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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Geilad's Horn, Part 5 *Emitter: Aftershock *Characters: Ezil, Zapolklnex, Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn,...")
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<OOC> Aftershock says, "Cryo are you chill with Faran doing that?"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Cryo are you chill with Faran doing that?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I think it's hilarious"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I think it's hilarious"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Go for it Faran!"</pre>
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Go for it Faran!"
To (Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn), Ezil pages: Cryosanthia is a good friend. A terrible captive, but a good friend.
To (Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn), Ezil pages: Cryosanthia is a good friend. A terrible captive, but a good friend.
Line 376: Line 376:
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "well... hoping, that since Cryo has been in Charn, owned, imprisonned, tortured and has some kinds of PTSD about it, and all the sith fear scent and sith blood miiiight ... that it give me a massive system shock and another will save or snap me out of it? Or into a frenzy, or to just go for the horn anyhow to try and wrangle that deal she was talking about earlier?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "well... hoping, that since Cryo has been in Charn, owned, imprisonned, tortured and has some kinds of PTSD about it, and all the sith fear scent and sith blood miiiight ... that it give me a massive system shock and another will save or snap me out of it? Or into a frenzy, or to just go for the horn anyhow to try and wrangle that deal she was talking about earlier?"
[[Category:Logs|Gilead's Horn Part 5]]
[[Category:Logs|Gilead's Horn Part 5]]

Revision as of 17:21, 29 March 2020

Log Info

  • Title: Geilad's Horn, Part 5
  • Emitter: Aftershock
  • Characters: Ezil, Zapolklnex, Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn, Shara
  • Place: Deep in Charnath
  • Time: Friday, March 27, 2020, 8:33 PM
  • Summary: The party was left in a standoff with a mul'niessa woman, demanding they leave the priest and the horn to her or suffer Charnath Wrath. Weapons stilled for the moment, the heroes attempt to defeat the situation with words. Ezil explains that the priest has committed crimes, and as she is responsible for him, she should surrender in hopes of lenient justice. Cryo elaborates on her words, saying first she has committed both sides to kill each other, then attempting to drive division within her ranks by dwelling on the treacherous aspects of mul'neiessa nature. Faranmidahn offers reasonable terms on her knight's honour, while Zapolklnex commits some faux pas. Their words do not sway her, she commands her followers to attack, and teleports away. As a parting gift, the priest splashes Cryosanthia and he is his thrall again, who goes on to cause additional problems for the party. Her followers however, have listened, break and run, including Cryo, except Rhavume who accepts Faran's offer and agrees to sell out her former mistress. Rhavume leads the adventurers to Lady Shrulvus' mansion and slave pens. Cryo attempts escape and as the party debates their approach, the priest begins his sacrifice of the slaves, and the horn calls them all. The heroes advance, breaking into the pens and Cryo succeeds in freeing herself physically, and rushes as well. Inside is a horror show, reeking of blood and terrified lizards, as the priest slays them one by one and defiles the horn with their blood. Everyone attacks, Cryo arrives and the shock stalls her. Shara attempts, somehow, to inspire the team in this nightmare while Faran and Zapolklnex attack at range. Ezil severs the man's arm, and is laughed at for his trouble. The priest serves Taara and will not be stopped. Even under mind control, Cryo clings to the plea of the horn and realizes protecting it can mean protecting it from the priest and she rips his throat out. Faranmidahn immediately rushes in, taking up the horn and breaking the evil influence. It spreads a warm, calm sensation. Cryosanthia will not be stopped and avenges the sacrificed while the remaining slaves thump their tails, vicariously sharing in her revenge. Snapping out of it, the party discusses entering the mansion, but Rhavume assures there are no slaves inside and Shrulvus is likely gone. All the sith-makar are rescued, and Zapolklnex cremates the priest, whose remains are gathered to be dispersed later so no ressurection will be available for the man. Some of the sith-makar remain at the terrorized village to protect and rebuild, while the heroes return to Alexandria, and the horn to its place in the temple, where its warmth will always be available when the memories of this expedition grow too strong.

The party was hunting down the Horn of Geilad. The ship that they were chasing stopped off to attack a village. Whilst the adventurers were saving said village the cultist escaped and they had to go hunt him down again - here. On the border of Charnath. The party fought some demons and then chased him down to this entourage.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=                                               
Ezil         5'11"    175 Lb     Human             Male      An armored man with dark skin, and grey-blonde hair.
Zapolklnex   4'5"     115 Lb     Shadow Elf        Male      A darkly dressed traveling Mul'niessa man
Cryosanthia  6'7"     245 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, lithe white lizardgirl with tattoos.
Faranmidahn  3'3"     35 Lb      Halfling          Female    Albino Lucht woman in black leather armor with a BIG spider
Shara        5'2"     120 Lb     Dawn Elf          Female    Red haired Elf w/green eyes

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

It's clear from the look on the Mul'niessa woman's face that she is /not/ pleased to be touched by Cryosanthia, and so she sort of shoves the sith-makar more towards the horn, ignoring the whizzing arrows and spilling the blood in the horn in every direction but on herself and the sith. She growls and furiously glares at the sith. "No longer under the control of the horn are you? That's alright." She lifts her voice and watches Cryosanthia as she speaks. "I am Lady Shrulvus, sorceress and martron of House Shrulvus. If you harm me or mine my family will see Alexandria burned to the /ground/. You will release this man who is my servant to my custody with all his belongings intact. Or you and /yours/ will suffer."

The silence grows loud, waiting for an answer to fill it.

GAME: Shara rolls perform/sing: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Ezil rolls diplomacy: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls diplomacy: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Zapolklnex rolls diplomacy: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (16)+8: 24

Ezil is sweating, the recent run has his blood pumping hard while he catches that introduction by Lady Shrulvus. His shield and weapon are still out, but he makes a show of sheathing his blade, drawing attention to himself with an audible gesture of clearing his throat. "I think there is a misunderstanding, Lady Shrulvus. You talk of razing Alexandria and her people if we don't surrender the horn, but if this is indeed 'your' man... then he's already stoked those fires, and they will burn despite what we do here or not." a flat tone offered as he continues. "There have already been victims outside Charneth, and they were at the hand of your man. If you want to take responsibility for him, then you must take responsibility for his actions. We can mitigate these issues with discourse, and of coure.... returning the object used to do such htings.... or we can use force. One way or another, the actions already in play will bring a fire to all our houses if not put to water quickly. I know many here already want blood, but I think we can avoid that. Hopefully."

Zapolklnex lifts his hood off his head, looking at the self-proclaimed royalty. Intending to aid Ezil, he starts to speak. "You...." He then stammers, and turns, putting his hood back over his head and walking away, realizing that saying "You're more likely to be rothe on my plate, than Alexandria to burn in Taara's Chains..."

...would not be useful to the cause.

Cryosanthia is hot, ready to kill, but Ezil's words snap her out of it. She is very careful to avoid doing anything provocative. Even leaving her hand where it is, moving it, might provoke. She keeps a careful watch on the priest with his sloppy horn, wanting to avoid its effects. She also chooses her words carefully.

"This one doesn't recognize your name, our mul'neissa partner may say if your threat is fearsome... after he finishes with the dinner plans. Your kind has slain me and mine for decades so I have no doubt of it, but what you have said has doomed us all."

"You can't let us live, if we get back they'll know the truth of you and your man. We can't let you live, if you return you'll follow through on your death threats. You've just asked us to kill you all. Even if you prevail, are you sure your servants are trustworthy, that one isn't of another house and will kill you for the horn? How many decades is it before they're fully vetted, are you sure you will make it back, and when you do, that the other houses will be happy you started a war on your own?"

"There are other options we should discuss."

"Lady Shrulvus!" calls the Lucht knight in the tree behind her bow, arrow nocked but low and undrawn as yet as her code, the effective parlay in play wrangles back her pesonal animus, "I am Sir Faranmidahn Waywalker, Knight of the Purple Rose! If you agree to discourse... we can try to still the flames of war before they spread to engulf even your storied house, and I will guarantee your safety if your compliance and that of your companions is true and without treachery!" Her eyes, however are narrowed in a disdain she has never previously known.

The threats cause the mul's eyes to narrow, red glaring at you all, but she seems to realize the wisdom of talking to you rather than ordering her companions to murder you all where you stand. "What you say might be so, but I extend the courtsey of my station to him. His actions will be punished - or not - under /Charneth/ law. Not Alexandrian." Her cold eyes fall on Cryosanthia. "You would have been happier under our rule creature, but I do not have to speak to the likes of /you/." She turns her gaze toward Ezil, effectively dismissing Cryosanthia. "Let us go, and there need be no further qarrel between us."

Shara is....standing off to the side. She wasn't expecting diplomacy, but she does look to Cryosanthia. "What of the horn?"

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (14)+8: 22

The white-scaled sith-makar overlooks the mul'neissa before her. Ignores her. She turns her head slowly gazing at the hoods. "What of the horn? What of the horn..."

She speaks directly to the servants, "I know you're all loyal to your mistress, even if your backs bear the scars of her failure. How much do you trust each other? Even if one isn't of another house, might they 'accidentally' discover you are, that you were plotting to kill your mistress and kill you in your sleep instead. Now that I've put that thought out, how can you not take precautions. How can you not strike first? Are any of you planning to sleep? How long is the trip home? I know the blood keeps you loyal, but are you sure, bet your life, sure? Why any one of you getting home, alone, could concoct any story without worry of contradiction."

"I think they should give the horn to us, but perhaps they'd prefer stabs in the night. We're going to keep our words. We want the horn. They can take their man for Charnath trail, they don't need the horn for that."

"I can't do that. Your disruption to /my/ community can not be ignored. I put the terms on the table. You either surrender the artifact, or we will continue to be at this impasse. Telmentar shines on all, even in the darkest of nights.... and I am offering you mercy where others would not. This is a way out for you and your man." his tone a bit strained and gruff. "Do not mistake my patience and efforts for weakness. I am pointing out that the flames of war are already growing, and your threat means little that we don't already know will come." giving a staggered sigh. "The White-One..." motioning to the Sith-Makar, "Is right. If you take the horn now, it will ever be pursued, and your house hunted for it. Not by just Alexandria or adventurers... but by those who are more powerful than you, and your family. It is known you have the horn. Or it will be soon enough." shrugging then. "So either we fight... or you surrender the horn, or.... you kill us, but never escape what comes after. I don't see this as a win for anyone."

Faran is quite flushed up there, though the knuckles around her quivering bow are bone white, her eyes sweeping the knot of followers around the Mul'iessan noble for signs of spells being cast or weapons prepared. The Hunter is her patron, she's struggling with even this much restraint, but, "The Horn must be returned in any case!" The upside of her tiny voice having to be raised into a bold shout to be heard from that range, it sounds less like she's trying not to vomit.

Zapolklnex is taking a moment to gather himself after he nearly blew up at the Lady, or whatever she called herself. After a short walk, he comes back, stnading behind the others, head covered.

"That as it will then. We will not surrender it, and you will risk war for your goal. So be it." With those words she steps back from Cryosanthia, clearly about to begin a spell, and the others with her have been this whole time prepaired to fight; insensed by the words that Cryosanthia spoke to drive them apart.

Faranmidahn, she's obviously going to cast,
hld my shot until she begins casting,
then put an arrow in her to tr and disrupt it
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls weapon6: (17)+7: 24
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+2: (14)+2: 16

With the Mul'iessa's posture shifting to casting, a little bow is up, drawn, and loosed in a scant instant. The Knight calls, "Be it on your head, we gave you your chance!" Faran's eyes alight with indignance rage unleashed.

Cryo had a bunch more things to say, as the situation turns bad she shouts at the priest, "She's going to hang you like a goat. Slop the blood her way. We'll talk."

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21
Cryosanthia, charmed life
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls will+3: (10)+3+3: 16

The priest is grabbed by the noblewoman as she casts her spell, and the priest's tight eyes are on the white-scaled sith who so definatly spoke up against them. A spill of crimson touches those pale scales again and then the priest and the noblewoman are gone. Leaving in their wake a number of warriors pulling weapons to attack you with. And Cryosanthia. Who once again is feeling the unnatural call of the horn like a distant echo in her veins. The need to serve it, and to be at its side is an aching thing and even more so without its presence.

Ezil, So these warriors seem intent on a fight?
GAME: Ezil rolls sense motive: (7)+7: 14

Ezil slowly takes his time to draw his weapon, looking between the warriors with a shake of his head. "None of us want to kill you. Since your master is gone with the horn.... there is nothing left for us to fight over." he states evenly. "Nothing can be achieved by this conflict... go home. Prepare for what I warned you of. People will come after your leader... powerful people." making it clear this is not his desire, but that what he said still holds true. "Luck be with you all.... you'll need it."

All of the warriors but one throws down their weapons and runs, taking off deeper into Charneth. They dissapear in a matter of moments leaving just the one warrior with her weapons intact. She holds her hands up and looks at you all with suspicious eyes. "Look. I don't want to die. And honestly I had reservations about this whole plan to begin with. So if you guys grant me sancuary... I'll tell you were she ran off to."

"Lady Walrus! Take me with you instead!" Oops, sounds like Cryo is evil.

But evil Cryosanthia is still Cryosanthia and has a sense of humour and a survival instinct. Ezil's words sink in, some of her earlier ones are still on her mind.

"Oh no! You're all wearing black and I'm wearing white. I'm the new guy! You're not my friends, and you're not my friends! Running away is good! I'm coming Lady Walrus!"

Cryo throws down her rapier and bounds off with the others.

Ezil hrms, the now prisoner offering their surrender seeming to be accepted as he nods to her words. A look is cast at Faramidahn. "Can you round up Cryosanthia. Torrent is faster than I am, and I can't catch her. She's.... yeah." It's just fact, and he won't try to in his heavy armor. This horn proving to be annoying still by enthralling his friend. "As for our prisoner.... I am sure all of us here can agree to your terms. I want no bloodshed from those giving up the fight."

Faranmidahn screeches in frustration as the villains teleport away. But, a sigh as Cryosanthia is once again under spell, she she discards her bown and pulls her lance, kicking Torrent into a gallop down the tree and after her errant friend, "Forgive me, friend!" Guilt staining her face, she gets the lance in the cradle, she again angles her tip toward nonvital zones to try and take the sith down 'Gently'.

Zapolklnex has his hands tucked into his sleeves. Things start moving quickly. Disappearances, more enchantments... but he's slow to act so he's left gawking for the moment.

Shara just seems confused at what's going on, especially when Cryosanthia runs off...with Faran after her. Shara just walks up to the Mul and holds out her hand. "Just turn over your weapon, and....you'll come with us to Alexandria when this is done. Perhaps you can help us in the city then."

The mul sighs, but slowly pulls her rapier out and offers it to Shara. She looks uncomfortable without it on, but she doesn't argue the loss which is probably for the best. With that done and Cryosathia taken care of the party follows the mul deeper into Charneth territory. And deeper. They find many signs that they're following the right path. Boot prints from the other mul'niessa and of course the struggling of Cryosanthia to get to the voice she hears in her head. The group is forced to tie her up, but she's safe at least.

The adventurers are forced to camp late in the evening, but the woman who is leading them - who's name turns out to be Rhavume - informs them that they'll reach their destination in the morning, but that trying to navigate the landscape in the dark is not something that anyone wants to be doing. It turns out she's quite right when she leads the party up what's practically a cliff face in the morning toward a mansion that sits atop it. It's a sprawling building, but Rhavume points to a little outbuilding. "She'll be sacrificing the slaves to the chalice to keep it evil." She eyes everyone. "I'm not going to help you fight her, but that's where she'll be."

"You don't have too, Rhavume.... but this kindness you showed us might be seen as defection. I hope you will be safe, but if not... Alexandria might have a place for you." Ezil's words bordering on being soft, taking time to look down at the mansion, and then to the others. "I don't have a plan for this, but we have to do something. We could return, but we are close to the horn, and given the Lady's plan.... we don't have the time."

"You'll get it back when the job is over." Shara says to the Mul as she puts the Rapier next to her lute. "Stay hidden. Also, if we don't make it back alive from the job, you're not getting sanctuary, Rhavume" Then Ezil speaks and she nods to Rhavume. "Like I said...keep hidden."

Cryo is tied up. After too many bad jokes, she's gagged. Oddly, she doesn't struggle too much, everyone is going in the right direction.

Faranmidahn watches the ensorcelled Sith as they travel rather like she failed to prevent a Jotun from stepping on a tarantula. A sigh and, she looks spends at least a mile on the hunt apologizing to the group for her... previous reoriantation. More like five, really. She looks at the compliant Mul' and nods, trying to smile, as the woman is merely a servant with a bad ruler. She does wonder, "How many guards would preside over such a ceremony, do you suppose?"

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls escape artist: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
Aftershock says, "You are not succeeding in freeing yourself. :"D But you hilariously TRY."

Cryosanthia had been carefully working on her ropes, slipping loops, pulling, keeping everything hidden. At last she was making her move!

Fwump. She falls over, somehow, tying herself up worse.

"mwfmfwrff" She's got her face in a hole.

Rhavume stares at Cryosanthia. "Do you want me to keep her with me? I mean I can make sure she doesn't escape and try to attack you guys from behind." It wasn't the /worst/ plan you've heard.

Ezil huffs a sigh at Cryosanthia, shaking his head. "When will that wear off?" he asks the others, looking back to the Mul-Prisoner with a shrug and half-smile. "I was hoping it wouldn't be an issue, but...." trailing off as he considers it. "If you would.... please indulge us as to what is waiting? Faranmidahn is right, if you know anything, it will help us." changing the topic as he thinks.

The mul woman shrugs. "It's your average slave pens. The door won't be locked because she'll be in there killing them. Big room, lots of slaves." She shrugs again. "What else do you want to know?"

The palescale sith-makar rubs her face around in the dirt, managing to get her gag off. It's muffled, but she can be heard to say, "Untie me, I can sneak you into slave pens. I know lots about slave pens! I won't betray you, I promise. I can find a way up that cliff, no problem!"

Zapolklnex is a little unhappy with this talk. "Slavery, sacrifices. Unpleasant things.It would give me a pleasure to disrupt such a thing."

Ezil says, "Would Knowledge/Religion help to understand the ritual?"
GAME: Shara rolls knowledge/religion: Trained Use Only: 0
GAME: Ezil rolls knowledge/religion: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Shara rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23
<OOC> Aftershock says, "OH CRYO"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Will save :3"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls will: (5)+3: 8

"Okay, okay, okay. Please, listen. Don't leave me here with her. She'll cut things in me." Cryosanthia pleads, managing to roll over on her back. She's still discretely struggling with the ropes, thinking that is out of sight. "I've been thinking, and, some of what I said to my best buddy, Lady Walrus. I'm not sure she can forgive, and I'm a really smelly lizard. So, I'm thinking. I... could get that horn for you. I promise! Then I'll take that sweet Alexandria amnesty deal. Have we got a deal? Huh? Huh."

Cryosanthia suddenly feels a MASSIVE swell of compulsion to get to the horn NOW! RIGHT THIS INSTANT.

Shara sighs. "keep her here." She then looks to everyone. "We need to get moving. they're trying to corrupt the horn. We've gotta get the horn away from the ritual before the priestess can cut someone's throat and make them an abomination. Let's go."

The white sith-makar jolts, struggling violently, trying to break her ropes."NOW. RIGHT NOW. LET ME GO RIGHT NOW. I HAVE TO GET THERE."

Faranmidahn frowns sadly but, to the Mul', "Keep her safe, Rhavume, and you will have surety. My word as a Knight." she says. Then starts Torrent forward...

The party ignores the struggling sith, leaving her with the mul who looks even less certain about her position than she had before. They make their way to the little outhouse that stands away from the main mansion. The door is slightly ajar as if whoever had opened it didn't care that much about closing it again. This leads the party inside and the smell is... unwashed lizard scent. Snakes in a box. Blood and a creeping smell that makes the skin crawl. The heroes come in to see that the priest has already been at his work. Killing slaves and draining their blood into the horn.

He holds one now, dropping the body to the side and holding the horn up as everyone all feels the sudden need to get the horn. To have it in their hands. It's a call that aches inside each person, a pull that's hard to deny. He looks toward them with an evil grin and picks up another slave. The scent of fear is so strong that even human noses can smell it. These sith are terrified. To terrified to stop the cleric as he picks up another of their number.

"You shouldn't have come."

<OOC> Aftershock says, "Okay the priest attacks the slave he's got in hand!"
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d6+6: (6)+6: 12

Even as all watch he dispaches the slave, cutting open the sith's throat and spilling their blood into the horn so that it over-fills with crimson colors.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "hmmm... I can grow claws, can I use these to cut the ropes, or an escape artist, or a combo?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "claws, happen, do they need damage, an attack roll?"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls escape artist: (9)+9: 18
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Nah. That's high enough to get free."

Cryosanthia struggles. She wants to be free. Not only is she convinced this mul'neissa is seconds away from giving her an 'oopsie', she's feeling pulled, in her blood. She must get to the ceremony. If only she could cut these ropes!

Her claws burst free, slicing them as she wriggles to freedom, stands and bolts towards the sacrificial shed.

Shara's the first into the shed and she curses. "GET IN HERE!" She yells behind her....and begins to sing with all her might.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d20+4: (13)+4: 17

Hearing the call to arms just in time to watch the monster steal another innocent life, Faran pulls, of all things her old, beaten skipball, holding it like a contemporary pitcher about to whip a knuckle ball and howls, "beagle" as she snaps the ball toward the horn in his hands, but to little avail. Wherever the ball hit, it sounded like she meant it, though. <unknown>

There's only slaves and Shara and him in here and the slaves are TERRIFIED

GAME: Zapolklnex casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Zapolklnex rolls 2d4+2: (4)+2: 6

Zapolklnex can't blast this priest with fire, which he would do with great pleasure. With a shout in Mul-accented Sildanyari of "Thus always to tyrants!" along with a little Eldritch speech, he flings a pair of magic missiles up and around, smacking into the priest, hopefully quite painfully.

<OOC> Ezil says, "I am going to risk a smite."
GAME: Ezil rolls weapon7+4: (17)+8+4: 29
GAME: Ezil rolls damage7+4: aliased to 1D6+3+4: (3)+3+4: 10

Ezil rushes into the fray, blowing past Shara as he makes to engage the priest before the others, taking his attention with force. "Even in the dark, Telmentar sees your evil! Be gone, and practice this dark magic no more!" his anger flashing at what he's seen. This is no community, this is madness! "Take him!" meaning it for once in his life. He wants this man dead.

Aftershock says, "Not having any actual weapons handy (minus the dagger) 
the priest is gonna go to his old standby! Turn friend to foe and splash blood on Ezil."
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14

The priest splashes some of the blood in the horn in Ezil's direction, but the man neatly evades the bloody spray. "I follow /Taara/ child. Your words mean /nothing/ to me." He takes a step back from Ezil however, clearly having a plan in mind.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls will: (3)+3: 6

Cryosanthia pounds along the ground. She's running for the shed. She has to get in there. The blood calls. It calls within her. She ignores everything to answer this, the music, the glimmering of Ezil's armour in the darkness, the giant spider she runs by, the small mul'neissa. She must get in there!

The white-scale bursts through the door, into her worst nightmare. The magic may compell her, but it can't keep the memories down.




Her friends. Her failure. Her first mission. Her fault.

Everyone. DEAD.

Everyone. Screaming. The bag of scales around her neck, thumps her chest. Her friends are always with her. She is always with them. She is here. Here. She never left. It NEVER stopped.

She SCREAMS. Her body wracking, a painful howl of hopeless terror. She's back, she'll never escape.

Shara is still singing to inspire her allies. it's clear SHE has something in mind as well.

GAME: Faranmidahn casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

Faranmidahn after failing with her arms, and not daring to risk using her bow with her allies so close to hand, the Lucht exends fore and middle fingers together, tracing a sideways figure eight in the air, "blrgl blrgl beagle bleh beagle bleh blah blah beagle blah beagle beagle" and from the center, a single white bolt of force shoots out toward the evil, evil man. <unknown>

Once firing off her spell, Faran kicks free of the special stirrups and slips down from the saddle a hand crossing for her long blade....

GAME: Zapolklnex casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Zapolklnex rolls 2d4+2+2: (4)+2+2: 8

Zapolklnex is motivated by Cryosanthia's screaming. He knows what this culture, this cult, is capable of, and he keeps right on firing, with a vengeance. Two more shots of pure force aimed at the priest, with perfect accuracy.

GAME: Ezil rolls weapon7+2: (20)+8+2: 30 (THREAT)
GAME: Ezil rolls weapon7+2: (16)+8+2: 26 (Confirmed)
GAME: Ezil rolls 2d6+6+2: (11)+6+2: 19
GAME: Ezil rolls intimidate: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
Aftershock says, "Alright, panicking a bit the priest will risk an AOO in order to do a thing! 
GAME: Ezil rolls weapon7+2: (2)+8+2: 12

Ezil doesn't know what the Priest wants, but he doesn't relent in his pursuit of justice. He dodges the blood splashed at him, that giving him the opening he needs as he darts into his foe, pretending to cut at the arm that's holding the horn so that he shifts, the uphanded swing not an attack, but a feint. Ezil had wanted to draw him out. The descent of the blade is his attack, biting off the other man's arm with his swipe. No, Ezil is not being nice. Not today. "Stop this madness!" as when the priest makes to do his ploy, Ezil's next swipe misses his mark, catching air.

The priest stares at the arm that fell from his body for a moment, then with panic in his eyes he moves forward, kneeling before the body he just slew and pouring blood down the throat of the sith-makar. A rolling pain courses through each one of you, your head swims with colors and agony. The horn is /SCREAMING/. The /wrongness/ of what is happening makes your skin run cold.

The corpse twitches, then slowly comes back to life.

The horn is CALLING to Cryosanthia. She can NOT ignore that. She wants to protect it. BUT the priest is not commanding her.

<OOC> Aftershock says, "You obey the horn. Kill that twice-blasted priest."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "please dice. I need this. Cryo needs this. grow claws, two natural attacks"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls weapon0: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls weapon0: (8)+7: 15
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

Cryosanthia is seeing red. Blood, everywhere. Her pupils have spread so wide her eyes have gone black. Her mind is full of anguish, and through it all she hears the horn. Calling to her. Wanting her to protect it.

From the priest. From the abuse. From this perversion.

She answers that call. She flies around Ezil, her hands growing into claws. She slashes, tearing at his throat. Her second swipe misses, as he's already falling.

The priest goes down.

<OOC> Shara says, "I don't think Saving Finale would work, would it?"
<OOC> Shara says, "So I'll do that. For Cryo, of course."
GAME: Shara casts Saving Finale. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls will: (14)+3: 17

The scream rattles Faran to her core, her knees sag as her free hand lifts to her head her scream joining in chorus with the Horn's. She sees Cryosanthia butcher, rightly so, the villain raising the dead. DEFILING her God's horn to no end! And she forsakes the sword to run toward the fallen relic, in her mind, through the blinding pain, swearing to bring the Hunter's precious trust back to his temple or die in the doing of it!

The moment that her hand touches the horn the blood vanishes. It's gone without a trace and everyone feels... better.




The corpse ceases to twitch and the horn sits warmly and calmly in Faran's hand. Everyone stands surrounded by fearful sith-makar who watch cautiously, waiting to be attacked by the softskins as well. Yet... as if they feel the horn too their fear begins to dissapate and they move towards the party slowly. Cautiously. Most of them can not speak, most of them even with the blessing of the god are too afraid or physically unable to speak. The rest though hum low in their throats, a low approving thrum.

Ezil looks to Cryosanthia as she cut into his dance with the Priest, causing him to fall in a blink at her interruption. He just stares as his friend's mind is freed, but he doesn't really understand what's going on. "I honestly thought you were gonna rake up my neck there, White-One.... but thank you. I think he's been well handled." he decides, bobbing his head, and looking about the room and toward the others as it dies down. "We done? We good? We need to go!"

In the distant background there is a rishing creshendo of bardic music, a loud climax, and a sudden stop. The music in her soul responds to that, there's a 'pop', and the twisted influence of the horn lets go of her mind.

Cryosanthia's full awareness returns, and the horror she is experiencing is still there.

"Nononononononononononono." Pieces of sith, everywhere. Dead eyes. Throats. Her people, dismembered, destroyed, butchered, cowering, terrorized. Blood. So much blood.

She can never make as many cuts as this priest has, but she has claws and she can try to make them on him.

The horn is making her feel warm, good, and safe, but it's pulling her out of a deep, deep, well of terror.

Zapolklnex was going to finish off the priest himself. Seeing the slaves, clearly full of fear. But then... Cryosanthia is acting. So he looks to the slaves. Pulling his hood off, pointing to them, and then to the door.

Faranmidahn is stupified by the sudden sense of warmth and peace she's washed by, so it's only after a few moments she stands, cradling the horn to her chest and turns, in time to hear the Sith at work, "Cryo-NO!" she cries, reaching out to try to stop her, though by far too late in all likelihood. She's probably gonna regret this choice....

Ezil shakes his head at Cryosanthia, knowing some of what anguish is going into that. He doesn't stop it, turning from the scene and walking towards Faranmidahn, and Zapolklnez as he pats the Mul's shoulder when he closes the distance. "You want us to take them with us?" he asks, but it seems to be a genuine tone. "We setting them free here, or we gonna break with them toward Alexandria? We already have one we promised... I can't... ignore these ones if we take responsibility now. The call is yours. I will do what you wish." he offers.

The priest is dead. The slaves are watching the party now, the thrumming has gotten louder as though the sith know what anguish Cryosanthia is feeling. A tail thumps. Then another. Soon the ground is thumping in rhythmic precision along with the humming. It sounds like something that belongs with the feeling that the horn is emitting. Still the sith say nothing however. They watch, and they wait.

Shara says, "I would take them to the forest north of Alexandria. Perhaps Un'eth and Durrankar will take them in.""

It's a long haul up from the dark depths. Faranmidahn is in the way, but the white-scale ignores and works around her. The horn has its work cut out for it. Cryosanthia does her bloody best. When she can no longer summon her claws, she stands over the man, her chest heaving. Her eyes are still shocked wide and black with her pupils.

Her voice is calm and serious, "Zapolklnex. Please burn this. Then. We must gather every piece and scatter it as we sail home, so he never is found and never is brought back.

She looks up. She's Red, splashed Red, everywhere, her expression is desperate and pleading. "They must come with us. I will not leave them. They Must. Heal who survives. Burn the remains of the others so they can't be abused."

GAME: Zapolklnex casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

Zapolklnex doesn't hesitate. He walks up to the... slashed priest, points his hands at the body, and mutters in Eldritch before shooting fire at the body.

Shara says, "We're not leaving them. I'm not going to leave any sith makar behind." She says as she starts out of the building. "Come on. Let's get moving.""

"Follow them. They protect. This one comes last." Cryosanthia says. <draconic>

Faranmidahn is red. Quite red. Well, her hair and leg fluff caught most of it, as she pleaded with the sith to stop, even though after a point, she knew it was pointless. She stares up at the palescale, torn at the hate, the anguish that must have fueled such a sustained rash of violence and she steps back, trying to process things, "What.... what of the house? Will there be slaves inside, what of them?" she asks numbly.

With a flick of his glance to Cryosanthia, Ezil smiles. The look doesn't last long, turning back to Zapolklnex with a a firm nod after he torches the Priest to cinders. "I remember someone here mentioning they would rather die than be caught here again." though it's actually two, but he's speaking of Zapo's words on the boat. "If it's that bad... I'd rather leave no one." Affirming the consensus that seems to be forming. "We got to hurry though, or the Little Lady Knight will of pulled the ship out of here. She's not waiting." he muses, turning to follow after Faranmidahn, and Torrent. "Our community grows."

It's Faran's words as she pauses and speaks up from ahead, causing Ezil a heavy sigh. "We can't save everyone. Not this time. The horn is with us, and we saved some.... but too much will stop our objective. I wish I could stay, but my place here isn't waging a war of ideology with this entire house. I hate to say it, Lady Knight. But.... we have to take the small win today. We can't risk the mission, or our lives so easily."

Shara looks to Faran and nods...before she looks to the former 'slaves'. "Were there any more?" <draconic>

"This early in the day all the slaves are here." This from the mul you left behind. She stands at the door now, looking at the slaves cautiously. They ignore her, gathering instead around the bonfire that they quickly make up of their own dead. They burn those bodies separately from the body of the priest. "But /she'll/ be inside. Or long gone. It's hard to say."

The slaves look startled when they're addressed, all of them looking at Shara as though she's grown a second head. It's a long time before one of them finally shakes a head slowly no. There were no more.

"Let's go then." Shara says to them before she looks to the group. 'Come on. We should get back.' <draconic>

"Do you truly think me so empty, Ezil?" Faran says, looking stricken. She collects her skipball, wiping it off before sticking it back into it's pouch, "I will not leave slaves within reach to languish." Maybe a little hurt, the small knight stomps out through the blood in her bare feet. She'll secure the horn in her saddlebags, but keep watch to see if they're activity is discovered. "This one would kill her." Cryosanthia says, helping the other sith-makar, then as she suggested, gathering the bones and ash of the priest to take along, and the dirt to be safe. She bundles it in his clothes.

"We have the horn, we have the ones to rescue. We have our witness of her atrocities. Let us tell Alexandria, let them demand Charnath put her to trial for attempting to provoke a war. Let Charnath punish her more than we could."

"No. Not at all, Faranmidahn. It's banter... to get the 'troops' moving." Ezil muses after Faran, shaking his head. "If I meant it, I'd of yelled after you." moving to follow the Lucht with an apologetic glance. "I mean not to insult your honor." his admission coming in a lower tone. "It was more a friendly jest." looking back to see if the group is staying together. "I don't think anyone here could be that heartless, Lady Knight. Not even our 'prisoner'." giving the female Mul a long look before turning away.

"We must get away. If guards pursue, kill them. If she pursues, kill her. We must get home, fast." Cryosanthia sounds resolute. "Lets go. I follow last. Someone else carry this garbage."

They are good words, and you leave quickly. Without any further delay. It's almost suspicious actually how easy it is to leave with so many sith-makar trailing you. They stay huddled together and stay as away from the mul's in your company as is possible. Even if Rhavme and Zapolenex helped you... their mistress had been an unkind one and they have little trust to give even their rescuers.

It's a long trek back to your ship, and eventually back to the village you helped save. Some of the sith stay there, to help rebuild, to begin their own lives. Warriors mostly, who plan to eventually rescue more slaves from Charneth. The majority however return with you to Alexandria. They're battered, they're weak, they're hurt, but the horn gives you all strength.

After so long in its presence it's almost hard to give the horn up, but it belongs in the temple. Every time you go there you know you'll feel it. Feel the thanks that it has for your rescue. The warmth of it's life filling the place up.

It feels like being home.

Ghoulish cp line.png

OOC Outtakes

Cryo throws down her rapier and bounds off with the others.

<OOC> Aftershock >.>" Someone might wanna stop Cryo.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I bet I can Epic fail a survival and ge stuck in a bush"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Cryo is really a cat stuck up a tree u.u"
<OOC> Faranmidahn says, "I can... try to go up and get her...."
<OOC> Aftershock says, "You can!"
<OOC> Faranmidahn says, "alright, so she's obviously enspelled?"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "YUP! She's CLEARLY enthralled."
<OOC> Faranmidahn says, "i'll ride her down with my lance. nonlethal since i'm lvl two blue rose an can do that without penalty :)"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Cryo are you chill with Faran doing that?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I think it's hilarious"
<OOC> Aftershock says, "Go for it Faran!"

To (Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn), Ezil pages: Cryosanthia is a good friend. A terrible captive, but a good friend.
To (Ezil, Cryosanthia), Faranmidahn pages: she's the most luvable captive we've ever taken
To (Cryosanthia, Faranmidahn), Ezil pages: This is true!
You paged (Faranmidahn, Ezil) with 'awww.. IC?'

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "well... hoping, that since Cryo has been in Charn, owned, imprisonned, tortured and has some kinds of PTSD about it, and all the sith fear scent and sith blood miiiight ... that it give me a massive system shock and another will save or snap me out of it? Or into a frenzy, or to just go for the horn anyhow to try and wrangle that deal she was talking about earlier?"