows, I'll add it back in."
<OOC> Jian says, "Alright :)
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Uneth ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Identification is knowledge/the_planes, not knowledge/nature."
GAME: Bahken rolls knowledge/The_planes: (9)+7: 16

A pallid creature skitters out of the darkness on dozens of tiny legs. About six feet long, it looks like it should be too big for the size of its legs, and yet it moves well enough for the mismatch in size. Writhing bristles twitch on its back, and its shadow by the light of Bahken's dancing lights seems strangely mobile. It's not quite fast enough to reach you yet, and it hovers at the edge of your light, in the dimness.

<OOC> Lothos says, "My apologies, got held up."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Identification is knowledge/the_planes, not knowledge/nature."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's fine. We're just getting started."
GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/the planes: (20)+15: 35
<OOC> Aldean says, "I was a tad slow."
GAME: You roll initiative for Tenebrous Worm A: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 11
GAME: Tenebrous Worm A's initiative total changed to 8
<OOC> Faiza scuttles off to fetch her coffee while it's not her turn. <.<

‘’You paged Lothos with 'Do not reveal until your turn in the order comes up (I have restored the timestop). It's a larva of something called a gloomwing out of the Plane of Shadow. Oddly, the larvae are /considerably/ more dangerous than the gloomwings themselves -- you want to avoid touching the bristles on its back, as they are poisonous.’’’

<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth?"

‘’You paged Bahken with 'You don't think that's natural.’’’

<OOC> Aldean says, "I'll skip her and come back to her when she gets back."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Jian is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Bahken ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Bardic performance, move the lights so they light up the monsters"
<OOC> Aldean nodnods. What's the radius for an increase in light level with dancing lights?
<OOC> Faiza says, "10 feet per light."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Up to 4 lights."
<OOC> Bahken says, "They're pretty much four torches ten feet apart so I'd say it's a 2x2 square and then 20' in all directions, and then 20' more of dim light."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Or, wait."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Yeah, what Bahken said."
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you're positioning it directly over the creatures? OK."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Jian's turn! Faiza is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jian ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian/."

Bahken doesn't know what that is or where it came from, but he assumes it's dangerous and needs to die like the good murderhobohe is. o/~ A little less conversation a little more action please o/~ he says as he directs the lights over the horrific looking creature.

<OOC> Bahken says, "everyone back on channel?"
<OOC> Jian says, "I'll ready an action to open fire on the worm if it attacks anyone"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Readied action, Jian?"

Jian draws his dragonspitter and aims it at the multi-legged worm skittering at the edge of the light. "That looks a lot nastier than a cave fisher. Anyone know th' name of our new arrival, and whether I should be firin' or not?" he asks the others.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Works. Uneth."

Uneth studies the creature. "That is not something I have seen. It doesn't seem natural. If it attacks you, defend yourself. Does it fear us? Or the light?" It lurks, but she doesn't know why.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Faiza ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Uh. Imma Lay on Hands Uneth, then move up to the front of the group and stand there all heroic and tanky like."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Btw, how 'big' are these things?"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Only 2d6 for LoH, but 3d6 channel... but channel takes two LoH charges. Yeah, LoH for now."
<OOC> Aldean says, "About six feet long. Medium-sized creature."
GAME: Faiza rolls 2d6: (6): 6
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -6 points. 46 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Good deal. Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!

As the group watches, a second one like skitters to the edge of the light where the first stands, then runs forward more fully into the light, about 30' from the group.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Lothos ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Lets see..."

Moving past Uneth, Faiza lays a hand on the other elf's shoulder. A pale silver light shines at the point of contact, briefly, then seems to fade into the druid's skin. The shadow elf paladin moves up to the front of the group and plants herself firmly there, shield up, sword drawn. Flickering silvery flames lick along the edge of the blade, making light and shadow jump and flit eerily in the cavern.

<OOC> Lothos says, "I'm going to cast Black Tentacles on them, and then report my findings to the group"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Fade, not face."
<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll try to target the tentacles to get as many as I can"
GAME: Lothos casts Black Tentacles. Caster Level: 8 DC: 21
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :)"
<OOC> Aldean says, "One sec..."
<OOC> Faiza's flaming sword acts like a light source too, btw.
<OOC> Lothos says, "I roll a +13 to hit thier CMD, it works as a group."
GAME: You damaged Uneth for -6 points. 27 remaining.
GAME: Lothos rolls +13: (4)++13: 17
<OOC> Lothos says, "Bleh."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ugh. No, sorry."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose."
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Uneth is next!

Lothos grimaces, "Ohh dear, nasty things from the plane of shadow, beware the bristles, poisonous. Just kill them ok?" He chants a few words and throws something, then black tentacles spring up from the ground and try to grab at the things. Not grabbing any of them.

<OOC> Aldean says, "B is going to go after Faiza. Jian, resolve your readied action."
GAME: Jian's initiative total changed to 27.
<OOC> Jian says, "How far away is B from me?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "20' thanks to the tentacles, it's not going to make it all teh way to Faiza, but it's headed her way."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+1: aliased to weapon1+1: (12)+8+1: 21
<OOC> Aldean says, "That will hit. Damage."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1: (4)+1+(1)+1: 7
<OOC> Jian says, "Oh, add another +1 due to the performance."

"That's close enough." Jian adds when one of the worms crawls closer to Faiza, letting loose a shoot that only skims across it's back, letting out a puff of snow when it hits the wall behind it.

<OOC> Jian  will be right back :)

Curiously, as the shot ripples across the bristles, leaving frost in its wake, its blood seems ... more like shadow than liquid, spilling with an eerie writhing movement. It starts to scuttle closer, but the tentacles seem to slow it down a good bit; it can't quite get out of the field Lothos has creatured. Not yet.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth./"
<OOC> Uneth ponders.
<OOC> Uneth casts and poses.
GAME: Uneth casts Call Lightning. Caster Level: 0 DC: -95
<OOC> Aldean says, "Whirlpool confirms a known bug with domain spells. Go ahead and pose, Uneth. 

Uneth's bias stops short of creatures from other realms. Strands of hair begin to rise as she calls on the sky, wind, and storm. A charge begins to build.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Kay, closest one is still too far to reach any of us right?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "How far is it from me?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Closest one is 20' away from Faiza at the edge of Lothos' spell. It's probably 25' from you."
<OOC> Bahken nods, "Maintain bardic performance, rapid shot the closest one
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll to hit."
GAME: Bahken rolls weapon12+1-2: (3)+7+1+-2: 9
GAME: Bahken rolls weapon12+1-2: (3)+7+1+-2: 9
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean Faiza.
<OOC> Faiza says, "Could I charge the closest worm and still be just out of the black goop?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Then I'm gonna do that. Because dumb heroism."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :) Roll to hit, and make me a Reflex save please."

Rapidly draws two arrows and sends them sailing over the creature's 'head?' as he continues to sing, o/~ All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me.. o/~ At least he's standing behind Faiza

GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1-2: (13)+10+1+-2: 22
GAME: Faiza rolls reflex: (17)+7: 24
<OOC> Aldean says, "Hit, and you're okay. The bristles attack you, but you're able to avoid them."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Whew."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll damage."
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+4+4+1+1d6 (fire): (4)+4+4+1+(2 (fire)): 15
<OOC> Aldean says, "You hurt it! Same shadow-blood type of effect. Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Worm A decides to go around the area of effect -- it'll threaten you guys at the end of next round."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos, roll that CMB again. It can still grab B, but A's skirting it."
GAME: Lothos rolls +13: (7)++13: 20
<OOC> Lothos says, "Yeesh."
<OOC> Aldean says, "No joy, sorry."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Action please."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Can I fireball them without hitting the team?"

FWOOSH. The silver flames make an ever so pretty trail, lighting up the half-gloom of the cavern, as Faiza, bold and possibly more than a little rash, dashes forward to carve a gouge into the side of the shadowy, pulsating worm. As she slashes, spines jut out of the thing's hide, and the redheaded shadow elf only barely manages to twist out of the way with a half-strangled, "Whoa--". She grates, "Take care! Those spines look dangerous!"

<OOC> Aldean says, "You're more or less duplicating the area of the black tentacles spell. Let me can hit one or the other but not both."
<OOC> Lothos says, "WEll thats not worth it then."
<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll misfortune the one near Fiaza"
<OOC> Lothos says, "As long as I'm within 30 of it"
<OOC> Aldean says, "That's B."
<OOC> Aldean says, "I'll say you are."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ok."
<OOC> Lothos says, "So just misfortune. DC 21 Will save"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+8: (15)+8: 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yeah, he saved. Sorry."
<OOC> Aldean says, "He/she/it?"

Lothos grimaces "I told you, poison spines." He pulls out a tarot card and tosses it at the nearest one. "I curse you, so go away now." He then grimaces, "Awww, what the hell."

     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza, you have a friend, He'll take a 5' step to get out of the area of the tentacles."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (16)+14: 30
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 17 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 46  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 55  | 55  | 20 | 26 | 8  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 43  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 27  | 43  | 18 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |
<OOC> Aldean says, "Your sword sheds light as a torch, yes?"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Yes."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6 (acid): (7)+4+(11 (acid)): 22
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 22 points. 24 remaining.
<OOC> Faiza says, "Aiee."

Easing itself out of the be-tentacled area, the first of the worms takes a good bite out of Faiza, its mouthparts secreting a shadow-like substance that as it touches the shadow elf's flesh, melts it into more shadow like itself that swiftly fades away, leaving raw and jagged wounds behind. It's almost as if the shadow stuff is ... consuming her flesh.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian. B is now in melee 30' from you, A is coming around but is still about 60' away."
<OOC> Jian says, "B is in melee with Faiza, right?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Right."
<OOC> Jian says, "I'll take a move action to flank it (I can move 40') and I'll do one unarmed strike when I'm there."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Jian says, "Actually no, I'll do a single shot (It's weird how monks are only accurate with unarmed when flurrying, and suck when doing single attacks)"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+1: aliased to weapon1+1: (20)+8+1: 29 (THREAT)
<OOC> Aldean says, "ROll again."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+1: aliased to weapon1+1: (19)+8+1: 28
<OOC> Aldean says, "This is at A?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Oh my. :) Crit. Roll damage."
<OOC> Faiza says, "B, I think."
<OOC> Jian says, "B, I moved to flank it with Faiza, then shooting"
GAME: Jian rolls 4d8+4+1d6: (14)+4+(6): 24
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Are you now in melee with it then?"
<OOC> Jian says, "Yup. Firearm mastery, so no AoO"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Make a REflex save please."
GAME: Jian rolls reflex: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: You damaged Jian for 3 points. 52 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Fort save please."
GAME: Jian rolls fort: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: You damaged Jian's Constitution for 2 points. 2 total damage.
<OOC> Aldean says, "And paralyzed for four rounds."
<OOC> Faiza D:
GAME: Note Paralyzed added to Jian with a duration of 4 rounds.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean ok. Uneth. Call Lightning goes off and you get an action!

‘’Jian pages: So what exactly happened, so I can add it to the pose?’’

<OOC> Uneth will zap the one moving to flank.

‘’You paged Jian with 'The bristles attacked you, pierced your skin and injected more of that shadow stuff- that acts as a paralytic poison.’’’

<OOC> Aldean says, "A? OK. :) Roll damage. :)"
GAME: Uneth rolls 3d6: (11): 11
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26
<OOC> Uneth says, "DC ... It saved."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yup, but you still hurt it! You can call I think 6 bolts, that's your first."

Jian quickly dashes across the cave floor, leaping near the end to get behind the worm. Before landing he pivots in his jump, firing a single shot down onto the creature's back, puncturing it cleanly with a puff of ice crystals and shadowy blood; that definitely looked like it hurt. That is until the bristles on the worm suddenly lash out and catch him just as he reaches the ground, causing him to fail the landing and down he goes in a heap on the ground. That also looks like it hurt.

<OOC> Aldean says, "And you have an action."
<OOC> Uneth casts and poses.
GAME: Uneth casts Barkskin. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
<OOC> Aldean thumbsup. +4 to AC, yes?
<OOC> Faiza says, "Also, I totally forgot to add the +2 to hit for charge on my previous attack, but I still hit, so anyway. xD"

Uneth unleashes the gathering charge upon the worm circling, though it is nimble. A call to her floral cousins follows, hardening her flesh like wood.

<OOC> Aldean nodnods! You still hit :)
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Bahken says, "They still separated?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yup."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Hmm.. Glitterdust the one that's not fighting Faiza"
<OOC> Aldean says, "A."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Also maintaining bardic performance"
<OOC> Aldean nodnods! +cast?
GAME: Bahken casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13
<OOC> Aldean says, "And he is blind!"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Tenebrous Worm is now FABULOUS Worm."
GAME: Note Blind  Glitterdust  added to Tenebrous Worm A with a duration of 4 rounds.
<OOC> Aldean ....NOPE
<OOC> Aldean XD Pose it.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."

o/~ FLASH! AAAAAaaaahhh o/~ Bahken sings as he hurls his hand at the far worm. A bright light and then sparlies envelope it before he continues his song, o/~ A little less bark, a little more bite.. o/~

<OOC> Faiza says, "LoH myself, first of all."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll it."
GAME: Faiza rolls 2d6: (8): 8
<OOC> Faiza says, "And then, possibly completely unwisely... attack again. xD"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Does Jian's flank still count if he's out cold?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "Not if he's paralyzed"
<OOC> Bahken says, "He's helpless atm"
<OOC> Faiza snaps fingers. Dang.
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -8 points. 32 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "That's correct."
<OOC> Aldean says, "So you want to attack?"
<OOC> Faiza says, "I don't really see what other alternatives I have at present. My ranged attacks  are unimpressive." 
<OOC> Faiza says , "So... yep!"
<OOC> Aldean Ok.  :) Roll to hit and make me a reflex save.
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1-2+1: (5)+10+-2+1: 14
<OOC> Faiza slump.
GAME: Faiza rolls Reflex: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 3 points. 29 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Fort save."
GAME: Faiza rolls Fort: (16)+10: 26
<OOC> Aldean says, "You're fine."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Thank goodness for paladin saves. :P"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Divine Grace is just that. Pose. You did miss, by the by."
<OOC> Aldean says, "The bristles pierce your skin and exude a sort of shadow stuff that tries to freeze your blood, but you shake it off."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!

The second worm, now completely and utterly, pallidly /fabulous/ with its coating of golden sparkles, blunders towards the group, but it doesn't quite seem to know where its going and is ... feeling its way?

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."

Yelping with pain - and possibly no small amount of horror, as her flesh seems to turn into -shadow- - Faiza rears back from the bite of the worm, and because of this, her next swing goes wild, imbalanced. The redheaded Elunan grunts, additionally, as the spines of the worm wedge themselves into a crack between plates... but seems unaffected by whatever poison was on them. Damned paladins.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Well I'll go for a rod of reach + shocking grasp now. Using one of my lvl 1 pearl of power"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. On A or B?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "The one thats paralyzed folks"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Are they both out of the tentacles now?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "B. Yes, they are."
<OOC> Lothos says, "B then"
GAME: Lothos rolls ranged: (17)+8: 25
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ranged touch"
GAME: Lothos rolls 5d6: (23): 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "That will hit, and reflex for half?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "I dont think there is a save."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Nope, no save for shocking grasp."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Yup, jsut looked it up myself. You hurt it! BZOT. It doesn't look really thrilled but it's still hungry."
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!

Lothos grimaces, pulling out a rod and pointing at one of the larva. "Ok, here, lets try this instead, much simpler." He speaks a few words and an arc of electricity fires out and hits the thing.

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (7)+14: 21
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (5)+4+(19): 28
GAME: You damaged Jian for 28 points. 21 remaining.

Sensing that it has a Meal Ready to Eat (tm) in the person of the unfortunate Jian, food takes priority for the shocked and shadow-bleeding worm-thing. It turns to the helpless sharpshooter, taking a bite out of him. Shadowstuff from its mandibles pours out over his flesh, turning it swiftly to shadow and leaving it to fade away into raw and bleeding wounds.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian is helpless. Uneth."
<OOC> Uneth will zap the one eating.
<OOC> Faiza says, "And they're not even evil. So I can't smite. :("
GAME: Uneth rolls 3d6: (5): 5
<OOC> Uneth says, "Slightly"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18

Uneth can't fault the creature for feeding. All things must eat. Hunger must be sated. Prey is to be caught and devoured. But she is not prey, and, by extension, those around her are cobsidered poor choices. "Can someone grab him before he's devoured?" She releases another discharge on the snacking worm, but it's only a grazing shock.

<OOC> Uneth says, "IT saved."
<OOC> Aldean says, "What's the DC on that? OK."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Aldean says, "FYI, Uneth? You still get another action."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Call Lightning you can cast other spells too."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Maintain bardic performance, move towards Faiza and Jian. Glitterdust creature and Jian."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. XD"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Bahken casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 4 DC: 17
<OOC> Bahken says, "Darnit :P"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Remind me, does a helpless creature get a will save?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "I think so."
<OOC> Bahken says, "I think so"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Still awake, right? Just paralysed?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian, when you get back, make me a will save. Yes."
GAME: Jian rolls will: (5)+7: 12
<OOC> Aldean says, "You are fabulous ... and blind."
<OOC> Uneth says, "Discharging is a standard action."
<OOC> Aldean says, "The worm is fabulous but not blind."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose, Bahken."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "So uh."
<OOC> Faiza says, "These are extradimensional, right?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "They are outsiders, yup"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Not evil, but they are outsiders."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Would channeling healing heal it too?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Dang."

Again, Bahken cries out, o/~ FLASH! AAAAAaaaah o/~ as he moves out towards Faiza and Jian. Another flash and glitter fall over Jian and the seeing worm, but this worm shakes the dust from its eyes and Jian goes blind. o/~ A little less fight, a little more spark.. o/~

<OOC> Faiza says, "So... LoH myself again and make another attempt on the worm's life. Because it went so well the first couple of times."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Trying to LoH Jian would only get me AoO'd."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Probably."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll it."
GAME: Faiza rolls 2d6: (5): 5
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -5 points. 34 remaining.
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1-2: (9)+10+1+-2: 18
<OOC> Aldean says, "No, sorry."
<OOC> Faiza grumble.
<OOC> Aldean says, "REflex save."
GAME: Faiza rolls reflex: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (1): 1
<OOC> Aldean says, "Fort save."
GAME: Faiza rolls Fort: (12)+10: 22
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's enough."
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 1 points. 33 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pretty much the same as last time."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose."

It happens again! Faiza takes another swing at the horrible beast, flaming sword blazing through the air, but just manages to miss a soft spot. Her blade goes skittering off a mass of chitin as another cluster of spikes drives into her. "Someone, ugh, help Jian, please."

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "A is going to skitter up to Lothos."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14+2: (12)+14+2: 28
<OOC> Bahken says, "At least that one knows to stay blind :P"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ha."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (20): 20
<OOC> Aldean says, "Unfortunately, that's a hit."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Nut bunnies.. I was hoping low was miss"
<OOC> Aldean says, "High is miss."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17
<OOC> Aldean says, "And he can make that charge, that's an acrobatics check."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (8)+4+(7): 19
GAME: You damaged Lothos for 19 points. 24 remaining.

Meanwhile, the blinded worm wanders its way around the tentacles, seemingly by instinct, and skitters unerringly up to Lothos, the shadow-stuff flowing over the witch's skin and melting it into swiftly fading shadow as the mouthparts bite deep.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm.."
<OOC> Lothos says, "How high is the cieling"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (4): 4
<OOC> Aldean says, "40'."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Then I'm going to fly up to the cielinng and do the rod of reach + shocking grasp again"
<OOC> Lothos says, "Wait..."
<OOC> Lothos says, "I had mage armor on last time right?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes. It still hits you."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's not incorporeal."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ohh, touch attack?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "No. It's a normal attack."
<OOC> Lothos says, "My ac is 19 with mage armor on."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It hit 28."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Ohh, I just saw the +3 one"
<OOC> Aldean says, "The 19 was damage."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Never mind"
<OOC> Aldean says, "No, that was an acrobatics check to make sure it can charge while blind."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Yea, flying up to the ceiling and rod of reach + shocking grasp, pearl 2"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll the bones. :)"
GAME: Lothos rolls ranged+1: (17)+8+1: 26
GAME: Lothos rolls 5d6: (18): 18
<OOC> Aldean says, "Hit, sir."
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you damage it! Pose."

Lothos is not built to be face to face with creatures, so he quickly takes off to the air, flying to the ceiling and then zapping it with another hit of electricity

     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (18)+14: 32
<OOC> Faiza winces.
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (8)+4+(8): 20
<OOC> Aldean says, "This is on Jian."
GAME: You damaged Jian for 20 points. 1 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "He's still conscious! Very badly hurt ... posing."

Undaunted by Faiza's wild swinging at it ... less undaunted by lightning ... the pallid and now-glittery creature takes another bite out of the paralyzed Jian, who is now bleeding very badly indeed.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth."
<OOC> Uneth will wildshape this action, into... something that I need to look up.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :)"
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Bahken says, "Drop bow, ready shield while moving around behind Jian, drag action. Maintain bardic performance"
<OOC> Bahken says, "I think there's no AoO against Jian as I drag him"
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose it."
<OOC> Faiza says, "I'm gonna maneuver around to place myself between the worm and Jian, and LoH Jian."

o/~ Shut your mouth and open your heart.. o/~ Bahken sings as he tosses the bow, grabs his shield as he moves around Jian and then gripping the man drags him back from the worm a whole five feet... Every little bit, right?

<OOC> Aldean says, "5' step will do that."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Goody. Still means I can't attack though."
GAME: Faiza rolls 2d6: (3): 3
<OOC> Faiza says, "OH COME ON."
<OOC> Faiza sob.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Does not provoke, though, that's the good news."
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -3 points. 36 remaining.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
<OOC> Faiza says, "It's LoH, not channel. Only one target gets healed."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ha, wrong person XD"
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 33 points. 3 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Whoops/"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Doubleclutch"
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -30 points. 33 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "There"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Wayward fingers."
GAME: You damaged Jian for -3 points. 4 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "K."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Well, Lothos bailed on it, so it's just going to have th find a new target."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (3)+14: 17
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 19 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  | 33  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  |  4  | 49  | 20 | 26 | 7  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 24  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 27  | 43  | 18 | 18 | 6  | 4  | 8  |

While Bahken busies himself dragging the insensate Jian away, Faiza follows up by interposing herself between the paralysed fellow and the worm. Shield up, she reaches out behind her to touch a hand to a retreating ankle. While the healing light flares out, it's weak and faltering.

<OOC> Uneth thinks that will miss even with her wildshape, but just.
<OOC> Aldean says, "it does. :)"
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "HAve we killed one yet?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "No. B's bleeding pretty good though."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Which one did I try to misfortune?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "B."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Then I'll fly over to within 30 of A, and misfortune him"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. :) What's the DC to save?"
<OOC> Lothos says, "21"

Blindly looking around, the second worm tosses its head back and forth as if trying to find its prey ... and locks on another scent, snapping at Uneth ineffectually.

GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14
<OOC> Aldean says, "And he is misfortune'd. Remind me what that does."

Lothos is running low on spells, so its time to go back to his special tricks. He moves over a bit, still staying out of reach, and tosses one of his tarot cards at the other one. "Ahh! That time I got you! I got you you nasty son of a b****!”

<OOC> Lothos says, "IT rolls twice for all attacks, saves and skill checks."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Takes lower roll"
<OOC> Aldean thumbs up.
GAME: Note Misfortune - roll twice atk/save/skill added to Tenebrous Worm A.
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!

<OOC> Aldean says, "Its meal is gone! Faiza, you're closest." GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25 GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (5)+4+(13): 22 GAME: You damaged Faiza for 22 points. 11 remaining.

Meanwhile, the other worm has lost its meal! Sadface ... but there's something else it can eat! It turns and, with a clacking sound, its mouthparts go after Faiza, shadow slipping between armor plates to dissolve flesh into that fading shadow, leaving only jagged wounds behind.

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth. You paged me your action and it's fine :)"
<OOC> Uneth says, "A attempted to bite me?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It did."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You gonna bite back?"
<OOC> Uneth will return the favor and bite back. Also with claws.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll to hit, and roll a Refelex save."
GAME: Uneth rolls melee+1+2-1: (8)+6+1+2+-1: 16
GAME: Uneth rolls melee+1+2-1: (9)+6+1+2+-1: 17
GAME: Uneth rolls melee+1+2-1: (13)+6+1+2+-1: 21
<OOC> Aldean says, "The last one will hit."
GAME: Uneth rolls reflex-1: (1)+4+-1: 4 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Uneth says, "..."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (2): 2
<OOC> Aldean says, "Fort save please."
GAME: Uneth rolls fort: (10)+6: 16
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d2: (2): 2
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: You damaged Uneth for 2 points. 25 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Uneth's Constitution for 2 points. 2 total damage.
GAME: Note Paralyzed added to Uneth with a duration of 4 rounds.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. You connect with the claw, but the poison paralyzes and sickens you. It's sort of a shadowstuff poison exuded from the bristles themselves."
<OOC> Faiza D:
GAME: Uneth rolls 2d6+4: (10)+4: 14
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you damage it! Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Draw CLW wand, use CLW wand. maintain Bardic performance and.. I think after my NEXT turn A can see again"
<OOC> Bahken says, "Oh, use CLW wand on Jian."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll to see how much you heal."
GAME: Bahken rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9
GAME: You damaged Jian for -9 points. 13 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "It seems to help. Pose it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Guess what. :D"
GAME: Bahken used a Wand of cure light wounds.
<OOC> Faiza says, "LoH myself, try to hit it :P"
GAME: Faiza rolls 2d6: (4): 4
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -4 points. 15 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Roll to hit."

The creatures seem to insist that they are prey. Uneth now tries to show them otherwise. Her white hair grows longer and intermingles with her charcoal skin to produce a monochrome striped pattern as she grows and hunches forwards. When the creature snaps at her, it snaps at a great feline that snarls in return. She swats and snaps her jaws, missing the bats but sinking in teeth. Too bad that the shadowy stuff ozzing into her muzzle is toxic just as the darkness jabbed into her by the spines. Her snarling and twitching tail both stop abruptly.

o/~ SATISFY ME!! o/~ Bahken sings, and one can almost hear background singers echoing him as he draws out a wand and touches Jian. Color and strength returning to his stiff paralyzed features.

GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1: (14)+10+1: 25
<OOC> Aldean says, "You hit!"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Damage."
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+4+1+1d6 (fire): (3)+4+1+(4 (fire)): 12
<OOC> Aldean says, "ANd you damage it! REflex save."
GAME: Faiza rolls reflex: (20)+7: 27 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Faiza :D
<OOC> Aldean says, "Nice."
<OOC> Aldean says, "You're fine. Pose it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (19)+14: 33
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (3)+4+(16): 23
GAME: You damaged Uneth for 23 points. 2 remaining.
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."

FINALLY, Faiza manages to score a good hit on the wormy horrible thing. Her flaming blade slices through sinew and nasty chitin and carves out a good chunk of flesh - and she even manages to twist out of the way of its retaliatory spines. The shadow elf is looking decidedly worse for wear by now, however.

<OOC> Lothos says, "Cackle to continue the misfortune on the one guy. So he keeps rerolling. You said the other was wounded?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "They are both wounded, B worse."
<OOC> Aldean oh! Crap. I am sorry. One sec, Uneth....
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (14)+14: 28
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yeah it still hit, sorry."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Cackle for A's Misfortune. Cast Blindness on A. He has too high a hit :)"
GAME: Lothos casts Blindness-Deafness. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19
<OOC> Lothos says, "DC 19 fort, twice :)"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (57): 57
<OOC> Aldean says, "One sec, I forgot to check for blindness for that second hit."
<OOC> Lothos says, "IS A or B blind?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "ANd it does not connect, ignore damage. A is."
<OOC> Aldean says, "But it will end next round."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Then I blind B"
<OOC> Bahken says, "Wait.. A was still blind"
<OOC> Lothos says, "ER, ok A"
GAME: You damaged Uneth for -23 points. 25 remaining.
<OOC> Lothos says, "So yes, Blinding A, permanently"
<OOC> Lothos says, "DC 19 fort save, twice."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (7)+14: 21
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (8)+14: 22
<OOC> Aldean says, "No go, sorry."

Lothos giggles a bit, "Ahah! I have you now!" he floats near the ceiling, and chants a few words again, a darkness shooting towards the angry little thing. "Curses! Foiled again!" he giggles more.

The worm, still flailing blindly, snaps at its meal again ... but just can't locate it in all the fabulousness surrounding him, and the mandibles find no flesh to eat.

     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (9)+14: 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yeah that'll connect."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (8)+4+(8): 20
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 20 points. -5 remaining. (DYING)
<OOC> Faiza clutches a wrist to her forehead and falls over, dramatically. "Alas! I die!"
<OOC> Faiza says, "BUT WAIT!"
<OOC> Aldean ?
<OOC> Faiza has Hero's Defiance. :D
<OOC> Aldean says, "Do you now! ROll it."
GAME: Faiza rolls 3d6: (12): 12
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -12 points. 7 remaining.
<OOC> Faiza bounces back up!
<OOC> Aldean says, "AWESOME ^^"
GAME: Faiza casts Hero's Defiance. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

Its meal now secured, the worm on Faiza moves in for the kill, dissolving yet more flesh ...

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
GAME: Note Paralyzed on Jian ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian!"
<OOC> Jian is back up?! :D
<OOC> Aldean says, "YOU GET TO ACT :D"
<OOC> Jian says, "How far away am I from the worms?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "You're 10' away given the drag."
<OOC> Jian says, "Alright, one very angry rapid shot on B, since it tried to eat me."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll the bones."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot+1-rapidshot: aliased to weapon1+1+1-2: (13)+8+1+1+-2: 21
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot+1-rapidshot: aliased to weapon1+1+1-2: (3)+8+1+1+-2: 11
<OOC> Aldean says, "First hits, second misses."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+pointblankshot+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1+1: (1)+1+(3)+1+1: 7
<OOC> Aldean says, "You damage it! Not a lot ... but you hit it. Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!

When one stops to think about it, being eaten alive is a pretty horrific thing. Especially if the victim is devoured slowly while they are completely conscious of the pain but unable to do a thing about. Certainly the stuff of a nightmare that you'd hopefully wake up from. Jian just woke up from that, except it wasn't a nightmare; it really did happen. "Fuckin' hell I'll kill you -" he shouts out after his first painful intake of breath. Already his dragonspitter is lifted, leveling the ornate ivory-embellished barrel on the worm that bit him repeatedly, before he's even finished yelling. "- you fuckin' worm!" he continues as he fires twice into it. "Die you bilge-spawned maggot!"

Well he's taking it rather well, all things considered.

<OOC> Uneth can act.
GAME: Aldean reverses the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Oh?"
<OOC> Uneth says, "Call Lightning on A. Mental action"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. That's right you do have that. ROll damage."
GAME: Uneth rolls 3d6: (4): 4
<OOC> Uneth says, "Of course."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Naturally."
<OOC> Aldean says, "WOW. :("
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13
<OOC> Aldean says, "And it fails."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "You dmage it! Pose."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."

The white tiger may he frozen, but she is still conscious. The charge builds on the one gnawing on her and discharges again. Barely.

<OOC> Bahken says, "Moves behind Faize and CLW wands her"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Still maintaing BP"
GAME: Bahken rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2
<OOC> Aldean says, "Figured."
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -2 points. 9 remaining.
GAME: Bahken used a Wand of cure light wounds.
<OOC> Faiza says, "So that's 4 LoHs I've expended so far today? Just trying to keep track."
<OOC> Aldean says, "One sec, I have to look back."
<OOC> Aldean says, "I count six including the one you used on Uneth at the battle start."
<OOC> Faiza says, "I totally lost count. Shame on me!"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Is ok. How many do you have left?"

Bahken keeps singing, o/~ Baby close your eyes and listen to the music.. o/~ as he shifts behind Faiza and presses the wand against her. There's a warm glow that's slightly soothing, but not nearly as energizing as one would want at this point in the battle.

<OOC> Faiza says, "Zero. xD"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Oops. :) OK."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Used the last one for that hail-Mary(er, hail-Eluna) there."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ha. Hey, dramatic way to use it."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Faiza."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Eh, what can you do. Imma sword it."
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Sharp pointy things GO. Roll."
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1+1: (6)+10+1: 17
<OOC> Faiza hangs head.
<OOC> Aldean says, "No, sorry. Reflex save."
GAME: Faiza rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "That's enough."
<OOC> Aldean says, "It doesn't hit you but you don't hit it either."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
GAME: Note Blind  Glitterdust  on #-1 NOT FOUND ended.
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. It is no longer blind."
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (4)+14: 18
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Bahken    |HUMAN     |Bard       |  4  | 28  | 28  | 19 | 17 | 4  | 8  | 5  |
|Faiza     |SHADOW_ELF|Pal        |  5  |  9  | 46  | 23 | 20 | 10 | 7  | 8  |
|Jian      |HUMAN     |Ftr/Mnk    |  6  | 13  | 49  | 20 | 26 | 7  | 7  | 7  |
|Lothos    |HUMAN     |Wtc        |  8  | 24  | 43  | 15 | 19 | 5  | 7  | 9  |
|Uneth     |SHADOW_ELF|Dru        |  6  | 25  | 37  | 18 | 18 | 5  | 4  | 8  |
<OOC> Aldean says, "I think the 18 hits, Uneth, since you're paralyzed?"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d100: (84): 84
<OOC> Aldean er, wait. No longer blind.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ignore that."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (11)+4+(17): 32
<OOC> Uneth says, "Probably. +7 natural minus a great deal for paralyzed."
<OOC> Aldean thinks. Lemme look....

Faiza is falling down! The worm is eating her! And then it's going to eat YOOOOOU! But then the paladin just kind of... stops. Eyes fluttering open again, the redheaded paladin says, quietly, "No." Then again, louder, "NO." Her sword, flames about to fade, is held aloft, and a silver light shines down on the plate-clad figure, and it's almost like she's being lifted bodily up by something invisible, setting her back on her feet. "ELUNA!" she shouts, dramatically, and is... miraculously, literally, back on her feet again. Hurting terribly, flesh faded to shadow, but UP. And fighting.

And then she misses, of course.

<OOC> Aldean says, "yes, that will hit."
GAME: You damaged Uneth for 32 points. -7 remaining. (DYING)

With Uneth paralyzed, it's a simple matter for the worm to finish its meal as the golden dust from Bahken's spell fades. More flesh fades into shadow, and Uneth's consciousness fades....

GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "Hrm..."

‘’From my calculator: The APL for a party with these levels is 7.’’

<OOC> Lothos says, "I'll fly over Uneth and touch her with my 10 foot creepy hair to deliver my healing hex."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Good call. Roll it."
<OOC> Lothos says, "No cackle, so the misfortune will last until my next round, then end."
GAME: Lothos rolls 2d6+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: You damaged Uneth for -12 points. 5 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Anything else?"
     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!
<OOC> Faiza says, "If only they'd been evil. Things would've gone much smoother. :("
<OOC> Aldean says, "That assumes your dice like you :)"
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (9)+14: 23
<OOC> Aldean says, "That will hit."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (7)+4+(13): 24
<OOC> Faiza says, "Alas, alack..."
<OOC> Aldean reminds: this is a standard PrP. I cannot kill you -- you are merely at death's door and there will be no lasting effects.
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 24 points. -15 remaining. (DEAD)
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ignore the code."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 27.
     It is now Jian's turn! Uneth is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Jian."
<OOC> Jian says, "rapid shot on B."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Roll it."
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot+1: aliased to weapon1+1-2+1: (11)+8+1+-2+1: 19
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitter+pointblankshot-rapidshot+1: aliased to weapon1+1-2+1: (18)+8+1+-2+1: 26

Lothos notices things are going very very badly, so he quickly zips over above the injured shadow elf, and touches her with his suddenly very long hair. The touch sends a wave of healing energy into her, and he shakes his head. "This is not going wlel."

Eluna's grace cannot stop the worm's meal. All it can do is delay it for a while, and more of the paladin's flesh is consumed by the shadowstuff, leaving her motionless on the ground.

<OOC> Aldean says, "Second hits."
<OOC> Jian says, "Really? It's touch AC is that high?"
<OOC> Jian says, "Yikes."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Ohm touch AC?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Merp! My bad."
<OOC> Jian says, "If it's within 20', firearms use touch AC"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Both hit."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bah. Bad me."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes, both hit."
<OOC> Jian says, "Well, 20' for dragonspitters, higher for thunderbelchers"
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+pointblankshot+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1+1: (8)+1+(1)+1+1: 12
GAME: Jian rolls dragonspitterDMG+pointblankshot+1: aliased to 1d8+1+1d6+1+1: (1)+1+(4)+1+1: 8
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you damage it a good one! That's my fault, I didn't realize that."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 18.
     It is now Uneth's turn! Bahken is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth. You are now conscious again ... I'm ntu sure of that means you lose the spell or not."

This patch of dirt on the ground looks mighty comfy, since Jian stays lying down as he continues to assail the worm with bullets. Ice bullets of death that leave the most beautiful snowflake patterns in the air as each bullet graceful soars from the white dragon's maw. Sometimes you just have to let it go, right? Right.

<OOC> Uneth has no idea.
<OOC> Uneth says, "Am I still being chews on?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes, for the moment ... but since the spell is not concentration, I'm going to rule that it does not and you have a bolt available to you."
<OOC> Uneth says, "On the bright side, I can't move to provoke an AoO"
<OOC> Aldean grins.
<OOC> Uneth zaps, aims for 3 damage this time.
GAME: Uneth rolls 3d6: (7): 7
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20
<OOC> Faiza says, "Those are some slippery damn worms."
<OOC> Aldean says, "They are."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Part of it is I kinda have a b it of Whirlydice going on."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 14.
     It is now Bahken's turn! Faiza is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Bahken."

Uneth the tiger does not move, but a another lightning strike is proof that she is conscious.

<OOC> Bahken says, "Ok, Faiza just went down hard, and I'm behind her...."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Where's Jian?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Off to one side, shooting from where you dragged him to. Lothos is airborne."
<OOC> Aldean says, "Uneth is in serious trouble."
<OOC> Bahken is going to tank it! Cause.. why the hell not. Drop the want, draw the longsword, step forward over Faiza and fight defensively.
<OOC> Bahken says, "B to protect Jian so he can keep shooting"
<OOC> Aldean says, "On B?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Oh, and I miscounted on bardic performance. It's -4- plus charisma mod+2 /lvl over one.. so 15 total.. I run out in round 11"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK."
GAME: Bahken rolls weapon2+1-4: (16)+4+1+-4: 17
<OOC> Aldean says, "T hat will miss. Roll a Reflex save."
GAME: Bahken rolls reflex: (20)+8: 28 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Aldean says, "And you're fine, the bristles miss y ou. Pose."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 10.
     It is now Faiza's turn! Tenebrous Worm A is next!
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 8.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm A's turn! Lothos is next!
Faiza remains on the ground, silent and still.
<OOC> Aldean says, "A takes no action this round. It's admiring Lothos' hair."

Bahken tosses aside the wand, o/~ Drifting through a summer breeze.. o/~ he sings, drawing out his sword as he steps forward over Faiza and with the shield held high he swings at B ineffectually, but successfully blocks its path to Jian.

<OOC> Bahken says, "AC is currently 21"

And then, there came the hair, and its prey isn't moving, but there is more flesh to consume! Confused, the worm stops, and stares up at the witch as if wondering how to get to this new meal.

<OOC> Aldean says, "No, the bristles don't hit you. That's the reflex save."
GAME: Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Eight - Init 7.
     It is now Lothos' turn! Tenebrous Worm B is next!
<OOC> Aldean says, "Lothos."
<OOC> Lothos says, "I shall fly over and hair touch Faiza"
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. ROll."
GAME: Lothos rolls 2d8+8: (13)+8: 21
GAME: You damaged Faiza for -21 points. 6 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean ^^ Pose it. She comes around, although she still looks BAD.

Lothos keeps flying about, his hair waving past people then brushing over Faiza, granting her healing energies! She is back!

     Aldean advances the initiative order.
     Round Nine - Init 27.
     It is now Tenebrous Worm B's turn! Jian is next!
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d20+14: (8)+14: 22
<OOC> Aldean says, "Your AC is 21, right, Bahken?"
<OOC> Bahken nods
<OOC> Faiza says, "But he's fighting defensively?"
<OOC> Bahken says, "That IS fighting defensivel"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Yes. That gives him a +2 dodge bonus."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Oh dear."
GAME: Aldean rolls 2d6+4+4d6: (10)+4+(17): 31
GAME: You damaged Bahken for 31 points. -3 remaining. (DYING)
<OOC> Bahken says, "Bye bye bard song"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Sorry dude!"

Whatever this thing is, it's fast, and strong, and its mouthparts slip right through the unfortunate bard's defenses, the shadow stuff wrapping around him and leaving great gashes in his flesh as it fades away. I t's about then that there's a massive clatter of iron and stone that echoes down the stone corridor whence the group came, and bobbing lights presage the arrival of some potentially very foolish miners! Both worms, though, one badly injured, scuttle back into the darkness of the continuing corridor at that sound.

<OOC> Aldean says, "AoO everyone who gets one."
<OOC> Faiza says, "Do I get one while prone? xD"
<OOC> Aldean says, "I don't believe so."
<OOC> Bahken says, "I think you do, but -4 to all melee"
<OOC> Jian says, "Of course going for an AoO means risking more poison ;)"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It most certainly does."
<OOC> Bahken says, "Point Jian"
<OOC> Faiza says, "Hell, I'm gonna go for it. Why not. I'm mostly dead anyway. :P"
<OOC> Bahken says, "-4 for melee while prone.. no bardic performance"
GAME: Faiza rolls weapon1-4: (17)+10+-4: 23
<OOC> Faiza says, "Ha!"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It hits!"
<OOC> Aldean says, "Reflex save."
<OOC> Aldean says, "And damage."
GAME: Faiza rolls Reflex: (9)+7: 16
GAME: Aldean rolls 1d4: (3): 3
<OOC> Aldean says, "And Fort save."
GAME: Faiza rolls 1d8+4+1d6 (fire): (4)+4+(3 (fire)): 11
GAME: Faiza rolls Fort: (15)+10: 25
<OOC> Aldean says, "You're good."
GAME: You damaged Faiza for 3 points. 3 remaining.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Anyone else?"
<OOC> Aldean says, "It's looking very, very bad -- it's starting to miss legs and antennae."
<OOC> Bahken would! but.. dying
<OOC> Aldean says, "OK. Going once...."
<OOC> Uneth is still paralyzed, and needs to leave for sleep.
<OOC> Aldean says, "Twice ...."
<OOC> Jian can't melee
<OOC> Aldean says, "Okie. They get away, leaving you guys to pick yourselves up and deal with the miners."

Stirring to action at the touch of healing from Lothos, Faiza makes one final, desperate swing at the retreating wormy thing. It connects, leaving a trail of shadowy ichor and gore, sputtering in the silvery flames from her blade... but sadly, it falls short of actually killing the thing. With a groan, the paladin slowly begins picking herself up and crawling over to where Bahken lies, fumbling at her belt for a healing kit to try and stave off the poor bard's demise.