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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Wayfarer's Breakfast *Characters: Patch, Seldan, Eztli, Slixvah *Place: Wayfarer's Inn *Time: Sunday, September 03, 2022. *Summary: A busy morning at the Warfarer's Inn saw Seldan meet up with Patch and Slixvah to talk about a project they were wanting to work together on. Eztli arrived, bringing in a fresh hunt for the Inn's kitchens, and eventually discussion and breakfast were had.</div> Wa...")
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This information from Seldan makes the bird lady quirk her head to the side. "Siphoned? If it nearly killed folks, then I dunno if it was siphoned, but it could be a theory. Me thinks its getting blocked up, then breaks the dam, and crashes in violently. But that is somethin' we can explore if we check it out."
This information from Seldan makes the bird lady quirk her head to the side. "Siphoned? If it nearly killed folks, then I dunno if it was siphoned, but it could be a theory. Me thinks its getting blocked up, then breaks the dam, and crashes in violently. But that is somethin' we can explore if we check it out."
She gives a happy chirp that Ez was in on this. "It's just... ya know, last time magic got wonky, Animus goin' bye, /my/ magic was born. So, I got personal interest in this, yeah?"
She gives a happy chirp that Ez was in on this. "It's just... ya know, last time magic got wonky, Animus goin' bye, /my/ magic was born. So, I got personal interest in this, yeah?"
She shoots a fingergun to Eztli. "I absolutely do brew a mean cuppa. Stop by the Cheerful Corvid!" she advertises. "Anywho, let's get breakfast in us, yeah?"
She shoots a fingergun to Eztli. "I absolutely do brew a mean cuppa. Stop by the Cheerful Corvid!" she advertises. "Anywho, let's get breakfast in us, yeah?"

Latest revision as of 13:37, 5 September 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Wayfarer's Breakfast
  • Characters: Patch, Seldan, Eztli, Slixvah
  • Place: Wayfarer's Inn
  • Time: Sunday, September 03, 2022.
  • Summary: A busy morning at the Warfarer's Inn saw Seldan meet up with Patch and Slixvah to talk about a project they were wanting to work together on. Eztli arrived, bringing in a fresh hunt for the Inn's kitchens, and eventually discussion and breakfast were had.
 Wayfarer's Inn, Morning.

It's a lazy morning. It's foggy outside. The hunters that filled the inn have left to scour the now safer forests for game that has been sorely lacking. Though, there is a few souls lingering about. One is that of a beribboned eagalrin woman, her hands on her hips as she's got a number of books open on a table. She grinds her beak. "Seriously?" she grumbles. "Not one reference? Why do I even carry all of these fo' then?!" There's a small white plumed thrush on the table, dozing. "Because you're full of yourself."

"You are one to talk, little eternal being!" she jabs a finger at the teeny tiny birb.

The birb just flops over on its side, snoozing.

Patch had slept most the morning away. She'd taken some time to dress and pull up her hair, a capelet pulled on and tied in the time it took her to cross from the room to the spiral case of stairs. She's soon descending, a small compact taken from her pocket, and opened as she makes it to the ground floor. She takes a moment to check her hair and clothes again, seeming to like her day's selection, and snapping the trinket shut. "Slix, where'd you sit?" an eye seeking the Egalrin, and finding her with a smirk. "Did I miss breakfast? I know you tried to wake me." at least admitting to being difficult. In this circumstance. "Aww, and if it isn't.... a keeled Fidah."

The door opens again, to admit an unusual face here in these parts. Most of those who frequent this place are hunters or woodsy-type folk, light of armor and rugged. This one looks - lost. Fair as a spring day, blonde hair on the long side and touched with fire would be more than obvious anywhere, but in the woods makes him positively stand out. Instead of hunting leathers, he wears a simple shirt and trousers, loosely cut, and low boots beneath an open front robe, clasped at his chest, done in blue velvet and silver thread with depictions of various celestial beings stitched into it. The only sign of a weapon is a sword at his hip, ornate and of an outdated style.

Clearly not from around here.

All the same, he does not seem uncomfortable, instead stepping inside and letting his eyes adjust to the dimness. An unobtrusive demeanor, and one easily overlooked.

Slixvah, the red and white feathered egalrin woman with a rainbow of ribbons on her feathers, looks up from her looking over notes. "Hmm! Ah, ova here, Patty!" she calls out, waving. "Nope! Haven't ate yet. Sleep good, sleepy head?

I had ta crawl out from under ya!" she giggles

Fiadh is /out./

She looks to the entrance, seeing the wanderer that, well, wandered in. She takes note, gives them a light nod, and starts clearing the table up. "Jus' can find a darn thing 'bout what we was talkin' about! Gonna have ta hit up a library!"

Patch finds a smile at Slixvah's words, moving to take a seat and maneuver it so she can sit close, but not encroach on research and tomes. "Which talk? The leylines, or the workings of the normal sea of mana?" there being options to that question, but at least Patch catches on to the situation a bit quick.

"I slept great. Wanted to keep sleeping." Patch's tone warm as she looks about the inn once she's settled. "Seldan?" she asks in a low tone, the man entering causing her to reach a hand and poke at her red and white feathered friend. "Hey, Slix. That's him." trying not to draw too much attention. More, she has an idea.

Muttering something, a finger is raised to Patch's lips, but whatever she's saying is muted, absorbed by some distortion that is hard to see on her finger's tip. After the small magics had been weaved. "Onward." this spoken to herself, but there is a short message that will soon ring against Seldan's ears. She doesn't want to raise attention, not by calling loudly with names.

"Seldan, behind the stairs. We sit and see you, Friend." being what rides wind and hymn.

GAME: Patch casts Message. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13 

Whatever that spell did, Seldan's head snaps up, and he straightens, snapping to wary attention. Seconds later, he relaxes, and schools his expression into calm sobriety, and turns his steps towards the stairs, and the small table beneath them. A steady gaze goes back and forth between them, but the port-wine stained sildanyari he appears to recognize, bowing politely first to her, then to the other present. "Her light upon your path, Patch." His words are light in timbre, with a definite lilt to them that suggests Myrrish origins. "And to you also." It was the perfect set up for a joke at the pub, wasn't it? The doors open up into the inn, and a deer walks into the bar-

Assuming deer were capable of walking on two feet. closer than a cursory examination revealed that it was being carried on the back of a very bloody looking, small sith-makar, with the legs wrapped around each other to be carried. The deer was several times larger than the small makari, and once the door was open, she was quick to walk to the kitchens. One of the eye sockets of the lolling head was a charred hole. "Please excuse and pardon me for the interruption, I'll be right through. I was told to take this to the kitchens, that's all." Eztli offers to those she passes by.

The egalrin's wing wraps around Patch briefly before bobbing her head. "The former, yeah. Glad ya slept good!" She is poked. Huh? Though, unlike most people, she doesn't turn fully around to spy who she was speaking of. Just a glance. "Ooooooh...! You was right!" she giggles quietly to Patch. And he's approaching. The eccentric egalrin gives wave! "Her light on your path, hon!" she coos happily. "How's ya doin'?" She's about to go into her usual spiel of greeting, but the odd appearance passing by of a deer on a makari stymies her. "... uhh... hi...? Ez?"

Patch snorts a laugh at the situation, Eztli's appearance and the deer causing a piqued interest and raised brow. "That's sizable, Ez... damn." impressed with the Makari, and looking back to Slix. "Small world now that that we can roam, yeah?" musing still about being outside the city walls.

To Seldan, Patch smiles from the table, motioning to a seat. "Join us, Seldan. This wonderful woman here is Slixvah. I've mentioned her before." leaning into that woman's brush of wing and smiling. "We're talking about things if you wanted to join us."

A finger motions after Eztli. "I think you met them too." she mentions to Seldan, smirking and focusing her glance after the blue-toned woman. "Come back if you can! If... you can." hoping the Makari isn't too busy. "We're planning to have breakfast." then a glance flashed back to Slix. "Breakfast still good?"

The ebullient greeting appears to catch Seldan off-guard, and he blinks at Slixvah, but the mention of an "Ez" behind him does prompt him to turn around. A figure that he has indeed seen before, if perhaps less burdened. "An impressive hunt," he allows mildly, turning back towards the other two. "Yes, it is in my mind that we have met. I am well, and yourself? May I?" He gestures towards an empty chair, clearly waiting for permission. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

Eztli seems to be fine, though she's still too burdened to offer and sort of wave. "Hey Slix! And Patch and, I think it was Seldan, right? Good to see you all! Be back in a bit!" The small makari disappears into the back room for several minutes, returning without an entire deer hooked up on their back. Still, they looked like a colorful mess of whites, browns, purples and splotches of red as they return to the table.

"So, you all getting breakfast? Surprising to see you both out here at the same time for breakfast, is all." The small makari chuckles. "How's it going?"

Slixvah eye's crinkle in a happy smile. "Good ta hear! I'm grand! Nice ta meet ya! Slixvah Unmesi! Come sit with me and Pattie!" she pulls out a chair and stacks her books up. "Yeah, breakfast is grand, Patch!"

As Eztli vanishes for a minute, she fills in to Seldan. "Yeah! Patch sought me out ta figure what's up with the mana funk, yeah?"

She takes a seat as the mixed scale makari comes up. "Heya Ez! We uh-" a glance to Patch. "Crashed here for the night!" Her face floofs a touch.

Patch smirks at Slix's blush, the woman's ruffle of feathers making her look away sheepishly. "We did. It was a nice evening, whispering of work, and talking of things." she comments of the mentioned room and inn. "Do you want some help cleaning off?" She offers to Eztli, shifting in her seat, and smiling broader as the Makari joins them. "Just a little finger wag will have you shining and preening real quick." settling in once everyone seems to have found a place.

"So, Master Padaryn. What brings you here into this now bustling establishment?" Okay, it was busy, but not booming, Patch just likes her words.

Seldan, too, flushes, fair skin turning pink as the nature of the discussion becomes clear enough to him. He coughs, and clears his throat, forcing his eyes to remain on the others. He seats himself, and looks up at the makari.

"Peace upon your nest," he greets politely.

"I had sought supplies, but the matter you face is also of no small interest to me. I shall aid you as I may, although I must ask that my involvement remain quiet." Why, he does not say, merely leans back in his chair carefully and rests his hands in his lap. It's a fairly relaxed pose, and yet not entirely so.

"Well, glad you both had a good night then." The small makari grins. "And don't worry about it, I know a way to clean up, just didn't have hands free's all."

Eztli snaps her fingers once, with an accompanying statement of a simple "Scour." which cause their robes to billow for a moment with a faint smell of acrid smoke, as it looked like the blood and grime burnt away into nothingness.

"Ah, much better. Peace on your nest as well mister Seldan, I think it's been a while since I saw you at that library."

Slixvah clears her throat "Yep yep!", but she's swaying from side to side in her seat as she is unfazed. "Who's involvement?" she chirps, giving a knowing wink. "Anywho, I ain't got any readin's, but what I've been told is right odd. Sounds like stuff is damming up instead of flowin' round. Ya see, Mista Sel, the magics I know are kinda wonky already. Unexplored. Buuut, I think I gots a unique perspective fo' this. See, I was a wizard lass, but ain't, so this wibbly wobbly mana don't go properly is reaaaally interesting. And right up my alley!"

She kicks a chair out for Eztli after she gets cleaned up. "Oooh, now that's a fancy way of that happenin'!"

It's Seldan that causes Patch to laugh, turning to Slixvah to answer her question. "He's much of the same opinion as you on Miki, Slix." hoping that clarifies some things, her glance going back to the human. "We're working on getting some theorems together, and laying out the kinds of tests we'd like to conduct when we're out on site." the talk of work coming with a subtle shrug. "We will divide it between teams, Slixvah or I taking turns with Mikilos so he's watched."

As for Eztli, Patch claps lightly with a wry grin. "Oh, look at that." a warmth as she watches the magics work, and the Sith-Makar soon being cleaned without aid, and with her own flair and flash. "Always one for surprises."

Seldan's thoughtful and sober features light at the casual magic, a smile cracking the reserved facade. "A different means, but no less effective. Well done." He looks between the others, the smile vanishing quickly enough. "It is in my mind that Mithralla will offer you his knowledge, but is less likely to actively assist you," he remarks, his tone suggesting one who is choosing his words cautiously. "This would I ask you - if it does not flow, as a river, does it eddy, as its bank, or does it merely - stop? For mana does not simply vanish. It must go somewhere."

"Thanks Slix." Eztli grins as she spins the chair around to take a seat at the table. "Magic acting up? That's never a good thing. Magic may be fantastic, but its got laws, that's the first thing they teach you at pretty much any wizard college." She sighs. "Yeah, that's not a new thing that magic, but it sure is handy! I'm glad I learned how to do that a while ago. You need any help people watching?"

Slixvah smooths her crown feathers back. "Well, that's good. We're of tha same mind then 'bout 'im," she croons. "At least the Miki-mo-names will lemme use him like a book so I can do shtuff."

She gives the konked out birb a little belly rub with a finger before she steeples her fingers and rests her beak atop it. "You have the right of it, sugar," she snaps a finger gun towards Seldan, and another one towards Eztli. "It's got laws. And one of em's is that shtuff that blocks magic doesn't /actually/ block it. It sort just... scoots on around it like a rock in a river. But whatever the heck the leyline is doin'... it's almost like a dam is put there. It builds... then breaks all over itself until it comes to a rest."

She looks to Eztli, then glances to Patch to answer the question. Not her operation.

"It does have laws, why do you think when I saw it breaking them... I reached out?" Yes, Eztli is included, as she was at the right place and time, and Patch likes the lass. "If you want Ez, we have room for another. It's just some study and busy work, but things have gone wonky." the bard notes seriously. "I will give you some details later, but the gist of it is.... we used a anti-magic field scroll, correctly. And the explosion after near killed two people." that's something to ponder on, but she adds quickly. "I felt the recoil of mana in my body, Seldan. I know magic when I feel it, and the raw power was frightening."

"A ley line, you say. Dammed. Blocked. And yet, the area does not explode with raw mana," Seldan muses, seeming entirely intent on the matter at hand and nodding to Eztli. "It is in my mind that that magic is being siphoned, although crudely. To what end, and by whom? An explosion after anti-magic is most unusual. A release of raw power that resisted the negation?"

"Yeah that, that doesn't sound too good. Takes something big to block a large amount of mana like that, and not be broken easily." Eztli muses, frowning a bit now. "I'd be happy to look into it and help how I can, but I'm really know scholar. Less it's some dragon that's eating all the magic in the area or something like that, then it's not my area of expertise." "This sounds like something I should have a coffee to think about with. Shame Slix isn't working here to make me a cup, I've heard she makes them real nice."

This information from Seldan makes the bird lady quirk her head to the side. "Siphoned? If it nearly killed folks, then I dunno if it was siphoned, but it could be a theory. Me thinks its getting blocked up, then breaks the dam, and crashes in violently. But that is somethin' we can explore if we check it out."

She gives a happy chirp that Ez was in on this. "It's just... ya know, last time magic got wonky, Animus goin' bye, /my/ magic was born. So, I got personal interest in this, yeah?"

She shoots a fingergun to Eztli. "I absolutely do brew a mean cuppa. Stop by the Cheerful Corvid!" she advertises. "Anywho, let's get breakfast in us, yeah?"