When Taara called, a number of sildanyari answered. Trading their souls for the possibility of power, the mul'niessa were severed in ties from their kindred, and so a new race was born. Known by many names around the world, such as Dark Elves, Night Elves, or Taara's Curse, these sildanyari are the descendants of those who bound their souls to the Goddess of Lies long ago.
As a whole, they remain one of the staunchest enemies of the Light, as well as to institutions such as Rune, who would limit the practice of the darker necromantic arts. Arcanists, wizards who study the history of the world know their history of long treachery, and few will have dealings with them.
Despite this, history has, on occasion, marked out some members of the species who attempt to throw off the grip the Lady of Murder holds over their souls and to carve their own path in the world. Furthermore, the recent ascension of the dark goddess and her Wrecking of the World has not set well with all members of the race, and has created unforeseen division.
Of late, a trickle of the mul'niessa attempt to exist independently of the actions and deeds of the greater portion of their race. Time will tell if such individuals are successful in their efforts and if the other, sildanyari kindred will accept them among their ranks despite past transgressions, pacts, and cultural biases.
The most ancient legends that relate the rise of the mul'niessa, speak of a conflict between the twin princes of ancient Sandriel, in the aftermath of the death of the greatest of the sildanyari High Kings. Both princes offered differing paths for the elven people to take in the wake of the grief of the lost of their most beloved.
Civil war resulted, ending in the death of both princes and the cursing of an entire section of the elven people who had given their very souls into the hands of the Shadow Sorceress in search of mastery for the highest forms of arcane sorcery. Retreating underground, the newly formed race of sildanyari became a bane to the world. They allied with cursed and outcast khazad and engaged in near ongoing warfare while unleashing untold abominations that had long been imprisoned by the gods and the heroes of Ea beneath the world. A number remained on the surface and founded realms in the ruined sildanyari kingdoms and continued to spread the Dark, even as their brothers and sisters among the llyranesi and sylvanori worked to spread the Light.
Two ages have passed since this era and it is mythology even for the long lived elven people, but the passions of racial bias and rivalry continue to run strong.
Note that due to their reputations, playing a mul'niessa in the world of Tenebrae is somewhat more difficult. PCs are less likely to be trusted, for example, and will find certain social interactions harder. This is not to say impossible, only that the world is far from a utopian ideal, and it would be much less interesting if it were so.
Physical Description
Mul'niessa are not as tall as other elves, and possess skin tones that range from deep brown to shades of grey. They possess a nearly unearthly aura about them that ranges to uncomfortable given their taint to even charming at times and their slender builds can make them appear uncomfortably thin to other races. Their hair color tends towards shades of alabaster with some cases producing very light blond hair. They have a natural charismatic aura that makes them seem alien and otherworldly yet also grants them the ability to influence other individuals easily, a trait necessary because so few trust them and more outright despise them.
Their willing bind has over time, rendered them closer to the mortal world. For this reason, mul'niessa are slightly shorter than others of their kind, their lifespans less. Some of them have been known to sport traces of body hair--the underarm, a hint of a moustache. Other sildanyari view these as marks of shame. To the mul'niessa, the greater bind to mortality is part of the price they pay.
The important thing to remember though, is that as a race, muls are not victims. Though they may cover their features in unfriendly metropoles, beneath cowel, their heads are high.
Society and Lands
Mul'niessa society is dominated by their most powerful members, the most powerful of whom is the Shal'hazar, a being often shrouded in mist and held among the greatest of secrets. The Queen of Murders guides Her children along the path of power and revenge, and though She holds their souls in thrall, many of the elves view this with a sort of fierce pride. After all, so the rites say, they are different than all other elves, and alone bear the mark of the Shadow Goddess. Mul power is not based on any one gender, though they have a Queen. Rather, is is based on what one is willing to do to get there.
While scholars debate the truth to the common saying, 'truth sears their tongue and the Sun burns their eyes', it is true that their highest nobility are few times seen within the daylight, even though many of their enclaves are in darkened forests as often as they are underground.
The powers of the highest nobles, priest and sorcerers alike, are both granted and hereditary within a culture seeped in murder, revenge, and intrigue. Though they have traditionally held power in Charn, it was of a more subtle nature--holding work as assassins or of a political nature. Of late, this has changed, with former advisors stepping forward outright as rulers.
As a race, they are known for their ruthlessness in persuit of power. Mul'niessa are anything but victims or 'misunderstood', though some of them have at times, attempted to use this to their advantage. The sight of the eyes-downcast mul is a sign of suspicion to the wise, as such tools were often used during wars.
A mul'niessa may see friendship as a tool to be used to gain a means to an end and revenge as a tool that hones their powers to razor sharpness. By their traits and their history, it is no wonder most races do not care for them and they often find themselves questioned at city gates as a matter of principle.
As a whole, their society embraces much of what The Dark has to offer, and individuals who leave it tend to be those of the strongest heart and mind. Among such escapees, bitterness or anger is not unknown, and sadly, neither is an unhinged mind, covered by a mul'niessa's ever-suave smile. Taara's scars are subtle and deep, and Her prices high, though power they did receive.
Other Races
The rivalry between the mul'niessa and other races often simmers, but never truly dies; the mul'niessa as a race are too ambitious for that. In recent years, emboldened by Taara's acts of terror upon the world, the mul'niessa have become more bold, and have claimed a part of Charn's forests for their own use. Where before they were advisors from the shadows, these days some of them rule, outright.
Rumors place them as a causation behind the Thulite ceremonies among the Charnese nobility, as well as encouragement towards the nobility's route to cannibalism, both through starvation and some suggest, frightened whispers of ancient rites involving the devouring of souls and the theft of knowledge. After all, power is power, and the mul have had long years to become creative in its acquisition. Others suggest these rumors are too far-fetched.
Yet, most races regard them rightly with suspicion, and they find their dealings difficult outside of certain nations. Aside from the other elven races, the dwarves have a long memory, and remember the mul'niessan role in the sundering of their kingdom. Too, wizardly scholars recall their ancient, and current, treachery and politicians crafting agreements under the auspices of Rada will look twice and three times. A mul presenting her or himself as a "victim of their race" will meet with a measured eye; such a stance is a popular tool during wartime, an attempt to tug at hearts.
The mul'niessa are not loved, though some persevere. And they have power. And live a long time.
Now and then, efforts are made by small groups of mul'niessa to seek a balance with their brethren and to cut their ties with their Noble rulers and the dark goddess's grasp on their lives, but such efforts of redemption are easier said then done and this is the exception rather than the rule. And yet, it does happen. And heroes do occur...though in some ways, some scholars suggest, this may only be another route towards power. Playing both sides, as it were.
Alignment and Religion
The traditional members of the pantheon of darkness are the ones who are most venerated by the mul'niessa with Taara the Shadow Sorceress being their chief patron. Her priesthood, matriarchal in nature, holds a tight grasp on mul'niessan society through ancient pacts, ties, and history. This does not mean that males do not also possess some power--many become necromancers, or find similar outlets. In the end, ruthlessness matters.
A heavy bend of necromancy and command of death themed powers also promotes Thul heavily and Illotha is a natural fit as well due to their affinity for intrigue, thievery, murder, and manipulation. Among Charnese elite, mul'niessan wizards, arcanists, and priests have ever been involved in necromantic research and are to a degree responsible for Charn's scarred landscape and current state of power-politics.
As a race, mul'niessa tend towards the evil alignments but neutral mul'niessa, particularly among exiles or those striking out away from their traditional mindsets, are not unknown. Good mul'niessa are very rare but not impossible.
Such individuals must be strong-willed and strong-minded to survive such a transformation.
Mul'niessa leave their core societies for any number of reasons. Exiles who are fleeing for their lives for some great crime, or due to being unable to fit into mul'niessa society are not unheard of though, reasonably are rarely believed and trusted in other lands.
Many are superstitious of the mul'niessa, or fear them, and so they often find it difficult to be taken at face value, especially by other elves or by the dwarves. Mul'niessa often find disguising themselves is the best means to be able to move around freely.
Mul'niessa Racial Traits
Mul'niessa normally stand around 4 and a half feet to 5 and a half feet tall, and tend towards uncomfortably thin or slender when compared to other races. They mature at roughly 100 years, and may live to be over 1000. They are somewhat shorter than their other kin, though not overly so, and lives not quite as long, though this isn't a big difference.
The below numbers below assume an "average" person. That is, they probably have a strength and constitution within the 9-11 range. Higher physical stats will make these numbers go up. In other words, a character with 18 strength will weigh much more than one with 9.
Finally, please remember that Mul are not drow. There are some similarities, but we've had way too many people craft thinly concealed would-be drow characters, ranging from uncomfortably over-sexualized characters to creepy whip-wielding men. In short: Do not be the creepy guy at the gaming table.
Mul'niessa Average Height and Weight | ||||
Name | Base Height | Base Weight | Modifier | Weight Multiplier |
Mul'niessa, male | 4ft 0in | 100 lbs | +2d8 | x3 lbs |
Mul'niessa, female | 4ft 0in | 90 lbs | +2d6 | x3 lbs |
Mul'niessa Starting Age | |||
Adulthood | Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer | Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard |
110 years | +4d6 | +6d6 | +10d6 |
- Classification: humanoid (elf)
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Mul'niessa are nimble and darkly manipulative.
- Medium: Mul'niessa are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Normal Speed: Mul'niessa have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Darkvision: A Mul'niessa can see in the dark up to 120 feet.
- Ageless: Elves do not suffer the ravages of age upon reaching adult hood and cannot be magically aged. However they still die when their time is up.
- Shadow Elf Immunities: Shadow Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus to saves against enchantment spells.
- Keen Senses: Mul'niessa receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
- Mistrusted: Because of who they are, mul'niessa tend to be mistrusted by other races. They receive a -2 profane penalty to Diplomacy checks, even when disguised. There's always something 'off' about the mul.
- Spell-Like Abilities: A Mul'niessa can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day, using his total character level as his caster level.
- Weapon Familiarity: Shadow Elves are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
- Languages: Mul'niessa begin play speaking Sildanyari and Common. Mul'niessa with high Intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following: Low Common, Khazdul, Undercommon, Yrch-Speak.
Character Options
Mul'niessa Racial Feats
The below are racial feats for this race. All races receive a bonus racial feat at 6th level (when you level, send in a +request to staff). House feats and feat summaries may be found on the Feats page. Items with a * have had their pre-reqs altered to fit the setting (see Feats page). You must meet the pre-reqs for any racial feat you select.
- Elven Accuracy, Leaf Singer, Shadowy Dash*, Dark Sight*, Taara's Own (house), Fiendish Darkness (house), Abyssal Mask (house)
Optional DM Rules
Ea's magic responds to its people. Wizards, sorcerers, the uncovering of Aspects are not the only ways in which magic manifests.
The following are options for any storyteller, for use in PrPs, scenes, backgrounds, and small stories. If some of these rituals come across as "didn't we always have--!??" that is part of why these are being offered: to illustrate just how active magic is in Ea. Also, just because there are no given mechanics for them does not mean they shouldn't exist.
These rituals and options are beyond the scope of any one PC working on their own.
They are meant to be used as story devices, and tend to require a story element, such as a visit to the sylvanori elders. In addition, they require the presence of more than one person from that community--they are NOT means to add to individual PCs' power levels. Finally, all rituals work according to story. Sometimes rituals sometimes work perfectly, and other times do so to varying degrees (that's just saying they are story-dependent, and not a means of power).
You are welcome to build on these ideas, or expand on them.
Ritual Magic
Unbinding: The name of this ritual is a misnomer. Since a mul's soul is bound to Taara, they are able to use that force to break the enchantments or bindings of others. However, this requires a sacrifice to the dark goddess in turn. For example, a group of mul might form a blood circle, and transfer the curse of a werewolf to their own spirits, where the binding of Taara snaps it in two. The werewolf is now free, but Taara will demand Her price.
In this way, the mul may break enchantments both lesser and powerful, but it always requires a group of them to do so, and a sacrifice.
Faroth-fea: As sildanyari live a long time, so do their magics. The sildanyari developed this ritual to trace a magic's owner or identify its source. The result is not always precise of even conclusive, but rituals such as this enable them to survive in a world ridden with magic.
Gwedhgalad: Mul children are born bound to Taara, who is given ownership of part of them, in exchange for Her blessings to the race as a whole. This occurs due to ancient oaths sworn by their members, and a building-up of the practice of Gwedhgalad over time. That is, Ea's magic has responded, creating at birth an already-existing bond.
However, by undergoing the actual, formal rite of Gwedhgalad, the child is further bound. He or she is taken among the priests and local elders, on a day blessed by the Council. At this time, they undergo a ritual baptism, where a portion of the child's soul is rent away and given to Taara. The act also cements the Council's control over its populace, as a child who has not undergone the rite is considered of the lowest social position. It can also be a means to punish parents and family lines.
Sacred Objects: It's suggested that blood from one of the ancient muls who had first signed the Pact may have power of some kind. The blood probably is long since dust, however.
Character Page Badges
Want to show off your Mul'niessa pride on your Character Page? Use the following wikicode! (More badges here!)
{{Badge}} {{Badge-Icon|Darkelf02.jpg}} {{Badge-Content}} {{Badge-Title|Mul'niessa PC Badge}} {{Badge-Entry|Family Name}}''All'' of the letters! {{Badge-Entry|Role}}Your role, if any {{Badge-Entry|Faith}}Your current faith. By default, it is Taara. {{Badge-Entry|The Bargain}}Your take on the Bargain with Taara, and how it's affected your choices. Remember, Mul'niessa are not victims. {{Badge-End}}