Raising Elessa

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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A15: Vardamite Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Jibbom          Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night.               57s  2m

Namira          Short elf with white hair in a grey cloak             56s  1h

Ghost of Elessa Short olive-skinned human with black hair and brown e 1m   4h

Tatyannah       Short Giantborn woman, dark hair, bronze skin.        4m   11m

Bennet          Tall cowboy, starting towards grey.                   16s  9m

Kerbasy         A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb.     0s   2d

Ulharilti Wiiva Large. Blue. Scaled.                                  7m   7m

Sandy           The HIPpest elf ever. Practically a HIPpy.            1m   3d

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


Today is Variday, of the month Hattanani, 1060. Variday is Vardama's Day. Today is the day to call back the Gates and raise the dead.

A figure rests between the pillars, her form almost dwarfed by the prayers of the faithful. She's been swathed in cloth of gray. Her bloodless face is pale and bruised from the final battle wounds. A pair of Absolutions, Namira and Bennet, guard her at points both east and west.

Writing by all hands scrawls over the pillars' surface. Some writing is touched by tears, others by acceptance. Some is more refined, others barely a child's scrawl. None of it is as recent as what will be added, today.

"Your quill, sir." One of the acolytes stops a few feet from Ulharilti, and holds up a tray, with quills and ink. "Please scribe a letter on the pillars. When we open the Gates and Call, the prayers will carry our words to the Passed and the Lady." He swallows, "It's up to them whether she returns or not."

He repeats this process with each person present, handing them a quill and ink. ...Jibbom is given a self-inking pen. Apparently, no one trusts him with a full pot.

For whichever reason.

Tatyannah doesn't /actually/ want to be here. She's been dead and resurrected like twice now and is a deeply personal thing for her. Blame the encounter with Heth and Althea for that attitude. Tatyannah hasn't gotten over that /still/. And yet, here the ex-pirate is for some reason. Perhaps because she got an invitation or something. So she stands, fidgeting and very uncomfortable and impatient. She writes something down that involves, 'if you don't come back, I will steal all your stuff'.

Jibbom ponders his words carefully. This is a solemn occasion in a holy temple. He must show the faith the proper reverence.

Sadly, as usual, Jibbom shows reverence to the wrong faith entirely.

"Dear... Associate..." He speaks aloud as he writes. "Please return to the land of the living. We have better booze. Sincerely, Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, Alexandrian Hero." He pauses. "P.S. Being dead makes you stinky. So you probably don't want to keep doing that. Just a heads up."

Bennet doesn't really know the... 'currently departed'... all that well. But he still takes his duty pretty seriously. A fellow Guild member might be target for all sorts of weird villians and monsters. And anyone important enough for The Boss Lady to send back... well, that's someone deserving of a good guard. And so he stands solem and quiet... mostly quiet... the Absolution mutters now and again... talking to his gun?

Standing off to the side in her robes an having her sword at her hip, Namira looks around calmly at the people that have gathered. She takes a deep breath and is somewhat glad to be out of her armor at the moment. Now she just hopes everyone will behave.

Ulharilti Wiivai does not correct the acolyte on gender differentiation. His rols does not directly impact the process, so far as she can tell. She is present as she was present at the battle were Elessa fell, and became temporary caretaker of her remains. Due to that assumed responsibility, she is present. She considers the quill with some thought as to appropriate words. When Jibbom shares his thoughts, she again studies her quill, not much more thoughtful of its other capabilities. Such as puncturing the throat of one Steel Von Ironblood. . In the end, she steps forward to add her own marks to the columns. They are simple and direct 'You did not deserve to fall. Return.' When she returns to the periphery, she moves to stand next to Steel Von Ironblood, quill held in the fist nearest, point outward.

As prayers are writ, a pair of Mourners begin to light candles taken from the package. Brightly lit, the candles bring warmth to the gloom and warm the still form upon the form. She wears gray linen, the form of the Twilight and Inbetween, and the Temple remains silent save for the occasional flick or pop. Her cuts and bruises have been carefully repaired as much as the medicine of hands may make them. Soon, they'll be little more than a memory. One hopes.

Kerbasy kneels next to the figure, and is quiet for a while before beginning. "The books are never clear on whether they hear us or not. We believe th' do," he says, accent slipping for a moment. "We also believe it's their choice whether they return, theirs and th' Lady's.

"We've known for a long time that heroes were different. What we're about to do...it doesn't work for everyone. When your time has come an' all. It's come. But, heroes. Heh." He adjusts his lenses, and then a sleeve. A sign of preparing to dig in. "When the War of Gods occurred, the Gods...they swore an oath an' since then...since then it's been in our hands. That's where heroes come in, and Lady willing, Elessa will make the choice to return to us. Now, I'm goin' to do a lot of talking, here. I'll be asking the Lady to open the Gates, an' return Elessa's soul to this earth.

"As I do that, I'll need you to read your letters. Letters to the Lady, letters remindin' Elessa what she has to do. So if you're all ready to do that, let's begin." He pauses. "If you already have, then heh, a moment of silence while we begin th' prayers. Focus. We believe she'll hear what you're sayin'. Remember, this is all up to her."

As he says these last words, a stone is passed into Namira's steady palm. He nods once, discretly, towards Jibbom.

The stone has a tiny paper attached to it. It states, in very, very stately terms and solemn, divine writing: 'This is a stone of silence. Please stand behind the lucht.'

Tatyannah sags a little when she hears that Kerbasy is going to talk. Blah blah blah blah. See, another reason she doesn't want to be here. She hasn't got time for this. She could be out stealing something. Man, Althea didn't make it this complicated, why does /this/ have to be so complicated?! Ok, so she was spoiled by having an actual god bring her back to life.

Namira doesn't know and has never met Elessa, so she's mostly here as honor guard.

Jibbom stands beside Namira, gesturing expressively and evidently going on about something he finds very important and compelling. None of it is heard.

Elessa is short for a human, no taller than five feet in height, her body small, but muscles well toned, not weighing too much with her slight build. Her muscles are shaped and toned, her whole build on the small size, even small hands and feet, though she does have long, delicate fingers for fine work. Black hair comes in waves down her back, though it is kept into a tight braid kept near her head, thus only coming down a little below her shoulders. Her face is round with it's olive colored skin giving a soft glow thanks to years of sun. Eyes are a light brown, somewhat close together as they come down from the small brown and sit on either side of her small and delicate nose. Her nose ends with a small rounded point just a little way above her mouth, which usually small but can grow to large size in a smile.

Elessa doesn't go into things unprepared. She has chainmail wrapped around her body, but it is darkened, not ruining the quality of the material, but it doesn't reflect like most metal does, with bits of leather to keep it in place and close to her body. With tight pants that have a good number of pockets to cover her legs, she also has soft, dark, leather boots that keep her quiet as she moves. As typical for her, she has a scarf tied around her head. The colors are dark and muted most of the time, with small bits of color in relation to the season, as it flows back behind her and down her back.

Bennet blinks, and frowns faintly, eyeing the Night Winged guy... The gunman doesn't know him too well either, but knows enough that this mime act is new and slightly worrisome.

Sandy is here! Honest. She's lurking back and looking uncomfortble herself, but she's hponest been here.

Ghost of Elessa pages: Yeah, she was

Ghost of Elessa pages: Sorry, was distracted by roommates, then had to catch up in reading :)

Jibbom winks at Sandy and makes a suggestive gesture in her direction. It's probably a very good thing that whatever words accompany that gesture are muted.

Ulharilti Wiivai has no objections to speaking, so long as it isn't Jibbom. She wears a slight smile as Kerbasy begins. Due to the joy of returning an ally, of course. She places one hand firmly on Jibbom's shoulder. In ressurance.

Ghost of Elessa pages: Totally fine. I wanted the thematic

Shortly thereafter, the chanting begins and the Temple darkens. The room begins to chill, gray forming overhead until the only warmth, the only light, is that around the clothed Passed. Around her? The candles flicker, then grow bolder. And so does the music--a solemn, and softly playing Harp. It comes from everywhere and nowhere at once. It brushes past the shoulders of the Absolutions present.

As the prayers continue, the sound of the Harp swells. There's a grating sound as though a massive Gate were being opened. Then, above the candles, in the bare-seen light, a gray, shade-like shape forms. Its edges are soft and uncertain. The form resembles a short human, no taller than five foot in height. And wearing a shadowy chainmail.

On seeing this, the Mourners stand. And, face flushed, Kerbasy reaches up...and begins to guide the gray shape back into the still form.

-Reknitting- Elessa's soul to her form takes a while, and is done to the tune of the Lady's Harp. And the young Mourner's fingers and form shake by the end of it. ...but, as each piece is guided downwards, as each piece of the shade-like form is guided into place, the form of Elessa strengthens.

The wounds begin to close.

And just as slowly, the warm, healthful glow of Life begins to refill, and blossom along her features.

There is a sudden gasp and then scream, as Elessa's mind remembers the wounds that she suffered that caused her death. Her eyes shoot open wide at the shock and also of breathing. She sits up suddenly, but then woozy, she lays back down, taking the cloth off of her face as she pants, remembering how to breathe and enjoying the feeling of life and air once more. "Ow...." Her wounds are knitted whole, but the residual pain is still there. "Tell me someone killed that bastard..."

Much as he might like, Bennet doesn't watch the ritual. Well, not all of it. He keeps watch over the surroundings, the darkened shadows where trouble might potentially lurk. Which isn't to say he doesn't get distracted and watch now and again... like the screaming bit... that was distracting.

"No," Ulharilti sounds extremely displeased to report. "Not yet." The addition holds promise of, well, promise.

"Don't think so," is what Sandy says to Elessa. "Glad you made it back, Elessa." She then goes to have a word with Kerbasy, briefly.

The music of the Harp moves through the temple with an otherworldly life of its own. Smooth, singular in purpose, it brushes against the ear of the listener. Its tone is melancholy but accepting, thunderous yet quiet. Slowly, the scraping sound reverses. It bears with it the heaviness of a massive, city-sized Gate being closed.

Bennet idly pats his gun, Gate, and listens to the sound of its namesake.

Tatyannah mutters to Sandy at some point, "They should have just let Jibbom talk. At least he would have made this entertaining," before the elf moves away to talk to Kerbasy. Then to Elessa, "Welcome back. I'm still going to find all your stuff and steal it."

"Not everywhere can be a shrine to Tarien," says Sandy, dryly, to Tatyannah as she tries to get aroiund Namra and Bennet to talk to KErbasy. It's awkward!

Jibbom seems to be shouting excitedly about Elessa's return. His specific sentiments remain drowned out, much to the relief of most.

Bennet hesitates... he's supposed to be guarding... on the other hand, it's Sandy... on the other hand, it's more Elessa he's supposed to be guarding... on the other hand, -Sandy-... he compromises, and just stands still, neither getting in teh way, nor getting out of it.

Kerbasy sees the Demon Sildanyari moving. ...and perhaps. Just because. It's also his duty. He heads towards Bennet, to shake the man's hand in thanks. His hand shakes, though. It isn't easy reknitting someone's soul.

Namira smiles quietly as she watches as Elessa sits up again. She doesnt' say anything, but it seemed Vardama favored this one, or at least, favored her return.

"The hell you are," Elessa smirks at Tatyannah as she sits up a little slower, "That's my stuff." She sits and looks at the people there. "You're... all here?" She seems surprised that there are a number of people here. "And Masterly? What happened to him?"

"But it should be! There's nothing wrong with jazzing this whole thing up!" Tatyannah calls out. She tells Namira, "Move away from him or throw whatever you have in your hand away, please. Let the ma- The Bane talk. This is just /rude/." Then to Elessa, "The bastard got away."

The Mourner blinks once, and adjusts his lenses to look at Tatyannah. "We just reknit someone's soul," he says to the half-giant. "And opened the Gates of the Dead." Well, they /did/!

"Well, I have brandy and that's a good thing. It's a celebration," says Sandy. She produces a flask of brandy from her pouch and offers it around to those nearby. And even to Kerbasy. Then she says to the mourner something very quietly.

Elessa frowns at Tatyannah's news. "Damn him. Well, once I'm a little more... oriented, would you mind helping me make sure our weapons end up in his back?" She carefully stands up though, trying it out since she feels a little off.

Bennet frowns thoughtfully. "Always sorta wondered 'bout that. Gates of the Dead. Have to be more than one, else always be opening, if only for them going in. But all them gates is one, going to the same place... make my head hurt."

Tatyannah raises a hand, "Tarien-worshipper, anything that doesn't involve a barrel of monkeys, some sort of dead chicken, and a few explosions? Eh," the giantborn shrugs. "What can I say, I'm used to a different level of entertainment and performance." Then to Elessa, "We're going to kill him. Dead. And make sure he doesn't come back."

"BRANDY!" Sadly, Sandy's brandy is enough of a lure for Jibbom to exit the influence of the silencing effect, moving over to snatch the drink for himself. This won't go well.

Kerbasy twitches once, but leans over as the devil-sil starts to speak. And then stills, eventually nodding once. "We've got work this evenin'," he says to the other Vardamen. He starts to say something else, reply to Bennet, and then.

Then Jibbom happens.

"We have work now," he says, after a moment. It isn't the Temple is a stranger to celebration. Some ceremonies emphasize it. ...it's more. ...it's more that most of them also involve wailing family members. Or punching arvek. To the face. Yelling: 'MY FATHER IS DEEEEED!'

The lack of wailing at the moment is sort of nice. Except. ...there's Jibbom. Sandy. And a half-giant.

Deep breath. PRIESTLY SMILE. All kittens must be blessed forever.

Elessa nods as she gets settled being alive again. That's just... weird. "So... Where are my things anyway?" She pauses and points in a direction. "That way right?" It's her sword, that's what it is. "Brandy?" She turns and spies Sandy, giving her a smile. "Where is the brandy?"

Bennet idly wonders just how much mirror time was spent practicing that smile. But instead he inquires "What sort of work?"

"Jibbom! I have meat!" Well, jerky, but that still counts, right? Tatyannah digs in her bag, pulling it out, holding it out, "Here ya go!"

Meat proves to be an excellent distraction for Jibbom. "MEAT AND BRANDY!" Is he shouting more to compensate for being silenced so long? Who knows! In any event, he sets about overconsuming as quickly as possible.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* A15: Vardamite Temple *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Vardamite temple is a solemn affair. Composed of carved blocks of basalt, it looks as if the whole thing were set into a scooped-out chunk of the mountain. Braziers and torches, despite the presence of more modern conveniences, are the main source of light. The basalt columns and blocks are engraved with prayers for the dead from hundreds of cultures and dozens of races. Some are works of master carvers, still others are little more than the work of desperate or sorrowful petitioners, quick prayers lovingly scratched into an empty space.

An outdoor altar is littered with offerings, as are the steps and even ground surrounding the front of the temple. These offerings are frequently collected or cleaned away by serious-faced Mourners, or Mourner-acolytes, while Serriel's Lancers guard the front doors. As ever, the sound of monks in perpetual chant can be heard as a low background noise as they go about their somber business.

EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Jibbom          Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night.               11m  1h

Namira          Short elf with white hair in a grey cloak             10m  2h

Elessa          Short olive-skinned human with black hair and brown e 4m   5h

Tatyannah       Short Giantborn woman, dark hair, bronze skin.        12m  1h

Bennet          Tall cowboy, starting towards grey.                   56s  1h

Kerbasy         A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb.     0s   2d

Ulharilti Wiiva Large. Blue. Scaled.                                  14m  1h

Sandy           The HIPpest elf ever. Practically a HIPpy.            3m   3d

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Catacombs <D>             Dusty Road <O>            


Long. Enough. The smile is frozen in place much as an Absolution might don his armor. "There was...an accident at Sandy's place," he says, low-pitched under the ruckus. "Somethin' passed, and she's asked us to take care of it."

Bennet nods, and shrugs. Not his place to worry the details. The Absolution just double checks his gear, and nods, ready to go whenever the time is right.

Kerbasy goes OOC.