Chest Opening

From Tenebrae
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Tenebrae - Monday, January 06, 2014, 7:10 PM

So, Tatyannah made this a real party. She managed to wrangle for this to be catered, in a manner of speaking. There's free booze and free food on a stick with the cart outside. And so you have more than a few people skulking outside, possibly just for the free food.

Inside on what resembles a counter most is the chest sitting there without anything around it. If only there were a spotlight or something.

Tatyannah is mingling, for the most part and making sure that people are being good and not taking any of Renfrey's stuff. She does murmur to herself, "I probably should have charged for this. Oh well. I suppose I'll know for next time."

Selia shrugs, holding a glass, but not sipping from it. A trust of free booze isn't something she has. "Never too late ta set out a donations jar. Reckon won't get much, but anythin's better'n nuthin."

Dragomir has arrived.

Renfrey sits on a workbench with his back to a wall, idly kicking his feet. The free food and drink are a welcome for sure but this many... suspicious people in the shop make him a little nervous. Luckily most of the locks and other clockwork devices are marked by their creator, he would easily recognize any one of the items if he ever stumbled across them.

Elessa is among the first to arrive at the place, knowing exactly where it is, and well, works with Renfrey. "I wonder how many people are going to show up," she says to Renfrey, having her own tools out for her try on the chest, and her new goggles. "And I wonder who is going to be able to open it..."

Oates is idly munching on some roast grain, sizing up both the mysterious chest and what is probably the largest concentration of scoundrels he's ever been with in Alexandria. "Focus on the chest, just the chest; it was purchased at the auction, you were there when it was sold, thisis perfectly legit," he murmurs to himself in a bit of a mantra.

Dragomir has to duck his head to get through the door. It looks like he's a late arrival, his eyes quickly glancing about across the others before he settles his gaze on the chest. "Da, right place." he remarks to himself, stepping away from the door.

Meat on a stick. Usually best never to ask of the source of the meat. And Aenyn certainly takes that advice as he takes a bite of the one in his hand while entering the shop. He looks around quietly as he chews and nods his approval before finding a place out of the way to enjoy his free food and eye the chest.

A shrill whistle goes out, as Tatyannah waits for people to pay attention. "Ok, here's how it's going to go. One, everyone gets /one/ chance at this. If no one opens it, we'll wrap around and you can get another chance, though you'll pay for any chance above the first one. Renfrey gets first go, since he is graciously hosting, but everyone else has to draw lots. Before you make your attempt, you have to tell me whether you want the gold or half of whatever might be inside. The gold I'm offering? A hundred gold versus half of what is inside. Oh, and I will get a chance at it myself. Any questions?"

Elessa raises her hand a bit. "What if it is something that cannot be split?"

Selia ponders a few moments, and stesp into line to draw her lot. "Alright if we turn down the gold? Or turn down the stuff inside? More important like, can we choose to turn it down after see what it is? Box of hobber orphans, they -all- yours."

Vennan has arrived.

"We'll make an appraisal and I'll pay you the half in gold," Tatyannah gives Elessa a nod, good question there. Then she grins at Selia, "No. It's a part of the game, of the gamble. You choose the chest, you take the consequences.

Renfrey smiles and produces a set of lockpicks from a hidden pocket. "I'll take half of whatever is inside!" he announces with a toothy grin.

Selia nods, ponders another moment, and shrugs. "I'll risk it. Wouldn't be first time got stuck wit a stray."

Elessa nods to Tatyannah, "I'll go for what is in the chest."

Aenyn shrugs his shoulders after giving the chest the once over, "I'll take half of what's in the chest as well if I'm able to open it. Could be fun."

Dragomir finishes swallowing that meat on a stick he grabbed before he speaks. "Contrary to trend, I will take money instead." he announces, settling on a chair with his back against the wall.

"I'll go for a share of the chest as well," states Oates, still eyeing the chest.

Vennan looks smug. Smugger than usual. "... Against my better judgment, I will also opt for a share of the mystery prize."

Tatyannah bobs her head as she listens to the choices. With her bag of lots, she watches over the drawing, making sure that everyone gets a chance. Once she checks them all, she says, "So, Oates, Zalara, Selia, Aenyn, Elessa, Dragomir and Vennan is how we'll go. I will go last. And I realize that we are considered by most to be less than honorable and such, but I am asking, politely, that we keep this honest and a test of skill. So. No cheating. Or at the very least, don't get caught. Or I'll gut you." She tries to smile gamely, but it ends up being more a grimace as she reaches out to steady herself. "So, Renfrey, take your best shot."

Zalara has heard about this party for rogues and she being an artificer decides to crash the party. She comes in tool case in and hand. She makes her way in and smiles as she hear's what's going on, "Sounds fun." She goes to put her tool chest on a counter. In doing so she knocks over a hand crossbow that someone set on the counter. It goes off as it hits the ground and ricochets off one of the wooden beams before it knocks over a mug on another counter and embeds itself in the wall. The mug starts to roll getting ale all over the floor and a halfling steps on it. He falls on his rump and the contents of his backpack go flying a dagger barely misses an elf's head. Zalara looks around, "Sorry!"

Findrago has arrived.

Selia frowns a couple long moments at the chest. "So... what qualifies as cheatin? Or maybe better, what don't?"

"Saving the best for last, eh?" Vennan asks with that smirk staying on his face. He starts getting his frighteningly comprehensive array of lockpicks in order.

Renfrey lowers his goggles and tightens the srap on the back, with pick in hand he approaches the box, a look of intense concetration on his face. Instead of diving in however he takes his time to examine the lock for any signs of make, model or precise function. Slowly he raises his tools to the keyhole but quickly stops. His hands start to virbate violently, causing him to drop his tools. He screws his eyes shut, waiting for it to pass and then picks his tools up again, giving it his best shot.

Aenyn moves a bit closer to Vennan to look over the array of lockpicks. After a few moments, he asks, "Scouts get much opportunity to use stuff like that?"

"No magic spells. Use your picks, no disturbing other competitors while they take their chance," Tatyannah tells Selia. Then to Vennan, a wry grin, "Perhaps. With luck. We'll see." She trails off so she can watch Renfrey. A frown starts to cross her face.

Elessa nods as she finds out where she is in the order and puts her goggles on, top of her head so she can see everyone else try. Her own tools are in her hand as she watches Renfrey try at the chest, curious if he's going to have any luck with it.

Zalara moves to find a seat and she looks sheepish. She starts to sort out her tools to use the best ones for lock picking.

Dragomir doesn't reach for any of his gear while Renfrey makes his attempt, instead opting to be completely quiet as he carefully observes the man at work.

Selia settles back to wait and watch. Maybe she'll get a chance at this, maybe someone will open it up first. Either way, likely to be interesting.

Renfrey clearly is total in the zone, his whole face screwed up in a looks of intense concentration. Sweat visible on his forehead, his tongue poking out between his lips. After a little fidling in the main lock his attempts move to another part of the box, clearly this is no simple lock. As he begins to fiddle with a corner of the box his hands start to shake again however, more violently than before. He tries to wait it out but his hands simply will not keep still. Finaly he sighs "Damn this thing. I can do it but for these acursed fingers." he mumbles and steps back. "Its so very beautifull..." his hands still shake.

Findrago wanders in to the party - fashionably late, I might add - although his gait is a little less jaunty than normal. "Hail and well met, you scandalous bunch, you," he calls by way of greeting, grinning like a cheshire cat. "And pray tell, how is... ooh. Booze." He makes a beeline for the bar, waving whoever's tending it over and ordering a good, stiff drink.

Tatyannah doesn't comment on Renfrey's shakes. She just says, "Oates?" Looking around, she rolls his eyes, "Ok, he's not here. Zalara, your go." Findrago gets shanghaied at some point so he can draw a lot for his chance in line.

Zalara hmms as she starts to watch Renfrey very carefully. She studies what he is doing and no doing. She picks up her case and she moves over, "Nice try Renfrey." She sets down her tools, "Oh if you'll excuse me I have to activate another tool incase this thing explodes." She goes to activate her titan armor. The metal bands move around her body forming a protective barrier between her and the chest. She nods, "Okay I'm ready to give it my shot."

Dragomir calls out to Findrago as he rushes for the bar. "I hope you remember that promise?" he asks with a broad grin. His eyes then return to the chest and those around it, quirking his left one at the sight of Zalara empowering her artificer armour.

Tatyannah gives Zalara nod as she finds something to sit on. Apparently standing has become too much for her. Or at least she seems to be keeping a grip on whatever she finds to sit on, like she's going to fall over.

Findrago spies Dragomir and waves him over. "My friend, I am a Garibaldi, and Garibaldis never forget a promise. Come, have a drink with me. It is the least I can do."

Vennan mostly hangs back and looks smug. Not at his most social among his 'fellow' rogues, it appears. His attention is rather focused on the activity around the chest and the attempts to open it. Perhaps he'll learn something.

Zalara moves to where Renfrey left off as he was on the right track at least she thinks so. She hmmms softly as she finds something else and she presses down and goes to check the lock when her probe snaps. She blinks and frowns, "Well that stinks." She sighs as she takes out the probe and fishes out the broken piece as well. "I'd like another chance." She states as she shuts down the armor and picks up the tool box to go rest.

Vennan does, however, give Aenyn a bit of a grin. "Of course. All sorts of adversaries might seek to use traps against the armies of Llyranost. Scouts are tasked with being able to disarm such things. Not to mention they come in handy for tasks for which infiltration is required. Best training in the world, being a Llyranost scout." Oh no, now he's gotten started.

"Five gold," Tatyannah says automatically to Zalara, "If we get back around to it." Then, "If Oates is back, he can go." She stands up to see if she can see over the crowd.

"And miss the show? Bring the bottle over, we watch and drink." Dragomir responds with a grin from his chair, gesturing to another nearby. "I want to see everything they do."

Oates makes his way to the front. "Sorry, had to... deal with a few things," the farmboy demurrs as he bring out his toolkits.

Selia snorts softly. "Shoulda went 'fore ya left." she teases.

Zalara nods as she moves over and she starts to get out a bit of sodder to repair her probe.

Aenyn actually seems like he's listening as Vennan goes on. When he gets a moment to interject, he says, "Ah. Interesting. Something came up recently that actually had me thinking about what you said to me about Llyranost and all that...heritage stuff."

Renfrey finds a seat and takes a deep swig from a flask. "I would have had it but these damn hands." he comments to Zalara. "Wonderfull piece of locksmithing though..."

Now that snags Vennan's attention away from the chest, at least for the moment. He looks to Aenyn and raises an eyebrow. "Really?" He asks, intrigued. "I am glad to hear you thought upon it. Such reflections speak well to your character. I am curious, what prompted this?"

Zalara nods, "What's wrong with your hands? Did you get hurt?" She asks concerned as she continues to sodder, "Yah it's something all right."

Aenyn removes one of the short swords from his belt, leaving it in the sheath in such mixed company that might react poorly to a suddenly drawn weapon. It's of obvious elven design. "After helping protect the temple while the exorcism was finished, my adopted father gave me this. He says when he dug me out of that collapsed building when I was a kid that I was clutching this to my chest like my life depended on it."

Tatyannah spares a glance for Aenyn and the sword he's talking about. Interesting, but then the chest catches her attention again.

Oates looks over the chest, tapping near the lock, then on various parts all over the chest. "Oh, those sneaky little..." he whispers in admiration, a grin spreading on his face as he finishes his inspection. "We might have to change the format slightly," the farmboy announces. "Because unless any one of us can sprout about half a dozen more arms, we're going to have to work as a team to get this open."

Findrago pounds back whatever the liquid is that the barkeep has poured for him, then takes a deep breath. "Mother of mercy, you could clean steel with that," he gasps, his eyes watering. When they refocus, however, they refocus on the chest that seems to be the center of attention. "Is that..." he asks, the color draining slightly from his face, "... is that the box from the auction a few nights back?"

Tatyannah blinks at what Oates says, then grins. "Oh fun. Well, teams of two? Teams of three?" She looks to Oates and Zalara, "Do you concur?" Absently to Findrago, "Yeah, it is. Why?"

Elessa frowns a bit when Oates doesn't even try, but just makes an observation. "Together?" she asks at his statement. But thieves don't always work together. "If we do, will we still be able to try and split it?" The young woman looks over to Tatyannah. It is her chest after all. "Two or three seem a good idea."

Vennan leans in to get a closer look at the short sword Aenyn displays. He appears impressed. "A fine piece indeed. A testament to the superior craftsmanship of Llyranost. It is good to see you have kept hold of such a fine link to your heritage."

Selia glances to Tatyannah. "Does sprouting new arms counts as cheatin? Or better yet, conjuring some to serve?"

Findrago motions for the barkeep to bring him another glass of whatever that near-poison was that he just imbibed a few moments earlier. "May not be the wisest idea to open that," he sayd, motioning for the giantess to come closer. "Some people are thinking that some of the items from there are, well... cursed. Hate to unleash another one."

Oates eyeballs the chest, comparing its size to the people in the room. "Three should be enough, at least for this first part," he remarks. "Not sure what other tricks this might have past the first lock, though."

Tatyannah holds up a finger to Selia, "Just a - " She breaks off to eye Findrago, "Do tell. In detail."

Selia nods, and turns her focus towards Findrago as well.

Elessa stops in her curious looking at the chest when she hears the world 'cursed'. Now she looks at Findrago, her attention fully on him.

Dragomir stands up, nearly bumping his head on a shelf on the way up. "Now this is getting interesting!" he declares with a grin, turning towards the other Tsuran to hear more.

Aenyn nods, returning the sword to his belt after Vennan's had his look at it, "I just don't remember *why* I had it with me in that building. I don't remember anything before waking up in the temple." Anything else he might've said is forgotten as the word 'cursed' reaches his ears. He turns to look at Findrago.

"Well, under the circumstances, I suppose it is understandable while you feel less connected to your heritage." Vennan says sympathetically. "But now is a good time to reconnect. I..." He looks over and blinks, the 'curse' bit catching his attention as well. "... What's this about a curse?"

Renfrey stands and sighs "Well even if its cursed, there usually cures for a such things." he says barely believing it himself. "Plus if we don't deal it someone less capable might do it."

Findrago is in his element - all eyes on him. "Gather round, all of you," he says, even as his left eye starts to squint in pain, and a hand comes up to clasp his ear. "This... this is my curse," he rasps out. "I spent my gold on the music box and the stein, and since that day, my ears ring like the bells atop the temples. The one who purchased the quill - sleep eludes him. He has no desire but to write with the device, to the exception of all else. Renfrey - see to your hands. I would look more to the priests to open that thing, than to my own picks and tools."

GAME: Findrago rolls perform/oratory: (16)+10: 26

Tatyannah listens intently to Findrago and admits, "I /have/ been feeling seasick for a while. Like on land. Since the auction, I think." She rubs at her face with a hand, "So, do you think we get a priest to come in here and bless this and we do it. Or do you think we can take care of it ourselves?"

Selia looks to the box, looks to Findrago, looks to the box, looks to Findrago, looks to Tatyannah. "Heck of a puzzle to solve, an unknown treasure inside, -and- a curse to avoid? This is too much fun ta pass up. Let me take a shot. My way, all out, damn the risks."

Oates thinks for a moment. "What if the cure for the curse is inside the chest?" he suggests.

Renfrey hrms. "I hope its a simple curse. I am wondering however... if the box caused us to be cursed then perhaps it also contains the cure?" he nods to Oates.

Aenyn shakes his head, "My father tried to make me a priest. Don't have the knack for it. We could ask him, though. He's a Luckbringer. Would be appropriate, I think." Of course, then Selia steps forward to take her shot at it and his offer becomes a bit moot. For now.

Elessa listens to the story and about what has been happening to people since the auction last week. "Well, does anyone know a priest that might be able to take care of this?"

Tatyannah shrugs a little to Selia, "If you'd like." She nods to Aenyn, "Could you send someone for your father? I would like to have him come down, just in case. If possible."

Elessa pauses for a moment as well after an idea comes. "What about the house itself? What if there's something in the house that might help everyone?"

Selia waves vaugely to Elessa, and steps up to the chest, looking it over. "Likely. Box first. Details later." Priorities.

Findrago spreads his arms wide, even as his face is etched in pain. "The son of a Luckbringer... you can't ask for more," he exclaims, then looks to Elessa. "I thought the house was up for sale as well? Has it been sold yet?"

Vennan looks increasingly concerned. "... I am not certain I follow the logic. How, exactly, do we believe that this may contain a cure and not further curses?"

"Then we're faced with a question: is the box locked to keep something -wrong- from being loose, or was it made to cruelly confound someone seeking a cure?" Dragomir remarks, casting a glance to Selia as starts her own attempt, before glancing back to Findrago. "You know, before you came, everyone wanted half of what was in the box. I asked for just a share of money. If you're right... I dodged a curse." he adds with a grin.

"The only way we'll know for sure is to get the chest open," Oates points out with a wry chuckle.

Elessa shakes her head, "Not the last I heard. We're a bunch of thieves, we should be able to break into the house just fine and go looking. If nothing there, we check out all the buyers, see if anyone has had no problems since then. Maybe that item is the cure."

Aenyn nods to Tatyannah and slips out to the street. He finds a handy street urchin to pay to run to the temple of Tarien and fetch his adopted father then comes back inside. Aenyn has a fairly good reputation among the street urchins. Whatever that counts for.

"... We aren't /all/ thieves." Vennan protests mildly to Elessa, frowning at the mystery chest.

Renfrey nods to Oates "No way of knowing what part of the box plays or if it has to do with the people who were at the sale. Let's open it and then check the house out. Lets explore all the options." he notes with certainty.

Zalara looks to Renfrey, "Hmmm what do you mean cursed? If what's cursed?" She asks and listens to Findrago. She rubs her chin, "I got a clockwork chess set." She thinks about it for a moment, "Maybe that's why I'm breaking everything...I'm cursed."

Selia walks around the box twice, slowly, eyeing it over. Pauseing before the chest, she pauses... and the lights go out. No, not out... not quite. A dim flicker remains, sputtering, struggeling against the darkness. The shadows flicker, grow darker, more solid... and take creeping, slinking forms, moving to wait beside their mistress. "Right... got me extra hands."

Elessa hops off the counter she was sitting on and walked over to Oates. "You said three should do it?" she asked. "Let's get this open, see what's inside, and then check out that house."

Tatyannah rolls her eyes at Vennan, "If you have /ever/ taken something that wasn't yours or broken into a place you weren't specifically allowed to be? You're a thief. Deal with it, Vennan. You are a thief. It's ok to be a good thief, if that helps you sleep at night, but you /are/ a thief." Then she nods, "Selia wants a chance at the box, by herself, let her take it. We get the priest here, have him bless the chest and the rest of us can form up teams to work on this." She pauses as Selia's extra arms appear, "That's - creepy and wrong."

Selia fehs absently, her focus on the box. "Iffen were cheating proper, just call ta da Dark what's already inside..."

Elessa nods and looks rather weirdly at Selia. "Sure, go ahead."

Findrago arches an eyebrow at Selia. "Now there's something you don't see every day..." he says, whistling in appreciation. "As for me, I'm all for *ahem* wandering in to another's house to see what's in there. Especially if it'll stop this damnable ringing in my ears."

Aenyn frowns a bit at the others that give Selia odd looks or comments. "Nothing wrong with it. At all," he says in her defense.

Oates thinks for a while. "I once snuck some cookies before it was dinnertime; does that still make me a thief?" he asks in an uncertain voice.

"So, you all were at auction for cursed items? This city is interesting already." Dragomir remarks with a broad grin, leaning against the wall now as he watches Selia's 'friends' help her out. "Did not say -good- kind of interesting, that judgement comes later."

Findrago squints at Oates. "Of the worst kind."

Zalara looks at Dragomir, "It's horrible. I've been breaking almost everything I've touched. I haven't been able to work on my latest invention for fear that I'd break it."

Tatyannah asides to Oates, "A cute thief, I'm sure, but a thief nonetheless."

"No." Vennan quickly assures Oates, sending a glance in Tatyannah's direction. "A thief is one who steals. There are those who can employ our skills honorably."

Selia and her 'hands' converge upon the box. The little Lucht rapidly slides bits of the puzzle around with deft precision. As bits are carefully slid into place, tiny minions move foreward to hold them still as flesh hands move on to manipulate elsewhere, letting the -Thief- effectively be in two places at once. "Ha! Got it!" Selia triumphantly steps up to the main lock, and twists the final pick.

It doesn't budge.

".....da heck? ....but... but... ah damn it. Fine, damn thing's got me stumpped." Selia retreives her tools with a mild scowl as the lights flicker back to proper life and her 'pets' fade away. "...was sure I had it right."

"How many of the notches did you find?" Oates asks Selia.

Dragomir's good-natured grin takes on an awkward turn at Zalara's admission. "Ah, that not good." he admits as well, smile waning, before returning his attention to Selia's attempt. "Hmmmm, maybe I take a look? I have dismantled Charnese black tech; if dark magic is on this maybe I will notice?" he offers.

Selia waves vaugely. "Didn't count close. Think was one on eacha da corners. So four."

Findrago eyes the box from a distance. "Let me know if I get a turn, or if the already-cursed need to sit this one out," he says. "If it does have an evil to it, perhaps a person can only be affected but once."

"Definitely sounds like it'll take a team to open this," Elessa muses at the box, but doesn't really do much, more waiting for Tatyannah to make any sort of call.

Renfrey shrugs "I will help just to see whats inside, prize doesn't matter so much as profesional pride at this point."

"Wait for the priest, then someone get a team of four together and make your try," Tatyannah rules. She nods to Renfrey, "Yes. Mostly I just want to see the trick of it." She does add to Renfrey, "If the lock isn't destroyed? You can have it, for your collection."

Aenyn steps forward, nodding, "I'll help open it once my father's finished with it. I'm too curious about what's inside the thing."

Vennan frowns and nods to Tatyannah. "... That does seem the best course of action. We can only hope that whatever is inside is not so perilous."

Elessa nods at Tatyannah and Aenyn, "I want to help too, once the priest is done, of course."

Fazahd has arrived.

Selia shrugs. "Had my shot for pride. Now I'm in for curiousity."

Findrago rubs his chin. "I know a priest, who already is aware of this situation. Let me see if I can find him," he says, turning and making for the door. "I'll be back shortly."

"All right," Tatyannah gives Findrago a little nod, before going over to peer at the lock. She adds absently, "I suppose I should do something about that key, too."

Selia blinks at Tatyannah, and eyes the chest. "Had forget that Key... is too big for this, yeah? Ya take a close look at the marks? They match up to this thing in any way?"

"It doesn't," Tatyannah tells Selia. "Already checked. Not to mention the people at the auction house said so."

Findrago returns a few minutes later with Fazahd in tow. "... they're an upstanding crowd, I tell you," he's explaining as best he can. "And you're very knowledgeable of the situation I'm in, so..." he says, letting that last sentence fade away. "Here we are."

Selia blinks, eyeing the dwarf-man-priest-thing. "Oh yeah. Had forgot him."

And so it was that Findrago returned with the grouchiest young man in Alexandria.

Who has just climbed out of an ashpile, it appears. He walks alongside Findrago, does Fazahd, dressed in a simple gray sleeveless tunic and leggings of gray cloth; over this, he wears a plain red leather apron, emblazoned with the hammer-and-spark sigil of Reos in what appears to be gold leaf - which is a trick to do with leather, any tanner will tell you, but that's how the Forge-Father rolls. His long hair is drawn back into a thick cable braid, and his arms ripple with the muscles of a young man who has seen the forge - smeared, from shoulder to wrist, with charcoal in intricate patterns that hearven back to an elder age of craftsmanship. He is carrying in his arms a large black iron cauldron.

"I am here," announces the young priest, "To bring you all succor and good news."

So there's that.

Renfrey grins at Fazhad "Welcome to the shop. Mind giving us upstanding folk a hand with something?"

Aenyn eyes the priest of Reos curiously, then shrugs and murmurs to himself, "Guess Bryan couldn't find my father. Probably spent that silver already."

Great! Fazahd and Vennan can have a grouch-off. Tatyannah smiles at Fazahd and asks, "Could you please have a look see over that chest there," and she points to the one, "Checking to see if there are any curses and dismissing any that might be on it. I'd be willing to give a good donation to your temple." When in doubt, throw around the gold.

Vennan looks very skeptical about this ash-covered fellow. He does not disappoint in the grouchiness Tatyannah expects of him, hanging back and appearing generally sort of grumpy about all this.

"Don't worry, there doesn't seem to be any mechanical traps on the outside," adds Oates.

"Highly appropriate choice, Garibaldi." Dragomir comments with a grin. "Not only can he protect us from evil, he understands what a lock tumbler is, I wager." he adds.

"There is no 'checking' to be done," the priest says. Fazahd goes to the nearest table, and puts the cauldron down rather heavily upon it. "I shall not mince words. Those of you who have purchased the items, you are all suffering from a curse. I have investigated and confirmed this, and, upon the conclusion of the ritual to come, you will be able to go to the master shrine at the Guildhouse and have your curses lifted for free." The priest looks about the room. "Donations will not be required. Do I quite have -everyone's- attention?"

Selia nods. "I'm listenin."

Findrago closes his eyes and lowers his head slightly, raising one hand in a gesture of worship. "Testify, Brother Fazahd."

Aenyn shrugs a bit, then chuckles, "I've never been more glad to have no money. Couldn't buy anything at the auction."

Oates chuckles. "I was working guard duty for that, so no worries here."

"Right." Fazahd steps forward to the edge of the table. "Those of you with objects, step up in a circle around the cauldron. Those of you without, get well back."

Hey, they are getting a free ritual, Elessa isn't complaining. "What about opening the chest, will that hurt anyone?" she asks, but is moving back away to make room.

Aenyn gets well back, as instructed.

Oates backs up.

Vennan does the same.

Tatyannah bobs her head at the priest, "Yes, thank you." Then she steps up next to the cauldron.

Dragomir decides now is a good time to pay the bar a visit, given its location matches up with the necessity of being well back. "A stiff drink while I observe the ritual then." he comments, looking for whatever it was that Findrago was drinking.

"I shall deal with that next," says Fazahd. "First thing's first. Now, do exactly -what- I say, -when- I say it, brothers and sisters. If you do not, you'll screw it up for everyone and frankly I only have enough holy ashes for this one attempt." Odd how though he cannot be more than twenty summers, he sounds like someone's father. Yours? His? Hers? Who knows? A stern one, though, and no mistake. "It will not take long if done properly." He looks to Dragomir. "Indeed, the Father will enjoy the additional tribute."

Selia quirks a brow, but stands well back, glad curiousity didn't get the best of her that one time.

Renfrey shrugs and steps up as instructed. Seems all a bit odd but then so are the workings of curses. "Well lets get this over with, I am looking forward to steady hands again."

Findrago steps up. "Do I have to get closer since I have two?"

"What I say, when I say it." The words are practically ground out between Fazahd's teeth as he squints at Findrago. He could be rather fearsome if he half tried. Mostly. Sure. "Now. Silence until I cue you. We begin."

At this Fazahd lifts his hands in supplication, the backs of his hands out, palms turned to heaven. He opens his mouth, and begins to speak - not in Tradespeak, of course, but in Khazdul. The translation goes something like this.

Great Father, He Who Forges Worlds,

We stand with those wronged,

Plagued with poor works,

Troubled with ill devices,

Harried by wicked spirits of the darkest forges.

I beseech thee, Father,

Accept these ill works,

Still their blights for a time,

Ensure they may be made safe for cleansing.

And this done, the priest gestures to the items produced, then gestures to the cauldron. In they go, apparently.

Tatyannah reaches in her pocket to get the key, in it goes. Then leans so she can reach for the chest to put it in as best as she can.

Selia listens, watches, and tries very hard not to disrupt anything.

Renfrey fishes the manacles from his backpack, tossing them into the pot then gets back to his position. "Can we keep them when this is done?" he asks quietly.

Zalara has disconnected.

Findrago waits his turn, then produces the music box and ale stein. For once, he remains silent (although it likely takes all his willpower), and hands the cursed treasures over to the cleric.

Fazahd gives Renfrey a withering look, but once all the items are in (for he nods for Findrago to put them in himself), he clears his throat and continues the rite. He takes from his belt a copper sickle, a largish sort of beast, and fits the rounded inner edge about his right forearm. Again in Khazdul he speaks:

Accept for the forge this fuel, my blood, for it burns with the fires of the heart of the mountain.

He draws the edge of the sickle around, cutting a wide, thin line around the outside of his forearm; blood spills easily into the cauldron, splashing upon the objects. To his credit, Fazahd does not wince. Instead he puts the sickle aside on the table, and from a pouch inside the apron draws a handful of glittering powder, silver flake, ash and powdered bone. This he holds high in his hand, and says:

With this let the spark be lit, and may the wickedness be quelled.

Down into the cauldron the powder goes, mingling with the blood and the cursed items. Well. That's quite a soup down there.

Aenyn fidgets with the edge of his cloak, but otherwise stays silent while the rite is performed.

Vennan watches the rite with a continual mix of caution, uncertainty, and general suspicion. He's as tense as ever, far back against the wall.

Dragomir quietly lifts a glass of something clear, as if giving a toast to the Father of Forges as he blesses this endeavour. Eyes focused intently on the scene, he takes a sip of the liquor.

Finally, the young priest smears the fingers of his other hand across his bloody wound; as he does so, the blood sparks as if he had struck a match, and a bright golden flame springs to life on the tips of them. For a moment, the flame is so bright that its light seems to bleach away all shadows - save for those in the cauldron, where it appears all darkness in the room has collected. He says again, in Khazdul:

May the forge be lit! May the flames burn bright and hot as the heart of the World, Your Creation, and the forces of ruination be abated. In your name do I commit the fire of justice to our common cause!

Fhazad flings the droplets of burning blood into the cauldron; the mixture within explodes into a flash of dazzling light, and the air is richwith the smell of burning coal, smoke, and ozone, and the tinge of heated metal. For a moment, the ringing of many distant hammers fills the room before fading into silence. And then the priest is reaching into the cauldron, drawing out the affected items - each one of them clean and quite unharmed - to give to their proper owners. "Thank you," he says. "You did very well."

Elessa watches very quietly as the ritual is done. She has never seen one actually, and while she got glimpses during the exorcism, she was rather busy trying not to die. This one though, she watches with rapt attention. When it was all done, she was just astonished. "Wow," was all she was able to say for a few moments. "Can we open the chest now?"

"Thank you," Tatyannah says in reply as she gets the chest and the key. She puts the chest up on the counter again. "So. What team of four wants to try this?" She pats the chest.

"I'll take a shot at it, along with any that want to help," volunteers Oates.

Renfrey grins "well I am still up for it!"

Findrago raises his hand. "I want a shot at this thing," he says. "I've not yet had my turn."

Aenyn flinches back at the bright flash of light. He looks a little impressed as the items come out unharmed. At Tatyannah's question, though, he steps forward, "I'd like to try and help."

Elessa waves as well. "I haven't had a chance. I want to help."

Findrago turns to Fazahd. "My thanks, my friend. We could not have asked for a better curse-breaker."

Selia nods. "Iffen ya need more hands, I'm up for it."

"Let's have the ones who haven't had a go try first, Vennan, Aenyn, Elessa, and Findrago," Tatyannah tries for fairness here.

Oates nods. "Sounds fair to me," he agrees.

"Curse-stiller," corrects Fazahd, who is busy binding his arm with a length of cloth which has a bitter chemical smell. "You will need to go to the temple to have the items purified for good. I can't guarantee that their magical effects will remain." He flicks a glance back at the chest. "Mind that you wear gloves, dealing with that chest. You may find yourselves all cursed anew."

"How reassuring." Vennan says with a heavy sigh as he approaches the chest, eyes narrowed.

Elessa nods, though hears the bit about gloves. She takes a moment and pulls hers out before moving over to the chest, taking a corner to observe and help with the unlocking of it.

Selia just moves to a better position to see when the lid is finally lifted.

Dragomir hasn't had his turn, but he keeps his mouth shut as he approaches with his drink. "You have your four. I suggest going quick, while the blessing is still strong in the air; a good omen." he advises with a grin, lifting his glass about as if gesturing at the divine magic like it can be seen.

Findrago slips his gloves on as well and takes up position at a corner of the box. "Fazahd, don't forget Cesran - the one who has the quill. He's not here tonight."

Aenyn takes a pair of gloves from his belt and puts them on as he approaches the chest. He flexes his fingers, getting them as nimble as possible. He looks to the other three and asks, "How do we want to do this?"

Tatyannah grins at Dragomir, "You have to speak up faster." She glances back to the group of four.

"The items are connected by a common bond of magic," Fazahd explains. "By these threads he will find himself also protected. Go and find him tonight, before he tries to sleep - else he may snore through the entire window of suppression." He then eyes the lot of you. "If you're afraid, I will open it for you. I have the Father's eye still on me, after all."

Fazahd adds, "No point in drawing any additional wrath upon you."

Dragomir shakes his head at Tatyannah with a broad grin. "I declined what was in the box, remember? I was never that curious about what was in it." he explains, glancing to the box, then around the room. "I was curious about those who would attend."

Fazahd is content to watch. He's cut himself up for religion, so, you know. Duty discharged until something rears its head to get bludgeoned in the face.

So, as a team, you spend some time working on it. Quite a bit of time. Even with the four buttons pressed at the same time -- hell even pressing them at the sam time -- isn't quite enough to do the job. There's something blocking you from unlocking it. It's when a new examination reveals a concealed handle in the top that you have to pull on, thus requiring a /fifth/ hand, that you're able to make progress. With that handle being pulled up and out, finally Oates and Aenyn are able to slip a pair of robes in to the lock and twist, popping the chest's top at last. The first thing yoou get is the foul odour.

What's inside the chest after all that?


Moldy, rotten, /petrified pies/.

Pulling them out to see the bottom of the ornate chest reveals a single copper coin. No, wait. Not even a full coin. It's /half/ a copper coin. Sitting right in the middle of the bottom of the chest. Dead center.

Vennan just scowls at the contents of the chest. "... Of course. I should have known." He sighs heavily. "... I forfeit my portion of the prize."

Oates stares at the pies. "I'm not even sure there could be used for compost," he grunts.

Tatyannah is practically knocked over by the smell of the pies. "What in Tarien's - why? Why would you do that?" She sighs and at least reaches for the coin. "That's depressing."

Aenyn laughs as he sees the interior of the chest. Hearty, uproarious laughter. How else would a Tarienite react to such a great joke?

Findrago looks at the coin. "May... may I see that?"

"There's a lesson in this, I am sure." Fazahd grunts as he peers at the contents of the chest. "There could be something in the pies, however. And a half penny is, indeed, symbolic."

Selia sits up a little straighter. "....what kinda coin is it? Exactly?"

Renfrey grins "Its still a marvelous chest. The things you could keep safe in it..." he doesn't seem to care all that much about the content, the lock on the other hand.

Findrago holds his hand out. "Best it not be Dragonieri. Please, let it not be Dragonieri."

Elessa wobbles at the scent that came from the old pies, but managed to keep her feet at the end. "Well... Too bad the owner is dead, I think I'd stab him a few times." She looks at the coin, from where she was at least. "Indeed, what is it?"

Tatyannah moves her hand and away from the chest. "It's glued in there. And it's Dragonieri."

Aenyn wipes a tear from his eye as the laughter subsides. He looks at Tatyannah, "I remember something about some pies disappearing from the temple a while back."

Findrago does not look amused. "There was a bandit attack recently. Left a man beaten and bloodied, a ways out of the city, and gave him a half of a Dragonieri coin in remembrance."

Tatyannah shakes her head, "I don't remember. But if you say so." She smiles wryly, "Well, I suppose I should be happy that all of you picked the chest and not the money."

Elessa frowns at the coin and the mention of the Dragonieri and remembering the attack. "That does it, I'm going to the house to investigate. Who is with me?" she steps away from the chest to put her stuff away, and grab her rapier.

Dragomir raises his glass. "If you remember, I picked the money. Though I did not choose to open, so count your blessings!" he declares to Tatyannah with a hearty laugh.

Oates shrugs. "Might as well," he says to Elessa.

"I remember," Tatyannah gives a nod to Dragomir. Still back to Elessa, "I'll go with you."

Selia nods. "I'm up for a house raid."

"First." Fazahd coughs from the back of the house. "See to your curses, please. I didn't come here for the sake of comedy, and the Fathers await you. Please do not make them wait overmuch."

Fazahd has left.

Dragomir opts to stay and finish off his drink, wishing you all good luck in sorting everything out, as well as thanking Tatyannah and Renfrey for arranging this meeting.

Aenyn has disconnected.

So you go off to the house!

It's much less lively than it was on auction day, that's for sure. There's no one here. The front door is chained and padlocked, but that's not really gonna be a problem for the lot of you. You bypass it entirely, slipping inside once you've all gathered. You explore the house -- finding absoluely nothing for a time. IT's empty. Entirely empty.

You find nothing until you all regather in the room in which the auction took place. The giant dining hall. IT is here you all notice that the floor seems to have a little.../give/ to it. It's squeky and the bords sag a little. You're fairly sure you would've noticed htat on the day of the aucyion, but then, with so many people moving on it, it's hard to say for sure. It's a very slight amount of squeak, but combine it with the fact that it looks a little out of proportion to the rest of the house and you all realize that this floor isn't actually the floor of the dining hall. It's one built /over/ the dining room floor, oddly enough.

Dragomir has left.

Findrago looks down at the floor. "Now /that/ is some shoddy workmanship."

Selia keeps her blade in hand, more of nervous habit than actual need, pokeing at the carpet around the corners of the room. "False floor, eh? Guess I heard of weirder... but nay by much."

Elessa frowns as she looks at the floor and bobs on it to cause it to squeek. After a moment, she looks back up to the others with a smirk. "Anyone want to do some destruction by night?"

Vennan was not present on the day of the auction, so this is all new to him. Nevertheless, he manages to look disapproving of the whole place. A frown is given to Elessa. "Surely arson is a last resort, yes?"

"Quick or quiet?" Oates asks, sizing up the floor and thinking about methods of removal.

Elessa frowns at Vennan, "Who said anything about arson? I meant pull up the floor, or find something to reveal a portion," she nods to Selia who is already looking.

Tatyannah notes, "We can pull - yes, or get an axe or something."

Selia shrugs. "Could call dat Munch guy. Breakin stuff's his thing. But meybe quiet's fer the best."

"... Oh. Of course." Vennan looks mildly embarassed. "... Usually when Alexandrians suggest destruction, fire is involved."

Renfrey hrms "Very curious, could tear up the boards to see what someone wanted covered but why cover a floor?" he scratches his head "Maybe we should see if theres somebody in the house to hear first?" he says to Oates.

Findrago kneels down and knocks on the floor. "We were all sitting atop this architectural mess? Pleasant. Now I /really/ want to see what's under here."

Selia looks to Vennan. "Tell ya what. Once we see whats under there and take care of it, can set the place on fire iffen make ya feel better."

Oates pauses, looking at a gap in the floorboards. "Everyone, you might want to get off of this trick floor," he warns. "It might start moving oon."

Elessa stops at the warning from Oates and looks for the nearest door in which to get off the floor.

Vennan takes Oates' advice and quickly and carefully edges away from the floor.

Findrago looks for a windowsill to jump on.

Renfrey moves back into a doorway "Well looks like that big key may be good for something afterall!"

Selia ehs, and continues to poke aorund. "Long as it don't grow spikes and shoot upward."

Findrago edges against the wall, ready to jump. "Whatever it is we're about to do, let us do it."

With the key produced by Tatyannah, you're all able to 'unlock' the floor. With that done, there's a loud 'cachunk' and the floor suddenly appears 'loosened' from it's settings in the sides. You're able to clear the boards out of the way, revealing an image painted on the actual floor just beneath this one bit by bit.

It is a great, flowing mask, black as night.

The symbol of Deimos. God of lies, corruption, and crime.

Oh yeah. Deimos.

Vennan was already doing a lot of eye-narrowing. But his eyes narrow even further upon seeing that particular symbol. "Well. That explains a great deal." He grumbles.

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "AS it should be obvious, it's pretty deliberate. THey sold you the key to unlock this /just/ so they could let you know who was running the show."

"Lovely," Elessa sighs as she sees that mask. "Just lovely... Maybe we should burn the place down."

Selia sighs. "RAises quite a few questions, too. It too late for the 'burn everything' plan?"

Findrago arches an eyebrow. "I think this is a cue that we should..." he starts, then smiles as the othes finish what he's thinking.

"..thinking about settling down as plain business folk?" Renfrey says finishing Findrago's sentence. "Or you know, find whose responsible and stab them in face."

Findrago nods. "Yes. The stabby bits. Although I do have my suspicions."

Oates rolls his eyes. "I'm not sure what would be better: poetic justice, or simple retribution," he muses. "Both have their good points, yet both leave different things feeling unfulfilled."

Elessa nods, "We can at least informed all those cursed who was behind it, and offer our services to help track them down and stab them in the eye or something."

Selia hesitates. "....Deimos... son of Tarien. Heard trouble with Illotha, daughter of the Dark Bitch Taara... hope this ain't the meaning of that 'FirstBorn' stuff. Demons is bad 'nuff. A god would be worse. All the gods what were born? Might be time for a long vactaion, somewheres far away."

Findrago rubs his temples. "Fazahd's going to shit bricks," he mutters. "Like, big ones."

Vennan has disconnected.

Findrago looks at the others present. "The guard needs to know. The bandits on the outskirts... if that half-coin was their calling card, they may be followers of Deimos. And that this floor was constructed means they've a presence in the city as well."

Renfrey shakes his head "I think more than just the guard need to know, probably should inform the knightlies." he says refering to the paladins. "They are really good at that arresting thing."

Selia peers at the Mask for a few long moments, and nods. "You go inform the proper authorities. I'ma go try other routes." And with that, the halfer is... just gone. Sneaky little Dancer.