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(Created page with "Last time, on SAME AS IT EVER WAS: The world disintegrated as Nala screamed and cried, the vision of her mother on the floor setting her off and revealing that she has, seemingly, some control over the timeline that shouldn't be hers. Nadina and Zenith proved to be rather befuddled by this point. Alas, there is a castle and a ball to be had for a more grown-up Nala, who seems excited and giddy, for it means she will meet the boy of her dreams (quite literally), Telanmo....")
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[[Category:Same As It Ever Was]]

Latest revision as of 14:07, 25 March 2025

Last time, on SAME AS IT EVER WAS:

The world disintegrated as Nala screamed and cried, the vision of her mother on the floor setting her off and revealing that she has, seemingly, some control over the timeline that shouldn't be hers. Nadina and Zenith proved to be rather befuddled by this point. Alas, there is a castle and a ball to be had for a more grown-up Nala, who seems excited and giddy, for it means she will meet the boy of her dreams (quite literally), Telanmo.

Nadina frowns a little as Telamon speaks. "You know," she says, "you have a good point. Maybe someone--or a couple of people--should stay with Nala during the ball. I'm sure she's going to go straight for this boy, and..."

She looks at Telamon for a moment. "He's like you. But he's a bit different. More specifically... I don't think he's derived from the same sorcerous 'gift' that you have. Nala's told me stories of their previous encounters. Something about stretching out his very limbs to defend her? I hardly thought it was possible. At any rate, Nala is still my daughter. The poor thing might cut her heart out on a platter and give it to him, only to be rejected, and... There goes everything."

"I am going to lodge a complaint with management," Zenith grumbles. He clearly doesn't have the same outlook that Simony does on their deity at the moment. "Especially if this turns out to be a touch of the Seer and not... Him."

Nadina reaches down and pets Zenith on his fluffy little head. "Anyway, I was going to suggest... You all are adventurers. What better entertainment could you provide than to fight something? Perhaps someone could conjure up some kind of illusory beast and put some of you and the beast in a cage together, and then you fight it and entertain the crowd. Meanwhile... Someone, or multiple someones, rein in my daughter? Make sure she doesn't... disappoint herself?"

It's not every day that a girl getting her heart broken might mean the end of reality for a whole timeline.

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive+2: (4)+28+2: 34
GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive+2: (2)+28+2: 32

For a moment, Telamon appears... daunted. Even a trifle flummoxed. Then his starry eyes narrow a bit, as he begins to work the problem. Thinking. Running through options. "Maybe someone should meet with this Telanmo. Make sure -he- feels the same way she does. It's the height of folly if she chases the lad down only to find he's betrothed already."

He rubs the back of his neck. "What year is it? No, wait, won't matter. Let me think. Zeke, you'd make a good chaperone. Maybe Aryia as well. I can handle calling something up to be a good training dummy. It'll even look a little real. But I -really- would like to talk to this... mirror-glass version of myself. I'm kind of curious about him."

The Goblin looks sharply at Zenith. "So the other gods and goddesses are playing around in these ... dead end realities?" She frowns deeply. "If this is the case, I am lodging a complaint with the whole pantheon. This is most unseemly, and quite disappointing." She crosses her arms, her frown not relenting.

"Yes, as adventurers, we often fight things. Sometimes there is death and destruction. But ostensibly this is done in the hopes of making things better. We don't go into these things hoping we get to murder things today... maybe a few do, but most do not. Having us fight something for someone's amusement is .. gross. Not to mention potentially dangerous."

Simony huffs out a lengthy sigh. "Fighting in a confined space with innocents in harm's way is not my idea of a good time."

Things are just not sitting right with him. The mother seems so nonchalant about the whole matter. The youth who may or may not be a good influence on her daughter - and whether they should watch out or help here. What's more, she completely 'missed' telling them about Nala being able to just... control time and wink people in and out of it. Something casual one just forgets to mention about an emotionally unstable teenager, especially when a loathsome Fey visits that may threaten said daughter.

Harkashan crosses his arms. "I do not defeat beasts for entertainment. Dream or no dream, the death of a being should not be dismissed so easily." He points out. An illusion he might go along with, but right now, they all seem to be getting puppeted by Nadina's strings. Dance, puppets, dance.

He's still suspicious of Nadina, and rumbles; "You folk figure things out with Nala and do what you think is best. I'm going to stick with Nadira to help... protect her or something." He glances to Rune. "What's a good excuse in a situation like this?"

"Fuck if I have any advice for a girl in love." Rune comments off-handedly, one hand still resting against Harkashan's side as she speaks. "The thing that puzzles me, is that there is no way our dear sorceress would even be thinking about that kind of thing. She's more likely to blush a color only imagined in the hearts of artists and not realize that she actually has feelings for someone until those emotions beat her over the head with reality." Having chronicled the story of how Cor'lana and Telamon fell in love, Rune has a little insight into such things.

The prospect of fighting something has the rogue shifting her weight, moving her arms to rest on the handles of her twin swords. "I don't mind fighting things, illusion or not. It's probably the thing I'm best at... other than making traps wish they had stayed in the mind of their inventors and never saw the light of day."

Then, with Harkashan asking her that awkward question, Rune just quirks an eyebrow at him. "You're going to make sure that nothing bad happens to the one person who seems to actually know what the fuck is going on here, even if she is less than forthright about it?" She suggests. Harkashan nods. "Yes, that." He answers Rune with a deep nod of his head.

Zeke looks at Telamon and nods simply. He will do as Telamon suggests. If Telamon thinks that he would make a good 'chaperone' then he will make a good 'chaperone'. "Thisss one doesss not want to fight a thing of illusssion in any casssse." He murmurs. "Thisss one will be a schaperone." He thumps his tail lightly in approval of his newly-appointed task. He wonders though... What exactly does a chaperone do? He supposes that he'll figure it out somehow. He's supposed to be good at it after all.

Nadina looks a little cross at being called 'less than forthright', but she sighs a little. "That's part of why I suggested someone help Nala," she says in regards to Rune. "With the romancing, that is. She's just... besotted with this boy, and all she knows is dashing princes from storybooks. This boy is different."

She looks at Telamon. "Mmm... Actually. Would you like me to send for a servant and see if he's here early? I think some of the guests might actually be here in the various lounging parlors, waiting for setup to finish in the ball room."

"I _really_ don't like any of this," Zenith murmurs. "Even if this is the dream realm of the alternate timeline. Where does that _put_ us, exactly, in the flow of reality and dream? Dream and reality? This is why I'm not in the Seer's employ! Time makes precious little sense in dreaming." He looks meaningfully at Zeke. "I hope, Sunguard, you can keep the girl on an even keel. Deathsinger, you will _absolutely_ stay with Nadina." He eyes the woman with angry little blue eyes.

Telamon looks to Zeke. "Just keep Nala out of trouble. Rune's right -- if this version is -anything- like Lana, she only knows what she's read in books." He sighs, rubbing his cheek. "It was quite the experience when we started courting."

Tel grins at Nadina tightly. "Perfect. I want to get a look at this lad. If he's like me... hmmm.... he's probably got some knack for diplomacy. I wonder if this one also avoided the crossbow marriage to Keriga? Well, if he didn't he wouldn't be -here-, but you get the idea."

Wearily, he turns to look at Zenith. "What are dreams, but things we have not made real yet? We have to dream of them so that they can become." Turning his gaze back to Nadina, he flexes his fingers. "Let's meet with our presumptive bridegroom first."

Harkashan rumbles; "Don't you give her that look. You know that you're only telling us as much as you think you need to, to get what you want here. And you're asking us to change the very nature of a God. So that makes it doubly-noticeable." He tries to impress on her, while keeping his arms crossed.

A heavy nod is given to Zenith as the bird too indicates that he will stay with Nadina. It seems he and Zenith are on the same wavelength on a lot of things here.

"Just be careful you all. I won't be there to give you all support as quickly as usual." He glances back at Nadina again.

For all he knows, Nadina is just the God they are trying to convince, hiding in human form. He isn't sure yet, but there's something off about this Nadina. Does someone who gets /knocked out/ just head into the Dream Realm like that? So confident about them arriving, not even having been able to see what happened after she got knocked out?

Simony blinks and pointedly stands behind Telamon. "Hoo boy, I don't think interfering or offering .. romance advice is a great idea." She eyes the Raven once more. "I think that we are a bit... outside of time, in here. I mean, isn't the whole point of these things is that they /are/ out of reach of time and reality? For safety's sake?"

She eyes Telamon a moment, and grins. "I would love to see a younger Telamon. I wonder what differences there are? Hair color? Is he taller or shorter? This needs to be recorded for posterity..." From a pouch on her belt, the Goblin pulls out a notebook, and a small piece of charcoal. She begins writing enthusiastically.

The thought that an alternate version of Telamon could be called anything other than a 'dashing prince' has Rune giving a skeptical look towards the archmage in question. "Now she has me curious, and a little concerned." If Nala is quite so different than the person they know, it stands to reason that Telanmo is as well.

"Dreams are pretty powerful things, no matter what reality you're in. I've seen entire people created out of them, and nightmares that can consume a person from the inside out. Not to mention seeing them used as doorways to other worlds..." Rune's lips press together in a thin line. "I wonder if Phea would know how all this works..." She wonders idly.

However, she also has concerns, ones that are cast in Harkashan's direction. He is acting a bit... strange, and she is no mindreader to try to figure out why. With a shake of her head, she looks to Telamon and Simony, giving the two a nod. "Yeah, let's vet loverboy."

Zeke nods slowly, first to Zenith, and then to Telamon. He can help keep Nala calm, collected, and from doing anything foolish. Hopefully. At the very least he can give her the benefit of his vast years of experience in not doing anything of the sort. The blue-scaled sith-makar slips out of the room, using his nose to locate Nala quickly and efficiently.

He has no intention of walking up to her directly of course, but rather uses his years of experience in subtlety to get closer to the young woman. To others he might seem a servant, or a passing priest of Daeus. Someone of passing import. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone, strikes up conversation with no one. Simply focuses on the task of getting to Nala's side.

It's actually to Zeke's advantage that Nadina slips out to get a servant. It means that she doesn't notice him at all. The castle is a labyrinthine affair. There are many pretty walls. There are many pretty paintings of Nala and Nadina and Zenith. There's also paintings that have tarps hanging over them. They are testaments to mystery and darkness, darkness and...


Nala sits in a parlor nearby, looking a little upset. She is fidgeting nervously with her long white hair and... She's pulling petals from a daisy. "He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me... He loves me..." The final petal gets pulled, and Nala frowns even deeper. "Not."

Meanwhile, a young man comes striding through the door where the rest of the group is. He's dressed very fancily in black clothes, embroidered with gold and silver. His black hair is worn in a similar fashion to Telamon's, yet his black eyes are simply... Black. No specks of stars in them. "Yes? I was told that you wished to... speak..."

The young man stares at Telamon. "Gods above, milord, do we have the same tailor? And stylist?"

GAME: Rune rolls sleight of hand: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Rune rolls sleight of hand: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive: (19)+29: 48

Zeke lets out a low rumble of faint amusement and curls his tail around his feet. "Ssssa young one. The flower can not tell you if your mate-to-be returnssss your affectionssss or not. Thisss one would know, thisss one hasss assssked many flowersss for aid, but they never know ssssuch thingsss. Perhapsss though, thisss one can ssshare wordsss with you?"

The blue scale shuffles forward, but doesn't crowd her any at all. He doesn't want her to feel like she's being trapped by him. "Thisss one can tell that you are un-happy."

The sounds of charcoal scratching across paper intensify, as the Goblin begins sketching in earnest. "Oh gosh, black hair. Amazing contrast...1", she mumbles to herself. "No stars..." Her eyebrows rise up. "Are you a sorcerer?", she wonders of Telanmo, as she peeks out from behind Telamon. "Or perhaps a wizard? Artificer?"

Simony giggles at what the young man says. "Funny that you mention that." She eyes Telamon. "If it is as we surmise, we should just uhm... Well. I mean.." The Goblin huffs in irritation. "No point in beating around the bush, is there?"

The charcoal continues to scratch at the paper... two busts, one of Telamon, one of Telanmo.

Telamon nods as Zeke slips out. Good. Meanwhile, he has something a bit closer to home to deal with. When Telanmo walks in, the half-sil sorcerer's eyebrows rise, and he can't help but smile. "Possibly. And we might want to compare notes at some point on that. But I have something more important to talk to you about... Telanmo Atlon."

He steps a little closer, studying his doppelganger, before continuing. "You see, Telanmo... you and I are the same. Oh, this isn't some tiresome tale about body snatching or other such bovine byproducts. I am called Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon." He strokes his cheek absently. "I'm intensely curious. How did the Dran visit go? Did you get chased around by Keriga as well?"

In a massive castle with lavish decorations, it should be no surprise to anyone that the rogue in the party can't keep their hands to themselves. The fact that there are /covered/ paintings is just the sort of thing that sparks Rune's curiosity and drives her to the need to peek under one, attempting to be somewhat subtle in the process.

Her eyes widen. Rather than approaching Nala and the young man who looks like nega-Telamon, Rune stays a bit back from the rest, leaning slightly to whisper into her hand. There is a flicker of blue light as she does so, flitting off into two different directions, first towards Telamon and the other towards Harkashan.

Afterwards, the rogue just leans casually against the wall near the painting, as if she were just keeping watch. Totally not doing anything else. Arms crossed, watchful guard face.

Harkashan follows Nadira as she goes to get a Servant. He will not leave her out of his sight. No doubt, a proper sorcerous type would tell him that by paying too much attention to the trickster, he'll fail to notice the most obvious trick right before his very eyes... but Harkashan still moves with her. Labyrinthine as it may be. His lazy tail swaying behind him.

"This is a dream. Why travel to find a Servant? Or is this something about internal consistency of dreams?" Harkashan is not a follower of Luna. Though he's had dealings with her of course.

"More importantly, why keep so much from us? I suspect you have a narrative and plan in mind you believe we will not follow if you spoke the words aloud."

GAME: Rune takes ten on bluff: (10)+31: 41

"Keriga?" Telanmo looks a little bemused. "She tried. But I let her down gently, as a gentleman ought to--" He narrows his eyes at Telamon. "Wait. How do you know about that? The only people who would know are Keriga and my father. What manner of doppelganger are you?" He looks a little unsettled, a hand going to his belt as though in search of something. "Are you here to threaten me?"

Meanwhile, Harkashan gets an eyeful from Nadina. "I am _trying_ to behave as though everything is real," she says, "because if my daughter has control of the timeline... The moment things don't go her way, she might trash everything. Like a teenager does." Nadina's voice is low and careful. "Because this is real to her. Even if it's a dream. As for why... You are onto something. I must play the cruel task of the director who extracts the most emotion from her actors."

Back with Zeke, Nala frowns as she looks up at Zeke. It's a long moment before she says anything. "It's just... He's so nice. And so sweet. And handsome. And completely and totally... More than I ever was or ever could be. How could I ever match up to him? To get him to notice me like I've noticed him?" Her petalless flower is in her hands, a naked and sad thing that is as bare as her hopes. "I'm nobody special."

"I do not much appreciate being directed by an unseen hand." The Shaman answers her, which may be a bit ironic considering the matter of Thirku's bond to him, and his allegiance to the Death Singing Dragon. Still, it confirms something.

"So this is not just 'a' dream. This is 'her' dream. Not just the ability to control the real world, but that of the dream. You make it sound like she is the Offspring to Navos and Eluna both." Harkashan points out, as hecarries on with her. He'll go along with this to keep the dream in one piece, even lowering his voice. But that doesn't mean he's happy.

Especially not when he hears back from Rune.

"... also, how does your daughter know of Our Reality? How do shards of that reality enter this dream realm?" Pause.

"Just how dangerous is your daughter to /other/ realities?"

GAME: Harkashan rolls Sense Motive+5: (10)+28+5: 43

Simony smiles at the young man's confusion. "Tel is not here to threaten you. He is you. Just, in a slightly different timeline. For all intents and purposes, you're him, and he's you. You've just made slightly different decisions in life, so you are not exactly the same." She turns around the notebook to show him the drawings she's done, the two busts looking very similar, except the colors are opposites. "The main difference is that our Tel has lived a bit longer. He's gone through a few situations that you've yet to reach. For example, he meets me later in life, so you may run into my uhm... doppelganger, in some year's time."

Zeke moves toward Nala with the effortless patience of someone as long-lived as a sith-makar might be. He kneels before her, shadowing the ruined flower with his claws. "But you are Nala. You are ssspecial. Like thissss flower, you are unique. Individual. Beautiful. Irreplaceable." The petals of the flower float up from the ground and return to where they had been once, restoring the flower to its former beauty and Zeke gives the girl a look. "Do not destroy the possssibility of sssome-thing beautiful before it can be made, becausssse you fear it."

His laugh is a cheerful thing, one of happy moonlit evenings. "Because it happened to me too! Did the name not spell it out? I am -you-, from a different timeline and history. We share a certain amount of history, I'll wager." Telamon doesn't step closer to his younger counterpart, probably to avoid startling him. "I know the Watcher didn't cover this with me; I doubt he spoke to you about it. But if you like, think of me as the older brother you never had."

"But the point is that I am curious as to your intentions to the lady of the castle, Nala. She ah... has set her sights on you, and if you think Keriga was determined, well..." His eyes twinkle. "However, her experience in such things is... well, limited to terrible romance novels and storybooks. Be prepared to act as her teacher. I know I had to teach my wife a few things when we began courting."

The silence that follows her whispers nearly draws an uncertain expression onto Rune's features, but she manages to school it quickly. The others will have to do with the information what they will. They may each be busy with their respective conversations.

Though she knows well enough not to fuck too much with the reality she is being presented. Afterall, Nala shattered her into a billion pieces a short time ago when she didn't like how one of these scenarios played out. Instead, she decides to approach the girl along with Zeke. However, it seems that the lizard has this well under control.

She doesn't want to detract from the words that are clearly heartfelt.

Telanmo blinks several times in befuddlement. "Wait... You're... _me_?" he asks, pointing between himself and Telamon. He sort of inspects Telamon for a moment before he says, "Maybe I ought to look into lightening my hair color--"

Then he shakes his head more aggressively. "Wait. Nala... She's... interested in me? More _intently_ than Keriga was?" He seems unsure of whether to be bewildered or scared. Finally, he settles onto bewildered. "I mean. She's beautiful. Star-white hair. Those beautiful golden eyes. But... I mean, I'm young, and... I don't want to box either of us in so soon?"

The slightly younger man looks at Telamon and says, "Is your wife like Nala? Just, umm, different?" He actually sounds quite hopeful about that. The idea's growing on him, it seems.

With Nadina, however, the woman grows increasingly more irritated looking with Harkashan's questions, finally stopping close to the room where Telanmo's blanks are being filled in. "I. Don't. Know." Her voice is a hushed thing. "I thought I did. I made this deal. I made this gambit. I guess things are never as simple as that."

More loudly, she clears her throat and smiles like she'd never been annoyed at all, gesturing for Harkashan to enter and rejoin most of his companions, sans Rune and Zeke. "After you, Deathsinger."

... Nala smiles softly at Zeke, and when she does notice Rune, she offers the other half-sil a smile, too. "You mean it?" she asks Zeke. "I mean... Where I came from, people hated me just because I was different. And yet... You all are adventurers."

She looks at Zeke and Rune then. "Can you teach me? How to be an adventurer?" There's something in her eyes as she asks, "So I can be powerful and it won't matter anymore if they hate me?"

The Goblin giggles brightly, and looks to Telamon. Then the frown returns. "I uhm.. have had a worrying thought." She looks around and eyes Zenith. "Come and rest upon my shoulder once more, Zenny. I have a question to ask of you."

Zeke looks at Rune for a moment and then at Nala firmly, his tail uncurling from around his leg decisively. "Thissss one thinkssss, that if you want to be an adventurer, that thisss isss some-thing that you can be. You sssshould do what will make you *happy* Nala. If it will make you happy to be with your mate, you sssshould do thisss. If it will make you happy to go on adventuresss do that. It isss not power that you ssshould ssseek, but happinessss."

Telamon hmms. "My wife's hair is dark like yours, but I've never considered it myself -- the one time I tried to add tints I messed it up and spent two weeks looking like I was wearing a giant blueberry." He snorts. "I'm getting off the track though. Yes, Cor'lana is a great deal like Nala. Well, she -was- -- she's much more confident these days. Much like Nala, she had a lot of troubles growing up."

Tel's expression becomes sad. "Sometimes, it falls to us to try and make people happy. But I don't want to browbeat you into it. Whatever happens... has to be of your own free will." Although the prospect of how much 'free will' is in a dream is up for question. Seeing Nadina walk in, he offers her a smile. "Nadina! Good to see you... are those paintings I saw out in the hall? Who's the artist?"

Nadina is finally starting to match the irritation that has been building on Harkashan's expression. Of course, being a Sith-makar, it may have been too subtle to catch on. Though the annoyed tail-swing does give it away. "That's not good, Nadina." Harkashan grumps. "What were you thinking? Of course it wasn't going to be simple... by the gods."

He rubs the length of his muzzle for a moment and then runs a hand along his horns. "No, I insist you go first. I'll follow in a moment." He remarks, as he closes his eyes for a moment...

And touches his hands to his chest and begins to pray for a moment, after retrieving a small half-moon shaped object he's carried with him ever since Rune's most recent troubles in the realm of dreams.

The smile is returned with one of her own, despite the nagging feeling that something about the situation doesn't quite feel right. "Being different sucks when you're young." Rune finally speaks up, though she keeps her voice soft. "Especially when you're someone born of two different worlds and you don't fit in with either of them." She tucks a strand of dyed hair behind one slightly pointed ear.

"It's hard to believe, I think, but it does get better. There are places where people aren't assholes. Friends waiting that will care about you for who you are. It just... fucking sucks for a while."

As for the question about if they can teach her, Rune seems thoughtful. So she adds to Zeke's answer, "If that's what you decide you want, I think there are things we can teach you. Though I'm afraid my skills are more with the blade than with anything magical. But there are plenty of ways to be strong."

Nadina walks in, and she laughs a little at Telamon's words, until she quite suddenly stops laughing. "I don't know," she says, before going and leafing through a nearby cabinet, where she pulls out a bottle of wine and begins to pour herself a drink--before she finally seems to realize that there's Telanmo, who looks a little mystified by both the idea of Nala as his wife and also this--to him--random woman coming in and pouring herself wine without introducing herself. Nadina laughs a little awkwardly. "Where is any ounce of my charm and good graces?" she asks, shaking her head. "I'm Nadina..."

While Nadina introduces herself to Telanmo--and Telanmo seems very 'on point' as he learns that Nadina is the mother of Nala--Zenith hops onto Simony's shoulder. "What is it?" he asks. "I am attempting to run my own diagnostics and come to my own conclusions, but I might be able to do a search of my databases if you ask."

Nala looks up at Zeke and Rune both, taking their words into account. And then she smiles at Zeke. "Can you teach me how to heal?" And then another smile at Rune. "Can you teach me how to stab people?" There's just a glint of anticipation in her eyes that's not wholly concerting.

Meanwhile, in Harkashan-land--


There is a tiny... silver? dragon, flying in front of Harkashan's nose, peering into his eyes with beautiful little dragon eyes.

Suddenly, a tiny silver dragon. Harkashan tilts his head back a bit, taking a step back along with that motion. He then smirks, and bows his head to the small silvren dragon. "Greetings. Let us speak a bit quieter. I am Deathsinger Harkashan. I... your counter part enjoys fish. I am uncertain if that is the food of your delights." He notes.

He then motions inside, at Nala. Keeping his voice down. "She seems to be able to control both time and dreams. And I am getting rather concerned we are being misled, or in great danger. When you gaze upon her, what do you see? Is she a being we should be wary of?"

"I am sure this won't take much of your time." Simony steps out into the hallway, away from the boy, the girl, and the matchmakers.

"I want to know if changing this timeline will have any effect on ours. Or others. If, as some posit, this timeline is a result of different decisions made by different people existing here... what happens if our actions alter or reverse a decision? What happens to us?" She is quiet for a time. "Where is the rest of us?"

Telamon smiles at his counterpart. "Give it a little thought. If nothing else, consider that Mother will definitely approve." He sketches a bow to Telanmo. "Excuse me a moment, I need to speak to the mother of our gracious host." He beckons to Nadina, though he doesn't abandon Telanmo.

"Nadina, the reason I ask is that Rune took a peek at one of those paintings covered up in the hall." Tel's expression tightens. "Do you know why one of them would depict my wife and her familiar? Why would -that- be here?"

Any normal and sane person would take the sudden juxtaposition of Nala's training requests as a very odd thing. For Rune, it seems like just another Tuesday. Or whatever day of the week it happens to be in this alternate reality/dream.

"I can certainly try. My mentor was a drunk Oruch, and I managed to pick up a fair few skills in that department." Her lip quirks, oblivious to any danger that may or may not be present, it seems.

"Though, probably not here. Wouldn't want to damage the artistry. And... I think you had someone important to meet, so that can always come later."

Zeke's tail tap-taps on the ground at the question about healing. "Only the godsss can determine if they will grant one the power to heal otherssss." His eyes slip toward Hark and... His eyes become riveted on the tiny silver dragon. He knows instantly and irrevocably that he is in the presence of something truly good. Something special. He bows his head to the tiny silver dragon. "Ssssaaa."

"Honored One." He remarks to the dragon. "Thisss one ssservesss the Dragonfather, can we aid you?" His voice feels hoarse.

"HelloDeathsingerHarkashan! Iamspeakingquietly." Or at least, so the silver dragon claims. He's still a little excitable-sounding. "Pleasedonotgivemefishes. I like CHICKENS. Give chickens--"

Oh, wait. There was a request. The little dragon peers in the direction of Zeke. "Ainitharitirisixchel! Ainithforshort." He gives Zeke a little toothy grin. "Iwascalled."

The silver dragon peers at Rune and Nala then. He looks at Nala. Then he makes one simple conclusion. "Notaperson."

"What..." Nala blinks. "What do you mean? I _am_ a person. Aren't I?" Her hands are shaking lightly.

Meanwhile, back in the room with Nadina, Telamon, Simony, and Zenith, as well as Telanmo, Zenith looks a little confused. "In reality," he says. "Everyone is. We just need to... Get back to reality. We need to wake up!" He stares at Nadina. "Don't entertain this little charade. You're just making it worse? What is happening to reality? To everyone's bodies while we're asleep?"

Nadina looks at Telamon, thoroughly confused now. "I don't know what's happening anymore," she says. "This can't..." Her eyes widen, and she grabs Telamon's arm. "Maybe we're all wrong. This isn't just a continuation of the alternate timeline that Zenith's from. If so... What _are_ we? What is happening right now?" Tears bloom in her eyes. "Telamon, none of it's holding up. Please fix this. Something's _wrong_."