Mul'niessa | |
Common Alignments | Tendency towards neutral and evil alignments |
Common Classes | Wizard, Ranger, Sorcerer (abyssal), Rogue |
Influencial Faiths | Taara, Illotha, Deimos, Thul |
Most Frequently Found In | Charn |
Known by many names such as the Dark Elves, Night Elves and Cursed Elves; these are elves who are descendants of ones who bound their souls and will to that of the Shadow Sorceress as an exchange for greater power and secrets that she claimed would enable them to maintain their tie to faery. She lied, in part, of course, but to this day the descendants of those originally deceived continue to honor and venerate the Goddess of Lies and they, as a collective whole, exist as one of the staunchest foes of The Light among all enlightened races. Despite this, history has, on occasion, marked out some members of the species who attempt to throw off the grip the Shadow Sorceress holds over their souls and to carve their own path in the world. Furthermore, the recent ascension of the dark goddess has not set well with all members of the race, and has created unforeseen division. Of late, a growing tricke of Shadow Elves attempt to exist independently of the actions and deeds of the greater portion of their race. Time will tell if such individuals are successful in their efforts and if the other, elven kindred will accept them among their ranks despite past transgressions, pacts, and cultural biases.
The most ancient legends that relate the rise of the Shadow Elves, speak of a conflict between the twin princes of ancient Sandriel, in the aftermath of the death of the greatest of the elven High Kings. Both princes offered differing paths for the elven people to take in the wake of the grief of the lost of their most beloved. Civil war resulted, ending in the death of both princes and the cursing of an entire section of the elven people who had given their very souls into the hands of the Shadow Sorceress in search of mastery for the highest forms of arcane sorcery. Retreating underground, the newly formed race of Shadow Elves became a bane to the Dwarves of the world. They allied with cursed and outcast dwarves and engaged in near ongoing warfare while unleashing untold abominations that had long been imprisoned by the gods beneath the world. Some remained on the surface and founded realms in the ruined elven kingdoms and continued to menace all Gaea while making allies and slaves of other depraved and evil monstrous races.
Two ages have passed since this era and it is mythology even for the long lived elven people, but the passions of racial bias and rivalry continue to run strong.
Note that due to their reputations, playing a mul'niessa in the world of Tenebrae is somewhat risky. This is not to say impossible, only that the world is far from a utopian ideal, and it would be much less interesting if it were so.
Physical Description
Shadow-Elves are not as tall as other elves, and possess skin tones that range from deep brown to shades of grey. They possess a nearly unearthly aura about them. Their hair color tends towards shades of alabaster with some cases producing very light blond hair. They have a natural charismatic aura that makes them seem alien and otherworldly yet also grants them the ability to influence other individuals easily, a trait necessary because so few trust them and more outright despise them.
Society and Lands
Shadow Elven society is dominated by their most powerful members, usually referred to as Nobles, with the rest of Shadow Elven kind being lesser in power. Nobles have yielded their full devotion over to the dark goddess and have received special empowerment for it despite the fact that she holds their souls in her thrall. After all, it was the promise of power that led them down this road to begin with, and shadow elves can have a difficult time letting go of this ideal.
The powers of a Noble are both granted and heredity in nature, meaning that they usually pass on from generation to generation but have been known to skip and yet can be conferred by the mostly matriarchal priesthood. Their society embraces much of what The Dark has to offer, and individuals who leave it are only those of the strongest heart and mind--though perhaps bitter, angry, or sometimes unhinged beneath a pleasant smile.
A shadow elf typically sees friendship as a tool to be used to gain a means to an end and revenge as a tool that hones their powers to razor sharpness. They love intrigue and alliances are temporary at best, while truth is said to burn their tongues and sear their eyes. It is no wonder most races do not care for them.
The most powerful of the Nobles is known as Shal'hazar and is enclosed in mist shrouded woods in the deeps of Charn. These Shadow Elves have long allied themselves with Charn and have had a heavy hand in influencing Charn's darkest affairs, taking jobs as assassins and spies. Other enclaves exist in the deeps of the earth as well. Recent events have caused some Shadow Elves to leave their traditional enclaves to strike out to establish settlements in the fringes of the Greatwood, striving to find equilibrium with accepting members of their fellow kindreds.
Other Races
The rivalry between the Shadow Elves and Dawn Elves borders on holy war and has only intensified over time. In recent years, Shadow Elves have become more aggressive in their acts of subterfuge and manipulation as they reach into lands beyond their own. The dwarves, too, have a long memory. Traditional dwarves well remember the destruction of the Axis of Gaea resulting from the betrayals of the Dark Iron Dwarves whose allies were staunch allies of the Shadow Elf race.
Now and then, a few efforts are been made by small groups of Shadow Elves to seek a balance with their brethren and to cut their ties with their Noble rulers and the dark goddess's grasp on their lives, but such efforts of redemption are easier said then done and this is the exception rather than the rule.
As a race, these elves wage more than an uphill battle in terms of being taken at face value. Even in Alexandria, they will face resistance because of their history, ties, and tendencies.
Alignment and Religion
The traditional members of the pantheon of darkness are the ones who are most venerated by the Shadow Elves with Taara the Shadow Sorceress being their chief patron. Her priesthood, matriarchal in nature, holds a tight grasp on Shadow Elven society through ancient pacts, ties, and history. A heavy bend of necromancy and command of death themed powers also promotes Thul heavily and Illotha is a natural fit as well due to their affinity for intrigue, thievery, murder, and manipulation. As a race, Shadow Elves tend towards the evil alignments but neutral Shadow Elves, particularly among exiles or those striking out away from their traditional mindsets, are not unknown. Good Shadow Elves are very rare but not impossible. Such individuals must be strong-willed and strong-minded to survive such a transformation.
Shadow Elves leave their core societies for any number of reasons. Exiles who are fleeing for their lives for some great crime, or due to being unable to fit into Shadow Elf society are not unheard of though, reasonably are rarely believed and trusted in other lands.
Many are superstitious of Shadow Elves, or fear them, and so they often find it difficult to be taken at face value, especially by other elves or by the dwarves. Shadow Elves often find disguising themselves is the best means to be able to move around freely.
Mul'niessa Racial Traits
Elves normally stand around 4 and a half feet to 5 and a half feet tall, and tend towards uncomfortably thin or slender when compared to other races. They mature at roughly 100 years, and may live to be over 1000.
The below numbers below assume an "average" person. That is, they probably have a strength and constitution within the 9-11 range. Higher physical stats will make these numbers go up. In other words, a character with 18 strength will weigh much more than one with 9.
Mul'niessa Average Height and Weight | ||||
Name | Base Height | Base Weight | Modifier | Weight Multiplier |
Mul'niessa, male | 4ft 2in | 100 lbs | +2d8 | x3 lbs |
Mul'niessa, female | 4ft 2in | 90 lbs | +2d6 | x3 lbs |
Mul'niessa Starting Age | |||
Adulthood | Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer | Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger | Cleric, Druid, Monk, Wizard |
110 years | +4d6 | +6d6 | +10d6 |
- Classification: humanoid (elf)
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution: Shadow Elves are nimble and darkly manipulative.
- Medium: Shadow Elves are Medium creatures, and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Normal Speed: Shadow Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Darkvision: A Shadow Elf can see in the dark up to 120 feet.
- Shadow Elf Immunities: Shadow Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus to saves against enchantment spells.
- Keen Senses: Shadow Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
- Spell-Like Abilities: A Shadow Elf can cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day, using his total character level as his caster level.
- Fae Insight: Shadow Elves can perceive the truths and intentions of those around them better then most others. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Sense Motive checks.
- Weapon Familiarity: Shadow Elves are proficient with the hand crossbow, rapier, and short sword.
- Taara's Blessing (Su): At 9 HD and as a full-round action, a Shadow Elf can literally 'jump' through Shadows, granting him the ability to dimension door up to forty feet per day. He can make multiple jumps as long as the total distance traveled per day does not exceed 40'. Each time the shadow elf uses this ability it counts as at least 10 feet, no matter if he jumps less then that. A shadow elf can only shadow jump in locations with dim light.
- Languages: Shadow Elves begin play speaking Sildanyari and Common. Shadow Elves with high Intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following: Low Common, Khazdul, Undercommon, Yrch-Speak.