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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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Cryosanthia, grab some beer or soapy water and fling it
Cryosanthia, grab some beer or soapy water and fling it
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
<pre>GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)</pre>
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[[Category:Logs|Wiser Eyes Please]]
[[Category:Black Pools|Wiser Eyes Please]]

Latest revision as of 04:10, 24 September 2020

Log Info

  • Title: Wiser Eyes Please
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia, Aftershock, Zeke
  • Characters: Cryosanthia, Zeke, Merek, Asmli, Un'eth, Azog, Aetheras, Elleandra, Seldan, Faranmidahn, Konstance, Shagara
  • Place: A07: Fernwood Pub
  • Time: Thursday, March 26, 2020, 12:58 PM
  • Summary: Just read it
    • You're on your own
    • Shocking cliffhanger ending, twice

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A07: Fernwood Pub *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The common room of the Fernwood Pub dominates the inn, spacious and airy because of the high, vaulted ceiling. Ornately carved beams of dark, polished wood form a lattice overhead, supporting the arched roof two storeys above the floor. To the right of the double-door entry is a spiral staircase, winding upwards to a balcony that rings and overlooks the main area. Large windows at this level grant an excellent view of the river to the west and colorful market stalls to the north and east. An air of coziness is salvaged by keeping the pub dimly lit; parchment-shrouded mana lanterns hang at intervals from the base of the balcony, nestled amongst lush, magically propagated ivy and ferns that grow over this false demi-ceiling and the struts that support it.

The bar is sleek and simple, comprised of meticulously polished black lacquer. Tables are set under the darker niches formed by the balcony floor as well as on the balcony itself. A few are deliberately sized to accommodate halflings and gnomes, but the majority are meant for human-sized individuals. A large common table is on the main floor, set before a semi-circular stage situated against the western wall. Beside it, with pipes mounted upon the wall and running up past the balcony and almost to the ceiling, is a refurbished pipe organ made to look like the one lost when the Fernwood was destroyed during the Merkabah Siege.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  At a glance around A07: Fernwood Pub  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'7"     245 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, lithe white lizardgirl with tattoos.
Zeke         6'8"     239 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A blue-scaled sith-makar in shadowy robes
Merek        5'10"    215 Lb     Human             Male      A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.
Asmli        4'2"     178 Lb     Storm Dwarf       Male      Blonde khazad with a dwarven urgrosh.
Un'eth       6'2"     275 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    An ebon-scaled female Sith-makar
Azog         7'0"     350 Lb     Orc               Male      A huge male orc with long black hair in a topknot.
Aetheras     5'9"     150 Lb     Shadow Elf        Male      Vast-touched: obsidian eyes, deep bronze skin, dreads.
Elleandra    5'4"     108 Lb     Wild Elf          Female    Blue-haired, green-eyes, Sylvanori in green leather.  
Seldan       5'11"    187 Lb     Human             Male      Red-blonde Eldanar man wearing Eluna's colors and symbol. 
Faranmidahn  3'3"     35 Lb      Halfling          Female    Albino Lucht woman in black leather armor with a BIG spider
Konstance    6'2"     240 Lb     Human             Male      A human with blonde hair and blue eyes
Shagara      6'10"    320 Lb     Orc               Female    Large oruch female with long hair

Today is a little dreary, a light, cold rain, a mild wind. Overcast enough that everything seems grey and washed out, not so dark as to be exceptionally striking in the sense of stark, dramatic shadows. It's a day where it feels like the weather has a hangover, barely rolled out of bed, and is putting in the minimal effort of showing up.

Inside the Fernwood Pub, things are more pleasant. The pub is very clean! In part this is due to some nervous energy on the part of the sith-makar server. She woke up late, but then spent a lot of time with her Apprentice Cheating gloves wiping everything down. This was part a necessary deep clean, and part a test. The pub passed the test.

The lunch rush has come and gone, the plates have been cleared. A few patrons are about with coffees and small snacks, and the sith-server and the human-server are hanging about looking for things to do.

After the debacle last night, Zeke had taken up the offer of staying in the tavern for the evening. It was an opprotunity that allowed him to remake his maps as best as he can from memory and what scraps remain of the orginals. This time he made a few copies, tucking them away into his robes and finally heading down to the main tavern. As the blue-scale sith comes down the stairs he takes in the overly clean tavern which has yet to pick up in buisness just yet, and takes a place near the fire for the warmth. With that done he pulls out three of the maps he has made and begins to pour over them looking for whatever information that he might glean from them.

With so few coustomers Zeke is almost immediately approched by a server, and he quitely requests something to break his fast with and some tea to go with it. He doesn't seem picky about what it is that he gets as long as some of it is meat.

Merek has taken the time to put on his dark attire, which is adjusted about him, from the tunic that comes to the waist, as well as the trousers with a lot of pockets, a belt wrapped about it. His comfortable boots are on, while he wears a bard's hat, coming into the place to see what's on the menu, finding a nice place to settle in, looking to it. He motions to a waitress, "I will take a blackberry mead, along with... Chicken on a stick," he says, nodding a bit. He then takes a scroll which he writes on, then places a vial on the table, mixing herbs as well.

GAME: Merek rolls profession/herbalist: (19)+8: 27

The door opens about halfway, and appears to bump into something. "What is it with the goddamned doors being so big? Fucking thing!" Asmli's voice floats through the narrow opening before it closes again, and there's a small shuffle outside. <khazdul>

The order is taken by the Fernwood's human server, but it is Cryosanthia that shows up with it. She drops off Merek's Blackberry mead and the chicken on a stick then moves over to Zeke's table. She sets down a tray and moves over some plates with Toast, eggs, bacon and sausage, a decent amount. There's a glass of orange juice, and a coffee. She sets it all down in front of the blue-scale sith-makar, nudging the coffee specifically, "Peace on your Nest, did you sleep well? We're boiling the scales out of the water, after freezing it. The coffee is safe."

Hearing the door, and the Khazadi swearing, Cryo starts towards it to assist, "Back in a sec."

Zeke looks up as the food is brought to him, blinking twice at the sight of Cryosanthia being the one that brought it to him. "Peaasssce on your nesst." It seems that in dire times coffee might be safer than tea. He lets out a slightly sad sigh, but accepts the coffee in the good nature it is meant for him. He tastes it and shakes his head. "Thissss one did not sssleep. There isss too much that needsss done."

Indeed the blue-scaled sith looks tired, and he probably needs the coffee he's now drinking quietly. He nods to Cryosanthia to go on about her buisness; eyeing the door a touch suspiciously, but returning to his maps even as he begins to eat.

"Thank you, Cryosanthia," a smile. Merek then takes a moment to place sauce on the chicken on a stick, while he takes a bite from it, then he follows with a little drink of the mead, placing more herbs skillfully into the mix. He does seem to be content with that, while he asks of the woman, "You doing alright?"

The khazad swearing outside seems to have some problems opening the door, but after a few seconds of argument, he seems to work out whatever the issue is, and leans a wooden crutch into the door to hold it open. He walks awkwardly, a crutch supporting his left side, but he seems to be struggling a little with the right one as well. It moves as a leg should, but he somehow does not seem to entirely obey him. Nevertheless, he manages the door by the expedient of pinning the door open with the crutch and then a burly shoulder, holding it open until he can work his way through it. He pauses once inside, blinking and looking around in the way of one who has not been here before.

More interesting is the look of the khazad himself. Instead of the usual artisan apron or armor, he wears only shirt, trousers, and boots, and a steel chain around his neck. He's shaved the sides of his head, leaving a rather wild blonde mop almost like a mohawk atop it, and his beard is nothing but blonde stubble, clearly still growing out.

Un'eth enters the establishment for an unprecedented second consecutive day. Her arrival and purpose is less searching, this time, though she still scents the air and glances passingly over the patrons. On this occassion, she moves to a table and, somewhat awkwardly, takes a seat at said table.

Cryosanthia wasn't quick enough to get to the door to help Asmli enter. Once he's in, she greets him, "Asmli! Peace on your Nest, Welcome to the Fernwood. Come over here, if you would, there's someone I want you to meet."

She's leading him to Zeke.

Passing by Merek, the white-scale sith says, "No, not alright. This one needs you. Details soon."

She glides into a seat beside Zeke, leaning and speaking in a low voice, "Asmli is a fellow adventurer, injured on the Plane of Fire. I told him about your arm and leg. He needs to see how beautiful and strong you are, he got his replacement, I think and needs hope it will work out. Eat, you look tired. I need to do a few server things"

"Peace on your Nest, Un'eth" Cryo calls, approaching Un'eth table, "Is there anything you would like to eat or drink?"

An orc walks into a bar. The punchline is, it's Azog, and that's no joke. The massive orc enters and looks around for a place to sit, scanning the early afternoon crowd with a look of concern. Or perhaps constipation.

Merek looks then to Cryosanthia, and nods a bit, while he seems to think about it, "Ah, of course," he says, then he nods a bit to the woman as well. Then he takes a bite of his food, while he waves to Un'eth, a look to the newcomers thoughtfully.

And upon yours, young one," Un'eth responds to Cryo. Her tail has issues thumping the floor in her uncomfortable sit, so her head bobs, instead. "Ssa. A recipe was spoken of the past night, with chicken? I would have some of this." If her cihuaa is going to be transcribing and/or integrating new dishes, she should at least sample the original source. Purely for comparative analysis, of course.

Being totally engrossed in his maps Zeke is somewhat surprised when he is approched again, but his excellent sense of perception means that he's not /surprised/. Which is just as well. Thus he looks up as Cryosanthia approches, noticing the dwarf with her and there's a question on his face even as she answers it. Understanding comes with a wash of surprise and, faintly embarrassment. Zeke lifts a claw toward his left, crystaline arm, thinking to cover it, but stops himself before he can actually do so. Instead he waves to Asmli.

"Peassce on your nessst Assmli. Thisss one offersss you greetingssss. Join thisss one and break your fassst." Zeke waves to the food which Cryosanthia was kind enough to bring more than enough of. There are three maps in front of him.

Aetheras wanders in, zeroing in on Cryo, whom he goes over to greet, glancing at all the other Siths first, then giving Asmli a heart-hammer greeting.

"Someone told me you've a lock that's sticking, that true?" he asks Cryosanthia.

Asmli laughs good-naturedly as Cryosanthia goes rapid-fire at him. "Are you a sith-makar or a woodpecker?" He starts in that direction, but clearly, this isn't easy, and will take him enough time that the sith-makar can have their quiet conversation before he arrives. When he does, he looks Zeke up and down with bright, amazed brown eyes. "Those are ... wow. Um, peace on your nest, and thanks." He clearly isn't that used to dealing with the sith-makar, but the gaze is both open and clearly impressed. "Naw, I ain't hungry. The Defense is feeding me ... but I wouldn't mind an ale."

Azog moves to an unoccupied table, settles down on the chair, which strains but accepts his weight. He will call for water and stew, or whatever is on the fire.

"It'sss ssaaah... Elly still sleeps, there is some leftovers that could be warmed, they would not be best as fresh. I will see what I can find." Cryosanthia dips her head respectfully.

She moves by Azog on the way to the kitchen, stopping in front of him, staring in his face. He's one of the few she has to look up to, although since he's sitting down now she doesn't have to. She holds her gaze for a moment, then gives him a light thump on the shoulder. "Hello Azog. Sit with Merek please, there's some things I'll need to tell."

She moves on to the kitchen, speaking through the door to the chef.

"No, no stuck lock Aetheras? I don't think...."

An ale is picked up at the bar, two. Oh heck, she gets a giant sized one for Azog which is dropped at Merek's table. She points it out to the Oruch, so he knows it's for him. "You don't want water Azog, I'll explain momentarily."

Cryo and two ales make it to Zeke's table.

It's easy to tell what impresses Asmli. Zeke is clearly unused to such attention and it makes his tail flick behind him nervously. The blue-scaled sith ducks his head, his black horns shining in the light of the morning fire. "Ale then." It's not difficult to make sure that some is brought to the table, and Zeke makes a motion toward the table with his right claw. "Join thisss one warrior-cassste." He doesn't seem to know exactly what to say. Being social is not Zeke's forte.

Aetheras tilts his head, nods, mutters something in Undercommon but seems fine. He then goes to his default mode of staring at the Sith while pretending not to stare at them.

"Thank you. That will do well," Un'eth assures Cryo. After the white-scale moves off, so does Uneth's attention. Snout and eyes pan promptly towards the oruch, and remain there.

Merek finishes up with the chicken, then he takes a drink of the mead, with a look to Azog, and to Cryosanthia, blinking a bit. A little nod while he waits, looking to people.

Azog will get up from his table and go over to sit in front of the mug that's been left for him at Merek's table. He'll nod a greeting as he settles and sips the beer thoughtfully. "More otyughs in the well?" he wonders about the water. Catching Un'eth's glance, he nods in greeting, but doesn't stare. He asks Merek, "What's this about, then? Or some surprise?"

"This ale is for you." Cryo pushes one of the mugs towards Zeke. "Asmli, this is the Shaman Caste I was telling you about. I am glad to see you so far from the Soldier's Defense. I have some information about the attack that happened there a few days ago."

The white-scale sith stands beside Zeke, tall and calm in her ripped and repaired leather armour, with the pub's apron overtop. It's a strange uniform and an unusual look, but she feels comfortable and in charge here, the pub is her space, and nearby sith might scent that, in particular Zeke.

"Close Azog. Un'eth, Aetheras, this will interest you too. It relates to Kol's attacks. Zeke has been mapping them, and determined a pattern."

"It relates to the Cistern. There are things in the water. Last night, Faranmidahn, a Lucht knight, solved it at great risk to herself. She cast a Detect Magic on the water, and it reacted like the plague, engulfing her. She kept the spell up, to determine it's secrets. It is Universal Magic. There are entities, contaminations, of Universal Magic in the water supply beneath Alexandria, and the concentrations and pathways assist Kol's appearances, and relate to demons attacks and citizens vanishing as well."

While Cryo is speaking, the human server shows up with the food orders for Azog and Un'eth. The stew is new, but the chicken for last night... re-warmed delight.

"Thanks." Asmli grins easily in response to Zeke, but actually accepting the invitation requires a bit more effort. Leaning on the crutch, he carefully - and not without a wince - uses his left foot to push out the chair, then seats himself sideways, turns, and pulls his right leg under by a mix of it and pulling on his trouser leg. It's clear that he does not have a good command of that right leg, but he peers at the maps with interest.

"All the attacks congregate around the underground cisterns and waterways." Cryo elaborates a little more.

Merek looks then to Cryosanthia, and nods to Azog, "I imagine that's the why," he says, then he takes a moment to consider. "If that is the case, the plan I said which I came up with, will likely be a bit managable with information like that." He finishes up that mead, "I am planning a thing that will make sure we will be able to win next time we fight Kol."

Azog peers at Cryo, but nods. "More treachery from wizards," he grumbles, though he tends to label all arcane casters as wizards. In this case, he obviously means Kol. "What's he up to, then?" he asks Cryo. Merek's got his attention, though, if he has a strategy that can win. "It will have to be you. I was unable to hurt him. A normal man would have been cut in half. An elephant would have been cut in half." He was laying the smack down pretty hard, with no result, a thing that frustrates him very badly. "What will you do?"

Zeke's maps are all of Alexandria. One is covered in plain black dots. MANY of them. So many. One is covered in black dots, red dots, and blue dots. A great many red dots, a lot of black dots, and a few blue. The last is a map of Alexandria's sewer system. All of them are clearly hand-drawn, but likely traced from an original. Which one of them was, and the rest traced off of one another. Thus they're reliable, and easily read if one knows anything about maps.

The blue-scaled sith nods to Cryosanthia, agreeing silently with her words, but clearly a little uncomfortable with the attention. He shifts the ale so that it is seated closer to Asmli and focuses on his hot coffee instead, but he's stopped eating for the moment since it seems there will be conversation. "Thisss one hass made mapsss. The disssappearancesss do not cooincide with the waterwayssss, but the attacks do." Zeke's voice is calmer than he feels, particularly when his words draw more attention to him. He pushes the maps to the center of the table so that all can see them. "Thissss one would be interesssted to hear any plansss."

"The abomination?" The mention of the vampire is enough to pry Un'eth's attention from Azog, though it need not move far as he is invited to join, as well. She rises, far more comfortable standing than on the chair, anyhow, and steps to approach. Another glance is given to the oruch. "Is it wise to share words with this one, who is so focused upon cutting others in half?"

"We need to take a few things to consideration. He's a vampire that can manage most weaknesses of his kind, although I learned about him still be weak to abilities that call the weaknesses," Merek mentions, then he peeks to Un'eth, then looks to Azog, "I think Azog would like to win as much that most would." A little nod a bit to Cryosanthia.

"The waterways, this makes the plan a little easier, although we'll need magicians as well as guardsmen. I am planning to create a warding that will be a system to call people to fight and also call upon his weaknesses when he's meets them. Think of this like an advanced magic circle, can someone find if Seldan's about, ask him to come by? We will need as many people with knowledge of the divine as possible." The man nods a bit, "Either way, it will seal the city in a water circle, magically. It won't be easy."

Merek does add, "With divination we could also make this crazy easy by divining the next assailing in addition."

Azog says to Uneth, "I am focused on cutting the villain in half, but he's got too much magic, so there's nothing I can do. If you don't like that, you're welcome to that opinion. I /can't/ do anything anyhow, so there's no point to me participating in this discussion. You magic people do everything you like in this town and the regular folk get what you give them." He leaves his meal untouched and gets up from the chair, prepaing to go.

Asmli sits up at Azog's complaint, having just picked up his ale. "Know what you mean, but the Adamant Tower figures we can manage well enough anyway, right?" He takes a long drink, then sets the ale aside. "I've seen mundane strength beat magic afore."

"Involve Azog in your plans Merek." Cryosanthia says, pointing at the oruch.

"Yes." The palescale answers Un'eth without hesitation. "He is... resolute. This one knows him. He is a strong ally, stronger with the right support."

"Azog. Stay. Kol will make you flee him like a coward, or use you as a weapon against us. You must be part of the plans. Also. Do not turn down the food I have given you. I will not serve you again."

Zeke rises from his seat and goes to the back of the bar. It's simple enough to ask for a runner, and he does so. It won't be long before Seldan arrives. He returns to his seat as Azog prepaires to leave, his eyes showing his confusion a the warrior's abrupt decision to leave. One would almost think Azog... beaten? Zeke sits down in his seat quietly. "Thisss one takesss it, that thisss isss the warrior-cassste that was taken over by the vampire?" He blinks slowly at Azog. Blinking once with his outer lids and once with the inner. It's a considering look. "Do asss you will warrior-cassste. Perhapssss a better plan would sssserve you well, but thisss one will not forssce you to the fight."

"Let him leave if he wishes," Un'eth supports Azog's decision with a snort. "If he can only harm, and only those who would stand with him, and not this foe, he is most useful elsewhere."

Merek thinks about it a moment, then he stands up, while he nods to Cryosanthia, "Already was planning that." He then looks to Azog, "If we know he's coming, I can prepare the blessing, in addition to the ability to place a magic circle on people. It will keep folk from being controlled, I will be able to prepare it for him if we know he's about."

He then looks to people, "And for anyone else, I will see we have equipment that will protect people. He might bring Yukia with him. And if we manage to win, we might bring the Fae Queen to the fight. We will need to be prepared if we really want to fight." He points to Un'eth, "No talking like that. We must all stand together!" He takes off the bard's hat. Then he nods a bit to folk, "We'll need to bring Mikilos, there will be a way to fight. I will make pretty sure of that. You all have seen it, we can fight him

Azog grumbles to Asmli, "A normal opponent, yeah. Not this one. I crossed swords with him, and he laughed at my attacks. There's not anything else I can do, so I'm useless in this situation, and a threat to others if he clouds my mind and no one can uncloud it like the other night. I almost killed an ally and I couldn't stay my hand. Do you think I -wanted- to? I'm a vulnerability to the city, and so I'll stay clear so it doesn't happen again." He nods at what Uneth says, though he says, "If a wizard clouds my eyes, I need one to uncloud it. But you've got your own solution that doesn't require me." He peers at Merek, then back to Uneth. "I think I'm not welcome here. So, I will leave."

"Not like I'm likely to fight much of anything, anytime soon, but you know your own mind." With that, Asmli subsides into silence, drinking his ale and listening. Clearly this discussion is all past his understanding, and the more he looks at the map, the clearer that becomes.

With a bit of extra spring in her step, Elly practically dances down the stairs. She lets out a sigh and looks back up where she came from for a moment. If she's aware of anything else in the world, she doesn't show it. Only after a considerable length of time does she really see the rest of the room, calling out to her many friends who are already here, "Hellllooo!" But she cannot linger, as work is calling her, so off she goes to get to work on the food.

"He is," Cryo answers Zeke, staring at Azog, still and expressionless. It looks accusatory, to anyone who doesn't know sith-makar. To another sith, she smells worried, concerned. Cryosanthia knows her usual 'softskin tookit' doesn't work well with oruchs. No humour, compassion only in very specific circumstances. A needle that's hard for her to thread. "Azog. This is the Fernwood Pub, you are welcome here. I ran from you and have no illusions what would have happened if you caught me. I have felt those magics before. I understand. Stay and eat, so we make sure clear minds are part of the plan."

Zeke is uncertain what to say. If the ourch does not wish to be a part of the ongoings... "It is wrong to forssce him to sstay." He nods to Azog, to accept the other's choice in this way. "Whatever hisss choisce, we have need of thissss plan. Go on then, and ssspeak of it." He makes a motion to ward Merek whom Zeke seems still somewhat uncertain of, but the other has a plan, and Zeke will listen to it.

The door to the Fernwood swings wide, and Seldan strides through it, pausing a few feet inside the entrance. The shoulders of his cloak are wet, anda few droplets of the rain that has started follow him into the room. He looks from face to face, curiously. "I am sent for?" he asks of the room in general, and there's a pinkness to his skin and a heaviness to his breath that suggests that he came at the run.

Azog turns to Cryo, and is about to decline the food when his belly rumbles, and he grumbles and returns to his seat. "I will sit and eat," he says. "I am no part of any plans, though, I know when I am useless. I could no more lift a mountain or slay a river than have any positive effect on this fight. But I will eat the food and listen to your plans." He begins to eat.

"Yes. Peace on your nest Seldan, sit anywhere." Cryo moves over to the paladin, following him to his table of choice, catching him up on the details in quiet words.

Merek looks then to Azog, while he thinks about it a moment, "Well, fight when you can, and win where you can. Skies," he says, then he looks to the patrons, thinking about it. He seems thoughtful, "We need to create a source of water, to encircle him, that can be prepared when he's appearing, we need to prepare sunlight magic, need a circle of willing fighters. The preperation of a magic circle, which I can manage, will assist in keeping people safe from control of mind. We will need people with skill in divine magic. Before that all, we will need to learn where he will be." There's a nod to the woman, Cryosanthia, "Would you explain the situation to Seldan?" he asks, when Seldan is about. Then to Cryosanthia, "And please tell people that we managed to fight Kol back, need to give people inspiration!"

Zeke rises briefly as Seldan enters the room, lifting a claw toward the man and welcoming him to the table. He makes room for Seldan at his side, where Cryosanthia can explain the details of what happened, and what little of a plan has been made up this far. The plan itself is... unclear to Zeke, but then it may be difficulty in understanding tradespeak. "Ssso. You want to make a wall of magicssss, to trap the vampire within? Sssa thisss sssoundss difficult. But, thisss one may know where to find him nesssxt."

Elly does what she most often does when she comes after the main press of a rush. She relieves the chef and focuses on the task at hand: convincing people to eat more. "These adventurers are all talk and no eat," she says to herself. Well, she loves a challenge. She settles on a two prong attack: first, she is going to out-flank those enjoying warm drinks. She prepared for this in advance, and everything is now ready. She says nothing, but when she sets down three different cakes--chocolate, carrot, and strawberry cream--behind the bar where they can easily be seen, it serves as announcement enough to draw several eyes.

Cryosanthia nods to Azog. Her blank look moves to Merek and she observes him for a short time before sitting down across from Seldan and beside Zeke. She places one of her hands on his crystal one, and holds it as she speaks to the human. She relays the information as succinctly as she can. "A few days ago Kol Demontyr appeared outside the Soldier's defense with shadow demons for everyone present. He called to us as friends and welcomed attacks. Merek, Azog, a bard I don't recognize, and Un'eth's cihuaa responded. They attacked both Kol and his demonspawn, physically and with spells in an uncoordinated way. Zap, Ezil, Lysos and I were present, and barely managed a fighting retreat with assistance from the others. Azog was compelled to strike Durrankar, did so several times. Merek drove the vampire off with sunlight, directly in his face, and the healers in the Soldier's defense managed to break Azog's compulsion."

"None of the adventurers present had anything ready to deal with him." The white-scale sith emphasizes.

"Last night, here, while examining Zeke's map we determined the attacks, demon attacks, and citizen disappearances were tied with the Cisterns beneath the city, and the sewers. These maps." She shows Seldan the work Zeke has done, all the blue, red and black dots. "Experimenting with the water, Faranmidahn determined there are things in it, Universal Magic, which behaved the way the plague does."

"This one would very much like an explanation of what Universal Magic is, should anyone know."

-All- of Seldan's curiosity and confusion vanishes in an instant, as if sucked down a drain, at the mention of Kol, to be replaced with the cool, intense focus of a paladin on the warpath. "Peace upon your nest, Cryosanthia, Zeke. Kol Demontry showed himself again?" He does not seat himself, nor does he call for food and drink. There is not an ounce of his usual relaxed good humor that was present even in places on the trip to Nishabad. He is -all- business in a way that only Zeke will have ever seen before, peering down at the maps even as he listens to Cryosanthia's tale. "The Soldier's Defense? What did he want ... or what did She want? Do they now toy with us for the joy of doing so?" His tone says he thinks that unlikely.

"Things that behave as the plague does, but does not pass the plague? Or does it?" His gaze snaps up to Cryosanthia, with deadly focus, but no anger.

"I wouldn't call it sunlight," Merek mentions, then he looks to Cryosanthia with a nod, a look then to Seldan, "He was appearing in front of the place, not actually trying to get into it. Doing what he does usually, which is bring things to fight. I think he was looking to kidnap people again," he admits.

It's time. After what can only be described as bathing... intent and through near the point of unhealthiness and a troubled sleep only was cured by... well, one of the senior knight's alchemical draughts, a tall Lucht in leather armour and spiderweb cloak enters the pub, then turns to push the door closed, "I'm sorry I'm late Miss Cry-!" and she turns back and sees a MOB of adventurers well her senior, some she knows from her first run in with the villainous vampire, "..aaaaaaaah..." Gulp, "Hi!"

Merek does look to Cryosanthia though, "Inspiration," he says simply, at the way she phrased all of that.

"It grew as we cast magic on it, as Faranmidahn used her Detect Magic on it. She stared into this a long time. The water grew to the size of a small dog. Faran is a lucht, she was drowning in water inches from the fireplace. It moved, changed colour to black, burned like acid. She was engulfed, I was elbow deep, we did not catch the plague." Cryo explains.

The sith hears the bang of the door, looks over, grins in recognition. She immediately moves from where she is across the pub to scoop up the small knight and hug her. "Do your ears burn? This one has been praising you, the most heroic. Come sit, eat." She sets her down.

"Thisss one believessss that the thing that came forth from the water /wasss/ the plague." Zeke offers this quietly. "Thisss one hasss ssseen the plague-creaturesss many timesss. Thisss looked exactly like one, or like it wasss becoming one to be more exact. Given thisss information thisss one believesss that it iss posssible that the sscity water hass been infesssted with the plague sssomehow. And if you look at thessse two mapsss, you can sssee that the cisssternss for the scity lay beneath the Ssssoldier'sss Defensssce, and the Temple Dissstrict which have seen the mossst attacksss."

Zeke points to the maps and shifts them a little closer to one another with his free hand. His tail is ridgid behind himself, a small thrum of fear keeping him from moving. The emotion is settling slowly, but his eyes keep flickering toward Cryosanthia. Then back to Seldan. "Thisss one believesss that usssing thessse mapsss we can figure out where the vampire isss mosst likely to appear nesxt."

In short order, Elly starts receiving orders. Not from the adventurers, admittedly, but she's not sure how she'll get past all their vampire talk. At least she's not sure yet. Instead, she begins sending out slices of cake to those who are just here to drink tea or have lighter conversations. With more than a bit of mischief in her mind, she directs the half-sil server to take a big slice of the chocolate cake and set it in front of Cryo and Zeke, along with two forks. She's made a point of decorating it with strawberries cut cunningly into the shape of hearts.

"The city water is infested with it?" Seldan listens intently, but if it's possible for the alabaster skin to go paler still, it does. "Then there is but one thing to do, for there is a known and simple way to be rid of a plague bubble, and this must be done ere we move against Kol, lest we be defenseless against him. Fill the cistern, the water supply, with soap, and agitate it that the water be made soapy. None must use the city water in this time, and we must rely on the Temples to create enough water to serve the populace for a day. But, if this is done, and the water made soapy, and left within the cisternsf or a full day, that should be enough. Flush and refill the cisterns, and learn whether they return of their own."

Faranmidahn still feels a little unsure of herself in the wake of the wake of last night, but as the Lucht rose eyes sweep along those gathered, she somehow misses the incoming sure of Cryosanthia and she lifts a hand to wave, "Hel-eeep!" and she is suddenly scooped up into an embrace. As her bare, fluffy feet dangle well off the ground, the little Knight's startlement becomes relief and gratitude as she encircles the sith's neck with her arms for a fond squeeze, "I'm glad you're all still alright!"

"I don't think we should announce all this about the whole city in this pub without talking to the people in charge of the water supply, I admit," Merek mentions, while he offers a wave to Faran, then a nod while he thinks to Cryosanthia, and just sighs. "The city water is infested with it?" Seldan listens intently, but if it's possible for the alabaster skin to go paler still, it does. "Then there is but one thing to do, for there is a known and simple way to be rid of a plague bubble, and this must be done ere we move against Kol, lest we be defenseless against him. Fill the cistern, the water supply, with soap, and agitate it that the water be made soapy. None must use the city water in this time, and we must rely on the Temples to create enough water to serve the populace for a day. But, if this is done, and the water made soapy, and left within the cisternsf or a full day, that should be enough. Flush and refill the cisterns, and learn whether they return of their own."

He looks over at Merek. "Holy power? Holy will serve you against Kol, but sunlight will not, for his power is more than his own, and he may walk as freely in daylight as many man. I have seen him do so. He gets much of his power from his service to the Mistress, and is no ordinary vampire, although he yet possesses all of the power of one and more."

Merek mentions to Seldan, "I already said as much, but he's still sensitive to light magic, even if not actual sunlight, I've seen proof."

Asmli grunts, rising to his feet and crutches, and hobbles out.

Zeke had not ordered cake, and yet cake arrived. The chocolate sat at his side welcomingly, but clearly didn't go with the rest of the breakfast that Zeke had abandoned in the face of the conversation. Unfortuantely for the cake... it will have to wait. There are things more important than deserts. Though it is curious that it came with two forks. He listens to Seldan's words carefully, nodding in agreement. There are many wise things said by the man, and Zeke hums low in his throat. "It may be wissse yesss to do thisss before dealing with the vampire, particularly if he or hisss missstresss gainsss power from it." His eyes flicker toward Cryosanthia and then back to the plan forming before them all. "Thisss one wonderssss... if sssoap iss helping at all..." He's suddenly mumbling under his breath, talking to himself about the formation of plague in bodies and... it sounds like complex healer theroies on the plauge. Things gathered by those around this table now and by other adventurers and given to this cleric. Things gathered from those that bear the plague.

GAME: Zeke rolls heal: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Seldan rolls heal: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls heal: (8)+0: 8
GAME: Merek rolls heal: (12)+19: 31

Cryosanthia carefully sets Faranmidahn, motionning for her to follow and she moves back to Zeke's table, slips into the seat beside him, takes his hand, his real one this time. She listens intently to his quiet mumblings. She can hear his panic-thrumm as well. She squeezes his palm and thrumms back at him in a comforting tone that will break up his. Her tail sways, bumping his gently, coaxing it to relax and move. The palescale grins as the large chocolate slice arrives. She takes up one of the forks, "look, the fruit is carved in the shape of hearts, the sweetest of meats!"

Faranmidahn apparantly feels better about herself as she's set down, if a little rosy about the cheeks, but she pads closer to the plan as she mentally composes herself. Just in time for delivery of, "Practice cake? Oh, yes, please, Miss Elly?" She doesn't bounce on her heels. Knights do not bounce on their heels.... even though she... yeah, totally bounced on her heels. Ahem, "And.. a taller chair, please?"

To this point, Seldan has shown zero interest in cake, or in any other food or drink. His complete focus and attention is on the task at hand, and he listens to Zeke's mumblings, nodding. "Perhaps that is why those who were engulfed were not taken ill?" he asks Zeke. "If these things come from Universal Magic - for so Dylan Hunt's words suggested - how then does one destroy a thing of the Sea of Mana itself?" he murmurs, similarly to himself. "For it does not suffice to simply break it apart, or thin it out. It is magic misused for ill, and must be stopped - and to be fully stopped, that it shall not return - destroyed." He is still muttering, although a bit louder than Zeke. "We must learn whether soap in fact destroys it, or merely makes it no threat."

The blue-scale'd sith's mumblings are so distracting that he doesn't notice Cryosanthia until! And then he makes a shocked noise and jumps away from the sudden and unexpected touch of her hand against his. He bumps into Seldan a little, and the motion makes him jump again, a low unhappy noise leaving his throat. The sith's fear skyrockets and he forces himself not to close his eyes least memory assail him. Instead his tail is rigid behind him and... She bumps it and another low near-whine leaves him unbidden. "Pleasssse." He utters softly, not realizing that he's spoken until he has and then... It feels like everyone is watching him. He tries to fade into the background and his hand clutches at Cryosanthia's. He'd forgotten that he's holding it but there it is. Everything he'd been thinking is /gone/.

Seeing the cake has suitably depleted thanks to the non-vampire-hunting portion of the crowd, Elleandra turns her mind to addressing other issues, but not before sending some practice(?) cake to Faran. Not sure which is best, she offers a third of a slice of each cake to the Lucht. Delivering this herself, she asides to Faran, "You will have to tell me which is best, chocolate, strawberry, or carrot."

Elleandra then looks at the others, "And please try not to alarm the other guests with your plans." She grins at Zeke and Cryo, "You two need anything?" Turning to Seldan and Merek, "You gentlemen eat on the house, of course. It's the least I can do. If I can even get you to eat something. Maybe something to drink?"

GAME: Merek casts Calm Emotions. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16

Merek looks then to Elleandra, and blinks a bit to the woman, "I think I mentioned all of that," he says, to the talk of plans, then he adds, "If that is the case, I would like to have a vodka, if you please." He notices Zeke, then he offers a quiet supplication. If people accept it (he isn't one to push it on people), then they might feel calm coming upon their emotions. He doesn't like to see folk in that kind of situation.

Faranmidahn smiles up at her friend, "Hello, Merek." and drifts closer to the paired Sith, glancing at the cojoined hands along the way. She smiles up at Elly on the arrival of her new bounty, "Thank you!" and she takes up a place on Zeke's opposing side, but as her hands are full, she leans against his leg to let him know she's with him, too.

Seldan simply shakes his head at Elleandra, although he manages a smile her direction. "Did you never wonder how I knew how to protect our minds from her captors?" He does seem to relax some at the murmured prayer, but the absolute focus does not vanish. He takes an automatic step back when Zeke bumps into him, but seeing the sith's near-panic, squats down on his heels, dropping the topic for a moment. "Zeke. We have nothing to fear, for the gods stand by our side, and you stand among friends. Your words are welcome, needed, and none shall harm you." He watches Zeke, closely, willing the sith to calm, and silently projecting peace and courage in his direction, but does not touch him, squatting balanced on the balls of his feet, elbows on his knees.

Zeke recognizes the spell that Merek is casting even before the effect's sink into his body and begin to drive the fear out of him like water leaking from a punctured bag. Slowly at first, but then with growing certainty. He takes a breath, the scent of familiar adventurers, the lack of hositility. They remind him that he is not in the past where fear must rule him. No one here is offering him harm. Seldan's words, and that so-familiar aura of warmth ease him even further. Until the fear is gone and he is left nodding. "Thisss one offersss thanksss."

There is still more attention than he would like, but... it is concern for him. A desire to help, and that is something that he can understand. "Thisss isss not the passt. And... we have much that needss done yesss?" He blinks twice, a show of nervousness, but not fear, his tail even gives a slow wag. He can do this. "We were dissscusssing the need to cleansse the water. Perhapsss seeing sssuch would aid usss? We do not yet know what we are dealing with, or how contaminated the water is." It is good to focus on something other than his fear.

Cryosanthia can feel Zeke panicking beside her, and she knows part of the reason is she's here and pushing him into the spotlight. A place she loves and enjoys, but it clearly isn't for him. She attempts to settle him in his seat, to calm him down. She gives his hand a squeeze, thrumming a little louder, taking a fork to lift a piece of cake for him, "This one is here. Do not worry. Try some of the cake, it's good."

The spell washes over her, and her emotions calm. She realizes it doesn't matter. The white-scale exhales, "So, we should go into the Cistern and look around?"

Eleandra's emotions are beyond calming, and she has no desire for them to change. She's basically glowing. At Merek's order she replies, "Wow, you start early, don't you?" She giggles at him and goes to fetch his drink. Along the way, she shares some friendly words with a pair of khazad traders at the bar, wagging a finger at one of them, which draws a laugh from him. When she does return, she shakes her head in reply to Seldan's question, "I figured you were an expert in the area of such.. troublesome creatures as a matter of your profession, really. And I've been a bit too busy to dwell on little details. I'm just very grateful for what you all did for me, I suppose."

Konstance walks into the pub and he makes his way over towards Seldan. He nods as he looks at the woman he was talking to. "Let me tell you about this woman. Kept me safe from flying gold balls with drills in them." He says as he adjusts his blue robe. He then looks to elleandra. "Saving him from a boring conversation?"

Seldan is notably rather surrounded at this point by Sith-makar and various adventurerers.

Faranmidahn hmm's and edges closer to the table and sets her plate, effectively a small sampler plate of cake, on the table, "I'll be right back!" With that, the little knight's feet slap-slap muffledly through her shag as she runs outside. She passes the large man with a quick, "'pardon me!" and out the door she goes.

"Actually, that reminds me. Elly, your magic eating fish. I wonder what happens if we put them in the contaminated water." Cryosanthia asks her, next time she sees her moving by. "This one likes the Soap and Water plan. Let's bring a bunch of soap to the cistern, have a look around, and dump it in. Everyone will naturally understand not to drink it when it foams out of their pipes."

Merek looks between people, and nods a bit, then he stands up while he thinks about it. "Ah, we can look at it if we like," he says, "I like alcohol," he adds then to Elleandra, and if she permits, offers a hug in addition. When the drink is with him when she is back, he sips from it.

GAME: Merek rolls fort: (18)+11: 29

Seldan is squatted down in front of Zeke, who sits at a table covered in maps, and surrounded by a clutch of adventurers. There are several types of cake made available, but the room seems to be split between those interested in cake, and those who are deadly focused on something serious.

As Zeke calms, Seldan stands with a very small smile. "Just so. The cisterns must needs be cleansed, ere Kol comes again, or ere we make any attempts on Her. It is as Zeke and the Seer say," he nods to Merek. "They co-opted this plague from its creator, and now use it to draw energy from those infected with it, to an unknown end. This much do we know of Her ends - she experiments upon living beings, those imprisoned within her tower. I think that that is where you will find the disappeared citizens. We know where Her tower lies, but we cannot confront her, not yet. She is of the true, immortal fae, and a foe not lightly undertaken. Seer, I would hear your plan for removing Kol Demontry, but would you succeed, this must be done first, that we undercut Her power.

He glances briefly at Konstance, but the look he levels at the man is that of a paladin on the warpath. Not an ounce of humor lives in it. "I would hear your tale, but later. We speak of the safety of all Alexandria." That said, he nods to Cryosanthia, less set and settled. "I would ensure that soapy water does in fact kill the plague, rather than simply dilute it to be no threat. Remember that it is a thing created of magic. Can such a thing be destroyed?"

Merek wiggles about that nose of his at the conversation, and looks to the non-adventuring patrons, "Little to worry about people."

Elleandra is happy to share a hug with a friend, and gives Merek a friendly one, since he's offering. "I'll have to remember that about the alcohol," she says quietly. "There are many wines and ales that are great for cooking," she explains. The Sildanyari considers what Cryosanthia says and shakes her head, "I'd rather not expose them to something that might be harmful. They are living things, and fate has entrusted them to my care." She named them, too. To Konstance, she tilts her head, "No, alas Seldan is far from bored at the moment.. he is.. like an arrow on the string, or a sling spinning in the air."

"Seldan, I don't know how to determine what you ask. The water ball, that Zeke says was the plague or turning into it, grew from spells and shrank when we threw soapy water, and beer on it. Until it was gone. Should we keep drawing water from various wells, enspelling them, see if it reacts and then if what we are doing is dilluting or destroying? How is the difference told?" Cryosanthia asks.

Konstance looks to Seldan and he nods as he watches the group. "So someone mind filling me in on what is going on? I grew up in this city and I will see to it that her people be protected from harm." He says as he watches the group and waits for them to fill him in.

"I'd ask you to get permission from owners of establishments before we do any of this, we're adventurers, not the workers of the city. All we're doing with speaking publically about the illness is making people more afraid, especially when you announce it's all in the water," Merek mentions. He does look a bit like he wants this conversation to change or become quieter amidst the people it's about.

"Thissss one iss concerned becaussse... The plauge-ooze reacted to mere alcohol as it did to sssoapy water." Zeke's gaze is more steady now, now that his friends have soothed the ragged edge of his fear. There's another person at the table now, but he does not let this bother him, not now. There are far more important things here. "We can... We can tessst thisss. If you are all willing." The serious expression on Zeke's face suggests that he is about to propse something very dangerous.

"We can tessst the water. Cast ssssimple ssssmall sspellss on it to sssee if it reactsss. Then dilute it with water and try again. And again. Ssssee if we produce weaker and weaker oozess." Zeke nods to Merek. "We can asssk the barkeep here, they were underssstanding of lassst night'sss eventsss."

Faranmidahn sticks her head back in the door, looking somewhat conflicted, but, "No one be alarmed, please! It's perfectly safe." then, pushing the door open with a handful of reins, she leads in a glossy black spider that's covered in black leather armor oiled to almost match the arachnid's natural gloss. She catches the tail end of the conversation and, mildly ablush, "I'm sorry, I... didn't think about trying to Detect magic again after we dispersed the creature last night." She... ahem, had other things on her mind.

A fairly tall, red haired oruch ducks her way into the tavern and closes the door behind her. She moves fairly quietly and gracefully towards the bar and....orders some tea. Unusual choice for an oruch....

"Merek, this one would like you to go to the city leaders and the heads of the Water Workers and tell them what you know, and that they should immediately issue an ordinance that people stop drinking the city water because there is something wrong with it. You have the spells to cut through their bureaucracy. I agree the people should not be afraid, but SOMETHING is in the WATER and they SHOULD NOT DRINK IT. This is not, be calm, nothing is going on." Cryosanthia says, very firmly. "Please take care of this. We may need to clear out the pub to conduct the dangerous experiment. This one likes what Zeke proposed. We can clear tables. I should ask..."

The white-scale looks at Zeke, waiting for him to tell her to do so.

"Of course, Seer," Seldan answers Merek, almost absently. "I would not dream of doing otherwise. Do we touch the water supply, the people must be supplied with water for the day, at the very least, and I would speak to the Temples for assistance with that as well. There is much to be done, ere we make any such attempt. All we do now is determine what we wish to do, how we must ensure that the plague is not merely diluted, but destroyed."

He pauses at Konstance's question. "Inquisitor, I shall answer all that you ask, if you will seek me at evensong." He refers to the daily service of evening prayers at the Temple of Eluna, but says then to Zeke, "I am willing to take that risk ... but not while the Fernwood is open to the people. Perhaps the barkeep will be willing to close his doors."

There is a slurp of tea, and the oruch steps down off the stool, and walks her way towards the group. "If you are talking about the magical plague that currently infect Alexandria...know that it is attracted to magic, and only magic. Arcane or divine. It does not matter. Trying to dispel it only makes it larger and draws it to you, like if you called it's name. Only if you do not have magic, will this problem not affect you."

Zeke nods, first to Cryosanthia and then to Seldan. "If you pleasse Cryosssanthia, that would be wissse, and if you could assssk them to closse for uss to make thisss esxperiment. Thisss one will pay for the lossst buissnesss, and we will sssurely need to eat later when thissss isss done." The patranage of so many people would be a boon to the tavern. He turns his gaze on Merek. "Thisss one agreesss with Ssseldan. We mussst warn the people. Particularly at the Sssolider's Defenssce and the Temple disssstrict."

His gaze falls lastly on the red-haired oruch whom... he admittedly does not recognize. Zeke nods to her. "You sssound ass if you have expseriansce with thisss plauge. You are welcome to join usss in our endevorsss."

"Very well. You have my aid." Konstance says as he watches the man. He then looks to the oruch, studying her as he watches the woman. He moves his hands into the pockets of his robe and he looks to Seldan. "I may not use arcane magic anymore, but if this plague is attracted to all magic then it is attracted to the energy which makes magic, magic." He says calmly

Elleandra at first is a bit sulky about closing the pub. Then it dawns on her. If she's not needed down here, she can go for a walk. She maintains a measure of politeness, but it's not by much. "Well, I wish you all the best of luck." She adds to Cryosanthia, "Please don't burn this place down. We've only just moved all our things in! And I trust you can all clean up when you are done." Up the stairs she goes, and a few minutes later, back out the front, this time accompanied by a raven-haired half-sil, the two slipping out hand-in-hand after one last wave to those gathered.

Merek lifts up a brow to the oruch, while he offers a nod, in addition to a look to Cryosanthia while he thinks about it. "Thank you, Seldan," he says to the man, while he answers the sith-makar, "I can speak with the city about making that order. We can ask the Temples to supply water for a while, it'll take a lot of Clerics. We will experiement. We just want people to speak from officials, not us all saying. Crazy water," he mentions amusedly. With that, he thinks, then he looks to Konstance. "The energy which makes magic, magic, is the Source. So divine magic is affected with that as well." He sips from the vodka. A nice wave to Elle as well!

Cryosanthia rises with a grateful hiss, moving past Zeke and trailing her hand across his shoulder as she does. She heads over the Bartender, speaks with him, and the two of them go into the back to talk to the Chef. There are some back rooms, where the pub owner is, and the plan and the need for it is discussed. When they emerge again, Cryosanthia corners the other servers. "The owner has agreed, we are going to close for the experiment. We're to finish all the orders that were up, box them to go, ask the current diners to take their meals with them, and a free beer or mead. Once it's done, staff that wants may leave also and we can move tables to experiment."

"Thank you Merek."

She returns to Seldan and Zeke, and explains, "We've been boiling water all day. All the water we're using, huge pots of it. After a half hour, I've been trying to freeze it. If it does anything strange, we boil it some more. Even for washing the floors. It has slowed service because it occupies the stoves. So far, this has worked or we haven't drawn up a contamination. Once everyone is out, we can draw new water."

Faranmidahn draws Torrent to the side so those who are suddenly interested in not being anywhere near that level of spider may leave at their expediance. She waves to the Elf ladies on their way out, but gives the spider whatever cue she uses to make the arachnid belly down. To indicate she's still paying attention, and not simply yearning for her plate of cake, she swallows and looks over her shoulder to the gathered problem solvers, "I... I can lure it out, again. I know my magics aren't... particularly powerful nor is my experience broad enough to... to be much more than bait."

"The plague which you are referring to, comes from the fact that a slime is feeding on magic. It came from a warehouse near the docks that a noble owned...now dead for his many transgressions." The lady orc looks to Seldan before sipping more of her tea. "First hand experience. You can say I've made a way to repel the plague, or keep it off of me. More heavy handed than most, but I fear most can't Do that particular discipline."

While the employees of the bar move around, asking the coustomers to leave and boxing up orders Zeke gather's up his map and puts his own food away so that they will have a clear table to try this experiment. It is heartening to hear that the water has been clear so far today, but it does leave Zeke wondering what the difference was between last night, and today. He looks at Faranmidahn and her offer makes him shake his head. "Thisss one will take the rissk. Thisss one can not allow ssssomeone elssse to posssibly catch the plague in thisss onesss plasce."

The blue-scaled sith blinks at the red haired orc and then blinks again for good measssure. "It came from? A noble? Thisss isss the firssst that thisss one hass heard ssssuch a theory. Yet, while the noble may have brought it here, the missstressss iss itsss nesst-mother." Zeke drinks the last of his coffee and rises to his feet. The last of the coustomers are headed out now. "If you will get thisss one a glassss of water?"

"Yes, that method would involve casting magic on everyone, and also would bring the possibility of the ooze that comes from it infecting people," Merek mentions, with a nod as well to Shagara.

Azog finishes his meal and his beer and rises to leave. The barstaff were a bit shy about asking a seven foot orc to leave, but Azog will finish his meal and rise to go.

Faranmidahn holds her gaze to Zeke's, "But I know your mind is keener than mine, with more experience, it should work this problem unencumbered. You need to study and test, I.... I would merely need to try and hold the spell. It is all I can really bring to the table." That said, she removes her helm and at least briefly, her weapon belt, then starts to unfasten her armor.

A few other adventurers rise and leave with the other patrons.

"Being bait is ... unpleasant, and yet can it aid many." Seldan carefully does not look at Zeke, instead turning mostly to Faranmidahn as the pub clears. He seems willing to stay, removing from his swordbelt the heavy mace at his right hip. "Should one appear, slashing weapons will do naught but divide it. A blunt weapon will serve better." He, too, nods to Shagara. "Good. Be wary, if one is found and triggered, it will attack at once."

Shagara looks to the group and drinks the rest of her tea. "Remember what I said though. It's drawn to magic. You all be careful if you're doing what I think you're doing." She says as she puts the cup on the counter and strides her way out....

Seldan aids in moving furniture for the experiment, heavy mace in hand, but once it is done, he simply waits, although he does pause in watching the others to lower his head and murmur a quiet prayer of some kind.

Cryosanthia watches the Fernwood Pub clear out, the furniture get arranged for the experiment. She's standing beside Zeke, listening to his suggestions. Nodding. Her thoughts going back to the last few days. She feels safe here, this is her place, her territory. Her hand rests supportively on Zeke's shoulder, ironically, on his crystaline arm, where he'll barely feel the touch. "I like the plan."

At Faranmidahn's offer, she crouches down, staring into the Lucht's face. "You are a brave one. This one will get the water." She leans in to give Faranmidahn a tight hug.

Cryosanthia heads into the kitchen. She returns with a glass of water, holding her hand over the top of it. She looks over at the blue-scale, hesitant. She smells very calm, "Are you ready? Ok. Remember. I'm the distraction."

Cryosanthia sets the glass down in the middle of the table. She immediately casts her Ray of Frost cantrip on the water.

She moves her tail to keep Faranmidahn back, bodyblocks the blue-scale sith so she'll be closer. Her tattoos flare and she holds her hands near.

It's a simple spell, but immediately he water begins to wobble. It splashes out of the cup that held it, growing rapidly in response to the simple cantrip and clammoring quickly toward the one that cast the spell on it. It moves quick, faster than water aught to in an attempt to reach her.

GAME: Zeke casts Create Water. Caster Level: 10 DC: 12

Zeke finds himself blocked by Cryosanthia's body. Unwilling to shove her out of the way, to touch her without permission... He can only watch in horror as the creature forms before they are ready to deal with it. "Cryosssanthia!" He says her name with worry ringing in his voice and casts with one claw clasping his quarterstaff tightly. A wall of water comes pouring down on the ooze in a rush and for a moment it seems that there will be nothing more of the thing... And then lightning goes through the water. It crackles and pops and the ooze expands. It grows /into/ the water, twisting the water into its own form and growing to a massive size that makes it a true force to be reckoned with. The sight steals Zeke's breath.

GAME: Merek casts Dismissal. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18

"Cryo!" Merek says, when he notices that she will be calling the creature before he can even prepare the work place, or make protection magic. He then tries to use his dismissal on it, which does little. It looks like it likes that, while he sighs a bit. "Get away from it!"

 Full, Power Attack
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3: (17)+15+-3: 29
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3-5: (4)+15+-3+-5: 11
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+4+6: (2)+4+6: 12
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+4+6: (5)+4+6: 15

"NO MORE MAGIC! IT FEEDS FROM IT!" Seldan fairly shouts as the thing roars to life, and only grows with the spells cast upon it. Suiting actions to words, the man does not bother to summon armor, nor does he invoke anything magical of his own, simply takes the completely mundane heavy mace in his hand and leaps at it, sacrificing accuracy for sheer power against a thing that size. Neither blow is perfect, but both land with a good amount of force.

GAME: Faranmidahn casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

Un'eth has concerns, now, that the establishment may not have been the best location for the ...experiment, though it is good that it was known and intentional by those participating. No magic? That she can do, especially as she simply observes it, for now. She could learn much as they already know far more of this plague than shee.

Faranmidahn, now down to the silk dress she wears under the armor, reaffixes her weapons belt and Purple rose broached cloak before she gently strokes Torrent's carapace. She swallows, and, the influence of Merek's spell still lingering, she steps out into the middle of the cleared area and waits for the cue to begin, the fingers of her right hand already held in the first posture of her incantation at her side.

She loses her concentration with the hug, returning the gesture in kind, then, loses her synch again with the white sith's sudden move to act on her own impulses, 'Wait-don't!' The sith is fast, but Faran is already begining to twine her gestures together, voice raised as if sounding a charge to battle, "Magic forces sweeping earth to sky, reveal your flow to my focused eye!" and the sights her eyes, now radiating pink light of their own, show her would take her breath away but for Merek's enchantment and she concentrates, her gestures becoming beckoning to the now huge monstrosity, she channels some of her 'spare' mana into the battered old skipball she pulls from her belt pouch. <halfling>

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Icicle Dagger. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14

"No. There is little to worry about." Cryosanthia says, although her voice is rife with concern. That grew big! Very fast! And where did the lightning come from? The white-scale sith-makar is well planted, close to the table, not moving and unwilling to be moved. Her tail is still and her scent is strong, determined, protective. She's not going to let Zeke or Faran take this risk.

That doesn't mean she's fearless. Her voice crackles, "What happened to the soap? The beer? There are pots full in the kitchen! I've got this Faran. Let me. Watch it and see what happens."

"I understand Seldan. This is not an accidental spell." Cryo wriggles her fingers, and the tattoos light up along her arms. In her hand, an icicle coalesces, forming out of the air. Long, twisted, a jagged sharp edge with a wicked point grows forward, while a ball of ice encases her hand like a guard. The tip of it is the closest thing to the ooze right now.

"En guarde."

ooze glomphs Cryo for her tasty magical dagger.
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26
Cryosanthia, Charmed life, 1st use today, +3 to save
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls fortitude+3: (6)+3+3: 12
GAME: Ooze damaged Cryosanthia for 2 points. 27 HP remaining.

The mass of magic being used on it seems to be changing the water-ooze rapidly. First it darkens, and then it seems to begin to sparkle. Shimmering in the light of the fire the ooze reaches out and simply swallows Cryosanthia whole as if it's nothing. The sith is stuck inside the ooze in a matter of an instant, and the ooze gives a happy wiggle even as the acid inside it singes scale and turns the ice dagger she's holding into nothing more than more mass. That's right. It's still growing.

Zeke moves forward. "How are we sssuposssed to watch and learn with you inssside it?" It's a retorical question, one that he's not even sure he can hear, but he can't leave her inside it. So he does the unthinkable. He shoves his cloak backwards and his arm into the ooze. There's a sizzle and pop of acid, but he can't feel it. His arm is made of crystal and even if it weren't he would have risked the limb for her.

GAME: Merek casts Summon Monster IV. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+4: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Merek rolls 2d6+3: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Merek rolls 2d6+3: (3)+3: 6

Merek looks to the place, then he uses the knife with him, the slash begins to open a dimensional portal which brings a hound archon, taking their black and golden sword which they swing into the ooze as well. "Bring water forth on it, it's easier to wash away when it's back in pieces, no more magic experimentation!"

GAME: Seldan rolls strength+3: (8)+4+3: 15
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

Seeing Cryosanthia engulfed by the thing, Seldan immediately abandons his next attack, plunging a hand into the ooze alongside Zeke's in a desperate effort to get her free before she suffocates - or breathes the stuff. "NOW!" he shouts to Zeke, giving a desperate yank to the sith-makar's arm to pull her free. His hand slips on the ooze-covered scales, then finds purchase, and she comes flying free of the ooze with a rather nasty sucking sound.

GAME: Un'eth casts Create Water. Caster Level: 16 DC: 16

Bring water to cleanse it? Un'eth can certainly assist with that. It is magic, though somewhat indirect. She simply encourages it to rain inside the pub, over the multiple malicious mounds of muscous.

As more water falls upon the ooze there's another flash of lightning. A bolt of it that skitters from one source of water to the other and there's a sound of water sources meeting harshly as the blackness of the ooze fades into the more clear water that Un'eth summons. It's a moment before you realize that this source of water too has joined the ooze. Has made all three of them larger. The swollen oozes wobble.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls ranged: (16)+7: 23

Faranmidahn shakes her head at Cryo's admonition and rushes around to try and get to the beer, still maintaining her detection spell as the summoned creature splits the blob into thirds. She grabs a sloshing bucket, "It's translating the magic into it's own!" and, with that, she throws beer at a blob! The liquid bread(it's good for you!) almost seeming to shear through the ooze before spreading with a foamy splash on the floor beyond it.

Cryosanthia, grab some beer or soapy water and fling it

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)


That's all Cryo hears as she is engulfed. She startles. That was fast! Faran lasted much longer. She's disappointed, but not surprised and shudders as the sting of acid hits all over. This hurts a lot worse than last night. Zeke's hand appears, and she grabs it, and just as her fingers close she's yanked out of the bubble. She lands with an unpleasant sounding splut.

What happened to my dagger? She thinks, itching... everywhere.

Why are there three of the oozes, and so much larger? And an archon? With a Greatsword, "What happened to throwing soap and water and beer? You know what casting and weapons do to it already. You're making it worse!"

She scrambles for the bar, grabbing a keg to throw. Her feet fly out of her as she turns. She falls and the barrel shatters when it lands on her, splashing beer everywhere but no where useful.

One ooze attacks Merek. Because spell. 
One ooze attacks Un'eth, because spell. 
The last will trail after Faran... because she WAS carrying some tasty magic
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Merek rolls will: (14)+17: 31
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (1)+16: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (3)+16: 19

The oozes trail after those that cast magic, or were holding magic. Tracing after them. Long tendrils reach out and smack Faranmidahn and Un'neath, but neither get dragged inside the belly of the oozes... yet.

GAME: Zeke rolls weapon1: (18)+12: 30
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

Zeke moves in with his quarterstaff, targeting the one that attacked the small warrior. "Why are they no longer after CryoSsanthia?" He can see nothing different about the other sith, but it is indeed strange that they are no longer attacking her. His weapon hits - hard, and the blow reverberates through the ooze like its jello.

GAME: Merek rolls ranged: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

"Use beer," Merek mentions as the water doesn't work, then he sees that people already were on that. When Cryosanthia is free, he looks to the woman, "Water will usually work on it even magical, but it looks like it won't on these. You know, you are telling that to us, but all I actually even saw was you casting magic before you even let people set up safety!" He is upset with the sith-makar. "Someone, use the casks!" That archon begins to swing more alcohol into the flaming ooze while it begins to get shifted away.

Un'eth is ... prodded(?) by one of the oozes, but is left more confused than anything else. "What do you use against them?" She notices Zeke's actions. "Sticks?" Then the white-scales comment. "Beer?" Sticks soaked in beer?

Seldan, Full attack, power attack
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3: (9)+15+-3: 21
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3-5: (5)+15+-3+-5: 12
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+4+6: (1)+4+6: 11
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+4+6: (6)+4+6: 16

"Blunt weapons!" Seldan shouts to Un'eth, suiting actions to words and laying into Faranmidahn's assailant with a great deal of vigor, and more of that than accuracy. Fortunately, their size and relatively slowness means that one need not hit the broad side of a barn with one's swings, only not miss, and that much, he manages handily. He lays into it with two mighty blows, and it falls apart, splashing into a black, incoherent mess on the polished wood of the Fernwood floor. "That is not the first one I have so slain, Seer!" he shouts.

Beer. Bludgeoning weapons. Un'eth locates a large cask of the former behind the bar and moves to retrieve it. As she grasps and hefts it, it occurs to her that it could be considered the latter as well.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls knowledge/arcana+5: (17)+6+5: 28
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls knowledge/arcana+5: (15)+6+5: 26

The little knight, eyes still aglow with her spell, continues to observe the happenings through her enhanced vision and relaying things within her, admittedly, narrow dialogue options, "It's universal, traslating and consuming the mana, but... the mechanism... I can't understand. I don't know enough about magic! WISER EYES, PLEASE?" Even her mother tongue only holds so many words for the arcane concepts playing before her. Rather than try to continue her attack as the slime is bested by the senior knight, she lines up buckets under spigots and opens them up to prepare them as of a loader keeping the gunners fed during a seige, "I fill, you throw!" Her gaze passes over Cryosanthia and she falters, just for a momen before she makes a slowl blink and turns back to her task.

Cryosanthia, Okay, throwing water
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (19)+7: 26
Use Magic Device on the plauge? Okay!
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls Use Magic Device: (17)+7: 24

"Were you ASLEEP while everyone packed up their meals and headed out, and we re-arranged the tables? I told you I was getting the water." Cryosanthia seems like she might have other things to say, but she clenches her mouth together, takes a bucket from Faranmidahn, and flings the water towards Un'eth's ooze.

The water arcs nicely. Hitting it. Some of the ooze sloughs off.

Everything itches too, under her scales, like each one has a mite. This is not a pleasant sensation, she fights it, but nothing happens."

ooze attack Merek along with the one already attacking him.
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (20)+16: 36
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (14)+16: 30
GAME: Merek rolls fort: (7)+11: 18

The two oozes fall on to of Merek, forming together to eat the poor man whole. The squelching noise that results from this is sickening to be heard, and you can barely see Merek through the oozes.

Zeke,shove his quarterstaff into the ooze and try to get it into position so that Merek can grab it.
GAME: Zeke rolls weapon1: (2)+12: 14

Zeke shoves his quaterstaff into the ooze, trying to use it as a means of pulling the other man out. This ooze is larger than the one that ate Cryosanthia, and he's not sure he could reach Merek even if...

GAME: Merek casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

Merek looks like he's about to say something, then he's shifting back into the ooze as two of them take him from both sides, beginning to combine. Then he's not even visible. That archon lifts up a cask, "I will save the man." Then he tries to throw it, only to claw the sides of the cask, spilling the alcohol on itself, and people about it, the empty cask then sailing right into another of the party. Between the casting of the Detect Magic, he can barely even manage the quarterstaff.

Working together to pull Merek out
GAME: Seldan rolls strength+3: (15)+4+3: 22
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+3: (17)+3: 20

It takes both of them together, but Seldan is fearless, plunging his own arm into the black ooze after Zeke's. It takes both of them together, pulling on the quarterstaff and Merek, and it's a near thing, but with a wet, sucking splutch, the Seer finally comes free of the clutches of the ooze.

Un'eth is not one to drink alcohol, thus she has no qualms with cracking open the cask after dragging it over and pouring its contents out upon the nearest malevolent mucosal menace.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls knowledge/arcana+5: (14)+6+5: 25

The blob brigade continues to looks at the festivities with her enchanted eyes and continues to pass off buckets of beer as hands come her way. She exclaims a shrill, "Don't throw the-!" Smissh! SMASH! Sigh, "...casks." She glances at Cryo, troubled and simply says, "Don't cast."

Cryosanthia, throw water
Cryosanthia, repeat the skill check
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls Use Magic Device: (16)+7: 23

Cryosanthia grabs a bucked from Faranmidahn, and slings it. This throw is a lot less accurate. It doesn't go as far, or as well, falling short and splashing across the floor. She snorts, clenching her teeth, scratching rapidly at her arms. She seems unable to stand still, twitching everywhere. "I'm not casting."

attacks Zeke
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d4: (1): 1
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d20+16: (5)+16: 21

The ooze reaches out and slaps Zeke on the snoot, but doesn't manage to grab the sith-makar and eat him as it has others. It wobbles menacingly though.

Zeke, attack the ooze with quarterstaff
GAME: Zeke rolls weapon1: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Zeke rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

The sith makes an angry sound at the ooze, smashing his quarterstaff into its midst. "And now it no longer attacks Merek! Thisss one thinksss that there musssst be sssome reassson behind thisss." He takes a quick step back from the ooze, not wanting to become its next meal.

GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Merek rolls cmb: (12)+9: 21

Merek is pulled away from the ooze, while he makes a little noise, then he looks to it. That archon comes with the weapon to swing about into the creature. It does make a little piece, enough that a light beer would probably best it. The man tries to take the piece! "Thank you!"

Seldan, 2H/PA/ full attack with the gothic baby rattle.
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3: (2)+15+-3: 14
GAME: Seldan rolls weapon2-3-5: (16)+15+-3+-5: 23
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6+6: (2)+6+6: 14
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d8+6+6: (3)+6+6: 15

Now coated in the goo, a nasty memory shivers over Seldan as he rips the second person free of the muck. A snarl forms across the even features, and he takes the heavy mace in both hands and positively -lays into- it, the handle nearly slipping from his goo-covered hand. His blows, however, appear to be quite effective, and in the blink of an eye, a second ooze is no more than an unholy mess on the floor.

Faranmidahn shakes her head and turns on a new spigot as the previous cask runs dry, "I-I think you've caught it...." she says miserably, the light of her spell glittering along the brim of her eyes. Holding out a bucket for the next lucky contestant, and, as she sees the brawling continue she intones a soft, "...Merek....!"

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls Use Magic Device: (12)+7: 19

Cryosanthia slips on the floor, catches herself with a heavy grip on the bar, and takes another pot from Faranmidahn. Her tail thumps against a nearby chair, knocking it over as she keeps her balance. Just a small piece, Merek has it. Looks like he's doing something with it. Ok, wait, be ready to throw the water.

Her scales keep itching. Shaking, moving, doesn't make it go away. She concentrates, sinking her focus into herself, feeling it. Thinking of all things, of the box of St. Ardtan. C'mon Cryo, concentrate, open the box...

Zeke, ooze will launch itself at Zeke. Ignoring Merek entirely!
Cryosanthia, throw water!
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls ranged: (19)+7: 26

The ooze launches itself at Zeke! A flash of horror crosses Cryo's eyes.


She flings her water. It arcs perfectly, splashing the ooze in mid-surge, just as it leaves Merek's grip. It is soaked, and dissolved.

Merek looks to the ooze while to comes to Zeke, then he points to the man's arm, "That, is why it's attracted to you, I think," he says, noting that. "If that's magic."

Admittedly, watching the ooze launch itself at him was a terrifying thing, to know that it means to engulf him in it's body... He shudders and bows his head low in thanks to Cryosanthia for her timely effort with the bucket. Merek approches him and he gives the man a short look that is not very pleased. "Thisss one might asssk why you did not desstroy that one while you had the chansce." He shakes his head and sighs. "Thissss whole thing hass only proven that thisss issss ass dangeroussss ass feared. We musst do ssssomething immediately to sstop thiss." Subtly he shifts his cloak to cover his left arm. He will not be answering any questions about it.

Un'eth lowers the empty cask as the last of the things dillute and dissolve to something not malevolent. Merek's observation draw a glance and dip of snout. It seems a plausible theory. Her eyes move further to the crystal-armed Sith, then the whitescale and back: what seems a different matter of attraction, that she doesn't comment nor gesture upon.

"Can the waters be purified? Or will such blessing only awaken it?" A terrible thought strikes. "We cannot let this spread to the Tornmawr."

As soon as the last ooze is dissolved, Seldan immediately turns to look for Cryosanthia and Merek, though he touches neither one, his own mien plainly concerned and deadly serious. "Cryosanthia and Merek, before aught else, are you all right?" He attempts to step between the two of them and Zeke, without being obvious about it. "Cryosanthia, cast for me the smallest spell you know. Seer, wait one moment." He keeps his heavy mace at the ready, as if waiting for something.

Faranmidahn in the aftermath, seems to be turning her glowing eyes on everyone around her, pausing briefly with some blinking surprise as she looks over toward the middle of the pub, then at last toward Cryosanthia as Seldan speaks, readying a new bucket.

"You don't need for me to wait, I have it again I'm pretty sure, and probably Cryosanthia as well," Merek mentions, "As for why," he adds then to Zeke, "Because if I am going to get it again, I felt we might as well have learned a bit from it. But we know little than we did before." To Seldan, "It'll be pleasant for her if she doesn't need to cast to check else she won't like the feeling."

"Something is wrong." Cryosanthia says, sliding herself onto a bar stool, leaning heavily on her arm, holding herself up with the bar. Her lips twitch, and her eyelids flicker, her tail is very antzy. Her head hangs and she looks at the little lucht, "Did you see more this time? Did anyone, with the Detect Magic?"

Her breathing is heavy, "All right, I'm going to cast. Be ready."

GAME: Cryosanthia casts Arcane Mark. Caster Level: 1 DC: 13
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls Use Magic Device: (16)+7: 23

Cryo wriggles her fingers through an arcane gesture, nothing seems to happen. She lurches, her stomach pulls in and her head pushes forward. She coughs, with another spasm, making a loud 'urrrraaccck' noise. Coughing hard, several times the muscles on her throat clench and she heaves a black mess onto the bar. It quickly gathers itself into a small, disgusting ooze.

She stares at it, but not matter what she wills, nothing happens.

Un'eth blinks and then her eyes widen and frills splay. While she had heard of those infected and ill, she has not seen anything so odd as this involving this plague. "By Ea's hills and valleys..."

Faranmidahn watches the auras at play within Cryosanthia spark, twist and seperate in a sort of fascinated horror, dropping her bucket. As the little blob appears, she snatches up one of the glass mugs nearby and tries to catch it like a fly. "Candles! Melt wax around the bottom to seal it!"

Zeke immediately moves toward Cryosanthia, but Seldan is between them and he stops in his tracks so that he doesn't run the smaller man over. She's sick and he recognizes the symptoms immediately. "No." It's a quiet denial and he looks in horror at Merek for a moment before returning his gaze to the female sith-makar. Zeke moves to move around Seldan. "Thisss one mussst! Mussst help her. Dessstroy that thing!"

Seldan appears to be of a similar mind to Zeke, immediately raising the mace to crush the little ooze before it can move, but Faranmidahn is quicker. "It is as I feared," he murmurs sadly, stepping aside to let Zeke get to Cryosanthia without touching him. "Zeke, there are those among your people who can banish it, but it will be neither fun nor easy. Faranmidahn, what do you see?" He looks around quickly, both around and behind the bar, for candles.

Merek looks to the creature while he maneuvers to it, "I will examine it," he says, nodding a bit, "I prepared my magic while I was still in it," he adds, looking to people.

"Thisss one will return. Thiss one has medical equipment upsssstairsss." Zeke hurries away, eyes carefully on the little black ooze which is scurrying slowly around in its makeshift prison, trying to find some means of escape. "Thisss one can help..." But not much more than that. He makes his way upstairs though, to get his things.

Faranmidahn is holding the mug down almost like she was trying to put it in a sleeper, but, with the question from Seldan, she looks at the blob, "I can't... it's a new manifestation but..." she looks at Cryo, "It looks... I'm only seeing residual energies from Miss Cryosanthia... It seemed a more lingering enchantment before she cast her spell."

Un'eth would not have thought to trap it with the mug, even if she had expected it to appear. "-That- is the sickness??" Yes, she is rather behind the others in her familiarity.

Cryosanthia watches as everyone moves. Faran is quick, getting the glass over the ooze. She smiles weakly at Zeke, this is sort of how it was supposed to go, although kind of backwards. Her gaze follows him as he vanishes upstairs. She looks back at the lucht, "Try moving it over the Arcane Mark, if you can. See if that makes a difference."

She stares at the black blob. Concentrates on everything itching, trying to really feel it, grip it, twist it. How does it move. "I think so."

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls Use Magic Device: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

As you all gather around the little glass the door to the inn opens almost silently. Quietly enough that the gust of cold wind is more what makes you aware of the presence suddenly in the room more than the sound of the door which seems to be oddly absent. Those of you who look will find that there is a small, barely five foot tall woman at the door. She has long white hair, and eyes the color of icebergs. They're just as warm. Her blue dress matches those blue eyes. She moves into the room with grace, making her way toward the group of you to where the tiny thing is trapped on the table. "I had heard that you were trying to summon one of those things, but I am still surprised to find that you did."

The woman's voice is oddly deep, particularly given her size, and yet it suits her somehow. She is within arms reach of you all, and her blue eyes fall on the tiny trapped thing. "/That/ should be locked away immediately. Here." She pulls a bottle out of her sleeve and offers it to Seldan. "A more fitting prison for the thing."

Merek looks to the woman that came in, but first. To Cryosanthia, "I apologize, this is because of me, I should've paid attention before we all went into this, to prepare." Then he sighs, while he nods to his friends, looking to the newcomer, "If you wish," he adds, "I only ask that you share your name, and in whose name you came with." An inclined bow, "I am Merek."

The white-scale sith-makar is not enjoying the afterbirth sensations of the blob. There is a horrible taste in her mouth, her lungs and stomach hurts, and her neck aches. A cold wind, that's welcome, that feels better. She strongly inhales the cold air.

She watches the woman glide in, unblinking. Her own eyes are also cold, like gems, although the effect is weakened by her eyelids, which keep twitching. She examines the other woman, lingering over her choice of colours, her dress, her hair. "This one is, nothing, if not persistent. This one is Cryosanthia. Speaker of the Sith-Makar and vommitter of plagues. Peace on your nest."

"You are a victim, not a cause, young one," Un'eth assures Cryosanthia before she turns towards the voice. Her head tilts at the assuredness and preparation she appears to display. "I am Un'eth of the Tyrranik, Warder of Mictlan and Ea."

Seldan blinks at the newcomer, and takes the bottle from her hesitantly, his eyes unfocusing for the space of a breath or two. He does not seem to react to that, but he does move to see about scooping the thing into the offered bottle, if he can. He does not give a name, immediately, seeming to - hold back. "How did you come to learn of our experiment?" he asks quietly, instead.

"I come in my own name, and that name is Salina." The woman meets your gaze, each of you in turn steadily. "Peace on your nest." Unlike some, the greeting sounds as though it's one that has been said a thousand times. "I have come because I heard of your intentions and I am studying the thing which you have managed to capture.

She gently pulls another vial from her sleeve, showing another one of the oozes, trapped and beatting to get out within. "I am hopeful that you will allow me to study this one. I suspect that they come from different sources."

She looks at Seldan. "News of your experiment is not unheard of, you kicked everyone out of one of the most popular bars in town after all." The woman seems amused with the question. "Nor were you overly subtle in your conversation."

OH SHE GLOWS LIKE SHE'S MADE OF STARLIGHT It makes her look even more beautiful.

GAME: Merek rolls will: (15)+17: 32

The albino hugging the mug looks toward the door as it opens and, flinches violently back with a yelp as she squeezes her eyes shut, "AH!" She drops the spell, then, blinking spots out of her eyes and as Seldan tries to wiggle a hand in to get the mug free, she slowly relents to his control before sliding down off the counter. She's unnerved by the lady's power, and as she steps out to collect her errant skipball across the way, she clears her throat, gives a little curtsey and, "I am Sir faranmidahn Waywalker, Knight of the Purple Rose."

Merek looks upon the woman, this Salina, and blinks a bit at what he's seeing. There's something in him that makes him back up a bit, "W-Wow. That starlight... Who are you? What are you? You're like the Lady Of Moonlight's guiding light herself!" He about kneels at seeing that brightness with his sense of magic. She might just be wearing a lot of nice fancy gear.

"Cool. The warning got out." Cryo says, focusing on settling her breathing and watching the small woman. She examines the new bottled ooze. She smiles weakly, nodding at the mug, "I have wished I could summon friends. These are not the friends I wished for."

A very grateful glance and nod is cast in Un'eth's direction.

The door is nudged open again....a few minutes after Salina...and in walks a silver-scaled Sith makar...one Un'eth would know instantly...just upon scent. He sniffs once and his teeth bare at the woman in front of him. His tail is not moving, but he is definitely staring at the woman there.....

Seldan inclines his head to the woman, accepting the rebuke, although he remains reserved, not giving his name as the others do. "You have been studying these as well, then? Would you share with us what it is that you have learned, in exchange, that we might aid those who suffer and stop the menace?" He glances sharply at Merek at his exclamation, but the arrival of the new sith-makar and his reaction are more telling, and his reserve does not change.

Salina nods her head, placing the ooze that she had pulled out back into her sleeve. "I have learned less than I would like and that is for certain." The low noise behind her from Durrankar draws her attention. "Peace on your nest." She offers and then returns to what she was saying. "If you give me the specimine, I will share with you information that I have gleaned about them." Gently she holds he hand out for it.

Merek looks to the new sith-makar, while he takes a moment to listen to all of them while he watches.

Un'eth's attention shifts from the woman to Durrankar, though his reaction causes growing concern. Towards the woman to whom she also returns her focus, that is. She steps towards the woman; not aggressively, but curiously.

Faranmidahn continues around the studious lady and scoops up her skipball. A quick smile and, "Peace on your nest!" to the silver Sith, and she ahems. Meanwhile, her armor is all stacked on the table... next to a glossy black spider in barding about the size of a great dane.

Cryo coughs hoarsely, "Give it to her Seldan. I can always get us another one."

It would appear that Seldan had been planning to do so at any rate, for he swiftly scoops the thing into the bottle, stoppers it, and hands it to her. There is a bit of goo on the outside, but his clean hand holds the mace still. "We must needs all work together," he agrees.

Durrankar keeps his eyes on the woman, but doesn't object to Seldan giving her the vial. He also makes his way to Un'eth. "What happened here?

The woman takes the glass vial and studdies it for a moment as though to make sure that the little thing is still inside. She tucks it into her sleeve and makes a small consilitory motion with her hand. "I have little information to offer you. They appear to be made of magic. Living creatures that react to the things that they need and want like any other, but in the similar fashion that oozes do. Which is to say that their main drive is food. It would seem that sentient beings provide that." She meets Seldan's gaze. "Other things I think are well known. I will know more of course, when I have had a chance to study this one. I should be on my way though, there is much to be done."

"Lady Salina." Lady because it seems to fit, Faran begins, "Have you determined the nature of the magic that comprises them?" her arm draping off of the hilt of her longsword. She glances to the others who just faced this new mess together and cants her head.

"Salina," Cryosanthia calls, raising her head a little, holding it steady, "This one would help."

"A test of this ...plague. To learn the weaknesses of our enemy." Un'eth explains to Durrankar, noting the exchanged sample. "That is what remains after what emerged was destroyed."

Merek looks from the party to Salina, "If you need anything, feel free to ask for it," he says, then he sighs a bit. "I need to be cured again! Will need to find another that can do it," he admits.

"The cleanup of the pub shall be mine, Cryosanthia. I can do so without harm coming to me." Seldan's eyes do not leave Salina's. "It is from the Source Itself, if my sources are accurate, and I believe them to be so. She did not create them, but I think has co-opted them to her own purposes. But ... Lady Salina, these are living creatures, created from the Source ... is it possible to un-create such a thing, or would such be by means unthinkable?"

Durrankar nods to Un'eth, before looking to Salina. "I have heard some rumors that they are connected to a vampire named Kol. Do you know if there is any connection?" he asks Salina. Though he bumps his snount to the side of Un'eth's head, but gently....

"Indeed. Universal magic, but I assumed that someone here had the facilities to look at the creature with magic." She turns her gaze on Cryostantha and Salina seems to consider the sith. "You may come with me if you wish. I will be teleporting from just outside."

Salina turned her gaze on Seldan. "Who would know such a thing? The source of magic is more a question to ask a cleric. But if it lives and breathes... it can die. That has been my experiance." She moves toward the door now, slowly but answers Durrankar before she gets very far. "If what is said is true, then it is so. What connection a vampire can have to such magical creatures however... I have heard he has a mistress however so then the connection may be through her." She shrugs gracefully.

Faranmidahn nods, "I have done so, Lady, but... I am still young in the arts, and could only discern that much, that it turns other magical energies into itself. The mechanism itself, I must concede is well beyond me." She trots a little closer and looks to Cryosanthia, "By your indulgence, Lady Salina, we would accompany Cryosanthia to see her safe and... perhaps offer what insight I can." The boys know as much lay within her limited scope to relay, already.

"Yes, we would all be comfortable traveling together," Merek offers to the conversation. He does think about it, looking to see that, if he wants a drink, he will need to be a cat, so he shrugs.

Un'eth listens to this lady Salina speak, as her claimed small information is larger than what Un'eth possesses. It also allows her to return the nudge of snout from Durrankar with one of her own.

Cryosanthia inhales deeply. A wizard. Teleporting. Her eyes fix on the distant wall. Sith will easily smell, she's afraid. To everyone else, a strong and vaguely unpleasant odor is coming off her. Her tail goes still. She slides off the barstool, gives Faranmidahn a quick squeeze on the shoulder, "Tell Zeke I'll be back."

The white-scale slips around Un'eth and Durrankar, following after Salina, "Ok."

"I have been seeking information on Kol, and on his mistress, and on this plague, for half a year and more now," Seldan remarks steadily, maintaining much of an impassive reserve. "I have learned much, and others have learned much as well. Not all of that learning has been shared with me, but this much can I tell you. You are quite correct, Lady Salina. The plague is her doing, and from all that we have determined, it is a means to gathering magical power to an unknown end. It seeks out sources of magic, and seeks to consume them, make them part of itself. She has another opponent, a powerful one, if one that would also oppose us, were he to be unleashed. Eclavdran, a Duke of the Hells, was summoned and tasked with destroying her."

Faranmidahn's hand closes gently around Cryo's wrist and she looks up at the sith, "You're in my charge, Miss Cryosanthia." her smile grave, but resolute.

GAME: Durrankar rolls will: (17)+22: 39
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls will: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Seldan rolls will: (18)+22: 40
Cryosanthia, Charmed life, 2nd use
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls will+3: (16)+3+3: 22
Merek, Is this mind-affecting? +2 if so, And i get a reroll if failed.
GAME: Merek rolls will: (9)+17+2: 28
GAME: Merek rolls will+2: (2)+17+2: 21
Merek's mind sentinel medallion burns itself out, Which is a noticable thing.
GAME: Un'eth rolls will: (15)+19: 34
GAME: Merek rolls wisdom: (8)+4: 12

"Interesting." The woman pulls a scroll out of her sleeve and it crumples in her hand, disappearing without a trace as though it were never there. "You two should stay here. She will be fine with me." Even as she speaks she lifts a hand to touch Crysanthia's shoulder and lead her out of the room.

Cryosanthia doesn't remember anyone offering to come with her. They never offered to come along. Maybe they trust her to be able to handle yourself.

"What was that?" Durrankar says as he immediately attempts to put himself between Salina and Cryosanthia. "Explain yourself.......

The silver-scaled sith is over by his lady now. He would have to RUN across the tavern to try to interpose himself.

Merek is affected by the spell, he does look about a moment, then he looks to Cryosanthia and to Salina. There's a lift of his brow to the two, "Wait, what are they talking about?" he asks, moving forward a bit. He doesn't notice the medallion of his isn't working. Still, he notices Durrankar, the way they were speaking ever since coming in, and wants to know what they mean. He waits for a answer.

Faranmidahn blinks and smiles up to Cryosanthia and nods, "I'll tell him, be safe!" and pats the sith's arm. She looks to Salina and nods, "Have a good evening." and steps aside to allow the ladies to leave. She blinks up at the silvery one and, "What's the matter?"

Cryosanthia is lost in thought, or simply lost. Her scales itch a lot. That's distracting. She nods to Faranmidahn, smiling, not seeming to notice or react to the other conversations. She does avoid looking a few people, and her scent is still strong. She trails after Lady Salina, and apparently also didn't notice the business with the scroll.

Un'eth found the woman odd before, and now, as she ignores the requests of the white-scale's closest, following the stint with the scroll, downright suspicious. She is not as quick as Durrankar, stepping up after him. "We all fight against this plague. It should be discussed with all. Together." Rather diplomatic words, all things considered.

Seldan watches this in silence, his eyes narrowing as the scroll comes out. He spotted it, but says only, "How long do you expect to need her, Salina, and will she be returned to this place?" He seems to be maintaining his reserve, holding something within. "She should return for treatment as quickly as she may."

Salina holds up her hands. "It was a scroll to speed us on our way more securely. It clearly did not work as intended." She laid her hand on Cryosanthia's hand. "This is her choice do you not think? I will only take her if she wants to aid me, and I will as he suggests be done with her in good time." She nods to Seldan. "I will treat her myself with the remedies known to keep her in good health. I would not want harm to befall her while she is aiding me in my endevors."

Seldan folds his arms across his chest, although he makes no move to challenge or stop either of them. "Perhaps you would share with me what those endeavors are, my lady," he suggests gently. "But ... know that all of the magic in the world cannot undo tragedy, or bring back those who protected you." He holds himself stiffly, waiting.

Durrankar takes Cryo's hand away from Salina. "Then why didn't you tells about it BEFORE you cast the spell, hmm?" He then turns his head. "Cihuaa....can you see any magic upon the Speaker? And can you dispell it, if you do?" He only turned his head a little so Un'eth can hear him better, but he's still watching Salina.

Faranmidahn blinks and looks between everyone, "Has everyone lost their minds?" she asks, trying to work her way into things. She stops on Seldan's words, though and cants her head, starting at him like an owl that's... trying to figure out what in hell it's looking at.

"I want to do something useful. Someone has to take point. I've got the plague now, and if letting Lady Salina examine me brings something useful, I'll do it." Cryosanthia looks back at the others, reeking fear, reeking determination. The little twitches that started after the ooze engulfed her, continue. She blinks at Durrankar, her hand held by him now. "I'm not enspelled? Am I? This one is afraid. Yes. Very afraid. This one is an adventurer, we take risks. I'll take this risk, maybe we learn something. I think you over-estimate my utility to her. I expect after a couple hours of knocking over her bookshelves and breaking mixing glasses she'll want to be done with me."

Merek trusts his friends, which means even if this doesn't make full sense, he does take a stance. His gloves begin to shimmer with his arcane magic. He then looks to Cryosanthia, "You are usefl, please don't put yourself into situations like this. Get back from the woman. If they don't trust her, then I won't, and you shouldn't." He does look a bit like he's fighting the illness, while he keeps up.

"If you do not trust me, then I will leave her here. It was an offer, not a demand. She offered and I accepted." Salina is looking at Durrankar seriously now, clearly not entirely pleased with how he's behaving toward her. "Also I would not suggest casting any spells on her, it will cause more of the plague-oozes to appear and then there will be another engagment." She shrugs gracefully. "If this is how you want things, I will be on my way." Her eyes slide over Seldan, giving him a curious and closed expression for an answer.

GAME: Merek rolls sense motive: (8)+4: 12

"No, and yes," Un'eth answers Durrankar as she looks to Cryosanthia. "If you feel you must, then do so," she relents to the whitescale then turns to Saline. "We were not convinced of her intent. The plague. Fiends about the city. Vampires bending wills. I do not know this one. Why should I trust? Other softskin shamans have claimed to work many days, to find nothing. Now one who may learn the answer arrives just after our struggle here?"

"There have also been quite a few abductions while the plague was here." Durrankar hisses at Salina. "So.....I do not trust you. you smell like ice and a lot of magic. You will leave. Take your sample, but you will not take the speaker. Be on your way. now."

Salina nods her head to Durrankar, nonpulsed by his emotional outburst. "As you will." She turns and heads for the door. There's one last look toward Cryosanthia which seems to say that if she follows this woman that Salina will still take her, but the woman goes. She will not fight for her.

Merek looks like he's about to use magic, then it seems like the sith-makar will answer after the woman speaks a bit kindly. He'd normally be the kind of person to say the sith-makar are overthinking, that they should trust. Still, he does remember the kidnapping, the information presenting. "Don't follow Cryosanthia, even the people of your homeland don't want you to."

Seldan seems to have said his piece, and seems to choose to remain silent until Salina is well and truly gone.

Faranmidahn blinks and looks over at the dark sith for a moment, looking more than a little miffed at the sound of that remark. She steps toward Cryo and reaches out to touch her, 'Do you really feel that way...?' she narrows her eyes a moment and steps back, her fingers coming up in their personal casting postures, "bleep beagle sandy blrgl sandy bleep beagle sandy blah bleep beagle blrgl blrgl" <unknown>

"Durrankar, this one is a Speaker. This is what we do. Go, Observe, Negotiate, and come back to tell. This is my battle." Cryosanthia looks at the silver-scale, much older, wiser, and more experienced. She should heed elder's warnings. "If I stay, it's lying in a bed, waiting to get well. If I go, maybe, there's something we find out. If it's a mistake, I make lots of those, this will be another. I don't believe she has ill intent. I'm afraid, but I have to trust my instincts. I need to be able to trust them! I'm going, please understand."

Cryo runs for the door, after Salina and slips out. "I left some stuff in the kitchen don't let them throw it away."

Once the woman has well and truly left, Seldan relaxes, but does not appear to be in better humor. "They are both right," he tells the others. "If she is who I believe her to be, she will be returned, cured of the plague and unharmed - at a price. Somewhere upon her person, you may find a snowflake scar. If you do, that is the Mistress' mark, an ownership claim if you will. What it does or means, we do not yet know." He straightens, and sets about cleaning the room, stepping several feet away from everyone before casting a simple cantrip that will let him remove all the alcohol, black goo, and other detritus from the surfaces of the pub.

GAME: Seldan casts Prestidigitation. Caster Level: 12 DC: 15

"Cryo!" Durrankar calls after the white scale...but she's already out the door. Durrankar is very....very angry. So much so that there are flames coming out of the sides of his mouth....and his nose....but he does take a minute to calm himself. there is a quiet mantra of 'she is not a hatchling' repeated over and over as he stares at the door. the knuckles crack on his right hand claws as he flexes his hand.

Finally....he lets out a puff of smoke from his nose. he then looks to Seldan....and shakes his head. "If the speaker comes back with a snowflake scar.....she will answer the song of the death singing dragon.....violently."

Merek watches then as Cryosanthia is moving with Salina, then looks between the people that are about. He doesn't know what to make of things. He does look to Faranmidahn and to Durranakar.

Faranmidahn's eyes are glowing their pink light as she regards the room in general, studying the leftovers as it were, wonder what, if anything remains. And... watching he weave Seldan is putting together as the spell could make things so much easier. Still, there are other things on her mind and she's forcing herself to work around what she has to accept, "Sir knight, please don't clear it all just yet... I'm seeing what auras are left after the ooze is destroyed." she sounds kind of distracted.... or dispirited.

Un'eth bumps the side of Durrankar's head with her snout. "She will return." She is confident in that much, as Cryo was. As for the details of when she does... well, she shall aid in scheduling any express visits with the Death-singing Dragon that need arranged.

Seldan pauses in his work, but nods and withdraws the spell politely. "That they do not respond to my casting means that they are well and truly dead," heobserves to Faranmidahn. "Blunt weapons, then, are effective. I would know if the oozes that were splashed with beer are diluted, or truly destroyed. I should return to the Temple, though. Seer, if you are unwell, have yourself seen to. I will inform the Temple of your whereabouts."

He inclines his head to Durrankar and Un'eth. "It is not for me to make demands upon your people, but neither would I see her slain, if it can be avoided." His tone suggests that he knows all too well why it might be be necessary. "If you would learn more of this, and what I have been able to learn, you may find me at the Temple of Eluna after evensong. Lastly, he turns to Faranmidahn. "My lady, I would heard all that you have learned, but I must go. If you will forgive me." With that, he turns to take himself out the front door of the Fernwood.

Durrankar actually leans into Un'eth's snout as he's bumped. "I'm tired of not being able to help people when they need help. I am tired of idiots not listening when I'm trying to protect them." He then looks to Un'eth. "I'm tired of absolute morons turning on me like a rogue war golem who had just been told 'your enemy is there'...and his reply is..." then his tone turns mocking. '..OKAY BOSS!!' then his voice returns to normal. "...without questioning why." He then lets out a bit of steam from his nose. "I'm....tired. I would like to return to mictlan and just.....cook."

He stares at Seldan as he walks out....but looks back to Un'eth. "Let us return to Mictlan...."

Faranmidahn cants her head, but nods, "As you say, then, good night, Sir Seldan." she says and turns to approach the two sith intending to depart, allowing the spell on her eyes to dissipate. She swallows and while she looks like she is still smarting just a little about the earlier remark, she squares up, "Cryosanthia is a good friend, and... I will send any word I recieve to you... Peace to your nest, and Ancestors blessing on the eggs, your mate, and offspring."

Merek looks to the two sith-makar, and nods a bit, "Be well," he says. Then he looks to the place as a whole, before making his way to nod to Faran.

The door to the Fernwood Pub opens just as Seldan reaches it. Cryosanthia enters.

She falls in to be precise. Takes one step inside, blinking in confusion. "You're all still here? It's..." Her leg buckles under her, she collapses.

She looks near death, dragging herself past the normal limits.

And older.

Much older.

"Some do not realize they need these things, cihuaa," Un'eth notes quietly to Durrankar, "at first. Others..." she considers words for a moment before she simply thumps her tail. "To Mictlan, then. So you may coo-" The very unexpected arrival of Cyrosanthia...(?) cuts her response short.

GAME: Merek rolls heal: (11)+19: 30

Durrankar looks as Cryosanthia FALLS in...and takes a step towards her....but stops. "Un'eth....." He didn't call her cihuaa...uh oh. ".....check her for a snowflake mark."

Merek notices Cryosanthia as he's moving then maneuvers that way to look her over. He tries to make sure she's alright, though he makes a bit of space for Un'eth to check for snowflakes. Either way, if she isn't in any need, he will not do a lot besides wait for the sith-makar to take the woman.

Seldan simply closes his eyes in horror, as he gets a good look at Cryosanthia. His entire bearing reads _oh no_, even though he says not a word. "I shall return as quickly as I may, Cryosanthia, and I would hear your tale." With that, he ducks out of the Fernwood, and running feet can be heard moving away from the pub towards the bridge.

It is then that Zeke enters the room, looking incredibly perterbed and carrying his medical equipment. "Thisss one could not..." Words die on his lips as he sees Cryosanthia on the floor. He rushes to her side, falling practically before her and hovering his claw over her body. "Cryosanthia... Cryosathia." And there on her hand the damning mark that Durrankar feared, one that drove Zeke to anger, his tail thrashing behind him. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?"

Faranmidahn shakes her head as she is summarily disregarded by the two sith and turns toward the door, 'Cryo!' she gasps and starts to run over that way, "blrgl bleh" <unknown>

Cryosanthia is in bad shape, beaten up by some spell or gauntlet of injury, and holding herself together by willpower. Merek is the first to get to her and tend to her wounds, Zeke soon follows. They discover, yes, a snowflake tattoo on the back of her left hand.

There are other differences. Her other tattoos have changed as well. She's bigger, more mature. She's the same person, a little different, to sith, showing clear signs she's aged. The lingering youngling features she had, are gone.

The careful ministrations bring her back to consciousness, but she's weak. She grabs hold of Zeke's hand, holds it tight. "I've misssed you ssso much."

"I have things to tell. After. This one must sleep."

Cryo squeezes Zeke's hand tight, her grip becoming weak.

"I didn't knock over enough shelves."

She passes out again.

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